blob: 8c68d5888305e76eaaf0f3d45fd08417132b34bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.internal.editpolicies;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.AbsoluteBendpoint;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Bendpoint;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.BendpointLocator;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.Connection;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PointList;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.gef.AccessibleHandleProvider;
import org.eclipse.gef.ConnectionEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.Request;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command;
import org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.SelectionHandlesEditPolicy;
import org.eclipse.gef.handles.BendpointMoveHandle;
import org.eclipse.gef.requests.BendpointRequest;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.geometry.LineSeg;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.geometry.PointListUtilities;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.internal.figures.FeedbackConnection;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.internal.routers.OrthogonalRouterUtilities;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.MapModeUtil;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.internal.handles.BendpointCreationInvisibleHandle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.internal.handles.LineSegMoveInvisibleHandle;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
* This EditPolicy defines the behavior of Bendpoints on a Connection.
* @canBeSeenBy org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.gef.ui.*
abstract public class ConnectionBendpointEditPolicy
extends SelectionHandlesEditPolicy
implements PropertyChangeListener {
private static List NULL_CONSTRAINT = new ArrayList();
private static final int STICKY_TOLERANCE_DP = 6;
private LineMode lineSegMode = LineMode.OBLIQUE;
static private class FeedbackState {
public List originalConstraint;
public Point ref1 = new Point();
public Point ref2 = new Point();
public boolean isDeleting = false;
public boolean isOutsideSource = false;
public boolean isOutsideTarget = false;
public boolean init = false;
private FeedbackState feedbackState = null;
private FeedbackState getFeedbackState() {
if (feedbackState == null) {
feedbackState = new FeedbackState();
return feedbackState;
private boolean useRealtimeFeedback() {
return false;
* Constructor for EditPolicy
* @param lineSegMode
public ConnectionBendpointEditPolicy(LineMode lineSegMode) {
this.lineSegMode = lineSegMode;
* @return Returns the lineSegMode.
public LineMode getLineSegMode() {
return lineSegMode;
* Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the Connection so we can react
* to point changes in the connection.
* @see SelectionHandlesEditPolicy#activate()
public void activate() {
* @return <code>Connection</code> representing drag source feedback
protected Connection createDragSourceFeedbackConnection() {
if (useRealtimeFeedback()) {
// Use the actual figure for feedback
return getConnection();
} else {
// Use a ghost rectangle for feedback
FeedbackConnection r = new FeedbackConnection(getConnection());
return r;
* Adds selection handles to the connection for the bendpoints. In this class,
* this method just decides if it is appropriate to add the handles, and then
* calls on the superclass to do the dirty work.s
protected void addSelectionHandles() {
if (handles == null)
else {
int count = handles.size();
int points = getConnection().getPoints().size();
if (count != points * 2 - 3)
* @return list of manual handles
protected List createManualHandles() {
List list = new ArrayList();
ConnectionEditPart connEP = (ConnectionEditPart) getHost();
PointList points = getConnection().getPoints();
for (int i = 1; i < points.size() - 1; i++) {
addInvisibleCreationHandle(list, connEP, i - 1);
new BendpointMoveHandle(
new BendpointLocator(getConnection(), i)));
addInvisibleCreationHandle(list, connEP, points.size() - 2);
return list;
* Method addInvisibleCreationHandle.
* This handle is necessary for the accessibility feature to allow keyboard navigation to
* the add bendpoint feature.
* @param list
* @param connEP
* @param i
protected void addInvisibleCreationHandle(
List list,
ConnectionEditPart connEP,
int i) {
if (getLineSegMode() != LineMode.OBLIQUE) {
list.add(new LineSegMoveInvisibleHandle(connEP, i));
} else {
list.add(new BendpointCreationInvisibleHandle(connEP, i));
* Creates selection handles for the bendpoints. Explicit (user-defined)
* bendpoints will have {@link BendpointMoveHandle}s on them with a single
* {@link BendpointCreationHandle} between 2 consecutive explicit bendpoints.
* If implicit bendpoints (such as those created by the {@link AutomaticRouter})
* are used, one {@link BendpointCreationHandle} is placed in the middle
* of the Connection.
protected List createSelectionHandles() {
List list = new ArrayList();
list = createManualHandles();
return list;
* Removes this from the Connection's list of PropertyChangeListeners.
