blob: 9cbfdcf73e0598c43fb4f5b552823e93e834d9f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2019 GK Software AG and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* This is an implementation of an early-draft specification developed under the Java
* Community Process (JCP) and is made available for testing and evaluation purposes
* only. The code is not compatible with any specification of the JCP.
* Contributors:
* Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
* IBM Corporation
* Till Brychcy - Contribution for
* Bug 467032 - TYPE_USE Null Annotations: IllegalStateException with annotated arrays of Enum when accessed via BinaryTypeBinding
* Bug 467482 - TYPE_USE null annotations: Incorrect "Redundant null check"-warning
* Bug 473713 - [1.8][null] Type mismatch: cannot convert from @NonNull A1 to @NonNull A1
* Bug 467430 - TYPE_USE Null Annotations: Confusing error message with known null value
package org.eclipse.jdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.Test;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public class NullTypeAnnotationTest extends AbstractNullAnnotationTest {
public NullTypeAnnotationTest(String name) {
// Static initializer to specify tests subset using TESTS_* static variables
// All specified tests which do not belong to the class are skipped...
static {
// TESTS_NAMES = new String[] { "testBug456497" };
// TESTS_NUMBERS = new int[] { 561 };
// TESTS_RANGE = new int[] { 1, 2049 };
public static Test suite() {
return buildMinimalComplianceTestSuite(testClass(), F_1_8);
public static Class testClass() {
return NullTypeAnnotationTest.class;
// a list with nullable elements is used
public void test_nonnull_list_elements_01() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(List<@Nullable Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar(java.util.List<@Nullable Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
// a list with nullable elements is used, custom annotations
public void test_nonnull_list_elements_01a() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
false /* skipJavac */,
new String[] {
"import*;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(List<@Nullable Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar(java.util.List<@Nullable Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
true, /* shouldFlush*/
// a list with nullable elements is used, @Nullable is second annotation
public void test_nonnull_list_elements_02() {
new String[] {
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface Dummy {\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(List<@Dummy @Nullable Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar(java.util.List<@Dummy @Nullable Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar2(java.util.List<java.lang.@Dummy @Nullable Object> l2) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l2.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" l2.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" System.out.print(l2.get(1).toString()); // problem: retrieved element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
// a list with non-null elements is used, list itself is nullable
public void test_nonnull_list_elements_03() {
new String[] {
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface Dummy {\n" +
"package p;\n" +
"public interface List<T> {\n" +
" T get(int i);\n" + // avoid IProblem.NonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyMethod against unannotated j.u.List
" void add(T e);\n" +
" void add(int i, T e);\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import p.List;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(@Nullable List<@NonNull Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: l may be null\n" +
" l.add(null); // problem: cannot insert 'null' into this list\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar(@Nullable List<java.lang.@NonNull Object> l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: l may be null\n" +
" l.add(0, null); // problem: cannot insert 'null' into this list\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar2(@Dummy p.@Nullable List<java.lang.@NonNull Object> l2) {\n" +
" System.out.print(l2.get(0).toString()); // problem: l2 may be null\n" +
" l2.add(0, null); // problem: cannot insert 'null' into this list\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: l may be null\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" l.add(null); // problem: cannot insert \'null\' into this list\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" System.out.print(l.get(0).toString()); // problem: l may be null\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" l.add(0, null); // problem: cannot insert \'null\' into this list\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" System.out.print(l2.get(0).toString()); // problem: l2 may be null\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" l2.add(0, null); // problem: cannot insert \'null\' into this list\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// an outer and inner class both have a type parameter,
// client instantiates with nullable/nonnull actual type arguments
public void test_nestedType_01() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A<X> {\n" +
" public class I<Y> {\n" +
" X anX;\n" +
" public X foo(Y l) {\n" +
" return anX;\n" +
" }\n" +
" public I(X x) {\n" +
" anX = x;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" void bar(A<@Nullable Object>.I<@NonNull Object> i) {\n" + // legal instantiation
" @NonNull Object o =; // problems: argument and assignment violate null contracts\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" @NonNull Object o =; // problems: argument and assignment violate null contracts\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required '@NonNull Object' but this expression has type '@Nullable Object'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" @NonNull Object o =; // problems: argument and assignment violate null contracts\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// an outer and inner class both have a type parameter,
// a subclass instantiates with nullable/nonnull actual type arguments
// and correctly implements an abstract inherited method
// compile errors only inside that method
public void test_nestedType_02() {
new String[] {
"public class A<X> {\n" +
" public abstract class I<Y> {\n" +
" public abstract X foo(Y l);\n" +
" public X idX(X in) { return in; }\n" +
" public Y idY(Y in) { return in; }\n" +
" }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class B extends A<@NonNull Object> {\n" +
" public class J extends I<@Nullable String> {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public @NonNull Object foo(@Nullable String l) {\n" +
" System.out.print(idX(null));\n" +
" return idY(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" System.out.print(idX(null));\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" return idY(null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required '@NonNull Object' but this expression has type '@Nullable String'\n" +
// an outer and inner class both have a type parameter,
// a subclass instantiates with nullable/nonnull actual type arguments
// and incorrectly implements an abstract inherited method
public void test_nestedType_03() {
new String[] {
"public class A<X> {\n" +
" public abstract class I<Y> {\n" +
" public abstract X foo(Y l);\n" +
" }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class B extends A<@NonNull Object> {\n" +
" public class J extends I<@Nullable String> {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public @Nullable Object foo(@NonNull String l) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" public @Nullable Object foo(@NonNull String l) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with '@NonNull Object' returned from A<Object>.I<String>.foo(String) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" public @Nullable Object foo(@NonNull String l) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter l, inherited method from A<Object>.I<String> declares this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
// a reference to a nested type has annotations for both types
public void test_nestedType_04() {
new String[] {
"public class A<X> {\n" +
" public abstract class I<Y> {\n" +
" public abstract X foo(Y l);\n" +
" }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class B {\n" +
" public void foo(A<Object>.@Nullable I<@NonNull String> ai) {\n" +
"; // problems: ai can be null, arg must not be null\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
"; // problems: ai can be null, arg must not be null\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
"; // problems: ai can be null, arg must not be null\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// a reference to a nested type has annotations for both types, mismatch in detail of outer
public void test_nestedType_05() {
new String[] {
"public class A<X> {\n" +
" public abstract class I<Y> {\n" +
" public abstract X foo(Y l);\n" +
" }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class B {\n" +
" public void foo(A<@NonNull Object>.@Nullable I<@NonNull String> ai1) {\n" +
" A<@Nullable Object>.@Nullable I<@NonNull String> ai2 = ai1;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" A<@Nullable Object>.@Nullable I<@NonNull String> ai2 = ai1;\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A<@Nullable Object>.@Nullable I<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'A<@NonNull Object>.@Nullable I<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
public void testMissingAnnotationTypes_01() {
new String[] {
"public class X {\n" +
" public class U {}\n" +
" @Missing1 X.@Missing2 U fU;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" @Missing1 X.@Missing2 U fU;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Missing1 cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" @Missing1 X.@Missing2 U fU;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Missing2 cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
// bug 392862 - [1.8][compiler][null] Evaluate null annotations on array types
// annotation on leaf type in 1-dim array
public void testArrayType_01() {
new String[] {
"public class Wrapper<T> {\n" +
" T content;" +
" public Wrapper(T t) { content = t; }\n" +
" public T content() { return content; }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
// Using Wrapper is a workaround until bug 391331 is fixed (to force the interesting annotation to be consumed as a type annotation):
" void bar(Wrapper<@NonNull String[]> realStrings, Wrapper<@Nullable String[]> maybeStrings) {\n" +
" System.out.println(realStrings.content()[0].toUpperCase()); // no problem\n" +
" realStrings.content()[0] = null; // problem: cannot assign null as @NonNull element\n" +
" System.out.println(maybeStrings.content()[0].toUpperCase()); // problem: element can be null\n" +
" maybeStrings.content()[0] = null; // no problem\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" realStrings.content()[0] = null; // problem: cannot assign null as @NonNull element\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" System.out.println(maybeStrings.content()[0].toUpperCase()); // problem: element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
// bug 392862 - [1.8][compiler][null] Evaluate null annotations on array types
// annotation on leaf type in 2-dim array
public void testArrayType_02() {
new String[] {
"public class Wrapper<T> {\n" +
" T content;" +
" public Wrapper(T t) { content = t; }\n" +
" public T content() { return content; }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
// Using Wrapper is a workaround until bug 391331 is fixed (to force the interesting annotation to be consumed as a type annotation):
" void bar(Wrapper<@NonNull String[][]> realStrings, Wrapper<@Nullable String[][]> maybeStrings) {\n" +
" System.out.println(realStrings.content()[0][0].toUpperCase()); // no problem\n" +
" realStrings.content()[0][0] = null; // problem: cannot assign null as @NonNull element\n" +
" System.out.println(maybeStrings.content()[0][0].toUpperCase()); // problem: element can be null\n" +
" maybeStrings.content()[0][0] = null; // no problem\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" realStrings.content()[0][0] = null; // problem: cannot assign null as @NonNull element\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" System.out.println(maybeStrings.content()[0][0].toUpperCase()); // problem: element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
// bug 392862 - [1.8][compiler][null] Evaluate null annotations on array types
// annotation on array type (1-dim array)
public void testArrayType_03() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" void array(String @NonNull[] realStringArray, String @Nullable[] maybeStringArray) {\n" +
" @NonNull Object array;\n" +
" array = realStringArray; // no problem\n" +
" realStringArray = null; // problem: cannot assign null as @NonNull array\n" +
" array = maybeStringArray; // problem: array can be null\n" +
" maybeStringArray = null; // no problem\n" +
" }\n" +
" void leaf(String @NonNull[] realStringArray, String @Nullable[] maybeStringArray, boolean b) {\n" +
" @NonNull String string;\n" +
" string = realStringArray[0]; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" realStringArray[0] = null; // no problem\n" +
" if (b)\n" +
" string = maybeStringArray[0]; // problems: indexing nullable array & unchecked conversion\n" +
" else\n" +
" maybeStringArray[0] = null; // problem: indexing nullable array\n" +
" maybeStringArray[0] = null; // problem protected by previous dereference\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" realStringArray = null; // problem: cannot assign null as @NonNull array\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'String @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" array = maybeStringArray; // problem: array can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required '@NonNull Object' but this expression has type 'String @Nullable[]'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" string = realStringArray[0]; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type 'String' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" string = maybeStringArray[0]; // problems: indexing nullable array & unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" +
" string = maybeStringArray[0]; // problems: indexing nullable array & unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type 'String' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" maybeStringArray[0] = null; // problem: indexing nullable array\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
// bug 392862 - [1.8][compiler][null] Evaluate null annotations on array types
// annotation on intermediate type in 2-dim array
public void testArrayType_04() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" void outer(String [] @NonNull[] realArrays, String [] @Nullable[] maybeArrays) {\n" +
" @NonNull Object array;\n" +
" array = realArrays; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" realArrays = null; // no problem, outer array is unspecified\n" +
" array = maybeArrays; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" maybeArrays = null; // no problem\n" +
" }\n" +
" void inner(String [] @NonNull[] realArrays, String [] @Nullable[] maybeArrays) {\n" +
" @NonNull Object array;\n" +
" array = realArrays[0]; // no problem\n" +
" realArrays[0] = null; // problem: cannot assign null to @NonNull array\n" +
" array = maybeArrays[0]; // problem: element can be null\n" +
" maybeArrays[0] = null; // no problem\n" +
" }\n" +
" void leaf(String [] @NonNull[] realArrays, String [] @Nullable[] maybeArrays) {\n" +
" @NonNull Object array;\n" +
" array = realArrays[0][0]; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" realArrays[0][0] = null; // no problem, element type is unspecified\n" +
" array = maybeArrays[0][0]; // problems: indexing nullable array & unchecked conversion\n" +
" maybeArrays[0][0] = null; // problem: indexing nullable array\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" array = realArrays; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String [] @NonNull[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
" array = maybeArrays; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String [] @Nullable[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" realArrays[0] = null; // problem: cannot assign null to @NonNull array\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'String @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" array = maybeArrays[0]; // problem: element can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'String @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 19)\n" +
" array = realArrays[0][0]; // problem: unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" +
" array = maybeArrays[0][0]; // problems: indexing nullable array & unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. WARNING in (at line 21)\n" +
" array = maybeArrays[0][0]; // problems: indexing nullable array & unchecked conversion\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" +
" maybeArrays[0][0] = null; // problem: indexing nullable array\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
// bug 392862 - [1.8][compiler][null] Evaluate null annotations on array types
// mismatches against outer array type, test display of type annotation in error messages
public void testArrayType_05() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" void outer(String @NonNull[] @NonNull[] realArrays, String @NonNull[] @Nullable[] maybeArrays, String @Nullable[][] unknownArrays) {\n" +
" realArrays[0] = maybeArrays[0]; // problem: inner array can be null\n" +
" realArrays[0] = unknownArrays[0]; // problems: inner array is unspecified, outer can be null\n" +
" }\n" +
" void oneDim(String @Nullable[] maybeStrings, String[] unknownStrings) {\n" +
" String @NonNull[] s = maybeStrings;\n" +
" s = unknownStrings;\n" +
" consume(maybeStrings);\n" +
" consume(unknownStrings);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consume(String @NonNull[] s) {};\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" realArrays[0] = maybeArrays[0]; // problem: inner array can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'String @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" realArrays[0] = unknownArrays[0]; // problems: inner array is unspecified, outer can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" realArrays[0] = unknownArrays[0]; // problems: inner array is unspecified, outer can be null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" String @NonNull[] s = maybeStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'String @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" +
" s = unknownStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" consume(maybeStrings);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'String @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" consume(unknownStrings);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
// bug 392862 - [1.8][compiler][null] Evaluate null annotations on array types
// more compiler messages
public void testArrayType_10() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" void outer(String @NonNull[] @NonNull[] realArrays, String @NonNull[] @Nullable[] maybeArrays, String @Nullable[][] unknownArrays, String @NonNull[][] mixedArrays) {\n" +
" realArrays = maybeArrays; // problem on inner dimension!\n" +
" realArrays = unknownArrays; // problems on both dimensions\n" +
" maybeArrays = realArrays; // problem on inner dimension\n" +
" unknownArrays = maybeArrays; // no problem: outer @NonNull is compatible to expected @Nullable, inner @Nullable is compatible to inner unspecified\n" +
" realArrays = mixedArrays; // problem on inner\n" +
" maybeArrays = mixedArrays; // problem on inner\n" +
" consume(maybeArrays, mixedArrays, maybeArrays);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consume(String @NonNull[] @NonNull[] realStrings, String @NonNull[] @Nullable[] maybeArrays, String @Nullable[][] unknownArrays) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" realArrays = maybeArrays; // problem on inner dimension!\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" realArrays = unknownArrays; // problems on both dimensions\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'String @Nullable[] []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" maybeArrays = realArrays; // problem on inner dimension\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\' but this expression has type \'String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
" realArrays = mixedArrays; // problem on inner\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String @NonNull[] []\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" +
" maybeArrays = mixedArrays; // problem on inner\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String @NonNull[] []\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" consume(maybeArrays, mixedArrays, maybeArrays);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" +
" consume(maybeArrays, mixedArrays, maybeArrays);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String @NonNull[] []\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
// combine flow info on outer type with annotation analysis for inners
public void testArrayType_11() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class ArrayTest {\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull Object @NonNull[] test1(@NonNull Object @Nullable[] in) {\n" +
" if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); \n" +
" return in; // array needs check, element is OK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Object @NonNull[] test2(@Nullable Object @Nullable[] in) {\n" +
" if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); \n" +
" return in; // array needs check, element is NOK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Object @NonNull[]@NonNull[] test3(@NonNull Object @Nullable[][] in) {\n" +
" if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); \n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is unchecked, element is OK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Object @NonNull[]@NonNull[] test4(@Nullable Object @Nullable[][] in) {\n" +
" if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); \n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is unchecked, element is NOK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Object @NonNull[]@NonNull[] test5(@NonNull Object @Nullable[]@Nullable[] in) {\n" +
" if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); \n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is NOK, element is OK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Object @NonNull[]@NonNull[] test6(@NonNull Object @Nullable[]@NonNull[] in) {\n" +
" if (in == null) throw new NullPointerException(); \n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is OK, element is OK\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" return in; // array needs check, element is NOK\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Object @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is unchecked, element is OK\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'@NonNull Object @Nullable[] []\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is unchecked, element is NOK\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Object @Nullable[] []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" +
" return in; // outer needs check, inner is NOK, element is OK\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Object @Nullable[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
// - [1.8][null] TypeReference#captureTypeAnnotations treats type annotations as type argument annotations
public void testBug403216_1() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" class Y {\n" +
" public void foo( @A X. @B Y this) {}\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@Target(value={ElementType.TYPE_USE})\n" +
"@interface A {}\n" +
"@Target(value={ElementType.TYPE_USE})\n" +
"@interface B {}\n"
// issue from
public void testBug403216_2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void test(List<@NonNull String> strings) {\n" +
" List<String> someStrings;\n" +
" someStrings = strings;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug403216_3a() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" class Y {\n" +
" public void foo( @A X. @NonNull Y this) {}\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@Target(value={ElementType.TYPE_USE})\n" +
"@interface A {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" public void foo( @A X. @NonNull Y this) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
public void testBug403216_3b() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" class Y {\n" +
" public void foo( @A X. @A Y this) {}\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@Target(value={ElementType.TYPE_USE})\n" +
"@interface A {}\n"
// - [1.8][compiler] NPE in WildcardBinding.signature
public void testBug403457_1() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(Map<@Marker ? super @Marker Object, @Marker ? extends @Marker String> m){}\n" +
" void goo(Map<@Marker ? extends @Marker Object, @Marker ? super @Marker String> m){}\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Marker {\n" +
" \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" void foo(Map<@Marker ? super @Marker Object, @Marker ? extends @Marker String> m){}\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Map cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" void goo(Map<@Marker ? extends @Marker Object, @Marker ? super @Marker String> m){}\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Map cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
// - [1.8][compiler] NPE in WildcardBinding.signature
// variant with null annotations
public void testBug403457_2() {
new String[] {
"// import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(Map<@Nullable ? super @Nullable Object, @Nullable ? extends @Nullable String> m){}\n" +
" void goo(Map<@Nullable ? extends @Nullable Object, @Nullable ? super @Nullable String> m){}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" void foo(Map<@Nullable ? super @Nullable Object, @Nullable ? extends @Nullable String> m){}\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Map cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" void goo(Map<@Nullable ? extends @Nullable Object, @Nullable ? super @Nullable String> m){}\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Map cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: RETURN_TYPE
public void testBinary01() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public List<@Nullable String> getSomeStrings() { return null; }\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" public void test(X x) {\n" +
" String s0 = x.getSomeStrings().get(0);\n" +
" System.out.println(s0.toUpperCase());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.println(s0.toUpperCase());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable s0 may be null at this location\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER & METHOD_RECEIVER
// Note: receiver annotation is not evaluated by the compiler, this part of the test only serves debugging purposes.
