blob: 031b60f169b6acc63a99fd5d392d65c5c2e59426 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.figures;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.PositionConstants;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.MapModeUtil;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.figures.NodeFigure;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
* BorderItemLocator works closely with border items in determining position.
* BorderItemLocators use a figure as the bounds around which the
* borderItemFigure can be placed. This figure may not necessarily be the main
* figure.
* <p>
* BorderItemLocator allows intial placement ( N/W/S/E ) and is used in
* conjunction with BorderItemSelectionEditPolicy for feedback.
* <p>
* Collision detection is provided so that border items cannot overlap and
* therefore be hidden.
* <p>
* Border item movement is restricted along border of bordered shape.
* @author tisrar, jbruck, cmahoney
public class BorderItemLocator
implements IBorderItemLocator {
/** the figure around which this border item appears */
private IFigure parentFigure = null;
private Rectangle constraint = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
private Dimension borderItemOffset = new Dimension(1, 1);
private int preferredSide = PositionConstants.WEST;
private int currentSide = PositionConstants.WEST;
* Accessor to return the constraint location of the border item.
* @return the constraint
protected Rectangle getConstraint() {
return constraint;
* The preferred side determines placement of figure.
* @param parentFigure
public BorderItemLocator(IFigure parentFigure) {
this.parentFigure = parentFigure;
* The preferred side determines placement of figure.
* @param parentFigure
* @param preferredSide
* the preferred side of the parent figure on which to place this
* border item as defined in {@link PositionConstants}
public BorderItemLocator(IFigure parentFigure, int preferredSide) {
this.preferredSide = preferredSide;
* The preferred location overrides the preferred side.
* @param parentFigure
* @param constraint
public BorderItemLocator(IFigure borderItem, IFigure parentFigure,
Rectangle constraint) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.figures.IBorderItemLocator#resetPosition(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle)
public void setConstraint(Rectangle theConstraint) {
this.constraint = theConstraint;
if (theConstraint.getTopLeft().x == 0
|| theConstraint.getTopLeft().y == 0) {
* Get the preferred location. If none has been previously set, use the
* preferred side to take an initial guess.
* @return point
protected Point getPreferredLocation(IFigure borderItem) {
Point constraintLocation = getConstraint().getLocation();
Point ptAbsoluteLocation = this.getAbsoluteToBorder(constraintLocation);
if (constraintLocation.x == 0 || constraintLocation.y == 0) {
return getPreferredLocation(getPreferredSideOfParent(), borderItem);
} else {
return ptAbsoluteLocation;
* Utility to calculate the parent bounds with consideration for the handle
* bounds inset.
* @return <code>Rectangle</code> that is the bounds of the parent.
protected Rectangle getParentBorder() {
Rectangle bounds = getParentFigure().getBounds().getCopy();
if (getParentFigure() instanceof NodeFigure) {
bounds = ((NodeFigure) getParentFigure()).getHandleBounds()
return bounds;
* Get an initial location based on the side. ( choose middle of the side )
* @param side
* the preferred side of the parent figure on which to place this
* border item as defined in {@link PositionConstants}
* @return point
protected Point getPreferredLocation(int side, IFigure borderItem) {
Rectangle bounds = getParentBorder();
int parentFigureWidth = bounds.width;
int parentFigureHeight = bounds.height;
int parentFigureX = bounds.x;
int parentFigureY = bounds.y;
int x = parentFigureX;
int y = parentFigureY;
Dimension borderItemSize = getSize(borderItem);
if (side == PositionConstants.WEST) {
x = parentFigureX - borderItemSize.width
+ getBorderItemOffset().width;
y += parentFigureHeight / 2;
} else if (side == PositionConstants.EAST) {
x = parentFigureX + parentFigureWidth - getBorderItemOffset().width;
y += parentFigureHeight / 2;
} else if (side == PositionConstants.NORTH) {
y = parentFigureY - borderItemSize.height
+ getBorderItemOffset().height;
x += parentFigureWidth / 2;
} else if (side == PositionConstants.SOUTH) {
x += parentFigureWidth / 2;
y = parentFigureY + parentFigureHeight
- getBorderItemOffset().height;
return new Point(x, y);
* Ensure the suggested location actually lies on the parent boundary. The
* side takes precendence.