* @see SelectionHandlesEditPolicy#deactivate()
public void deactivate() {
* Erases bendpoint feedback. Since the original figure is used
* for feedback, we just restore the original constraint that
* was saved before feedback started to show.
protected void eraseConnectionFeedback(
BendpointRequest request,
boolean removeFeedbackFigure) {
getFeedbackState().originalConstraint = null;
if (removeFeedbackFigure)
feedbackState = null;
* Erases feedback, when appropriate.
* @see #eraseConnectionFeedback(BendpointRequest, boolean)
public void eraseSourceFeedback(Request request) {
if (REQ_MOVE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_CREATE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType()))
eraseConnectionFeedback((BendpointRequest) request, true);
* Returns the appropriate Command for the request type given. Handles
* creating, moving and deleting bendpoints. The actual creation of the
* command is taken care of by subclasses implementing the appropriate
* methods.
* @see #getCreateBendpointCommand(BendpointRequest)
* @see #getMoveBendpointCommand(BendpointRequest)
* @see #getDeleteBendpointCommand(BendpointRequest)
public Command getCommand(Request request) {
if (REQ_MOVE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType())) {
if (getLineSegMode() != LineMode.OBLIQUE) {
return getMoveLineSegCommand((BendpointRequest) request);
} else {
if (getFeedbackState().isDeleting)
return getDeleteBendpointCommand(
(BendpointRequest) request);
return getMoveBendpointCommand((BendpointRequest) request);
if (REQ_CREATE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType()))
return getCreateBendpointCommand((BendpointRequest) request);
return null;
* Returns the Connection associated with this EditPolicy.
protected Connection getConnection() {
return (Connection) ((ConnectionEditPart) getHost()).getFigure();
* @return Point cached value representing the first reference point.
private Point getFirstReferencePoint() {
return getFeedbackState().ref1;
* @return Point cached value representing the second reference point.
private Point getSecondReferencePoint() {
return getFeedbackState().ref2;
* Utility method to determine if point p passes through the line segment
* defined by p1 and p2.
* @param p1 Point that is the first point in the line segment to test against.
* @param p2 Point that is the second point in the line segment to test against.
* @param p Point that is tested to see if it falls in the line segment defined by p1 and p2.
* @return true if line segment contains Point p, false otherwise.
private boolean lineContainsPoint(Point p1, Point p2, Point p) {
LineSeg line = new LineSeg(p1, p2);
return line.containsPoint(p, getStickyTolerance() / 3);
* Adds selection handles to the Connection, if it is selected, when the points
* property changes. Since we only listen for changes in the points property,
* this method is only called when the points of the Connection have changed.
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if (getHost().getSelected() != EditPart.SELECTED_NONE) {
// int count = handles.size();
// int points = getConnection().getPoints().size();
// if (count != points * 2 - 3)
* Restores the original constraint that was saved before feedback
* began to show.
protected void restoreOriginalConstraint() {
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint != null) {
Assert.isTrue(getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.size() >= 2);
* Since the original figure is used for feedback, this method saves the
* original constraint, so that is can be restored when the feedback is
* erased.
protected void saveOriginalConstraint() {
getFeedbackState().originalConstraint = (List)
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint == null)
getFeedbackState().originalConstraint = NULL_CONSTRAINT;
if (getLineSegMode() != LineMode.OBLIQUE && !getFeedbackState().init) {
// Update the constraint based on the current figure
List newConstraint = new ArrayList(getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.size());
PointList pts =
OrthogonalRouterUtilities.resetEndPointsToCenter(getConnection(), pts);
for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
Bendpoint abp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(pts.getPoint(i));
Assert.isTrue(getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.size() >= 2);
// reset booleans
getFeedbackState().isOutsideSource = false;
getFeedbackState().isOutsideTarget = false;
} else {
// if the constraint and the connection figure points list don't match then reset the constraint
// based on the connection figure list. This could happen in certain cases - sepcifically when
// fan router detects a collision or when a self relation is routed.
int nConstraintSize = getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.size();
PointList pts = getConnection().getPoints();
int nPointSize = pts.size();
if (!getFeedbackState().init && nConstraintSize != nPointSize) {
while (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++) {
Bendpoint bpNew = new AbsoluteBendpoint(pts.getPoint(i));
getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.add(i, bpNew);
Assert.isTrue(getFeedbackState().originalConstraint.size() >= 2);
new ArrayList(getFeedbackState().originalConstraint));
getFeedbackState().init = true;
* Method setReferencePoints.