public void testBinary02() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target(TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Immutable {}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public void setAllStrings(@Immutable X this, int dummy, List<@NonNull String> ss) { }\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" public void test(X x, List<@Nullable String> ss) {\n" +
" x.setAllStrings(-1, ss);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" x.setAllStrings(-1, ss);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'List<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: FIELD
public void testBinary03() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public static String @Nullable [] f1 = null;\n" +
" public static String [] @Nullable [] f2 = new String[] @Nullable[] { null };\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" public void test() {\n" +
" System.out.println(p.X1.f1.length);\n" +
" System.out.println(X1.f2[0].length);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" System.out.println(p.X1.f1.length);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.println(X1.f2[0].length);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: SUPER_TYPE
public void testBinary04() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n" +
"public abstract class X1 extends ArrayList<@Nullable String> {\n" +
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X2 implements List<@Nullable String> {\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" public void test(X1 x) {\n" +
" String s0 = x.get(0);\n" +
" System.out.println(s0.toUpperCase());\n" +
" }\n" +
"import p.X2;\n" +
"public class Y2 {\n" +
" public void test(X2 x) {\n" +
" String s0 = x.get(0);\n" +
" System.out.println(s0.toUpperCase());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.println(s0.toUpperCase());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable s0 may be null at this location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.println(s0.toUpperCase());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable s0 may be null at this location\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER & METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER
public void testBinary05() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n" +
"public abstract class X1<@NonNull T> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <@Nullable S> void foo(S s) {}\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" X1<@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" + // incompatible: T is constrained to @NonNull
" void test(X1<@NonNull String> x) {\n" + // OK
" x.<@NonNull Object>foo(new Object());\n" + // incompatible: S is constrained to @Nullable
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" X1<@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T extends Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" x.<@NonNull Object>foo(new Object());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Object\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable S extends Object\'\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND & METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND
public void testBinary06() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n" +
"public abstract class X1<T extends @NonNull Object> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <U, V extends @Nullable Object> void foo(U u, V v) {}\n" +
"package p;\n"+
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X2<@NonNull W extends @Nullable Object> {}\n" // incompatible constraints
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 3)\n" +
" public class X2<@NonNull W extends @Nullable Object> {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@NonNull\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
// fix the bug:
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n" +
"public abstract class X1<T extends @NonNull Object> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <U, V extends @Nullable Object> void foo(U u, V v) {}\n" +
"package p;\n"+
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X2<@Nullable W extends Object> {}\n"
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import p.X2;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" X1<@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" + // incompatible: T has a bound constrained to @NonNull
" X2<@NonNull String> strings;\n" + // incompatible: W is constrained to @Nullable
" void test(X1<@NonNull String> x) {\n" + // OK
" x.<Y1, @NonNull Object>foo(this, new Object());\n" + // OK: 'extends @Nullable' is no restriction
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" X1<@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" X2<@NonNull String> strings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable W extends Object\'\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND & METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND
// variant: qualified type references
public void testBinary06b() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n" +
"public abstract class X1<T extends java.lang.@NonNull Object> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <U, V extends java.lang.@Nullable Object> void foo(U u, V v) {}\n" +
"package p;\n"+
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X2<@NonNull W extends java.lang.@Nullable Object> {}\n" // incompatible constraints
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 3)\n" +
" public class X2<@NonNull W extends java.lang.@Nullable Object> {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@NonNull\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
// fix the bug:
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"serial\")\n" +
"public abstract class X1<T extends java.lang.@NonNull Object> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <U, V extends java.lang.@Nullable Object> void foo(U u, V v) {}\n" +
"package p;\n"+
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X2<@Nullable W extends Object> {}\n"
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" p.X1<java.lang.@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" + // incompatible: T has a bound constrained to @NonNull
" p.X2<java.lang.@NonNull String> strings;\n" + // incompatible: W is constrained to @Nullable
" void test(p.X1<java.lang.@NonNull String> x) {\n" + // OK
" x.<Y1, java.lang.@NonNull Object>foo(this, new Object());\n" + // // OK: 'extends @Nullable' is no restriction
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" p.X1<java.lang.@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" p.X2<java.lang.@NonNull String> strings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable W extends Object\'\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: method with all kinds of type annotations
public void testBinary07() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public interface List<T> {\n" +
" T get(int i);\n" + // avoid IProblem.NonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyMethod against unannotated j.u.List
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import p.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target(TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Immutable {}\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public <@NonNull U, V extends @Nullable Object> List<@NonNull Map<Object, @NonNull String>> foo(@Immutable X1 this, U u, V v) { return null; }\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" void test(X1 x) {\n" +
" x.<@NonNull Y1, @NonNull Object>foo(this, new Object())\n" + // // OK: 'extends @Nullable' is no restriction
" .get(0).put(null, null);\n" + // second null is illegal
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" .get(0).put(null, null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: details
public void testBinary08() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public class Inner {}\n" +
" public Object []@NonNull[] arrays(Object @NonNull[][] oa1) { return null; }\n" +
" public void nesting(@NonNull Inner i1, X1.@Nullable Inner i2) { }\n" +
" public void wildcard1(List<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull X1> l) { } // contradiction\n" +
" public void wildcard2(List<? super @NonNull X1> l) { }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" public void wildcard1(List<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull X1> l) { } // contradiction\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@Nullable\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
// fix the error:
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public class Inner {}\n" +
" public Object []@NonNull[] arrays(Object @NonNull[][] oa1) { return null; }\n" +
" public void nesting(@NonNull Inner i1, X1.@Nullable Inner i2) { }\n" +
" public void wildcard1(List<@Nullable ? extends X1> l) { }\n" +
" public void wildcard2(List<? super @NonNull X1> l) { }\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" void test(X1 x) {\n" +
" Object @NonNull[][] a = new Object[0][]; // safe: new is never null\n" +
" x.arrays(a)[0] = null; // illegal\n" +
" x.nesting(null, null); // 1st null is illegal\n" +
" x.wildcard2(new ArrayList<@NonNull Object>());\n" +
" x.wildcard2(new ArrayList<@Nullable Object>()); // OK\n" +
" x.wildcard1(new ArrayList<@NonNull X1>()); // incompatible\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" x.arrays(a)[0] = null; // illegal\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'Object @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" x.nesting(null, null); // 1st null is illegal\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X1.@NonNull Inner\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" x.wildcard1(new ArrayList<@NonNull X1>()); // incompatible\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@Nullable ? extends X1>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@NonNull X1>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@NonNull X1>\'\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: details
// variant: qualified references
public void testBinary08b() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public class Inner {}\n" +
" public java.lang.Object []@NonNull[] arrays(java.lang.Object @NonNull[][] oa1) { return null; }\n" +
" public void nesting(@NonNull Inner i1, X1.@Nullable Inner i2) { }\n" +
" public void wildcard1(java.util.List<@Nullable ? extends p.@NonNull X1> l) { } // contradiction\n" +
" public void wildcard2(java.util.List<? super p.@NonNull X1> l) { }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" public void wildcard1(java.util.List<@Nullable ? extends p.@NonNull X1> l) { } // contradiction\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@Nullable\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
// fix the error:
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public class Inner {}\n" +
" public java.lang.Object []@NonNull[] arrays(java.lang.Object @NonNull[][] oa1) { return null; }\n" +
" public void nesting(@NonNull Inner i1, p.X1.@Nullable Inner i2) { }\n" +
" public void wildcard1(List<@Nullable ? extends p.X1> l) { }\n" +
" public void wildcard2(List<? super p.@NonNull X1> l) { }\n" +
new String[] {
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" void test(X1 x) {\n" +
" java.lang.Object @NonNull[][] a = new java.lang.Object[0][]; // safe: new is never null\n" +
" x.arrays(a)[0] = null; // illegal\n" +
" x.nesting(null, null); // 1st null is illegal\n" +
" x.wildcard2(new ArrayList<java.lang.@NonNull Object>());\n" +
" x.wildcard2(new ArrayList<java.lang.@Nullable Object>());\n" +
" x.wildcard1(new ArrayList<p.@NonNull X1>()); // incompatible\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" x.arrays(a)[0] = null; // illegal\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'Object @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" x.nesting(null, null); // 1st null is illegal\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X1.@NonNull Inner\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" x.wildcard1(new ArrayList<p.@NonNull X1>()); // incompatible\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@Nullable ? extends X1>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@NonNull X1>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@NonNull X1>\'\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: EXTENDED DIMENSIONS.
public void testBinary09() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull String @Nullable [] f @NonNull [] = null;\n" +
" static void foo(@NonNull String @Nullable [] p @NonNull []) {\n" +
" p = null;\n" +
" @NonNull String @Nullable [] l @NonNull [] = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" @NonNull String @Nullable [] f @NonNull [] = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" p = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull String @Nullable [] l @NonNull [] = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// fix the error:
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull String @Nullable [] f @NonNull [] = new @NonNull String @NonNull [0] @Nullable [];\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" void test(X x) {\n" +
" x.f = null;\n" +
" x.f[0] = null;\n" +
" x.f[0][0] = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 1)\n" +
" import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation is never used\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" x.f = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" x.f[0][0] = null;\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" x.f[0][0] = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// storing and decoding null-type-annotations to/from classfile: array annotations.
