blob: d365345f7c1b65a630b56bd591f4a337ed0ee1cc [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.gmf.tests.runtime.emf.clipboard.core;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource;
import org.eclipse.emf.examples.extlibrary.EXTLibraryFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.examples.extlibrary.Library;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
* Tests for regressions in defects.
* @author Christian Vogt (cvogt)
public class RegressionTest extends BaseClipboardTest {
public RegressionTest(String name) {
public static Test suite() {
return new TestSuite(RegressionTest.class, "Clipboard Regression Tests"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Tests copying root elements to the clipboard.
public void test_copyRoot_bugzilla107880() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// copy root1
String result = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(result.length() == 0);
int length = result.length();
// copy root2
result = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertTrue(result.length() > length);
* Tests copying a root element to the clipboard and pasting
* this element into another element.
public void test_copyPasteRoot_bugzilla107880() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// level12 has no branches
assertTrue(level12.getBranches().size() == 0);
// copy root3
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste into level1
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, level12, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertEquals(eObjects.size(), objects.size());
// check that the library was copied into the branches containment list
assertTrue(level12.getBranches().size() == 1);
* Tests copying a root element to the clipboard and pasting a copy
* to itself.
public void test_copyPasteRootToItself_bugzilla107880() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// root3 has no branches
assertEquals(root3.getBranches().size(), 0);
// copy root3
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste into root3
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, root3, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertTrue(eObjects.size() == objects.size());
// check that the library was copied into the branches containment list
assertTrue(root3.getBranches().size() == 1);
* Tests copying multiple roots and non-roots to the clipboard at the same time
* and pasting them into and element.
public void test_copyPasteMultipleRoots_bugzilla107880() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// root3 has no branches
assertTrue(root3.getBranches().size() == 0);
// copy root1, level2writer, level2book, and root3
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste into root3
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, root3, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertTrue(eObjects.size() == objects.size());
// check that the items were copied into acceptable containment features
assertTrue(root3.getWriters().size() == 1);
assertTrue(root3.getBooks().size() == 1);
assertTrue(root3.getBranches().size() == 2);
* Tests copying a root element to the clipboard and pasting into
* an invalid target element (a target element which does not have
* a feature capable of containing the copied element).
public void test_pasteRootToInvalidTarget_bugzilla107880() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// copy root3
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste into level1writer
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, level1writer, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertTrue(eObjects.size() == 0);
* Tests pasting elements into the resource.
public void test_pasteToResource_bugzilla107880() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// testResource has 3 contents
assertTrue(testResource.getContents().size() == 3);
// copy root3 and level1book
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste into testResource
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, testResource, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertEquals(eObjects.size(), objects.size());
// check that the library and book were copied into the resource
assertTrue(testResource.getContents().size() == 5);
* Tests copying an element to the clipboard and pasting into
* a target which has a non-containment feature which can reference
* the type of the copied element.
public void test_pasteIntoNonContainmentFeature() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// level2book has no author
// copy level2writer
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste into level2book
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, level2book, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertTrue(eObjects.size() == 0);
// level2book has no author
* Check that we ignore container features as well as containments when
* "resolving" features on paste.
public void test_resolvingContainerFeature_129046() {
if (writing()) {
List objects = new ArrayList();
// create a few branches in level1 (we already have one, level1-2)
Library level1a = EXTLibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createLibrary();
level1a.setName("level1a"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Library level1b = EXTLibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createLibrary();
level1b.setName("level1b"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Library level1c = EXTLibraryFactory.eINSTANCE.createLibrary();
level1c.setName("level1c"); //$NON-NLS-1$
XMLResource xml = (XMLResource) testResource;
if (xml.getID(level1a) == null) {
// create some IDs because our resource impl didn't do it for us
xml.setID(level1a, EcoreUtil.generateUUID());
xml.setID(level1b, EcoreUtil.generateUUID());
xml.setID(level1c, EcoreUtil.generateUUID());
// verify that they know their parent branch
assertSame(level1, level1a.getParentBranch());
assertSame(level1, level1b.getParentBranch());
assertSame(level1, level1c.getParentBranch());
// copy level1
String copyStr = copy(objects, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertFalse(copyStr.length() == 0);
// paste level1 copy into root3
Collection eObjects = paste(copyStr, root3, Collections.EMPTY_MAP);
assertEquals(1, eObjects.size());
Object pasted = eObjects.iterator().next();
assertTrue(pasted instanceof Library);
// verify that the pasted library knows its container
Library pastedLibrary = (Library) pasted;
assertSame(root3, pastedLibrary.getParentBranch());
// get its branches and verify them
assertEquals(4, pastedLibrary.getBranches().size());
assertSame(pastedLibrary, ((Library) pastedLibrary.getBranches().get(0)).getParentBranch());
assertSame(pastedLibrary, ((Library) pastedLibrary.getBranches().get(1)).getParentBranch());
assertSame(pastedLibrary, ((Library) pastedLibrary.getBranches().get(2)).getParentBranch());
assertSame(pastedLibrary, ((Library) pastedLibrary.getBranches().get(3)).getParentBranch());
// make sure that the original level1 branches are unchanged
assertSame(level1, level1a.getParentBranch());
assertSame(level1, level1b.getParentBranch());
assertSame(level1, level1c.getParentBranch());