blob: c976844a499ef7f18da5a74fdb79f00994ddf1db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editpolicies;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.PositionConstants;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point;
import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.emf.transaction.TransactionalEditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPartViewer;
import org.eclipse.gef.EditPolicy;
import org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gef.Request;
import org.eclipse.gef.SnapToGuides;
import org.eclipse.gef.commands.Command;
import org.eclipse.gef.requests.ChangeBoundsRequest;
import org.eclipse.gef.requests.CreateRequest;
import org.eclipse.gef.rulers.RulerProvider;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.command.ICommand;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.ICommandProxy;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.commands.SetBoundsCommand;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.IGraphicalEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.editparts.ShapeEditPart;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.figures.LayoutHelper;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.ruler.DiagramGuide;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.internal.ruler.commands.ChangeGuideCommand;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.l10n.DiagramUIMessages;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.requests.CreateViewRequest;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.IMapMode;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.draw2d.ui.mapmode.MapModeUtil;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.commands.core.command.CompositeTransactionalCommand;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.emf.core.util.EObjectAdapter;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Guide;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.Assert;
* @canBeSeenBy %partners
* the xy layout edit policy
* @see org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.XYLayoutEditPolicy
* @author sshaw
public class XYLayoutEditPolicy
extends org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.XYLayoutEditPolicy {
* Called in response to a <tt>REQ_ADD</tt> (reparent) request.
* Returns a <tt>SetPropertyCommand</tt> to set the <tt>child<tt>'s bounds
* to the supplied constraint.
* @param child element being reparented.
* @param constraint - rectangle containing the child's bounds (location)
* @return a new command or null if the compound command is empty
protected Command createAddCommand(EditPart child, Object constraint) {
if ( child instanceof ShapeEditPart && constraint instanceof Rectangle) {
Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) constraint;
ICommand boundsCommand =
new SetBoundsCommand(((ShapeEditPart) child).getEditingDomain(),
new EObjectAdapter((View) child.getModel()),
return new ICommandProxy(boundsCommand);
return null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy#createChangeConstraintCommand(org.eclipse.gef.requests.ChangeBoundsRequest, org.eclipse.gef.EditPart, java.lang.Object)
protected Command createChangeConstraintCommand(
ChangeBoundsRequest request, EditPart child, Object constraint) {
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost())
Command cmd = createChangeConstraintCommand(child, constraint);
View view = (View)child.getModel();
if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.NORTH_SOUTH) != 0) {
Integer guidePos = (Integer)request.getExtendedData()
if (guidePos != null) {
int hAlignment = ((Integer)request.getExtendedData()
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain, view, true);
cgm.setNewGuide(findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), true), hAlignment);
cmd = cmd.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
} else if (DiagramGuide.getInstance().getHorizontalGuide(view) != null) {
// SnapToGuides didn't provide a horizontal guide, but this part is attached
// to a horizontal guide. Now we check to see if the part is attached to
// the guide along the edge being resized. If that is the case, we need to
// detach the part from the guide; otherwise, we leave it alone.