public void testBinary10() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(ArrayList<String> @NonNull [] p) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"class Y extends X {\n" +
" void foo() {\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'ArrayList<String> @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// fix the error:
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(ArrayList<String> @NonNull [] p) {\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"public class Y extends X {\n" +
" void foo() {\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'ArrayList<String> @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testConditional1() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> foo(List<@NonNull String> good, List<String> dubious, int f) {\n"
+ " if (f < 2)\n"
+ " return f == 0 ? good : dubious;\n"
+ " if (f < 4)\n"
+ " return f == 2 ? dubious : good;\n"
+ " if (f < 6)\n"
+ " return f == 4 ? good : good;\n"
+ " return null;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" return f == 0 ? good : dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
" return f == 2 ? dubious : good;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
public void testConditional2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> foo(List<@NonNull String> good, ArrayList<String> dubious, int f) {\n"
+ " if (f < 2)\n"
+ " return f == 0 ? good : dubious;\n"
+ " if (f < 4)\n"
+ " return f == 2 ? dubious : good;\n"
+ " if (f < 6)\n"
+ " return f == 4 ? good : good;\n"
+ " return null;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" return f == 0 ? good : dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'ArrayList<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\', corresponding supertype is 'List<String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
" return f == 2 ? dubious : good;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'ArrayList<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\', corresponding supertype is 'List<String>'\n" +
// conditional in argument position
public void testConditional3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " void foo(List<@NonNull String> good, List<String> dubious, int f) {\n"
+ " consume(f == 0 ? good : dubious);\n"
+ " consume(f == 2 ? dubious : good);\n"
+ " consume(f == 4 ? good : good);\n"
+ " }\n" +
" void consume(List<@NonNull String> strings) {}\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" consume(f == 0 ? good : dubious);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" consume(f == 2 ? dubious : good);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
// types with null annotations on details (type parameter) are compatible to equal types
public void testCompatibility1() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> return1(List<@NonNull String> noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " List<@Nullable String> return2(List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " return withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(List<@NonNull String> noNulls, List<String> dubious, List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> l1 = noNulls;\n"
+ " List<@Nullable String> l2 = withNulls;\n"
+ " List<String> l3 = dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(List<@NonNull String> noNulls, List<String> dubious, List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " assigns(noNulls, dubious, withNulls);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
// types with null annotations on details (array content) are compatible to equal types
public void testCompatibility1a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " @NonNull String[] return1(@NonNull String[] noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " @Nullable String[] return2(@Nullable String[] noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(@NonNull String[] noNulls, String dubious[], @Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " @NonNull String[] l1 = noNulls;\n"
+ " @Nullable String[] l2 = withNulls;\n"
+ " String[] l3 = dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(@NonNull String[] noNulls, String[] dubious, @Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " assigns(noNulls, dubious, withNulls);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
// types with null annotations on details (type parameter) are compatible to types lacking the annotation
public void testCompatibility2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " List<String> return1(List<@NonNull String> noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " List<String> return2(List<String> dubious) {\n"
+ " return dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " List<String> return3(List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " return withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(List<@NonNull String> noNulls, List<String> dubious, List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " List<String> l1 = noNulls;\n"
+ " List<String> l2 = dubious;\n"
+ " List<String> l3 = withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(List<@NonNull String> noNulls, List<String> dubious, List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " takeAny(noNulls);\n"
+ " takeAny(dubious);\n"
+ " takeAny(withNulls);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void takeAny(List<String> any) {}\n"
+ "}\n"
// types with null annotations on details (array content) are compatible to types lacking the annotation
public void testCompatibility2a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " String[] return1(@NonNull String[] noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " String[] return2(String[] dubious) {\n"
+ " return dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " String[] return3(@Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " return withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(@NonNull String[] noNulls, String[] dubious, @Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " String[] l1 = noNulls;\n"
+ " String[] l2 = dubious;\n"
+ " String[] l3 = withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(@NonNull String[] noNulls, String[] dubious, @Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " takeAny(noNulls);\n"
+ " takeAny(dubious);\n"
+ " takeAny(withNulls);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void takeAny(String[] any) {}\n"
+ "}\n"
// types without null annotations are converted (unsafe) to types with detail annotations (type parameter)
public void testCompatibility3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> return1(List<String> dubious) {\n"
+ " return dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " List<@Nullable String> return2(List<String> dubious) {\n"
+ " return dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(List<String> dubious) {\n"
+ " List<@Nullable String> l1 = dubious;\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> l2 = dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(List<String> dubious) {\n"
+ " acceptNulls(dubious);\n"
+ " acceptNoNulls(dubious);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void acceptNulls(List<@NonNull String> noNulls) {}\n"
+ " void acceptNoNulls(List<@NonNull String> noNulls) {}\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" return dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
" return dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" List<@Nullable String> l1 = dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" List<@NonNull String> l2 = dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" +
" acceptNulls(dubious);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" +
" acceptNoNulls(dubious);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
// types without null annotations are converted (unsafe) to types with detail annotations (array content)
public void testCompatibility3a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " @NonNull String[] return1(String[] dubious) {\n"
+ " return dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " @Nullable String[] return2(String[] dubious) {\n"
+ " return dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(String[] dubious) {\n"
+ " @Nullable String[] l1 = dubious;\n"
+ " @NonNull String[] l2 = dubious;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(String[] dubious) {\n"
+ " acceptNulls(dubious);\n"
+ " acceptNoNulls(dubious);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void acceptNulls(@Nullable String[] withNulls) {}\n"
+ " void acceptNoNulls(@NonNull String[] noNulls) {}\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" +
" return dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
" return dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" +
" @Nullable String[] l1 = dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" @NonNull String[] l2 = dubious;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" +
" acceptNulls(dubious);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" +
" acceptNoNulls(dubious);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String []\'\n" +
// types with null annotations on details (type parameter) are incompatible to opposite types
public void testCompatibility4() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " List<@Nullable String> return1(List<@NonNull String> noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> return2(List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " return withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(List<@NonNull String> noNulls, List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " List<@NonNull String> l1 = withNulls;\n"
+ " List<@Nullable String> l2 = noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(List<@NonNull String> noNulls, List<@Nullable String> withNulls) {\n"
+ " assigns(withNulls, noNulls);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" return noNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required 'List<@Nullable String>' but this expression has type 'List<@NonNull String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" return withNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required 'List<@NonNull String>' but this expression has type 'List<@Nullable String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" List<@NonNull String> l1 = withNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required 'List<@NonNull String>' but this expression has type 'List<@Nullable String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" List<@Nullable String> l2 = noNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required 'List<@Nullable String>' but this expression has type 'List<@NonNull String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" assigns(withNulls, noNulls);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required 'List<@NonNull String>' but this expression has type 'List<@Nullable String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" assigns(withNulls, noNulls);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required 'List<@Nullable String>' but this expression has type 'List<@NonNull String>'\n" +
// types with null annotations on details (array content) are incompatible to opposite types
public void testCompatibility4a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n"
+ "public class X {\n"
+ " @Nullable String[] return1(@NonNull String[] noNulls) {\n"
+ " return noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " @NonNull String[] return2(@Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " return withNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void assigns(@NonNull String[] noNulls, @Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " @NonNull String[] l1 = withNulls;\n"
+ " @Nullable String[] l2 = noNulls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " void arguments(@NonNull String[] noNulls, @Nullable String[] withNulls) {\n"
+ " assigns(withNulls, noNulls);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" return noNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@Nullable String []\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" return withNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String []\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" @NonNull String[] l1 = withNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String []\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" @Nullable String[] l2 = noNulls;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@Nullable String []\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" assigns(withNulls, noNulls);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String []\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" assigns(withNulls, noNulls);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@Nullable String []\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String []\'\n" +
// challenge parameterized type with partial substitution of super's type parameters
public void testCompatibility5() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract public class X<Y> implements Map<@NonNull String,Y> {\n" +
" void foo(X<Object> x) {\n" +
" Map<@NonNull String, Object> m1 = x; // OK\n" +
" Map<@Nullable String, Object> m2 = x; // NOK\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" Map<@Nullable String, Object> m2 = x; // NOK\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'Map<@Nullable String,Object>\' but this expression has type \'X<Object>\', corresponding supertype is \'Map<@NonNull String,Object>\'\n" +
// challenge parameterized type with partial substitution of super's type parameters
public void testCompatibility6() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract public class X<@Nullable Y> implements Map<@Nullable String,Y> {\n" +
" void foo(X<@Nullable Object> x) {\n" +
" Map<@Nullable String, @Nullable Object> m1 = x; // OK\n" +
" Map<@Nullable String, @NonNull Object> m2 = x; // NOK\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" Map<@Nullable String, @NonNull Object> m2 = x; // NOK\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'Map<@Nullable String,@NonNull Object>\' but this expression has type \'X<@Nullable Object>\', corresponding supertype is \'Map<@Nullable String,@Nullable Object>\'\n" +
// illegal for type declaration
public void testUnsupportedLocation01() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public @NonNull class X {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 2)\n" +
" public @NonNull class X {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location\n" +
// illegal for enclosing class (locations: field, argument, return type, local
public void testUnsupportedLocation02() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" class Inner {}\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner f;\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner foo(@NonNull X.Inner arg) {\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner local = arg;\n" +
" return local;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner f;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location, it must be placed directly before the nested type name.\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner foo(@NonNull X.Inner arg) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location, it must be placed directly before the nested type name.\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner foo(@NonNull X.Inner arg) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location, it must be placed directly before the nested type name.\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull X.Inner local = arg;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location, it must be placed directly before the nested type name.\n" +
// illegal / unchecked for cast & instanceof with scalar type
public void testUnsupportedLocation03() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull X foo(X arg) {\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof @NonNull X))\n" +
" return (@NonNull X)arg;\n" +
" return arg;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof @NonNull X))\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The expression of type X is already an instance of type X\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof @NonNull X))\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" return (@NonNull X)arg;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: Unchecked cast from X to @NonNull X\n" +
// illegal / unchecked for cast & instanceof with complex type
public void testUnsupportedLocation04() {
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" List<@NonNull X> parameterized(List<X> arg) {\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof List<@NonNull X>))\n" +
" return (java.util.List<@NonNull X>)arg;\n" +
" return arg;\n" +
" }\n" +
" X @NonNull[] arrays(X[] arg) {\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof X @NonNull[]))\n" +
" return (p.X @NonNull[])arg;\n" +
" return arg;\n" +
" }\n" +
" ArrayList<@NonNull String> foo(List<@NonNull String> l) {\n" +
" return (ArrayList<@NonNull String>) l;\n" + // OK
" }" +
" ArrayList<@NonNull String> foo2(List<@NonNull String> l) {\n" +
" return (ArrayList<String>) l;\n" + // warn, TODO(stephan) with flow analysis (bug 415292) we might recover the original @NonNull...
" }" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 6)\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof List<@NonNull X>))\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Cannot perform instanceof check against parameterized type List<X>. Use the form List<?> instead since further generic type information will be erased at runtime\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in p\\ (at line 6)\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof List<@NonNull X>))\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in p\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" return (java.util.List<@NonNull X>)arg;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: Unchecked cast from List<X> to List<@NonNull X>\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in p\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof X @NonNull[]))\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The expression of type X[] is already an instance of type X[]\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in p\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" if (!(arg instanceof X @NonNull[]))\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. WARNING in p\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" return (p.X @NonNull[])arg;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: Unchecked cast from X[] to X @NonNull[]\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. WARNING in p\\ (at line 18)\n" +
" return (ArrayList<String>) l;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'ArrayList<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'ArrayList<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
// illegal instanceof check with annotated type argument
public void testUnsupportedLocation04a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" boolean instanceOf2(Object o) {\n" +
" return o instanceof List<@Nullable ?>;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" return o instanceof List<@Nullable ?>;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
// illegal for allocation expression
public void testUnsupportedLocation05() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" X x = new @NonNull X();\n" +
" class Inner {}\n" +
" Inner i = @Nullable Inner();\n" +
" java.util.List<@NonNull String> s = new java.util.ArrayList<@NonNull String>();\n" + // OK
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" X x = new @NonNull X();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" Inner i = @Nullable Inner();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'Nullable\' is not applicable at this location\n" +
// method receiver
public void testUnsupportedLocation06() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void receiver(@Nullable X this, Object o) {}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" void receiver(@Nullable X this, Object o) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
// receiver type in method/constructor reference
public void testUnsupportedLocation07() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consume(Supplier<Object> c) {}\n" +
" static Object supply() { return null; }\n" +
" void consumeSupplied() {\n" +
" consume(@NonNull X::supply);\n" +
" consume(@NonNull X::new);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" consume(@NonNull X::supply);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" consume(@NonNull X::new);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
// exceptions (throws & catch)
public void testUnsupportedLocation08() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void throwsDecl() throws @Nullable IOException {}\n" +
" void excParam() {\n" +
" try {\n" +
" throwsDecl();\n" +
" } catch (@NonNull IOException ioe) {}\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" void throwsDecl() throws @Nullable IOException {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" } catch (@NonNull IOException ioe) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
public void testForeach() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(List<@NonNull String> nns) {\n" +
" for(String s1 : nns) {\n" +
" logMsg(s1);\n" +
" }\n" +
" for(String s2 : getStrings()) {\n" +
" logMsg(s2);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" Collection<@Nullable String> getStrings() { return null; }\n" +
" void logMsg(@NonNull String msg) { }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" logMsg(s2);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
// poly-null method
public void testNullTypeInference1() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" <T> List<T> polyNullMethod(List<T> in) { return in; }\n" +
" @NonNull String test1(List<@NonNull String> strings) {\n" +
" return polyNullMethod(strings).get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String test2(List<@Nullable String> strings) {\n" +
" return polyNullMethod(strings).get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Nullable String test3(List<@NonNull String> strings) {\n" +
" return polyNullMethod(strings).get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Nullable String test4(List<@Nullable String> strings) {\n" +
" return polyNullMethod(strings).get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" return polyNullMethod(strings).get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
// functional interface with explicit nullness
public void testNullTypeInference2a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface NNFunc {\n" +
" @NonNull String a(@NonNull String i);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class PolyNull {\n" +
" @NonNull String extract(NNFunc f, @NonNull String s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" @NonNull String testOK() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> i, \"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String testERR() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// functional interface with nullness inferred from target type with explicit nullness
public void testNullTypeInference2b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Func<T> {\n" +
" T a(T i);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class PolyNull {\n" +
" @NonNull String extract(Func<@NonNull String> f, @NonNull String s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" @NonNull String testOK() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> i, \"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String testERR() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// functional interface with unspecified nullness matched against lambda parameter with explicit type & nullness
public void testNullTypeInference2c() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Func<T> {\n" +
" T a(T i);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class PolyNull {\n" +
" <X> X extract(Func<X> f, X s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" @NonNull String testOK() {\n" +
" return extract((@NonNull String i) -> i, \"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String testERR() {\n" +
" return extract((@NonNull String i) -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return extract((@NonNull String i) -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// the only null annotation is on the target type, which propagates into the implicitly typed lambda argument
public void testNullTypeInference2d() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Func<T> {\n" +
" T a(T i);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class PolyNull {\n" +
" <X> X extract(Func<X> f, X s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" @NonNull String testOK() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> i, \"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String testERR() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // err\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// demonstrate that null annotations from the functional interface win, resulting in successful inference but null-safety issues
public void testNullTypeInference2e() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Func<T> {\n" +
" T a(T i);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class PolyNull {\n" +
" String extract(Func<@Nullable String> f, @Nullable String s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" @NonNull String testWARN() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // OK to pass null\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" +
" return extract(i -> null, \"hallo\"); // OK to pass null\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String\'\n" +
// demonstrate that null annotations from the functional interface win, resulting in successful inference but null-safety issues
public void testNullTypeInference2f() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Func<T> {\n" +
" T a(T i);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class PolyNull {\n" +
" <X> X extract(Func<@Nullable X> f, @Nullable X s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" @NonNull String testERR() {\n" +
" return extract(i -> needNN(i), \"ola\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String needNN(@NonNull String s) { return \"\"; }\n" +
"" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" <X> X extract(Func<@Nullable X> f, @Nullable X s) { return f.a(s); }\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'X\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable X\', where 'X' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" return extract(i -> needNN(i), \"ola\");\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
// seemingly conflicting annotations from type variable application and type variable substitution
// -> ignore @Nullable which overrides the type variable's nullness for this one location
public void testNullTypeInference3() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Generics {\n" +
" <X> X m(@Nullable X a) { return null; }\n" +
" void test(@NonNull String in) {\n" +
" @NonNull String s = m(in);\n" + // inferred OK as 'm(@Nullable String) -> @NonNull String'
" System.out.println(s.toLowerCase());\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" new Generics().test(\"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" <X> X m(@Nullable X a) { return null; }\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable 'X'\n" +
// conflicting annotations from type variable application and type variable substitution -> exclude null annotations from inference
public void testNullTypeInference3b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Generics {\n" +
" <X> @Nullable X m1(@Nullable X a) { return null; }\n" +
" <X> @Nullable X m2(X a) { return null; }\n" +
" void test(@NonNull String in) {\n" +
" @NonNull String s1 = m1(in);\n" +
" @NonNull String s2 = m2(in);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" new Generics().test(\"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull String s1 = m1(in);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" @NonNull String s2 = m2(in);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
// conflicting annotations from type variable application and type variable substitution
public void testNullTypeInference3c() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Function<I,O> { }\n" +
"abstract class MyFunc implements Function<@NonNull Object, @Nullable String> { }\n" +
" \n" +
"public class Generics {\n" +
" <@NonNull I,@Nullable O> \n" +
" Collection<O> map1(Collection<I> in, Function<I, O> f) { return null; }\n" +
" <@Nullable I,@NonNull O> \n" +
" Collection<O> map2(Collection<I> in, Function<I, O> f) { return null; }\n" +
" void test(@NonNull List<Object> inList, MyFunc f) {\n" +
" Collection<@Nullable String> result = map1(inList, f);\n" +
" map2(inList, f);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" Collection<@Nullable String> result = map1(inList, f);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'@NonNull List<Object>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'Collection<@NonNull Object>\', corresponding supertype is 'Collection<Object>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" +
" map2(inList, f);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'@NonNull List<Object>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'Collection<@Nullable Object>\', corresponding supertype is 'Collection<Object>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" map2(inList, f);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'Function<@Nullable Object,@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'MyFunc\', corresponding supertype is \'Function<@NonNull Object,@Nullable String>\'\n" +
// missing return type should not cause NPE
public void testBug415850_01() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull foo() {}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" @NonNull foo() {}\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Return type for the method is missing\n" +
// enum constant inside raw type: initialization must be recognized as conform to the implicitly @NonNull declaration
public void testBug415850_02(){
new String[] {
"interface Callable<T> {\n" +
" public enum Result {\n" +
" GOOD, BAD\n" +
" };\n" +
" public Result call(T arg);\n" +
// when mapping 1st parameter to method receiver, avoid AIOOBE in ReferenceExpression#resolveType(..)
public void testBug415850_03() throws Exception {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DEPRECATION, JavaCore.IGNORE);
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("deprecation");
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.Date;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; \n" +
"@Target(TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Vernal {}\n" +
"interface I {\n" +
" int f(Date d);\n" +
"}\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" static void monitorTemperature(Object myObject) {\n" +
" I i = @Vernal Date::getDay;\n" +
" }\n" +
// ensure annotation type has super types connected, to avoid NPE in ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier.collectOverriddenMethods(..)
