tree: 1c68d7dc9218e3bc0e8e1d5a7ca19c8e7f4732a1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. .settings/
  2. META-INF/
  3. src/
  4. .classpath
  5. .project
  6. about.html
  8. example.p2f
  11. fragment.xml
  12. pom.xml

Xtext-Xtext Example

The Xtext-Xtext example (o.e.handly.examples.xtext.xtext.ui) is a fragment to the o.e.xtext.xtext.ui plugin. It demonstrates a call hierarchy view for the Xtext language. The plugin o.e.xtext.xtext.ui already contains a call hierarchy view. The example fragment contributes an alternative view created using a framework provided by Handly that is much reacher in functionality.

To try it out, launch runtime Eclipse and open an Xtext grammar file (.xtext) with the Xtext editor. (Hint: You can import one of the Xtext example projects into your workspace if you don't have an .xtext file. To do so, use File -> New -> Example... -> Xtext Examples)

Place the cursor on a rule name in the grammar editor, open the context menu and choose “Open Call Hierarchy (Handly)”. A Rule Calls view opens, with the feature set on par with the standard JDT Call Hierarchy view, including view history, pinning and layout support, among other things. Play with the view to explore the functionality. Alternatively, you can play with the default Xtext call hierarchy view. To open it, choose “Open Call Hierarchy” from the context menu.