int alignment = DiagramGuide.getInstance().getHorizontalAlignment(view);
int edgeBeingResized = 0;
if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.NORTH) != 0)
edgeBeingResized = -1;
edgeBeingResized = 1;
if (alignment == edgeBeingResized) {
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain, view, true);
cmd = cmd.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.EAST_WEST) != 0) {
Integer guidePos = (Integer)request.getExtendedData()
if (guidePos != null) {
int vAlignment = ((Integer)request.getExtendedData()
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain, view, false);
cgm.setNewGuide(findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), false), vAlignment);
cmd = cmd.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
} else if (DiagramGuide.getInstance().getVerticalGuide(view) != null) {
int alignment = DiagramGuide.getInstance().getVerticalAlignment(view);
int edgeBeingResized = 0;
if ((request.getResizeDirection() & PositionConstants.WEST) != 0)
edgeBeingResized = -1;
edgeBeingResized = 1;
if (alignment == edgeBeingResized) {
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain, view, false);
cmd = cmd.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
if (request.getType().equals(REQ_MOVE_CHILDREN)
|| request.getType().equals(REQ_ALIGN_CHILDREN)) {
Integer guidePos = (Integer)request.getExtendedData()
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = null;
if (guidePos != null) {
cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain,view, true);;
int hAlignment = ((Integer)request.getExtendedData()
cgm.setNewGuide(findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), true), hAlignment);
}else {
Guide theOldGuide = DiagramGuide.getInstance().getHorizontalGuide(view);
if (theOldGuide!=null)
cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain,view, true);
// If know this creates a lot of extra commands. They are currently
// required for attaching/detaching shapes to guides
if (cgm!=null)
cmd = cmd.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
guidePos = (Integer)request.getExtendedData()
cgm = null;
if (guidePos != null) {
cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain, view, false);
int vAlignment = ((Integer)request.getExtendedData()
cgm.setNewGuide(findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), false), vAlignment);
}else {
Guide theOldGuide = DiagramGuide.getInstance().getVerticalGuide(view);
if (theOldGuide!=null)
cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain, view, true);
// If know this creates a lot of extra commands. They are currently
// required for attaching/detaching shapes to guides
if (cgm!=null)
cmd = cmd.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
return cmd;
* Called in response to a <tt>REQ_RESIZE_CHILDREN</tt> request.
* This implementation creates a <tt>SetPropertyCommand</i> and sets
* the <tt>ID_BOUNDS</tt> property value to the supplied constraints.
* @param child the element being resized.
* @param constraint the elements new bounds.
* @return {@link SetBoundsCommand}
protected Command createChangeConstraintCommand(
EditPart child,
Object constraint) {
Rectangle newBounds = (Rectangle) constraint;
View shapeView = (View) child.getModel();
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost())
ICommand boundsCommand =
new SetBoundsCommand(editingDomain,
new EObjectAdapter(shapeView),
return new ICommandProxy(boundsCommand);
* @see org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy#getConstraintFor(org.eclipse.gef.requests.ChangeBoundsRequest, org.eclipse.gef.GraphicalEditPart)
protected Object getConstraintFor(
ChangeBoundsRequest request,
GraphicalEditPart child) {
Rectangle rect = (Rectangle) super.getConstraintFor(request, child);
Rectangle cons = getCurrentConstraintFor(child);
if (request.getSizeDelta().width == 0)
rect.width = cons.width;
if (request.getSizeDelta().height == 0)
rect.height = cons.height;
return rect;
* Called in response to a <tt>REQ_CREATE</tt> request. Returns a command
* to set each created element bounds and autosize properties.
* @param request a create request (understands instances of {@link CreateViewRequest}).
* @return a command to satify the request; <tt>null</tt> if the request is not
* understood.
protected Command getCreateCommand(CreateRequest request) {
CreateViewRequest req = (CreateViewRequest) request;
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost())
CompositeTransactionalCommand cc = new CompositeTransactionalCommand(
editingDomain, DiagramUIMessages.AddCommand_Label);
Iterator iter = req.getViewDescriptors().iterator();
final Rectangle BOUNDS = (Rectangle) getConstraintFor(request);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor viewDescriptor = (CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor);
Rectangle rect = getBoundsOffest(req, BOUNDS,viewDescriptor);
cc.compose(new SetBoundsCommand(editingDomain,
if( cc.reduce() == null )
return null;
return chainGuideAttachmentCommands( request,
new ICommandProxy(cc.reduce()));
* Return bounds offset by some predefined amount.