public void testBug415850_04() throws Exception {
new String[] {
"public class X implements @B @C('i') J { }",
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;\n" +
"@Target(TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@Retention(CLASS)\n" +
"@interface B {\n" +
" int value() default -1;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;\n" +
"@Target(TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@Retention(RUNTIME)\n" +
"@interface C {\n" +
" char value() default '-';\n" +
"interface J {}\n"
// don't let type annotations on array dimensions spoil type compatibility
public void testBug415850_05() {
new String[]{
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" int @Marker [][][] i = new @Marker int @Marker [2] @Marker [@Marker bar()] @Marker [];\n" +
" }\n" +
" public int bar() {\n" +
" return 2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@Target (java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Marker {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" int @Marker [][][] i = new @Marker int @Marker [2] @Marker [@Marker bar()] @Marker [];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Syntax error, type annotations are illegal here\n" +
// don't let type annotations on array dimensions spoil type compatibility
// case without any error
public void testBug415850_06() {
new String[]{
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" int @Marker [][][] i = new @Marker int @Marker [2] @Marker [bar()] @Marker [];\n" +
" }\n" +
" public int bar() {\n" +
" return 2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@Target (java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Marker {}\n"
public void testBug416172() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" class Y {}\n" +
" X.@NonNull Y foo(X.@NonNull Y xy) {\n" +
" return new X().new Y();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Z extends X {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" X.@NonNull Y foo(X.Y xy) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" X.@NonNull Y foo(X.Y xy) {\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Missing non-null annotation: inherited method from X specifies this parameter as @NonNull\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X.@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// incompatible null constraints on parameters
public void testBug416174() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo1(List<X> lx) {}\n" +
" void foo2(List<@NonNull X> lx) {}\n" +
" void foo3(List<@Nullable X> lx) {}\n" +
" void foo4(@NonNull List<@Nullable X> lx) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Z extends X {\n" +
" @Override void foo1(List<@NonNull X> xy) {}\n" +
" @Override void foo2(List<X> lx) {}\n" +
" @Override void foo3(List<X> lx) {}\n" +
" @Override void foo4(List<@Nullable X> lx) {}\n" + // omitting annotation at toplevel can be tolerated (via option)
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" @Override void foo1(List<@NonNull X> xy) {}\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter xy, inherited method from X declares this parameter as \'List<X>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" @Override void foo2(List<X> lx) {}\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter lx, inherited method from X declares this parameter as \'List<@NonNull X>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" @Override void foo3(List<X> lx) {}\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter lx, inherited method from X declares this parameter as \'List<@Nullable X>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
// incompatibility at return type, which should be shown here in the error message
public void testBug416174b() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" List<X> foo1() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" List<@Nullable X> foo2() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" abstract @NonNull List<@NonNull X> foo3();\n" +
" List<@Nullable X> foo4() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class Z extends X {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" List<@NonNull X> foo1() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" List<@NonNull X> foo2() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @NonNull List<X> foo3() {\n" +
" return new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @NonNull List<@Nullable X> foo4() {\n" + // OK
" return new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" +
" List<@NonNull X> foo1() {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'List<X>\' returned from X.foo1() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 24)\n" +
" List<@NonNull X> foo2() {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'List<@Nullable X>\' returned from X.foo2() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 28)\n" +
" @NonNull List<X> foo3() {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull List<@NonNull X>\' returned from X.foo3() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
// overriding an unconstrained return with nullable
public void testNullableReturn() {
new String[] {
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" X foo1() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class Z extends X {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @Nullable X foo1() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug416175() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<@NonNull ? extends @NonNull String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();\n" +
" ls.add(null);\n" +
" @NonNull String s = ls.get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
" List<@NonNull ? extends @NonNull String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'ArrayList<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull ? extends @NonNull String>\', corresponding supertype is 'List<String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" ls.add(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull ? extends @NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. INFO in (at line 10)\n" +
" @NonNull String s = ls.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'List<@NonNull capture#of ? extends @NonNull String>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
// original test (was throwing stack overflow)
public void testBug416176() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<@NonNull T> {\n" +
" T foo(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
// variant to challenge merging of annotation on type variable and its use
public void testBug416176a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<@NonNull T> {\n" +
" T foo(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull T bar1(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull T bar2(@Nullable T t) { // argument: no contradiction (1)\n" +
" return t; // mismatch (1)\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Nullable T bar3(T t) { // return type: no contradiction (2)\n" +
" @Nullable T l = t; // local: no contradiction (3)\n" +
" return l;\n" +
" }\n" +
" class Inner {\n" +
" @Nullable T f; // field: no contradiction (4)\n" +
" }\n" +
" T bar3() {\n" +
" return null; // mismatch (2)\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return t; // mismatch (1)\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" +
" return null; // mismatch (2)\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull T\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// variant to challenge duplicate methods, though with different parameter annotations
public void testBug416176b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" @NonNull T bar(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull T bar(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull T bar(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Duplicate method bar(T) in type X<T>\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" @NonNull T bar(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Duplicate method bar(T) in type X<T>\n" +
public void testBug416180() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> x = new Y();\n" +
" }\n" +
"} \n" +
"\n" +
"class Y extends X<@NonNull String> {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @NonNull String foo(java.lang.@NonNull String t) {\n" +
" return \"\";\n" +
" };\n" +
public void testBug416181() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" class Y {\n" +
" \n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" X<String>.@NonNull Y y = null; // 1st error here.\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull Y y2 = null; // 2nd error here.\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" X<String>.@NonNull Y y = null; // 1st error here.\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X<String>.@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" @NonNull Y y2 = null; // 2nd error here.\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X<T>.@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug416182() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = new X<String>();\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public void test(X<String> x) {\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = x;\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" public void bar(T t) {}\n" +
"\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = new X<String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'X<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'X<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
// introduce unrelated method lookup before the bogus one
public void testBug416182a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" void foo() {}\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = new X<String>();\n" +
";\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public void test(X<String> x) {\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = x;\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" public void bar(T t) {}\n" +
"\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = new X<String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'X<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'X<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
// avoid extra warning by use of diamond.
public void testBug416182b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = new X<>();\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public void test(X<String> x) {\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = x;\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" public void bar(T t) {}\n" +
"\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" +
" X<@Nullable String> xs = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'X<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
public void testBug416183() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> xs = new X<String>();\n" +
"\"\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
// See, point 4.
public void testSubstitution() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull List<@NonNull T> l) {\n" +
" return l.get(0);\n" +
" } \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> s = new X<>();\n" +
" ArrayList<String>()); // (1)\n" +
"; // (2)\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. INFO in (at line 6)\n" +
" return l.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'@NonNull List<@NonNull T>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" +
" ArrayList<String>()); // (1)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'ArrayList<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull List<@NonNull String>\', corresponding supertype is 'List<String>'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
"; // (2)\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull List<@NonNull String>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// See, point 4.
public void testSubstitution2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull T @NonNull [] l) {\n" +
" return l[0];\n" +
" } \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> s = new X<>();\n" +
" String [] { null });\n" +
" String @Nullable [] { null });\n" +
" String @NonNull [] { null });\n" +
" @Nullable String @NonNull [] { null });\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [] { \"\" });\n" +
"; // (2)\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" +
" String [] { null });\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" +
" String @Nullable [] { null });\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String @Nullable[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" String @NonNull [] { null });\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String @NonNull[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" @Nullable String @NonNull [] { null });\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
"; // (2)\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// See, point 4.
public void testSubstitution3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T foo(@NonNull T l) {\n" +
" return l;\n" +
" } \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> s = new X<>();\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// See, point 4.
public void testSubstitution4() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface TypeAnnotation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" class Y {}\n" +
" void foo(@TypeAnnotation X<T>.@NonNull Y l) {\n" +
" } \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> s = new X<>();\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X<String>.@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// See, point 4.
public void testSubstitution5() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" void foo(@NonNull X<@NonNull ? extends T> p) {\n" +
" } \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" X<String> s = new X<>();\n" +
" X<@NonNull String> s2 = new X<@NonNull String>();\n" +
";\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
";\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull X<@NonNull ? extends String>\'\n" +
// - [1.8][null] Null safety compromise during array creation.
// original test case
public void testArray1() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [] s = new @NonNull String [] { null };\n" +
" if (s != null && s[0] != null) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"Not null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" System.out.println(\"Length = \" + s[0].length());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [] s = new @NonNull String [] { null };\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" if (s != null && s[0] != null) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' against null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" if (s != null && s[0] != null) {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull String\' against null\n" +
// - [1.8][null] Null safety compromise during array creation.
// two-dim array with annotations on dimensions
public void testArray2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [][] s1 = new @NonNull String @NonNull [][] { null, { null} }; // problem at inner null\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [][] s2 = new @NonNull String [] @NonNull [] { null, { null} }; // problem at both nulls\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [][] s1 = new @NonNull String @NonNull [][] { null, { null} }; // problem at inner null\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [][] s2 = new @NonNull String [] @NonNull [] { null, { null} }; // problem at both nulls\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull [][] s2 = new @NonNull String [] @NonNull [] { null, { null} }; // problem at both nulls\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// - [1.8][null] Null safety compromise during array creation.
// three-dim array with annotations on dimensions, also assignment has a problem
public void testArray3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" @NonNull String [][] @NonNull [] s = new @NonNull String []@NonNull [][] { null, { {null}, null/*ok*/ } };\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String [][] @NonNull [] s = new @NonNull String []@NonNull [][] { null, { {null}, null/*ok*/ } };\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'@NonNull String [] @NonNull[] []\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String [] [] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String [][] @NonNull [] s = new @NonNull String []@NonNull [][] { null, { {null}, null/*ok*/ } };\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] []\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String [][] @NonNull [] s = new @NonNull String []@NonNull [][] { null, { {null}, null/*ok*/ } };\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug417759() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" void foo(@NonNull X<@NonNull ?> l) { \n" +
" } \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" @NonNull X<String> s = new X<>();\n" +
"; // String vs. @NonNull ?\n" +
" @NonNull X<@Nullable String> s2 = new X<>();\n" +
"; // @Nullable String vs. @NonNull ?\n" +
" @NonNull X<@NonNull String> s3 = new X<>();\n" +
"; // good\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
"; // String vs. @NonNull ?\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'@NonNull X<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull X<@NonNull ?>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
"; // @Nullable String vs. @NonNull ?\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull X<@NonNull ?>\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull X<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
public void testTypeVariable1() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Junk {\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X<@NonNull T> {\n" +
" T t = null;\n" +
" @Junk T t2 = null;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" T t = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull T\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" @Junk T t2 = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull T\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// free type variable does not ensure @NonNull, but cannot accept null either, unbounded type variable
public void testTypeVariable2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" void consumeAny(T t) {\n" +
" consume(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consumeNullable(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" consume(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consume(@NonNull T t) {}\n" +
" void consumeObject(@NonNull Object o) {}\n" +
" T produce() {\n" +
" return null; // error, T may not accept null\n" +
" }\n" +
" T produceFromNullable(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" return t; // error, T may not accept nullable\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" consume(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" consume(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" return null; // error, T may not accept null\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable 'T'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" return t; // error, T may not accept nullable\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\', where \'T\' is a free type variable\n" +
// free type variable does not ensure @NonNull, but cannot accept null either, type variable with upper bound
public void testTypeVariable3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X<T extends Number> {\n" +
" void consumeAny(T t) {\n" +
" consume(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consumeNullable(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" consume(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consume(@NonNull T t) {}\n" +
" void consumeObject(@NonNull Object o) {}\n" +
" T produce() {\n" +
" return null; // error, T may not accept null\n" +
" }\n" +
" T produceFromNullable(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" return t; // error, T may not accept nullable\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" consume(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, t can be null\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" consume(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull T extends Number\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T extends Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" consumeObject(t); // error, both sides explicit, mismatch\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T extends Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" return null; // error, T may not accept null\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" return t; // error, T may not accept nullable\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T extends Number\', where \'T\' is a free type variable\n" +
// free type variable is compatible to itself even with different not null-related type annotations
public void testTypeVariable4() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE) @interface TypeMarker {}\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T passThrough1(@TypeMarker T t) {\n" +
" return t; // OK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @TypeMarker T passThrough2(T t) {\n" +
" return t; // OK\n" +
" }\n" +
" @TypeMarker T passThrough3(@Nullable @TypeMarker T t) {\n" +
" return t; // Not OK\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return t; // Not OK\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\', where 'T' is a free type variable\n" +
public void testTypeVariable5() {
new String[] {
"@FunctionalInterface\n" +
"public interface ExFunction<T, R, E extends Exception> {\n" +
" R apply(T t1) throws E;\n" +
"\n" +
" default <V> ExFunction<V, R, E> compose(ExFunction<? super V, ? extends T, E> before) {\n" +
" java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(before);\n" +
" //warning on before.apply(v):\n" +
" //Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type 'capture#of ? extends T' needs unchecked conversion to conform to 'T'\n" +
" return (V v) -> apply(before.apply(v));\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testSE7AnnotationCopy() { // we were dropping annotations here, but null analysis worked already since the tagbits were not "dropped", just the same capturing in a test
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface T {\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" class Y {}\n" +
" void foo(@T X.@NonNull Y p) {\n" +
" foo(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" foo(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X.@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testWildcardCapture() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface T {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<X> ax = new ArrayList<X>();\n" +
" ax.add(new X());\n" +
" List<? extends X> lx = ax;\n" +
" getAdd(lx);\n" +
" }\n" +
" static <@NonNull P> void getAdd(List<P> lt) {\n" +
" lt.add(lt.get(0));\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" +
" getAdd(lx);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'List<capture#of ? extends X>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'List<@NonNull capture#of ? extends X>\'\n" +
public void testWildcardCapture2() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface T {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<@NonNull X> ax = new ArrayList<@NonNull X>();\n" +
" ax.add(new X());\n" +
" List<@NonNull ? extends X> lx = ax;\n" +
" getAdd(lx);\n" +
" }\n" +
" static <@NonNull P> void getAdd(List<P> lt) {\n" +
" lt.add(lt.get(0));\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testWildcardCapture3() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface T {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<@Nullable X> ax = new ArrayList<@Nullable X>();\n" +
" ax.add(new X());\n" +
" List<@Nullable ? extends X> lx = ax;\n" +
" getAdd(lx);\n" +
" }\n" +
" static <@NonNull P> void getAdd(List<P> lt) {\n" +
" lt.add(lt.get(0));\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" getAdd(lx);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull capture#of ? extends X>\' but this expression has type \'List<@Nullable capture#of ? extends X>\'\n" +
public void testLocalArrays() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface T {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" class L {};\n" +
" L @NonNull [] @Nullable [] la = new L[5][];\n" +
" L @Nullable [] @NonNull [] la2 = new L[3][];\n" +
" la = la2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" L @NonNull [] @Nullable [] la = new L[5][];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'L[][]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'L @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 14)\n" +
" L @Nullable [] @NonNull [] la2 = new L[3][];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'L[][]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'L @Nullable[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" la = la2;\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'L @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\' but this expression has type \'L @Nullable[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
// Without annotations.
false /* don't flush output dir */,
new String[] {
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" class L {};\n" +
" L [] [] la = new L[5][];\n" +
" L [] [] la2 = new L[3][];\n" +
" la = la2;\n" +
" System.out.println(\"Done\");\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testRawType() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" class Y <P> {}\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" @NonNull X x = null;\n" +
" X.@NonNull Y xy = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull X x = null;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"X is a raw type. References to generic type X<T> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull X x = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull X\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" X.@NonNull Y xy = null;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"X.Y is a raw type. References to generic type X<T>.Y<P> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" X.@NonNull Y xy = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'X.@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
//, [1.8][null] AIOOB in null analysis code.
