tree: 57960f38fae864c1ba66fd6069f71708676da55e [path history] [tgz]
  1. .launch/
  2. .settings/
  3. META-INF/
  4. model/
  5. src/
  6. src-gen/
  7. .classpath
  8. .gitignore
  9. .project
  10. about.html
  12. example.p2f
  15. plugin.xml
  16. plugin.xml_gen
  17. pom.xml

Basic Example

The basic example (o.e.handly.examples.basic*) demonstrates a full-featured Handly-based model for a simple Xtext-based language, complete with automated tests, content outline, and a navigator view.

Launch runtime Eclipse and open the Resource perspective, then create a new project using the Foo Project wizard. The wizard is in the Handly Examples category.

Create a new file in the root of the project you've just created; the filename must have the .foo extension. For example, create the file with the following contents:

var x;
var y;
def f() {}
def f(x) {}
def f(x, y) {}

Play with the Handly-based Outline view a little.

Open the Foo Navigator view (under the Handly Examples category) and give it a try. Don't forget to expand Foo source files in the view to show their inner elements, and try out the Link with Editor functionality. Edit a Foo file and see how changes in its inner structure are reflected in the Foo Navigator alongside the Outline view. (The navigator view is built with Eclipse Common Navigator Framework and Handly.)

Now you might want to study the implementation. It is probably a good idea to begin with o.e.handly.examples.basic.ui.tests (that can be run with the same-named predefined launch configuration) and work from there toward o.e.handly.examples.basic.ui.