* @param request the request
* @param bounds the rectangle bounds
* @param viewDescriptor the view descriptor
* @return rectangle
protected Rectangle getBoundsOffest( CreateViewRequest request, Rectangle bounds, CreateViewRequest.ViewDescriptor viewDescriptor ) {
int translate = request.getViewDescriptors().indexOf(viewDescriptor) * 10;
return bounds.getCopy().translate( translate, translate );
* <tt>null</tt> implementation: request not handled.
protected Command getDeleteDependantCommand(Request request) {
return null;
* <tt>null</tt> implementation: request not handled.
protected Command getOrphanChildrenCommand(Request request) {
return null;
protected EditPolicy createChildEditPolicy(EditPart child) {
if ( child instanceof ShapeEditPart ) {
return ((ShapeEditPart)child).getPrimaryDragEditPolicy();
return null;
* Creates command for <tt>REQ_CREATE</tt>
* requests only; all others requests are forwarded to the parent class.
* @see #getCommand(Request)
public Command getCommand(Request request) {
if (REQ_CREATE.equals(request.getType())) {
if (request instanceof CreateViewRequest) {
return getCreateCommand((CreateViewRequest) request);
} else {
return null;
return super.getCommand(request);
/* Override to use to deal with causes where the point is UNDERFINED
* we will ask the layout helper to find a location for us
* @see org.eclipse.gef.editpolicies.ConstrainedLayoutEditPolicy#getConstraintFor(org.eclipse.gef.requests.CreateRequest)
protected Object getConstraintFor(CreateRequest request) {
Object constraint = super.getConstraintFor(request);
if ( LayoutHelper.UNDEFINED.getLocation().equals(request.getLocation()) ){
Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)constraint;
Point point = getLayoutHelper().validatePosition(getHostFigure(),rect);
return rect;
return constraint;
* Return the host's figure.
* The super calls getFigure(). This is a problem when used with shapecompartments. Instead,
* return getContextPane(). In shape comaprtments this will return the correct containing figure.
protected IFigure getHostFigure() {
return ((GraphicalEditPart)getHost()).getContentPane();
// layout helper used to help locate shape created with undefined points
LayoutHelper layoutHelper = null;
/** Return this layout helper. */
private LayoutHelper getLayoutHelper() {
if (layoutHelper == null) {
layoutHelper = new LayoutHelper();
return layoutHelper;
* @param request
* @param cmd
* @return command
protected Command chainGuideAttachmentCommands(
Request request, Command cmd) {
EditPartViewer editPartViewer = getHost().getRoot().getViewer();
Command result = cmd;
CreateViewRequest req = (CreateViewRequest) request;
TransactionalEditingDomain editingDomain = ((IGraphicalEditPart) getHost())
// Attach to horizontal guide, if one is given
Integer guidePos = (Integer)request.getExtendedData()
if (guidePos != null) {
int hAlignment = ((Integer)request.getExtendedData()
Guide guide = findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), true);
Iterator iter = req.getViewDescriptors().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IAdaptable desc = (IAdaptable);
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain,
editPartViewer, desc, true);
cgm.setNewGuide(guide, hAlignment);
result = result.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
// Attach to vertical guide, if one is given
guidePos = (Integer)request.getExtendedData()
if (guidePos != null) {
int vAlignment = ((Integer)request.getExtendedData()
Guide guide = findGuideAt(guidePos.intValue(), false);
Iterator iter = req.getViewDescriptors().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IAdaptable desc = (IAdaptable);
ChangeGuideCommand cgm = new ChangeGuideCommand(editingDomain,
editPartViewer, desc, false);
cgm.setNewGuide(guide, vAlignment);
result = result.chain(new ICommandProxy(cgm));
return result;
* gets the guid at a specific pos
* @param pos the position
* @param horizontal the horizontal flag
* @return the guid
protected Guide findGuideAt(int pos, boolean horizontal) {
RulerProvider provider = ((RulerProvider)getHost().getViewer().getProperty(
horizontal ? RulerProvider.PROPERTY_VERTICAL_RULER
IMapMode mm = MapModeUtil.getMapMode(((GraphicalEditPart)getHost()).getFigure());
return (Guide)provider.getGuideAt(mm.LPtoDP(pos));