public void test420456() {
final Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import java.util.Arrays;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String [] args) {\n" +
" Integer [] array = new Integer[] { 1234, 5678, 789 };\n" +
" Arrays.sort(array, Integer::compare);\n" +
" System.out.println(\"\" + array[0] + array[1] + array[2]);\n" +
" }\n" +
//, [1.8] NPE in NullAnnotationMatching with inlined lambda expression used with a raw type
public void test422134() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.Collections;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String args[]) {\n" +
" Collections.sort(new ArrayList(), (o1, o2) -> {\n" +
" return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o1);\n" +
" });\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" Collections.sort(new ArrayList(), (o1, o2) -> {\n" +
" return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o1);\n" +
" });\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Type safety: Unchecked invocation sort(ArrayList, (<no type> o1, <no type> o2) -> {})" +
" of the generic method sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) of type Collections\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" Collections.sort(new ArrayList(), (o1, o2) -> {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Type safety: The expression of type ArrayList needs unchecked conversion to conform to List<Object>\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" Collections.sort(new ArrayList(), (o1, o2) -> {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"ArrayList is a raw type. References to generic type ArrayList<E> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The method compareToIgnoreCase(Object) is undefined for the type Object\n" +
// should not try to analyze arguments of a polymorphic method call
public void testBug424725() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;\n" +
"\n" +
"public final class AnnotatedRecordMapper<T> {\n" +
" private MethodHandle afterLoadStore;\n" +
"\n" +
" public void invokeAfterLoadStore(Object object, Object database) {\n" +
" if(afterLoadStore != null) {\n" +
" try {\n" +
" afterLoadStore.invoke(object, database);\n" +
" }\n" +
" catch(Throwable e) {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug424727() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull public class X {\n" +
" static X singleton = new X();\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 1)\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull public class X {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation \'NonNull\' is not applicable at this location\n" +
// note: to be updated with
public void testBug424637() {
new String[] {
"import;\n" +
"import java.nio.file.Files;\n" +
"import java.nio.file.Path;\n" +
"import java.util.function.Function;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void method() {\n" +
" Function<Path, Stream<Path>> method = Files::walk;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" Function<Path, Stream<Path>> method = Files::walk;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unhandled exception type IOException\n" +
public void testBug424637a() {
new String[] {
"import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption;\n" +
"import java.nio.file.Path;\n" +
"import java.util.function.BiFunction;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface TriFunc<A,B,C,D> { D apply(A a, B b, C c); }\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static Stream<Path> myWalk(Path p, @NonNull FileVisitOption ... options) { return null; }\n" +
" public static void method() {\n" +
" BiFunction<Path, @Nullable FileVisitOption, Stream<Path>> method1 = X::myWalk;\n" + // one element varargs - nullity mismatch
" BiFunction<Path, @Nullable FileVisitOption[], Stream<Path>> method2 = X::myWalk;\n" + // pass-through array varargs - nullity mismatch
" BiFunction<Path, FileVisitOption[], Stream<Path>> method3 = X::myWalk;\n" + // pass-through array varargs - unchecked
" TriFunc<Path, @NonNull FileVisitOption, @Nullable FileVisitOption, Stream<Path>> method4 = X::myWalk;\n" + // two-element varargs - nullity mismatch on one of them
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" BiFunction<Path, @Nullable FileVisitOption, Stream<Path>> method1 = X::myWalk;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch at parameter 2: required \'@NonNull FileVisitOption\' but provided \'@Nullable FileVisitOption\' via method descriptor BiFunction<Path,FileVisitOption,Stream<Path>>.apply(Path, FileVisitOption)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" BiFunction<Path, @Nullable FileVisitOption[], Stream<Path>> method2 = X::myWalk;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch at parameter 2: required \'@NonNull FileVisitOption []\' but provided \'@Nullable FileVisitOption []\' via method descriptor BiFunction<Path,FileVisitOption[],Stream<Path>>.apply(Path, FileVisitOption[])\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" BiFunction<Path, FileVisitOption[], Stream<Path>> method3 = X::myWalk;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: parameter 2 provided via method descriptor BiFunction<Path,FileVisitOption[],Stream<Path>>.apply(Path, FileVisitOption[]) needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull FileVisitOption []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" TriFunc<Path, @NonNull FileVisitOption, @Nullable FileVisitOption, Stream<Path>> method4 = X::myWalk;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch at parameter 3: required \'@NonNull FileVisitOption\' but provided \'@Nullable FileVisitOption\' via method descriptor TriFunc<Path,FileVisitOption,FileVisitOption,Stream<Path>>.apply(Path, FileVisitOption, FileVisitOption)\n" +
public void testBug424637_comment3() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.function.Consumer;\n" +
"public class VarArgsMethodReferenceTest {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] argv) {\n" +
" Consumer<String> printffer;\n" +
" printffer = System.out::printf;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug427163() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consume(@NonNull String @Nullable... strings) {\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug427163b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consume1(@NonNull @Nullable String @Nullable[] strings) {}\n" +
" void consume2(@Nullable String @NonNull @Nullable... strings) {}\n" +
" void consume3(@Nullable String[] @NonNull @Nullable[] strings) {}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" void consume1(@NonNull @Nullable String @Nullable[] strings) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" void consume2(@Nullable String @NonNull @Nullable... strings) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" void consume3(@Nullable String[] @NonNull @Nullable[] strings) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
public void testBug427163c() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" String[][] strings0 = new @NonNull String @Nullable[] @Nullable[] {};\n" +
" String[] strings1 = new String @NonNull @Nullable[] {};\n" +
" Object[] objects2 = new Object @NonNull @Nullable[1];\n" +
" String[] strings3 = new @NonNull @Nullable String [1];\n" +
" String[] strings4 = new @NonNull String @Nullable @NonNull[1];\n" +
" String[][] strings5 = new String[] @NonNull @Nullable[] {};\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" String[] strings1 = new String @NonNull @Nullable[] {};\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" Object[] objects2 = new Object @NonNull @Nullable[1];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" String[] strings3 = new @NonNull @Nullable String [1];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" String[] strings4 = new @NonNull String @Nullable @NonNull[1];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" String[][] strings5 = new String[] @NonNull @Nullable[] {};\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
// assorted tests with upper-bounded wildcards with null annotations
public void testTypeBounds1() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class A { }\n" +
"class B extends A {}\n" +
"public class C {\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull A testExtends(List<@NonNull B> lb1, List<@Nullable B> lb2, boolean f) {\n" +
" List<? extends @NonNull A> la1 = lb1;\n" +
" la1.add(null); // ERR1\n" +
" if (la1.size() > 0)\n" +
" return la1.get(0); // OK\n" +
" la1 = lb2; // ERR2\n" +
" List<? extends @Nullable A> la2 = lb1; // OK\n" +
" la2.add(null); // ERR3\n" +
" if (la2.size() > 0)\n" +
" return la2.get(0); // ERR4\n" +
" la2 = lb2; // OK\n" +
" if (f)\n" +
" return mExtends1(lb1); // OK, since we infer T to @NonNull B\n" +
" return mExtends2(lb1);\n" +
" }\n" +
" <T extends @Nullable A> T mExtends1(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR5*/ }\n" +
" <T extends @NonNull A> T mExtends2(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR6*/ }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" la1.add(null); // ERR1\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'? extends @NonNull A\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. INFO in (at line 14)\n" +
" return la1.get(0); // OK\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'List<capture#of ? extends @NonNull A>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" la1 = lb2; // ERR2\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<? extends @NonNull A>\' but this expression has type \'List<@Nullable B>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" la2.add(null); // ERR3\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'? extends @Nullable A\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" +
" return la2.get(0); // ERR4\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull A\' but this expression has type \'capture#of ? extends @Nullable A\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 25)\n" +
" <T extends @Nullable A> T mExtends1(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR5*/ }\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T extends @Nullable A\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" +
" <T extends @NonNull A> T mExtends2(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR6*/ }\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T extends @NonNull A\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// assorted tests with lower-bounded wildcards with null annotations
public void testTypeBounds2() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class A { }\n" +
"class B extends A {}\n" +
"public class C {\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull Object testSuper(List<@Nullable A> la1, List<@NonNull A> la2, boolean f) {\n" +
" List<? super @NonNull B> lb1 = la1; // OK\n" +
" lb1.add(null); // ERR1\n" +
" if (lb1.size() > 0)\n" +
" return lb1.get(0); // ERR2\n" +
" lb1 = la2; // OK\n" +
" List<? super @Nullable B> lb2 = la1;\n" +
" lb2.add(null);\n" +
" if (lb2.size() > 0)\n" +
" return lb2.get(0); // ERR3\n" +
" lb2 = la2; // ERR4\n" +
" if (f)\n" +
" return mSuper1(la1); // ERR5\n" +
" return mSuper2(la1); // ERR6 on arg\n" +
" }\n" +
" <T extends @Nullable A> T mSuper1(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR7*/ }\n" +
" <T extends @NonNull A> T mSuper2(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR8*/ }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" lb1.add(null); // ERR1\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'? super @NonNull B\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" return lb1.get(0); // ERR2\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'capture#of ? super @NonNull B\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" +
" return lb2.get(0); // ERR3\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'capture#of ? super @Nullable B\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" +
" lb2 = la2; // ERR4\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<? super @Nullable B>\' but this expression has type \'List<@NonNull A>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 22)\n" +
" return mSuper1(la1); // ERR5\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable A\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 23)\n" +
" return mSuper2(la1); // ERR6 on arg\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull A>\' but this expression has type \'List<@Nullable A>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in (at line 25)\n" +
" <T extends @Nullable A> T mSuper1(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR7*/ }\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T extends @Nullable A\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" +
" <T extends @NonNull A> T mSuper2(List<T> t) { return null; /*ERR8*/ }\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T extends @NonNull A\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// assigning values upper bounded wildcard types carrying null annotations
public void testTypeBounds3() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class A { }\n" +
"class B extends A {}\n" +
"public class C {\n" +
" \n" +
" void testExtends(List<? extends @NonNull B> lb1, List<? extends @Nullable B> lb2) {\n" +
" List<? extends @NonNull A> la1 = lb1;\n" +
" la1 = lb2; // ERR\n" +
" List<? extends @Nullable A> la2 = lb1;\n" +
" la2 = lb2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" la1 = lb2; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<? extends @NonNull A>\' but this expression has type \'List<capture#of ? extends @Nullable B>\'\n" +
// assigning values lower bounded wildcard types carrying null annotations
public void testTypeBounds4() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class A { }\n" +
"class B extends A {}\n" +
"public class C {\n" +
" \n" +
" void testSuper(List<? super @Nullable A> la1, List<? super @NonNull A> la2) {\n" +
" List<? super @NonNull B> lb1 = la1; // OK\n" +
" lb1 = la2; // OK\n" +
" List<? super @Nullable B> lb2 = la1;\n" +
" lb2 = la2; // ERR4\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" lb2 = la2; // ERR4\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<? super @Nullable B>\' but this expression has type \'List<capture#of ? super @NonNull A>\'\n" +
//, [1.8][compiler] AIOOBE in AbstractMethodDeclaration.createArgumentBindings
public void test429387() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.function.BiFunction;\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"public interface X {\n" +
"static <BT, T extends BT, IS extends IntStream, E extends Exception> IntStreamy<E>\n" +
"internalFlatMapToInt(Functionish<BT, IS, E> mapper,\n" +
"Class<E> classOfE,\n" +
"Supplier<Stream<T>> maker) {\n" +
"BiFunction<Stream<T>, ToIntFunction<BT>, IntStream> func = (Stream<T> t, ToIntFunction<BT, IS> m) -> t.flatmmapToInt(m);\n" +
"return IntStreamy.fromFlatMap(func, mapper, classOfE, maker);\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" static <BT, T extends BT, IS extends IntStream, E extends Exception> IntStreamy<E>\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"IntStreamy cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" internalFlatMapToInt(Functionish<BT, IS, E> mapper,\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Functionish cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" BiFunction<Stream<T>, ToIntFunction<BT>, IntStream> func = (Stream<T> t, ToIntFunction<BT, IS> m) -> t.flatmmapToInt(m);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Incorrect number of arguments for type ToIntFunction<T>; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <BT, IS>\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" BiFunction<Stream<T>, ToIntFunction<BT>, IntStream> func = (Stream<T> t, ToIntFunction<BT, IS> m) -> t.flatmmapToInt(m);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"m cannot be resolved to a variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" return IntStreamy.fromFlatMap(func, mapper, classOfE, maker);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"IntStreamy cannot be resolved\n" +
public void testBug429403() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"class Person {}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" List<@NonNull Person> l = new ArrayList<@Nullable Person>();" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" List<@NonNull Person> l = new ArrayList<@Nullable Person>();}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull Person>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Person>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable Person>\'\n" +
public void testBug430219() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(int @NonNull [] x) {}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" void foo(int @NonNull [] x) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"NonNull cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
public void testBug430219a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE) @interface Marker{}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void foo(int @Marker[] x) {}\n" +
// apply null default to type arguments:
public void testDefault01() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" List<Number> test1(List<Number> in) {\n" +
" in.add(null); // ERR\n" +
" return new ArrayList<@Nullable Number>(); // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
" java.util.List<java.lang.Number> test2(java.util.List<java.lang.Number> in) {\n" +
" in.add(null); // ERR\n" +
" return new ArrayList<java.lang.@Nullable Number>(); // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" in.add(null); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" return new ArrayList<@Nullable Number>(); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull Number>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Number>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable Number>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" in.add(null); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" return new ArrayList<java.lang.@Nullable Number>(); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull Number>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Number>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable Number>\'\n" +
// apply null default to type arguments - no effect on type variable or wildcard, but apply strict checking assuming nothing
public void testDefault01b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT)\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" List<T> test(List<? extends Number> in) {\n" +
" in.add(null); // NOK, cannot assume nullable\n" +
" needNN(in.get(0)); // NOK, cannot assume nonnull\n" +
" return new ArrayList<@Nullable T>(); // NOK, cannot assume nullable for T in List<T>\n" +
" }\n" +
" void needNN(@NonNull Number n) {}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" in.add(null); // NOK, cannot assume nullable\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'? extends Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" needNN(in.get(0)); // NOK, cannot assume nonnull\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'capture#2-of ? extends java.lang.Number\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" return new ArrayList<@Nullable T>(); // NOK, cannot assume nullable for T in List<T>\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<T>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable T>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable T>\'\n" +
// apply null default to parameters:
public void testDefault02() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.PARAMETER)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number test1(Number in) {\n" +
" System.out.print(in.intValue()); // OK\n" +
" test1(null); // ERR\n" +
" return null; // OK\n" +
" }\n" +
" java.lang.Number test2(java.lang.Number in) {\n" +
" System.out.print(in.intValue()); // OK\n" +
" test2(null); // ERR\n" +
" return null; // OK\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" test1(null); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" test2(null); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// apply null default to return type - annotation at method:
public void testDefault03() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" Number test(Number in) {\n" +
" System.out.print(in.intValue());\n" +
" test(null); // OK\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// apply null default to field
public void testDefault04() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.FIELD)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field field may not have been initialized\n" +
// default default
public void testDefault05() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" void test1(Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test2(java.lang.Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field field may not have been initialized\n" +
//default default
public void testDefault05_custom() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"\n" +
"package test;\n",
"package test;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" void test1(Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test2(java.lang.Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 3)\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field field may not have been initialized\n" +
//default default
public void testDefault05_custom2() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
runner.shouldFlushOutputDirectory = false;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"\n" +
"package test;\n",
"package test;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" void test1(Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test2(java.lang.Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 3)\n" +
" Number field; // ERR since uninitialized\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field field may not have been initialized\n" +
// apply default to type parameter - inner class
public void testDefault06() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" class Inner<T> {\n" +
" T process(T t) {\n" +
" @NonNull T t2 = t; // OK\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test(Inner<Number> inum) {\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inum.process(null); // ERR on argument\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull T\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" void test(Inner<Number> inum) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inum.process(null); // ERR on argument\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
//apply default to type parameter - class above
public void testDefault06_b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER, DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT})\n" +
" class Inner<T> {\n" +
" T process(T t) {\n" +
" @NonNull T t2 = t; // OK\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER, DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT})\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void test(Inner<Number> inum) {\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inum.process(null); // ERR on argument\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull T\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inum.process(null); // ERR on argument\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// apply default to type bound - method in inner class
public void testDefault07() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" class Inner {\n" +
" <T extends Number> T process(T t, List<? extends Number> l) {\n" +
" @NonNull T t2 = t; // OK\n" +
" @NonNull Number n = l.get(0); // OK\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test(Inner inner) {\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inner.process(Integer.valueOf(3), new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>()); // WARN on 1. arg; ERR on 2. arg\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. INFO in (at line 8)\n" +
" @NonNull Number n = l.get(0); // OK\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'List<capture#of ? extends @NonNull Number>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" return null; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T extends @NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inner.process(Integer.valueOf(3), new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>()); // WARN on 1. arg; ERR on 2. arg\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Integer\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Integer\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inner.process(Integer.valueOf(3), new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>()); // WARN on 1. arg; ERR on 2. arg\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<? extends @NonNull Number>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable Integer>\'\n" +
//apply null default to type arguments:
public void testDefault01_bin() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @interface Important {}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" List<Number> test1(List<@Important Number> in) {\n" +
" return new ArrayList<@NonNull Number>();\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" void test(List<Number> in, X x) {\n" +
" x.test1(new ArrayList<@Nullable Number>()) // ERR at arg\n" +
" .add(null); // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" x.test1(new ArrayList<@Nullable Number>()) // ERR at arg\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<@NonNull Number>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Number>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable Number>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" .add(null); // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
//apply null default to parameters:
public void testDefault02_bin() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.PARAMETER)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number test1(Number in) {\n" +
" return null; // OK\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" @NonNull Number test(X x) {\n" +
" return x.test1(null); // error at arg, unchecked at return\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" +
" return x.test1(null); // error at arg, unchecked at return\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Number\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" return x.test1(null); // error at arg, unchecked at return\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
//apply null default to return type - annotation at method:
public void testDefault03_bin() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" Number test(Number in) {\n" +
" return new Integer(13);\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("deprecation");
runner.shouldFlushOutputDirectory = false;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" @NonNull Number test(X x) {\n" +
" return x.test(null); // both OK\n" +
" }\n" +
// apply null default to field - also test mixing of explicit annotation with default @NonNull (other annot is not rendered in error)
public void testDefault04_bin() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS) @interface Important {}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.FIELD)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @Important Number field = new Double(1.1);\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("deprecation");
runner.shouldFlushOutputDirectory = false;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"public class Y {\n" +
" void test(X x) {\n" +
" x.field = null; // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" x.field = null; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// default default
public void testDefault05_bin() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" Number field = new Long(13);\n" +
" void test1(Number[] ns) {\n" +
" ns[0] = null; // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" void test(X x, @Nullable Number @NonNull[] ns) {\n" +
" x.test1(ns); // OK since not affected by default\n" +
" x.field = null; // ERR\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" x.field = null; // ERR\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// apply default to type parameter - inner class
public void testDefault06_bin() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" static class Inner<T> {\n" +
" T process(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" void test(X.Inner<Number> inum) { // illegal substitution\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inum.process(null); // ERR on argument\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" void test(X.Inner<Number> inum) { // illegal substitution\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T extends Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inum.process(null); // ERR on argument\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// apply default to type bound - method in inner class
public void testDefault07_bin() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND)\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" static class Inner {\n" +
" <T extends Number> T process(T t, List<? extends Number> l) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" void test(X.Inner inner) {\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inner.process(Integer.valueOf(3), new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>()); // WARN on 1. arg; ERR on 2. arg\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inner.process(Integer.valueOf(3), new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>()); // WARN on 1. arg; ERR on 2. arg\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Integer\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Integer\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull Number nnn = inner.process(Integer.valueOf(3), new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>()); // WARN on 1. arg; ERR on 2. arg\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'List<? extends @NonNull Number>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>\', corresponding supertype is \'List<@Nullable Integer>\'\n" +
public void testBug431269() {
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class QField<R extends QField<R, ? >, T> {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" protected R m_root;\n" +
"\n" +
" public QField(@Nullable R root, @Nullable QField<R, ? > parent, @Nullable String propertyNameInParent) {\n" +
" m_root = root;\n" +
" }\n" +
"package p;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class PLogLine<R extends QField<R, ? >> extends QField<R, LogLine> {\n" +
" public PLogLine(@Nullable R root, @Nullable QField<R, ? > parent, @Nullable String name) {\n" +
" super(root, parent, name);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" public final QField<R, java.lang.String> lastName() {\n" +
" return new QField<R, java.lang.Long>(m_root, this, \"lastName\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"package p;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class LogLine {\n" +
" private String m_lastName;\n" +
"\n" +
" public String getLastName() {\n" +
" return m_lastName;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void setLastName(String property) {\n" +
" m_lastName = property;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 10)\n" +
" m_root = root;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull R extends QField<R extends QField<R,?>,?>\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable R extends QField<R extends QField<R,?>,?>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" return new QField<R, java.lang.Long>(m_root, this, \"lastName\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Type mismatch: cannot convert from QField<R,Long> to QField<R,String>\n" +
// was inferring null type annotations too aggressively
public void testBug432223() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" String val;\n" +
" public static @NonNull <T> T assertNotNull(@Nullable T object) {\n" +
" return assertNotNull(null, object);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static @NonNull <T> T assertNotNull(@Nullable String message, @Nullable T object) {\n" +
" if (object == null) {\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException(message);\n" +
" }\n" +
" return object;\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test(@Nullable X x) {\n" +
" @NonNull X safe = assertNotNull(x);\n" +
" System.out.println(safe.val);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug432977() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Bar {\n" +
" private String prop = \"\";\n" +
"\n" +
" public String getProp() {\n" +
" return prop;\n" +
" }\n" +
false /* flush */,
new String[] {
"public class Fu {\n" +
" private Bar fubar = new Bar();\n" +
" \n" +
" public void method() {\n" +
" fubar.getProp().equals(\"\");\n" +
" } \n" +
public void testBug433586() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.function.Consumer;\n" +
"public class NullConversionWarning<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public Consumer<T> peek2(Consumer<? super T> action) {\n" +
" // Null type safety: parameter 1 provided via\n" +
" // method descriptor Consumer<T>.accept(T) needs\n" +
" // unchecked conversion to conform to 'capture#of ? super T'\n" +
" Consumer<T> action2 = action::accept;\n" +
" return action2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" void foo(Consumer<? super T> action, T t) {\n" +
" Consumer<T> action2 = t2 -> action.accept(t2);\n" +
" action.accept(t);\n" +
" action2.accept(t);\n" +
" }\n" +
// NPE without the fix.