* @param suggestedLocation
* @param suggestedSide
* @return point
private Point locateOnParent(Point suggestedLocation,
int suggestedSide, IFigure borderItem) {
Rectangle bounds = getParentBorder();
int parentFigureWidth = bounds.width;
int parentFigureHeight = bounds.height;
int parentFigureX = bounds.x;
int parentFigureY = bounds.y;
Dimension borderItemSize = getSize(borderItem);
int newX = suggestedLocation.x;
int newY = suggestedLocation.y;
int westX = parentFigureX - borderItemSize.width
+ getBorderItemOffset().width;
int eastX = parentFigureX + parentFigureWidth
- getBorderItemOffset().width;
int southY = parentFigureY + parentFigureHeight
- getBorderItemOffset().height;
int northY = parentFigureY - borderItemSize.height
+ getBorderItemOffset().height;
if (suggestedSide == PositionConstants.WEST) {
if (suggestedLocation.x != westX) {
newX = westX;
if (suggestedLocation.y < bounds.getTopLeft().y) {
newY = northY + borderItemSize.height;
} else if (suggestedLocation.y > bounds.getBottomLeft().y
- borderItemSize.height) {
newY = southY - borderItemSize.height;
} else if (suggestedSide == PositionConstants.EAST) {
if (suggestedLocation.x != eastX) {
newX = eastX;
if (suggestedLocation.y < bounds.getTopLeft().y) {
newY = northY + borderItemSize.height;
} else if (suggestedLocation.y > bounds.getBottomLeft().y
- borderItemSize.height) {
newY = southY - borderItemSize.height;
} else if (suggestedSide == PositionConstants.SOUTH) {
if (suggestedLocation.y != southY) {
newY = southY;
if (suggestedLocation.x < bounds.getBottomLeft().x) {
newX = westX + borderItemSize.width;
} else if (suggestedLocation.x > bounds.getBottomRight().x
- borderItemSize.width) {
newX = eastX - borderItemSize.width;
} else { // NORTH
if (suggestedLocation.y != northY) {
newY = northY;
if (suggestedLocation.x < bounds.getBottomLeft().x) {
newX = westX + borderItemSize.width;
} else if (suggestedLocation.x > bounds.getBottomRight().x
- borderItemSize.width) {
newX = eastX - borderItemSize.width;
return new Point(newX, newY);
* Determine if the the given point conflicts with the position of an
* existing borderItemFigure.
* @param recommendedLocation
* @return <code>ture</code> or <code>false</code>
private boolean conflicts(Point recommendedLocation,
IFigure targetBorderItem) {
Rectangle recommendedRect = new Rectangle(recommendedLocation,
List borderItems = targetBorderItem.getParent().getChildren();
ListIterator iterator = borderItems.listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
IFigure borderItem = (IFigure);
if (borderItem.isVisible()) {
Rectangle rect = borderItem.getBounds().getCopy();
if (borderItem != targetBorderItem
&& rect.intersects(recommendedRect)) {
return true;
return false;
* The preferred side takes precendence.
* @param suggestedLocation
* @param suggestedSide
* @param circuitCount
* recursion count to avoid an infinite loop
* @return point
private Point locateOnBorder(Point suggestedLocation,
int suggestedSide, int circuitCount, IFigure borderItem) {
Point recommendedLocation = locateOnParent(suggestedLocation,
suggestedSide, borderItem);
int vertical_gap = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(getParentFigure()).DPtoLP(8);
int horizontal_gap = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(getParentFigure())
Dimension borderItemSize = getSize(borderItem);
if (circuitCount < 4 && conflicts(recommendedLocation, borderItem)) {
if (suggestedSide == PositionConstants.WEST) {
do {
recommendedLocation.y += borderItemSize.height
+ vertical_gap;
} while (conflicts(recommendedLocation, borderItem));
if (recommendedLocation.y > getParentBorder().getBottomLeft().y
- borderItemSize.height) { // off the bottom,
// wrap south
return locateOnBorder(recommendedLocation,
PositionConstants.SOUTH, circuitCount + 1, borderItem);
} else if (suggestedSide == PositionConstants.SOUTH) {
do {
recommendedLocation.x += borderItemSize.width
+ horizontal_gap;
} while (conflicts(recommendedLocation, borderItem));
if (recommendedLocation.x > getParentBorder().getBottomRight().x
- borderItemSize.width) {
return locateOnBorder(recommendedLocation,
PositionConstants.EAST, circuitCount + 1, borderItem);
} else if (suggestedSide == PositionConstants.EAST) {
// move up the east side
do {
recommendedLocation.y -= (borderItemSize.height + vertical_gap);
} while (conflicts(recommendedLocation, borderItem));
if (recommendedLocation.y < getParentBorder().getTopRight().y) {
// east is full, try north.