* This method will calculate the two end reference points for a point that is
* being moved or created. The reference points are used to determine if the
* request point can be deleted or not (for straight line tolerance).
* @param request BendpointRequest object containing index information.
private void setReferencePoints(BendpointRequest request) {
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint == null) {
List constraint = (List)
Bendpoint bp = (Bendpoint) constraint.get(Math.max(0, request.getIndex() - 1));
getFeedbackState().ref1 = bp.getLocation();
bp = (Bendpoint) constraint.get(Math.min(request.getIndex() + 1, constraint.size() -1));
getFeedbackState().ref2 = bp.getLocation();
private void setNewFeedbackConstraint(List constraint) {
Assert.isTrue(constraint.size() >= 2);
* Shows feedback when a bendpoint is being created. The original figure
* is used for feedback and the original constraint is saved, so that it
* can be restored when feedback is erased.
protected void showCreateBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest request) {
Point p = new Point(request.getLocation());
List constraint;
Bendpoint bp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(p);
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint == null) {
constraint = (List)
constraint.add(request.getIndex() + 1, bp);
} else {
constraint = (List)
stickyStraightLineFeedback(constraint, request.getIndex() + 1, bp);
* Shows feedback when a bendpoint is being deleted. This method is
* only called once when the bendpoint is first deleted, not every
* mouse move. The original figure is used for feedback and the original
* constraint is saved, so that it can be restored when feedback is erased.
protected void showDeleteBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest request) {
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint == null) {
List constraint = (List)
* Shows feedback when a bendpoint is being moved. Also checks to see if the bendpoint
* should be deleted and then calls {@link #showDeleteBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest)}
* if needed. The original figure is used for feedback and the original constraint is
* saved, so that it can be restored when feedback is erased.
protected void showMoveBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest request) {
Point p = new Point(request.getLocation());
if (!getFeedbackState().isDeleting) {
Bendpoint bp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(p);
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint == null) {
if (lineContainsPoint(getFirstReferencePoint(),
p)) {
if (!getFeedbackState().isDeleting) {
getFeedbackState().isDeleting = true;
eraseConnectionFeedback(request, false);
if (getFeedbackState().isDeleting) {
getFeedbackState().isDeleting = false;
eraseConnectionFeedback(request, false);
List constraint = (List)
stickyStraightLineFeedback(constraint, request.getIndex(), bp);
* This method will set the constraint with the given bendpoint, with the additional behavior of
* "sticking" the point around a tolerance to a straight line. If it's within a tolerance of the
* previous point, stick it to the horizontal or vertical coordinates that make it straight.
protected void stickyStraightLineFeedback(
List constraint,
int nIndex,
Bendpoint bp) {
Point ptLoc = new Point(bp.getLocation());
int sticky_tolerance = getStickyTolerance();
if (nIndex > 0) {
Point ptPrev;
if ((nIndex - 1) == 0) {
ptPrev =
} else
ptPrev = ((Bendpoint) constraint.get(nIndex - 1)).getLocation();
if (Math.abs(ptPrev.x - ptLoc.x) < sticky_tolerance)
ptLoc.x = ptPrev.x;
if (Math.abs(ptPrev.y - ptLoc.y) < sticky_tolerance)
ptLoc.y = ptPrev.y;
if (nIndex < constraint.size() - 1) {
Point ptNext;
if ((nIndex + 1) == (constraint.size() - 1)) {
ptNext =
} else
ptNext = ((Bendpoint) constraint.get(nIndex + 1)).getLocation();
if (Math.abs(ptNext.x - ptLoc.x) < sticky_tolerance)
ptLoc.x = ptNext.x;
if (Math.abs(ptNext.y - ptLoc.y) < sticky_tolerance)
ptLoc.y = ptNext.y;
if (!ptLoc.equals(bp.getLocation())) {
Bendpoint bpNew = new AbsoluteBendpoint(ptLoc);
constraint.set(nIndex, bpNew);
} else {
constraint.set(nIndex, bp);
private int getStickyTolerance() {
int sticky_tolerance = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(getConnection()).DPtoLP(STICKY_TOLERANCE_DP);
return sticky_tolerance;
* Shows feedback, when appropriate. Calls a different method
* depending on the request type.