public void testBug433478() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault class Y { }\n" +
"\n" +
"interface I<T> {\n" +
" @Nullable T foo();\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault \n" +
"class X implements I<Y> {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public Y foo() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testTypeVariable6() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Assert {\n" +
" public static void caller() {\n" +
" assertNotNull(\"not null\"); // Compiler error\n" +
" assertNotNull(null); // Compiler error\n" +
" }\n" +
" private static @NonNull <T> T assertNotNull(@Nullable T object) {\n" +
" return object; // this IS bogus\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" return object; // this IS bogus\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
// - variant which has always worked
public void testTypeVariable6a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Assert {\n" +
" public static Object caller() {\n" +
" @NonNull Object result = assertNotNull(\"not null\");\n" +
" result = assertNotNull(null);\n" +
" return result;\n" +
" }\n" +
" private static @NonNull <T> T assertNotNull(@Nullable T object) {\n" +
" if (object == null) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" return object;\n" +
" }\n" +
// Bug 438458 - [1.8][null] clean up handling of null type annotations wrt type variables
// - type parameter with explicit nullness, cannot infer otherwise
public void testTypeVariable7() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface I1 <@NonNull T> { T get(); }\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" public void test(I1<@NonNull String> in) {\n" +
" @NonNull String s = m(in);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'U\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
// Bug 438458 - [1.8][null] clean up handling of null type annotations wrt type variables
// - type parameter with explicit nullness, nullness must not spoil inference
public void testTypeVariable7a() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_NULL_SPECIFICATION_VIOLATION, JavaCore.WARNING); // allow ignoring bad substitution
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface I1 <@NonNull T> { T get(); }\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" public void test1() {\n" +
" @Nullable String s = m(() -> \"OK\");\n" +
" System.out.println(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" new X().test1();\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 4)\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'U\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" @Nullable String s = m(() -> \"OK\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: function type was inferred as \'@NonNull @Nullable String ()\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
// Bug 438458 - [1.8][null] clean up handling of null type annotations wrt type variables
// - type parameter with explicit nullness, nullness must not spoil inference
public void testTypeVariable7err() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface I1 <@Nullable T> { T get(); }\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" public void test1() {\n" +
" @NonNull String s = m(() -> \"\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'U\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" <U> U m(I1<U> in) { return in.get(); }\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'U\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable U\', where \'U\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String s = m(() -> \"\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: function type was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull String ()\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
//Bug 435570 - [1.8][null] @NonNullByDefault illegally tries to affect "throws E"
public void testTypeVariable8() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test<E extends Exception> {\n" +
" void test() throws E {}\n" + // was: Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location
// Bug 438012 - Bogus Warning: The nullness annotation is redundant with a default that applies to this location
public void testTypeVariable9() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Bar<V> {\n" +
" V getV(V in);\n" +
" void setV(V v);\n" +
// Bug 439516 - [1.8][null] NonNullByDefault wrongly applied to implicit type bound of binary type
public void testTypeVariable10() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" void test(T t) {}\n" +
new String[] {
"public class Y {\n" +
" void foo(X<@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable String> xs) {\n" +
" xs.test(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
// Bug 439516 - [1.8][null] NonNullByDefault wrongly applied to implicit type bound of binary type
// Problem 1 from: Bug 438971 - [1.8][null] @NonNullByDefault/@Nullable on parameter of generic interface
public void testTypeVariable10a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" void test(@Nullable T t) {}\n" +
new String[] {
"public class Y {\n" +
" void foo(X<String> xs) {\n" +
" xs.test(\"OK\");\n" + // was: Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as ...
" xs.test(null);\n" + // was: Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as ...
" }\n" +
// Bug 439516 - [1.8][null] NonNullByDefault wrongly applied to implicit type bound of binary type
// warning for explicit "<T extends Object>"
public void testTypeVariable11() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault({DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND})\n" + // not: PARAMETER
"public class X<T extends Object> {\n" +
" void test(T t) {}\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" void foo(X<@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable String> xs) {\n" +
" xs.test(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 3)\n" +
" public class X<T extends Object> {\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The explicit type bound \'Object\' is not affected by the nullness default for DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND.\n" +
// Bug 438179 - [1.8][null] 'Contradictory null annotations' error on type variable with explicit null-annotation.
public void testTypeVariable12() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" private Fu<String> fu = new Fu<>();\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" fu.method(); // 'Contradictory null annotations' error\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"class Fu<T> {\n" +
" @Nullable T method() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
// Bug 438250 - [1.8][null] NPE trying to report bogus null annotation conflict
public void testTypeVariable13() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault(org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND)\n" +
"public interface FooBar {\n" +
" <@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable R extends Runnable> R foobar(R r);\n" +
// Bug 438469 - [null] How-to use null type annotations with generic methods from interfaces in some library you only have as binary JAR?
public void testTypeVariable14() {
new String[] {
"interface ITest {\n" +
" <T> T foo(T arg); // or arg Class<T> or TypeToken<T> + return TypeAdapter<T>, etc.\n" +
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"class Test implements ITest {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @SuppressWarnings(\"null\")\n" +
" public <T> @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable T foo(T arg) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
// Bug 438467 - [compiler][null] Better error position for "The method _ cannot implement the corresponding method _ due to incompatible nullness constraints"
public void testTypeVariable15() {
new String[] {
"interface ITest {\n" +
" <T> T foo(T arg); // or arg Class<T> or TypeToken<T> + return TypeAdapter<T>, etc.\n" +
"class Test implements ITest {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public <T> @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable T foo(T arg) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"class Test2 implements ITest {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public <T> T foo(@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull T arg) {\n" +
" return arg;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" public <T> @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable T foo(T arg) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with the free type variable 'T' returned from (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" public <T> T foo(@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull T arg) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter arg, inherited method from ITest does not constrain this parameter\n" +
// Bug 438467 - [compiler][null] Better error position for "The method _ cannot implement the corresponding method _ due to incompatible nullness constraints"
public void testTypeVariable15a() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"interface ITest {\n" +
" <T> T foo(List<T> arg); // or arg Class<T> or TypeToken<T> + return TypeAdapter<T>, etc.\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"class Test implements ITest {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public <T> T foo(List<@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull T> arg) {\n" +
" return arg.get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" public <T> T foo(List<@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull T> arg) {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter arg, inherited method from ITest declares this parameter as \'List<T>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. INFO in (at line 5)\n" +
" return arg.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'List<@NonNull T>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
// Possible error with inferred null annotations leading to contradictory null annotations
public void testTypeVariable16() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Y { void doit() {} }\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" void foo() {\n" +
" X x = new X();\n" +
" Y y =; // Error: Contradictory null annotations before the fix\n" +
" y.doit(); // check that @Nullable from bar's declaration has effect on 'y'\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public <T extends Y> @Nullable T bar() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" y.doit(); // check that @Nullable from bar's declaration has effect on 'y'\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable y may be null at this location\n" +
// Possible error with inferred null annotations leading to contradictory null annotations
// Method part of parameterized class.
public void testTypeVariable16a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Y {}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X <T> {\n" +
" void foo() {\n" +
" X<Y> x = new X<Y>();\n" +
"; // Error: Contradictory null annotations before the fix\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public @Nullable T bar() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testTypeVariable16b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Y {}\n" +
"class Y2 extends Y {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" void foo() {\n" +
" X x = new X();\n" +
"; // null arg is illegal\n" +
" }\n" +
" public <T extends @NonNull Y> @Nullable T bar(T t) {\n" +
" return null; // OK\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
"; // null arg is illegal\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Y\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// Bug 440143 - [1.8][null] one more case of contradictory null annotations regarding type variables
public void testTypeVariable17() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test7<@Nullable E> {\n" +
" E e;\n" +
"\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" E test() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" E getNotNull() {\n" +
" if (e == null)\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull E\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E\'\n" +
// Bug 440143 - [1.8][null] one more case of contradictory null annotations regarding type variables
// use local variable to avoid the null type mismatch
public void testTypeVariable17a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test7<@Nullable E> {\n" +
" E e;\n" +
"\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" E test() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" E getNotNull() {\n" +
" E el = e;\n" +
" if (el == null)\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" return el;\n" +
" }\n" +
// NPE reported in
public void testTypeVariable18() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Lib1 {\n" +
" <T extends Collection<?>> T constrainedTypeParameter(@NonNull T in);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" @NonNull Collection<?> test4(Lib1 lib, @Nullable Collection<String> in) {\n" +
" return lib.constrainedTypeParameter(in);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 10)\n" +
" return lib.constrainedTypeParameter(in);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Collection<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Collection<?>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" return lib.constrainedTypeParameter(in);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Collection<String>\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Collection<String>\'\n" +
public void testTypeVariable18raw() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Lib1 {\n" +
" <T extends Collection<?>> T constrainedTypeParameter(@NonNull T in);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" @SuppressWarnings(\"rawtypes\")\n" +
" @NonNull Collection test4(Lib1 lib, @Nullable Collection in) {\n" +
" return lib.constrainedTypeParameter(in);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" return lib.constrainedTypeParameter(in);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Collection\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Collection\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" return lib.constrainedTypeParameter(in);\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Collection\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Collection\'\n" +
// top-level annotation is overridden at use-site, details remain - parameterized type
public void testTypeVariable19() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"interface I<T,U extends List<T>> {\n" +
" U get0();\n" +
" @Nullable U get1();\n" +
" @NonNull U get2();\n" +
"}\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" static String test (I<@Nullable String, @NonNull ArrayList<@Nullable String>> i1,\n" +
" I<@NonNull String, @Nullable ArrayList<@NonNull String>> i2, int s) {\n" +
" switch(s) {\n" +
" case 0 : return i1.get0().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at detail\n" +
" case 1 : return i1.get1().get(0).toUpperCase(); // 2 problems\n" +
" case 2 : return i1.get2().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at detail\n" +
" case 3 : return i2.get0().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at top\n" +
" case 4 : return i2.get1().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at top\n" +
" case 5 : return i2.get2().get(0).toUpperCase(); // OK\n" +
" default : return \"\";" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" case 0 : return i1.get0().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at detail\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" case 1 : return i1.get1().get(0).toUpperCase(); // 2 problems\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get1() may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" case 1 : return i1.get1().get(0).toUpperCase(); // 2 problems\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" case 2 : return i1.get2().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at detail\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get(int) may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" +
" case 3 : return i2.get0().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at top\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get0() may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" +
" case 4 : return i2.get1().get(0).toUpperCase(); // problem at top\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get1() may return null\n" +
// top-level annotation is overridden at use-site, array with anotations on dimensions
public void testTypeVariable19a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"interface I1<T> {\n" +
" T @Nullable[] get0();\n" +
" @Nullable T @NonNull[] get1();\n" +
" @Nullable T @Nullable[] get2();\n" +
"}\n" +
"interface I2<T> {\n" +
" T @NonNull[] get0();\n" +
" @NonNull T @NonNull[] get1();\n" +
" @NonNull T @Nullable[] get2();\n" +
"}\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" static String test (I1<@NonNull String> i1, I2<@Nullable String> i2, int s) {\n" +
" switch (s) {\n" +
" case 0: return i1.get0()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on array\n" +
" case 1: return i1.get1()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on element\n" +
" case 2: return i1.get2()[0].toUpperCase(); // 2 problems\n" +
" case 3: return i2.get0()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on element\n" +
" case 4: return i2.get1()[0].toUpperCase(); // OK\n" +
" case 5: return i2.get2()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on array\n" +
" default: return \"\";\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" case 0: return i1.get0()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on array\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get0() may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" case 1: return i1.get1()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on element\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" +
" case 2: return i1.get2()[0].toUpperCase(); // 2 problems\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get2() may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" +
" case 2: return i1.get2()[0].toUpperCase(); // 2 problems\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 19)\n" +
" case 3: return i2.get0()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on element\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: array element may be null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" +
" case 5: return i2.get2()[0].toUpperCase(); // problem on array\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method get2() may return null\n" +
public void testTypeVariable20() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"interface I<@Nullable T> { }\n" +
"public class X implements I<String> {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" public class X implements I<String> {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
public void testBug434600() {
new String[] {
"package bug;\n" +
"public class Main {\n" +
" public static void main(final String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"Hello World\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"package bug;\n",
"package bug;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface ExpressionNode extends CopyableNode<ExpressionNode> {\n" +
" \n" +
"package bug;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface ExtendedNode {\n" +
" \n" +
"package bug;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface CopyableNode<T extends ExtendedNode> extends ExtendedNode {\n" +
" \n" +
"Hello World");
public void testBug434600a() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface I<S, T extends @Nullable List<@NonNull List<S>>> {\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class C implements I<@Nullable String, @Nullable ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n"
public void testBug434600a_qualified() {
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public interface I<S, T extends @Nullable List<@NonNull List<S>>> {\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class C implements p.I<java.lang.@Nullable String, java.util.@Nullable ArrayList<java.util.@NonNull List<java.lang.@Nullable String>>> {}\n"
public void testBug434600b() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface I<S, T extends @NonNull List<@NonNull List<S>>> {\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class C implements I<@Nullable String, ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n" +
"class C1 {\n" +
" I<String, @NonNull ArrayList<@Nullable List<String>>> field;\n" +
"}\n" +
"class C2 implements I<@NonNull String, @NonNull ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" public class C implements I<@Nullable String, ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull List<@NonNull List<S>>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" I<String, @NonNull ArrayList<@Nullable List<String>>> field;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull ArrayList<@Nullable List<String>>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull List<@NonNull List<S>>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" class C2 implements I<@NonNull String, @NonNull ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull List<@NonNull List<S>>\'\n" +
public void testBug434600b_qualified() {
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public interface I<S, T extends @Nullable List<@NonNull List<S>>> {\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class C implements p.I<@Nullable String, ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n" +
"class C1 {\n" +
" p.I<String, @Nullable ArrayList<@Nullable List<String>>> field;\n" +
"}\n" +
"class C2 implements p.I<@NonNull String, @Nullable ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" p.I<String, @Nullable ArrayList<@Nullable List<String>>> field;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ArrayList<@Nullable List<String>>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @Nullable List<@NonNull List<S>>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" class C2 implements p.I<@NonNull String, @Nullable ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>> {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ArrayList<@NonNull List<@Nullable String>>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @Nullable List<@NonNull List<S>>\'\n" +
public void testBug435399() {
new String[] {
"package bug;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Bug1 {\n" +
" public static <T> void method(@Nullable T value, T defaultValue) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" public void invoke() {\n" +
" method(Integer.valueOf(1), Boolean.TRUE);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug435962() {
new String[] {
"package interfaces;\n" +
"public interface CopyableNode<T extends ExtendedNode> extends ExtendedNode {\n" +
" public T deepCopy();\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"package interfaces;\n",
"package interfaces;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"public interface ExtendedNode {\n" +
" ExtendedNode getParent();\n" +
" void setParent(ExtendedNode newParent);\n" +
" int numChildren();\n" +
" void mutateNode(ExtendedNode root);\n" +
" void getAllNodes(ArrayList<ExtendedNode> array);\n" +
" ExtendedNode getNode(int nodeIndex);\n" +
" <N extends ExtendedNode> void getNodesOfType(Class<N> desiredType,\n" +
" ArrayList<N> array);\n" +
" <N extends ExtendedNode> @Nullable N getRandomNodeOfType(\n" +
" Class<N> desiredType, ExtendedNode root, ExtendedNode caller);\n" +
"package interfaces;\n" +
"public interface ValueNode extends ExtendedNode {\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"package framework;\n",
"package framework;\n" +
"\n" +
"import interfaces.CopyableNode;\n" +
"import interfaces.ValueNode;\n" +
"public abstract class BinaryOpNode<T extends ValueNode & CopyableNode<T>, O>\n" +
" extends EqualBinaryNode<T> implements ValueNode {\n" +
" @SuppressWarnings(\"unused\") private O op;\n" +
" \n" +
" protected BinaryOpNode(final T left, @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull final O op, final T right) {\n" +
" super(left, right);\n" +
" this.op = op;\n" +
" }\n" +
"package framework;\n" +
"\n" +
"import interfaces.CopyableNode;\n" +
"import interfaces.ExtendedNode;\n" +
"public abstract class EqualBinaryNode<T extends ExtendedNode & CopyableNode<T>>\n" +
" implements ExtendedNode {\n" +
" protected T left;\n" +
" protected T right;\n" +
" \n" +
" protected EqualBinaryNode(final T left, final T right) {\n" +
" this.left = left;\n" +
" this.right = right;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug440462() {
new String[]{
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class CompilerError {\n" +
"\n" +
" List<@Nullable ? extends Integer> list = new ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>();\n" + // FIXME: should be able to use diamond!