return locateOnBorder(recommendedLocation,
PositionConstants.NORTH, circuitCount + 1, borderItem);
} else { // NORTH
do {
recommendedLocation.x -= (borderItemSize.width + horizontal_gap);
} while (conflicts(recommendedLocation, borderItem));
if (recommendedLocation.x < getParentBorder().getTopLeft().x) {
return locateOnBorder(recommendedLocation,
PositionConstants.WEST, circuitCount + 1, borderItem);
return recommendedLocation;
* Convert the relative coords in the model to ones that are Relative to the
* container (absolute in respect to the main figure)
* @param ptRelativeOffset
* @return point
protected Point getAbsoluteToBorder(Point ptRelativeOffset) {
Point parentOrigin = getParentBorder().getTopLeft();
return parentOrigin.translate(ptRelativeOffset);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.figures.IBorderItemLocator#getValidLocation(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle,
* org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure)
public Rectangle getValidLocation(Rectangle proposedLocation,
IFigure borderItem) {
Rectangle realLocation = new Rectangle(proposedLocation);
int side = findClosestSideOfParent(proposedLocation, getParentBorder());
Point newTopLeft = locateOnBorder(realLocation.getTopLeft(), side, 0,
return realLocation;
* Find the closest side when x,y is inside parent.
* @param proposedLocation
* @param parentBorder
* @return draw constant
public static int findClosestSideOfParent(Rectangle proposedLocation,
Rectangle parentBorder) {
// Rectangle parentBorder = getParentBorder();
Point parentCenter = parentBorder.getCenter();
Point childCenter = proposedLocation.getCenter();
if (childCenter.x < parentCenter.x) // West, North or South.
if (childCenter.y < parentCenter.y) // west or north
// closer to west or north?
Point parentTopLeft = parentBorder.getTopLeft();
if ((childCenter.x - parentTopLeft.x) <= (childCenter.y - parentTopLeft.y)) {
return PositionConstants.WEST;
} else {
return PositionConstants.NORTH;
} else { // west or south
Point parentBottomLeft = parentBorder.getBottomLeft();
if ((childCenter.x - parentBottomLeft.x) <= (parentBottomLeft.y - childCenter.y)) {
return PositionConstants.WEST;
} else {
return PositionConstants.SOUTH;
} else { // EAST, NORTH or SOUTH
if (childCenter.y < parentCenter.y) // north or east
Point parentTopRight = parentBorder.getTopRight();
if ((parentTopRight.x - childCenter.x) <= (childCenter.y - parentTopRight.y)) {
return PositionConstants.EAST;
} else {
return PositionConstants.NORTH;
} else { // south or east.
Point parentBottomRight = parentBorder.getBottomRight();
if ((parentBottomRight.x - childCenter.x) <= (parentBottomRight.y - childCenter.y)) {
return PositionConstants.EAST;
} else {
return PositionConstants.SOUTH;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.draw2d.Locator#relocate(org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure)
public void relocate(IFigure borderItem) {
Dimension size = getSize(borderItem);
Rectangle rectSuggested = new Rectangle(
getPreferredLocation(borderItem), size);
int closestSide = findClosestSideOfParent(rectSuggested,
Point ptNewLocation = locateOnBorder(getPreferredLocation(borderItem),
getPreferredSideOfParent(), 0, borderItem);
setCurrentSideOfParent(findClosestSideOfParent(new Rectangle(ptNewLocation, size), getParentBorder()));
* getter for the parent figure
* @return <code>IFigure</code>
public IFigure getParentFigure() {
return parentFigure;
* @return Returns the borderItemOffset.
public Dimension getBorderItemOffset() {
return borderItemOffset;
* @param borderItemOffset
* The borderItemOffset to set.
public void setBorderItemOffset(Dimension borderItemOffset) {
this.borderItemOffset = borderItemOffset;
* Returns the preferred side of the parent figure on which to place this
* border item.
* @return the preferred side of the parent figure on which to place this
* border item as defined in {@link PositionConstants}
public int getPreferredSideOfParent() {
return preferredSide;
* Sets the preferred side of the parent figure on which to place this
* border item.
* @param preferredSide
* the preferred side of the parent figure on which to place this
* border item as defined in {@link PositionConstants}
public void setPreferredSideOfParent(int preferredSide) {
this.preferredSide = preferredSide;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.figures.IBorderItemLocator#getSide()
public int getCurrentSideOfParent() {
return currentSide;
* Sets the side of the parent figure on which the border item should
* appear.
* @param side
* the side on which this border item appears as defined in
* {@link PositionConstants}
public void setCurrentSideOfParent(int side) {
this.currentSide = side;
* Gets the size of the border item figure.
* @param borderItem
* @return the size of the border item figure.
protected final Dimension getSize(IFigure borderItem) {
Dimension size = getConstraint().getSize();
if (LayoutHelper.UNDEFINED.getSize().equals(size)) {
size = borderItem.getPreferredSize();
return size;