* @see #showCreateBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest)
* @see #showMoveBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest)
public void showSourceFeedback(Request request) {
if (getLineSegMode() != LineMode.OBLIQUE) {
if (REQ_CREATE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType())
|| REQ_MOVE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType())) {
showMoveLineSegFeedback((BendpointRequest) request);
} else {
if (REQ_MOVE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType()))
showMoveBendpointFeedback((BendpointRequest) request);
else if (REQ_CREATE_BENDPOINT.equals(request.getType()))
showCreateBendpointFeedback((BendpointRequest) request);
* Method getBendpointsChangedCommand.
* This method will return a SetBendpointsCommand with the points retrieved from
* the user feedback in the figure.
* @param request BendpointRequest from the user gesture for moving / creating a bendpoint
* @return Command SetBendpointsCommand that contains the point changes for the connection.
abstract protected Command getBendpointsChangedCommand(BendpointRequest request);
protected Command getCreateBendpointCommand(BendpointRequest request) {
return getBendpointsChangedCommand(request);
protected Command getMoveBendpointCommand(BendpointRequest request) {
return getBendpointsChangedCommand(request);
protected Command getDeleteBendpointCommand(BendpointRequest request) {
return getBendpointsChangedCommand(request);
protected final LineSeg getLineSeg(List bendPoints, int nIndex) {
Point pt1 =
new Point(((Bendpoint) bendPoints.get(nIndex - 1)).getLocation());
Point pt2 =
new Point(((Bendpoint) bendPoints.get(nIndex)).getLocation());
return new LineSeg(pt1, pt2);
* @param bendPoints
* @param nIndex
* @param newLine
protected void setLineSeg(List bendPoints, int nIndex, LineSeg newLine) {
Bendpoint bp1 = new AbsoluteBendpoint(newLine.getOrigin());
Bendpoint bp2 = new AbsoluteBendpoint(newLine.getTerminus());
bendPoints.set(nIndex - 1, bp1);
bendPoints.set(nIndex, bp2);
* @param request
* @return move line segment command
protected Command getMoveLineSegCommand(BendpointRequest request) {
return getBendpointsChangedCommand(request);
* Method lineOutsideSource.
* Utility method to determine if the constraint needs to be adjusted becauase the line is
* outside of the source bounds.
* @param line LineSeg defining the new line moved by the user gesture
* @return boolean true if origin of line lies outside the starting source element, false otherwise.
protected boolean lineOutsideSource(LineSeg line) {
// check if end points are outside of bounds and if so - add a new point
Rectangle startRect =
new Rectangle(
if (getLineSegMode().equals(LineMode.ORTHOGONAL_CONSTRAINED))
if (!startRect.contains(line.getOrigin())) {
return true;
return false;
* Method lineOutsideTarget.
* Utility method to determine if the constraint needs to be adjusted becauase the line is
* outside of the target bounds.
* @param line LineSeg defining the new line moved by the user gesture.
* @return boolean true if terminus of line lies outside the target element, false otherwise.
protected boolean lineOutsideTarget(LineSeg line) {
// check if end points are outside of bounds and if so - add a new point
Rectangle endRect =
new Rectangle(
if (getLineSegMode().equals(LineMode.ORTHOGONAL_CONSTRAINED))
if (!endRect.contains(line.getTerminus())) {
return true;
return false;
* Method removeOutsideSourceFeedback.
* Removes a bendpoint from the beginning of the constraint.
* @param constraint List of bendpoints that the source point will be added too.
protected void removeOutsideSourceFeedback(List constraint) {
* Method removeOutsideTargetFeedback.
* Removes a bendpoint from the end of the constraint.
* @param constraint List of bendpoints that the target point will be added too.
protected void removeOutsideTargetFeedback(List constraint) {
constraint.remove(constraint.size() - 1);
* Method showOutsideSourceFeedback.
* Adds a bendpoint to the beginning of the constraint.
* @param constraint List of bendpoints that the source point will be added too.
protected void showOutsideSourceFeedback(List constraint) {
Point ptAdd = ((Bendpoint) constraint.get(0)).getLocation();
Bendpoint bp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(ptAdd);
constraint.add(0, bp);
* Method showOutsideTargetFeedback.