"\n" +
public void testBug440773() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.Comparator;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class CountingComparator<T> implements Comparator<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" private int m_accessCount = 0;\n" +
"\n" +
" private final Comparator<T> m_wrapped;\n" +
"\n" +
" public CountingComparator(final Comparator<T> wrapped) {\n" +
" m_wrapped = wrapped;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" public int compare(final T element1, final T element2) {\n" +
" m_accessCount++;\n" +
" return, element2);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug439298_comment2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"class R<T> {\n" +
" R(@Nullable T t) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"class A {}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Extract {\n" +
" R<A> test() {\n" +
" return new R<A>(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug439298_comment3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"class R<T> {\n" +
" R(@Nullable T t) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"class A {}\n" +
"public class Extract {\n" +
" R<A> test() {\n" +
" return new R<@NonNull A>(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug439298_comment4() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"class R<T> {\n" +
" R(@Nullable T t) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"class A {}\n" +
"public class Extract {\n" +
" R<@NonNull A> test() {\n" +
" return new R<>(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
// this code raised: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Type doesn't have its own method?
// at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SyntheticFactoryMethodBinding.applyTypeArgumentsOnConstructor(
public void testBug440764() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.Comparator;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER })\n" +
"public class Extract<T> implements Comparator<@NonNull T> {\n" + // FIXME: annot on 'T' shouldn't be needed
" public Extract(Comparator<T> wrapped) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public int compare(T o1, T o2) {\n" +
" return 0;\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" void test(final Comparator<@Nullable Integer> c) {\n" +
" new Extract<>(c).compare(1, null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" new Extract<>(c).compare(1, null);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'Comparator<@NonNull Integer>\' but this expression has type \'Comparator<@Nullable Integer>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" new Extract<>(c).compare(1, null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug440759a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X<T> {\n" +
" T test(T t) {\n" +
" @NonNull T localT = t; // err#1\n" +
" return null; // err must mention free type variable, not @NonNull\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull T localT = t; // err#1\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" return null; // err must mention free type variable, not @NonNull\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'T\'\n" +
// involves overriding, work done in ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier.checkNullSpecInheritance()
public void testBug440759b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Y<T> {\n" +
" T test(T t);\n" +
"}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X<T> implements Y<T> {\n" +
" public T test(T t) {\n" +
" @NonNull T localT = t; // err#1\n" +
" return null; // err must mention free type variable, not @NonNull\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" @NonNull T localT = t; // err#1\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" return null; // err must mention free type variable, not @NonNull\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'T\'\n" +
public void testBug438383() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault public class Foo {\n" +
" static void foo(Supplier<List<?>> f) { }\n" +
" \n" +
" static void test() {\n" +
" foo(ArrayList::new);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug437270() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Foo {\n" +
" void test(String[] arguments) {\n" +
" if (arguments != null) {\n" +
" String @NonNull [] temp = arguments;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug437270_comment3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Foo {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" @NonNull Object b = new Object();\n" +
" Object @NonNull[] c = { new Object() };\n" +
" \n" +
" test2( b );\n" +
" test3( c );\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" void test2(@Nullable Object z) { }\n" +
" \n" +
" void test3(Object @Nullable[] z) { }\n" +
public void testBug435841() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class ArrayProblem {\n" +
" private String[] data = new String[0];\n" +
" \n" +
" void error1() {\n" +
" foo(data); // Compiler error: required 'String @Nullable[]', but this expression has type 'String @NonNull[]'\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" private String[] foo(String @Nullable[] input) {\n" +
" return new String[0];\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" String @Nullable[] error2() {\n" +
" String @NonNull[] nonnull = new String[0];\n" +
" return nonnull; // Compiler error: required 'String @Nullable[]' but this expression has type 'String @NonNull[]'\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug441693() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
"public abstract class Foo {\n" +
" \n" +
" abstract <T> @NonNull T requireNonNull(@Nullable T obj);\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull String> iterable;\n" +
" \n" +
" Foo(@Nullable Iterable<@NonNull String> iterable) {\n" +
" this.iterable = requireNonNull(iterable); // (*)\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug441693other() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
"public abstract class Foo {\n" +
" \n" +
" abstract <T> @NonNull T requireNonNull(@Nullable T obj);\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull[] array;\n" +
" \n" +
" Foo(@NonNull String @Nullable[] arr) {\n" +
" this.array = requireNonNull(arr); // (*)\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Foo testWild1(@Nullable List<? extends @NonNull Foo> foos) {\n" +
" return requireNonNull(foos).get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull Foo testWild2(@Nullable List<@Nullable ? extends List<@NonNull Foo>> foos) {\n" +
" return requireNonNull(foos.get(0)).get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. INFO in (at line 17)\n" +
" return requireNonNull(foos).get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'@NonNull List<capture#of ? extends @NonNull Foo>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. INFO in (at line 20)\n" +
" return requireNonNull(foos.get(0)).get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'List<@NonNull Foo>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 20)\n" +
" return requireNonNull(foos.get(0)).get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
//, [1.8][compiler][null] Adding null annotation to return type causes IllegalStateException and sometimes InvocationTargetException
public void testBug439158() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import java.util.Set;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" class X {\n" +
" \n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public static <C extends Collection<?>, A extends C, B extends C>\n" +
" @Nullable A transform(B arg) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<X> list = null;\n" +
" Set<X> result = transform(list);\n" +
" }\n" +
//, [1.8][compiler][null] Annotation-based null analysis causes incorrect type errors
public void testBug434579() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"interface ExtendedNode {\n" +
" ExtendedNode getParent();\n" +
" void setParent(ExtendedNode newParent);\n" +
"}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class AbstractNode implements ExtendedNode {\n" +
" private ExtendedNode parent;\n" +
" protected AbstractNode() {\n" +
" parent = this;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public ExtendedNode getParent() {\n" +
" return parent;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void setParent(final ExtendedNode newParent) {\n" +
" parent = newParent;\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"public class UnequalBinaryNode<L extends ExtendedNode, R extends ExtendedNode>\n" +
" extends AbstractNode {\n" +
" private L left;\n" +
" private R right;\n" +
" public UnequalBinaryNode(final L initialLeft, final R initialRight) {\n" +
" left = initialLeft;\n" +
" right = initialRight;\n" +
" left.setParent(this);\n" +
" right.setParent(this); // error on this line without fix\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" left.setParent(this);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'L\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" right.setParent(this); // error on this line without fix\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'R\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
//[1.8][compiler][null] @Nullable annotation in type parameter causes NullPointerException in JDT core
public void testBug434582() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class ProgramNode {}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"interface ConcreteNodeVisitor<R, P> {\n" +
" R visit(ProgramNode node, P extraParameter);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X implements\n" +
" ConcreteNodeVisitor<Boolean, @Nullable Object> {\n" +
" public Boolean visit(ProgramNode node, Object extraParameter) {\n" +
" return Boolean.FALSE;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" public Boolean visit(ProgramNode node, Object extraParameter) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Missing non-null annotation: inherited method from ConcreteNodeVisitor<Boolean,Object> specifies this parameter as @NonNull\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" public Boolean visit(ProgramNode node, Object extraParameter) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Missing nullable annotation: inherited method from ConcreteNodeVisitor<Boolean,Object> specifies this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
//[1.8][compiler][null] @Nullable annotation in type parameter causes NullPointerException in JDT core
public void testBug434582a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class ProgramNode {}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"interface ConcreteNodeVisitor<R, P> {\n" +
" void visit(ProgramNode node, P extraParameter);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X implements\n" +
" ConcreteNodeVisitor<Boolean, @Nullable Object> {\n" +
" public void visit(ProgramNode node, Object extraParameter) {}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" public void visit(ProgramNode node, Object extraParameter) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Missing non-null annotation: inherited method from ConcreteNodeVisitor<Boolean,Object> specifies this parameter as @NonNull\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" public void visit(ProgramNode node, Object extraParameter) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Missing nullable annotation: inherited method from ConcreteNodeVisitor<Boolean,Object> specifies this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
//, [1.8][null]InternalError: Unexpected binding type
public void test443467() throws Exception {
new String[] {
"import java.nio.file.Path;\n" +
"import java.time.Instant;\n" +
"import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;\n" +
"import java.util.HashMap;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class BuildIdeMain {\n" +
"static void writeUpdates(Stream<Path> filter2, HashMap<Path, SimpleEntry<byte[], Instant>> ideFiles, HashMap<Path, Path> updateToFile) {\n" +
" -> new SimpleEntry<>(updateToFile.get(p), p->ideFiles.get(p)));\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" -> new SimpleEntry<>(updateToFile.get(p), p->ideFiles.get(p)));\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Cannot infer type arguments for SimpleEntry<>\n" +
public void testBug445227() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class Bar<E extends Bar.Foo<E>> {\n" +
" final Iterable<E> list;\n" +
"\n" +
" Bar() {\n" +
" this((Iterable<E>) emptyList());\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Bar(Iterable<E> list) { this.list = list; }\n" +
"\n" +
" private static <X extends Foo<X>> Iterable<X> emptyList() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }\n" +
"\n" +
" interface Foo<F extends Foo<F>> { }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" this((Iterable<E>) emptyList());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Type safety: Unchecked cast from Iterable<Bar.Foo<Bar.Foo<X>>> to Iterable<E>\n" +
//, [compiler] org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeSystem.cacheDerivedType
public void test446715() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" public Z.ZI @NonNull [] zz = new Z.ZI[0];\n" +
"public class Z {\n" +
" public class ZI {\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" Y y = new Y();\n" +
" y.zz = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" y.zz = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'Z.ZI @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is null\n" +
//, java.lang.IllegalStateException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.UnresolvedReferenceBinding.clone
public void test445669() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.FIELD)\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" public Z.ZI zzi = new Z().new ZI();\n" +
" public Z z = new Z();\n" +
"public class Z {\n" +
" public class ZI {\n" +
" }\n" +
new String[] {
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" Y y = new Y();\n" +
" y.zzi = null;\n" +
" y.z = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" y.zzi = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'Z.@NonNull ZI\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" y.z = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Z\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testArrayOfArrays() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.Arrays;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" String [] @Nullable [] @NonNull [] arr = new String[][][] {};\n" +
" ArrayList<String[][]> al = new ArrayList<String [][]>(Arrays.asList(arr));\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" String [] @Nullable [] @NonNull [] arr = new String[][][] {};\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[][][]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'String [] @Nullable[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
public void testBug447088() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class FullyQualifiedNullable {\n" +
" java.lang.@Nullable String text;\n" +
" java.lang.@Nullable String getText() {\n" +
" return text;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug448777() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class DoubleInference {\n" +
"\n" +
" @FunctionalInterface\n" +
" interface Func<@Nullable T> {\n" +
" T a(T i);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <X> X applyWith(Func<X> f, X x) { return x; }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull String test1() {\n" +
" return applyWith(i -> i, \"hallo\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test2(Func<String> f1, Func<@NonNull String> f2) {\n" +
" f1.a(null);\n" +
" f2.a(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" <X> X applyWith(Func<X> f, X x) { return x; }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'X\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" return applyWith(i -> i, \"hallo\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: function type was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull String (@Nullable @NonNull String)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" void test2(Func<String> f1, Func<@NonNull String> f2) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" void test2(Func<String> f1, Func<@NonNull String> f2) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" f2.a(null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull String a(@Nullable @NonNull String)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
public void testBug446442_comment2a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(@NonNull N arg2);\n" +
"\n" +
" void m(@Nullable T arg1);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Impl implements Baz {\n" +
" public void m(@NonNull Integer i) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" x= null;\n" +
" }; \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" public void m(@NonNull Integer i) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter i, inherited method from Foo<Integer,Integer> declares this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
// swapped order of method declarations
public void testBug446442_comment2b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(@Nullable T arg1);\n" +
"\n" +
" void m(@NonNull N arg2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Impl implements Baz {\n" +
" public void m(@NonNull Integer i) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" x= null;\n" +
" }; \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" public void m(@NonNull Integer i) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter i, inherited method from Foo<Integer,Integer> declares this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
// inherit from two different supers
public void testBug446442_comment2c() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo0<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(@Nullable T arg1);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Foo1<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(@NonNull N arg2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo1<Integer, Integer>, Foo0<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Impl implements Baz {\n" +
" public void m(@NonNull Integer i) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" x= null;\n" +
" }; \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 13)\n" +
" public void m(@NonNull Integer i) {}\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter i, inherited method from Foo0<Integer,Integer> declares this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
// merging @NonNull & unannotated in arg-position must answer unannotated
public void testBug446442_2a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(@NonNull N arg2);\n" +
"\n" +
" void m(T arg1);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" @NonNull Object o = x;\n" +
" }; \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" @NonNull Object o = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Integer\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
// merging @NonNull & unannotated in arg-position must answer unannotated - swapped order
public void testBug446442_2b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(T arg1);\n" +
"\n" +
" void m(@NonNull N arg2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" @NonNull Object o = x;\n" +
" }; \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" @NonNull Object o = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Integer\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
// using inherited implementation to fulfill both contracts
public void testBug446442_3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" void m(@NonNull N arg2);\n" +
"\n" +
" void m(T arg1);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"class Impl {\n" +
" public void m(Integer a) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"class BazImpl extends Impl implements Baz {}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void test(BazImpl b) {\n" +
" b.m(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
// unsuccessful attempt to trigger use of MostSpecificExceptionMethodBinding
public void testBug446442_4() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" abstract void m(@NonNull N arg2) throws Exception;\n" +