* Adds a bendpoint to the end of the constraint.
* @param constraint List of bendpoints that the target point will be added too.
protected void showOutsideTargetFeedback(List constraint) {
Point ptAdd =
((Bendpoint) constraint.get(constraint.size() - 1))
Bendpoint bp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(ptAdd);
constraint.add(constraint.size() - 1, bp);
* Shows feedback when a line segment is being moved. Also checks to see if the bendpoint
* should be deleted and then calls {@link #showDeleteBendpointFeedback(BendpointRequest)}
* if needed. The original figure is used for feedback and the original constraint is
* saved, so that it can be restored when feedback is erased.
protected void showMoveLineSegFeedback(BendpointRequest request) {
if (getFeedbackState().originalConstraint == null) {
Point ptLoc = new Point(request.getLocation());
List constraint = (List)
// adjust request index to account for source bendpoint if needed
int index =
getFeedbackState().isOutsideSource ? request.getIndex() + 1 : request.getIndex();
LineSeg moveLine = getLineSeg(constraint, index + 1);
LineSeg newLine = moveLine.getParallelLineSegThroughPoint(ptLoc);
if (!newLine.isHorizontal() && !newLine.isVertical()) {
if (Math.abs(newLine.getOrigin().x - newLine.getTerminus().x) <
Math.abs(newLine.getOrigin().y - newLine.getTerminus().y)) {
newLine.setTerminus(new Point(newLine.getOrigin().x, newLine.getTerminus().y));
else {
newLine.setTerminus(new Point(newLine.getTerminus().x, newLine.getOrigin().y));
index = adjustOutsideBoundsLineFeedback(request, constraint, index, newLine);
setLineSeg(constraint, index + 1, newLine);
* adjustOutsideBoundsLineFeedback
* Method to handle feedback where the line is dragged outside of the source or target shapes bounding box.
* @param request BendpointRequest that triggered the gesture
* @param constraint List of Bendpoint objects that is the constraint to the gesture.
* @param index int index of the line that the user is currently manipulating.
* @param newLine LineSeg representing the line currently being manipulated.
* @return int new index value after the constraint and feedback have been adjusted.
protected int adjustOutsideBoundsLineFeedback(BendpointRequest request, List constraint, int index, LineSeg newLine) {
if (getLineSegMode().equals(LineMode.ORTHOGONAL_CONSTRAINED)) {
// merely enforce the fact that we can't adjust the line outside the bounds of the source and target.
if ((index == 0 && lineOutsideSource(newLine)) ||
((index + 1 == constraint.size() - 1)&& lineOutsideTarget(newLine))) {
LineSeg moveLine = getLineSeg(constraint, index + 1);
return index;
boolean bRemoveSource = false;
boolean bRemoveTarget = false;
boolean bSetNewSource = false;
boolean bSetNewTarget = false;
// Check source to see if we need to add a bendpoint
if (request.getIndex() == 0 && lineOutsideSource(newLine)) {
if (!getFeedbackState().isOutsideSource) {
getFeedbackState().isOutsideSource = true;
bSetNewSource = true;
} else if (getFeedbackState().isOutsideSource) {
getFeedbackState().isOutsideSource = false;
bRemoveSource = true;
// Check target to see if we need to add a bendpoint
int checkTargetIndex = index + 1 + (getFeedbackState().isOutsideTarget ? 1 : 0);
if ((checkTargetIndex == constraint.size() - 1)
&& lineOutsideTarget(newLine)) {
if (!getFeedbackState().isOutsideTarget) {
getFeedbackState().isOutsideTarget = true;
bSetNewTarget = true;
} else if (getFeedbackState().isOutsideTarget) {
getFeedbackState().isOutsideTarget = false;
bRemoveTarget = true;
if (bRemoveSource) {
index = request.getIndex();
if (bRemoveTarget) {
if (bSetNewSource) {
index = request.getIndex() + 1;
if (bSetNewTarget) {
return index;
* Override for AccessibleHandleProvider when deactivated
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(java.lang.Class)
public Object getAdapter(Class key) {
if (key == AccessibleHandleProvider.class)
//handles == null when deactivated
if (handles == null) {
return null;
return super.getAdapter(key);