"\n" +
" default void m(T arg1) throws {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"abstract class Impl {\n" +
" public void m(Integer a) throws {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"class BazImpl extends Impl implements Baz {}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void test(BazImpl b) throws {\n" +
" b.m(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
// annotated return types
public void testBug446442_5() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T, N extends Number> {\n" +
" T m(T t);\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull N m(N n);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, Integer> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Impl implements Baz {\n" +
" public Integer m(Integer i) { return Integer.valueOf(0); }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> null;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" public Integer m(Integer i) { return Integer.valueOf(0); }\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Integer\' returned from Foo<Integer,Integer>.m(Integer) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is null\n" +
// conflicting annotations on type arguments
public void testBug446442_6a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T,C1 extends Collection<T>, C2 extends List<T>> {\n" +
" void m(C1 a1);\n" +
"\n" +
" void m(C2 a2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, ArrayList<@NonNull Integer>, ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Impl implements Baz {\n" +
" public void m(ArrayList<@NonNull Integer> i) {} // contradictory type cannot be implemented\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> { // contradictory type cannot be used as SAM\n" +
" x.add(null); // contradictory type cause errors at call sites\n" +
" }; \n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" public void m(ArrayList<@NonNull Integer> i) {} // contradictory type cannot be implemented\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter i, inherited method from Foo<Integer,ArrayList<Integer>,ArrayList<Integer>> declares this parameter as \'ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> { // contradictory type cannot be used as SAM\n" +
" x.add(null); // contradictory type cause errors at call sites\n" +
" }; \n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: function type was inferred as \'void (ArrayList<@NonNull @Nullable Integer>)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" x.add(null); // contradictory type cause errors at call sites\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'boolean add(@NonNull @Nullable Integer)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
// swapped order of method declarations + added return type
public void testBug446442_6b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"interface Foo<T,C1 extends Collection<T>, C2 extends List<T>> {\n" +
" C2 m(C2 a2);\n" +
"\n" +
" C1 m(C1 a1);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Baz extends Foo<Integer, ArrayList<@NonNull Integer>, ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>> {}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Impl implements Baz {\n" +
" public ArrayList<@NonNull Integer> m(ArrayList<@Nullable Integer> i) { return i; }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" x.add(null);\n" +
" x.get(0);\n" +
" return x;\n" +
" };\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" public ArrayList<@NonNull Integer> m(ArrayList<@Nullable Integer> i) { return i; }\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>\' returned from Foo<Integer,ArrayList<Integer>,ArrayList<Integer>>.m(ArrayList<Integer>) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" public ArrayList<@NonNull Integer> m(ArrayList<@Nullable Integer> i) { return i; }\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter i, inherited method from Foo<Integer,ArrayList<Integer>,ArrayList<Integer>> declares this parameter as \'ArrayList<@NonNull Integer>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" public ArrayList<@NonNull Integer> m(ArrayList<@Nullable Integer> i) { return i; }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'ArrayList<@NonNull Integer>\' but this expression has type \'ArrayList<@Nullable Integer>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" Baz baz= x -> {\n" +
" x.add(null);\n" +
" x.get(0);\n" +
" return x;\n" +
" };\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: function type was inferred as \'ArrayList<@NonNull @Nullable Integer> (ArrayList<@Nullable @NonNull Integer>)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 17)\n" +
" x.add(null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'boolean add(@Nullable @NonNull Integer)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 18)\n" +
" x.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull Integer get(int)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
public void testBug453475() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public abstract class TestMap extends AbstractMap<String,@Nullable String> {\n" +
"\n" +
}, null, "");
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static final void test(TestMap testMap) {\n" +
" testMap.putAll(new HashMap<String,@Nullable String>()); // Error: Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as 'void putAll(Map<? extends @NonNull String,? extends @NonNull @Nullable String>)', but only one of '@NonNull' and '@Nullable' can be effective at any location\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
}, null, "");
// also: don't apply default to use of type variable
public void testBug453475a() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public interface NamespaceStorage<T> \n" +
"{\n" +
"\n" +
" Set<T> getObjects(); \n" + // here <T> was wrongly read from .class as <@NonNull T>
" T getObject(T in);\n" +
}, null, "");
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class NamespaceStorageImpl<T> implements NamespaceStorage<T>\n" +
"{\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public Set<T> getObjects() \n" +
" {\n" +
" return new TreeSet<T>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public T getObject(T in)\n" +
" {\n" +
" return in;\n" +
" }\n" +
null, "");
// also: don't apply default to wildcard
public void testBug453475b() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public interface X {\n" +
"\n" +
" void test(List<?> list);\n" + // here <?> was wrongly read from .class as <@NonNull ?>
" \n" +
}, null, "");
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y {\n" +
" public void run(X x, @NonNull List<@Nullable String> s) \n" +
" {\n" +
" x.test(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
null, "");
public void testBug456236() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"class Nullsafe<T> {\n" +
" final @Nullable T t;\n" +
"\n" +
" Nullsafe(@Nullable T t) {\n" +
" this.t = t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static <U> Nullsafe<U> of(@Nullable U u) {\n" +
" return new Nullsafe<>(u); // compile error\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug456497() throws Exception {
new String[] {
"package libs;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
"import java.util.Iterator;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface Lib1 {\n" +
" <T> Iterator<T> unconstrainedTypeArguments1(Collection<@Nullable T> in);\n" +
" Iterator<@NonNull String> unconstrainedTypeArguments2(Collection<String> in);\n" +
"package tests;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
"import java.util.Iterator;\n" +
"\n" +
"import libs.Lib1;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test1 {\n" +
" Iterator<@NonNull String> test1(Lib1 lib, Collection<@Nullable String> coll) {\n" +
" return lib.unconstrainedTypeArguments1(coll);\n" +
" }\n" +
" Iterator<@NonNull String> test2(Lib1 lib, Collection<@Nullable String> coll) {\n" +
" return lib.unconstrainedTypeArguments2(coll);\n" +
" }\n" +
// original case
public void testBug456487a() {
new String[]{
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Optional<@NonNull T> {\n" +
" @Nullable T value;\n" +
" private Optional(T value) { this.value = value; }\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> Optional<T> of(T value) { return new Optional<T>(value); }\n" +
" public T get() { \n" +
" @Nullable T t = this.value;\n" +
" if (t != null) return t; \n" +
" throw new RuntimeException(\"No value present\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" public @Nullable T orElse(@Nullable T other) { return (this.value != null) ? this.value : other; }\n" +
// witness for NPE in NullAnnotationMatching.providedNullTagBits:
public void testBug456487b() {
new String[]{
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Optional<@Nullable T> {\n" +
" @Nullable T value;\n" +
" private Optional(T value) { this.value = value; }\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> Optional<T> of(T value) { return new Optional<T>(value); }\n" +
" public T get() { \n" +
" @Nullable T t = this.value;\n" +
" if (t != null) return t; \n" +
" throw new RuntimeException(\"No value present\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" public @Nullable T orElse(@Nullable T other) { return (this.value != null) ? this.value : other; }\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class OTest {\n" +
" public static void good() {\n" +
" Optional<String> os1 = Optional.of(\"yes\");\n" +
" @NonNull String s = os1.get();\n" +
" @Nullable String ns = os1.orElse(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void bad() {\n" +
" Optional<String> os = Optional.of(null);\n" +
" @NonNull String s = os.orElse(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> Optional<T> of(T value) { return new Optional<T>(value); }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull T\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> Optional<T> of(T value) { return new Optional<T>(value); }\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'void <init>(@Nullable @NonNull T)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> Optional<T> of(T value) { return new Optional<T>(value); }\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull T\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" Optional<String> os1 = Optional.of(\"yes\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" @NonNull String s = os1.get();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull String get()\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" @Nullable String ns = os1.orElse(null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull String orElse(@Nullable @NonNull String)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" Optional<String> os = Optional.of(null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" Optional<String> os = Optional.of(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" @NonNull String s = os.orElse(null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@Nullable @NonNull String orElse(@Nullable @NonNull String)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
public void testBug454182() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annot.NonNullByDefault");
String[] libs = this.LIBS.clone();
libs[libs.length-1] = this.getCompilerTestsPluginDirectoryPath() + File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "Test454182.jar";
new String[] {
"@annot.NonNullByDefault package p;\n"
public void testBug443870() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface Listener<T> {}\n" +
"interface I0<T,U extends Listener<T>> {}\n" +
"interface I1<T> extends I0<T,Listener<T>> {}\n" +
"class Y<S> {\n" +
" private @NonNull I0<S,Listener<S>> f;\n" +
" Y (@NonNull I0<S,Listener<S>> in) { this.f = in; }\n" +
" @NonNull I0<S,Listener<S>> getI() { return f; }\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X<V> extends Y<V> {\n" +
" private @NonNull I1<V> f;\n" +
" X (@NonNull I1<V> in) { super(in); this.f = in; }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" @NonNull I1<V> getI() { return f; }\n" +
public void testBug437072() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull int[][] ints = new int[3][4];\n" +
" @NonNull int[][] test1() { return new int[3][4]; }\n" +
" void test2(@NonNull boolean[][] bools) {\n" +
" @NonNull boolean[][] bools2 = bools;\n" +
" }\n" +
" List<@NonNull int[]> intslist;\n" +
" List<@NonNull int> intlist;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" @NonNull int[][] ints = new int[3][4];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation @NonNull is not applicable for the primitive type int\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull int[][] test1() { return new int[3][4]; }\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation @NonNull is not applicable for the primitive type int\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" void test2(@NonNull boolean[][] bools) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation @NonNull is not applicable for the primitive type boolean\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull boolean[][] bools2 = bools;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation @NonNull is not applicable for the primitive type boolean\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" List<@NonNull int[]> intslist;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation @Nullable is not applicable for the primitive type int\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in (at line 10)\n" +
" List<@NonNull int> intlist;\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Syntax error, insert \"Dimensions\" to complete ReferenceType\n" +
public void testBug448709() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_NULL_SPECIFICATION_VIOLATION, JavaCore.WARNING); // ensure program is runnable
compilerOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_PESSIMISTIC_NULL_ANALYSIS_FOR_FREE_TYPE_VARIABLES, JavaCore.WARNING); // ensure program is runnable
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import java.util.function.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
"\n" +
" /**\n" +
" * A null-annotated version of {@link Objects#requireNonNull(Object)}.\n" +
" */\n" +
" public static final <T> @NonNull T requireNonNull(final @Nullable T obj) {\n" +
" if (obj == null) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" return obj;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" /**\n" +
" * A null-annotated version of {@link Optional#map(Function)}.\n" +
" */\n" +
" public static final <T,U> @NonNull Optional<U> map(final @NonNull Optional<T> optional, final Function<@NonNull ? super T,? extends U> mapper) {\n" +
" if (!optional.isPresent()) return requireNonNull(Optional.empty());\n" +
" final T source = optional.get();\n" +
" final U result = mapper.apply(source);\n" +
" System.out.println(source+\"->\"+result);\n" +
" return requireNonNull(Optional.<U> ofNullable(result));\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" /**\n" +
" * A method with a {@link NonNull} {@link DefaultLocation#PARAMETER} and {@link DefaultLocation#RETURN_TYPE}.\n" +
" */\n" +
" public static final @NonNull Integer testMethod(final @NonNull String s) {\n" +
" final Integer r = Integer.valueOf(s);\n" +
" if (r == null) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" return r+1;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(final String[] args) {\n" +
" final @NonNull Optional<@Nullable String> optNullableString = requireNonNull(Optional.ofNullable(\"1\"));\n" +
"\n" +
" final Function<@NonNull String,@NonNull Integer> testMethodRef = Test::testMethod;\n" +
" map(optNullableString, testMethodRef);\n" +
"\n" +
" map(optNullableString, Test::testMethod); // Error: Null type mismatch at parameter 1: required '@NonNull String' but provided '@Nullable String' via method descriptor Function<String,Integer>.apply(String)\n" +
"\n" +
" map(optNullableString, (s) -> Test.testMethod(s));\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 21)\n" +
" final U result = mapper.apply(source);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 39)\n" +
" map(optNullableString, testMethodRef);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@NonNull Optional<@NonNull Integer> map(@NonNull Optional<@Nullable String>, Function<@NonNull ? super @Nullable String,? extends @NonNull Integer>)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 41)\n" +
" map(optNullableString, Test::testMethod); // Error: Null type mismatch at parameter 1: required \'@NonNull String\' but provided \'@Nullable String\' via method descriptor Function<String,Integer>.apply(String)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@NonNull Optional<@NonNull Integer> map(@NonNull Optional<@Nullable String>, Function<@NonNull ? super @Nullable String,? extends @NonNull Integer>)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in (at line 43)\n" +
" map(optNullableString, (s) -> Test.testMethod(s));\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null annotations: method was inferred as \'@NonNull Optional<@NonNull Integer> map(@NonNull Optional<@Nullable String>, Function<@NonNull ? super @Nullable String,? extends @NonNull Integer>)\', but only one of \'@NonNull\' and \'@Nullable\' can be effective at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in (at line 43)\n" +
" map(optNullableString, (s) -> Test.testMethod(s));\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
"1->2\n" +
"1->2\n" +
public void testBug448709b() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import java.util.function.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static final <T,U> void map(final @NonNull Optional<T> optional, final Function<@NonNull ? super T,? extends U> mapper) {\n" +
" final T source = optional.get();\n" +
" if (source != null) {\n" +
" final U result = mapper.apply(source);\n" +
" System.out.println(source+\"->\"+result);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug459967_Array_constructor() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface FI<T> {\n" +
" T @NonNull[] getArray(int size);" +
"}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consumer(FI<String> fis) {}\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" consumer(String[]::new);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug459967_Array_constructor_b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface FI<T> {\n" +
" @NonNull T @NonNull[] getArray(int size);" +
"}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consumer(FI<String> fis) {}\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" consumer(String[]::new);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
" consumer(String[]::new);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety at method return type: Method descriptor FI<String>.getArray(int) promises \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but referenced method provides \'String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
public void testBug459967_Array_clone() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface FI<T> {\n" +
" T @NonNull[] getArray(T[] orig);" +
"}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consumer(FI<String> fis) {}\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" consumer(String[]::clone);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug459967_Array_clone_b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface FI<T> {\n" +
" @NonNull T @NonNull[] getArray(T[] orig);" +
"}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void consumer(FI<String> fis) {}\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" consumer(String[]::clone);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 7)\n" +
" consumer(String[]::clone);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety at method return type: Method descriptor FI<String>.getArray(String[]) promises \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but referenced method provides \'String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
public void testBug448709_allocationExpression1() {
// inference prioritizes constraint (<@Nullable T>) over expected type (@NonNull String), hence a null type mismatch results
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface F0<T> {}\n" +
"class FI<@Nullable T> implements F0<T> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" abstract <Z> Z zork(F0<Z> f);\n" +
" @NonNull String test() {\n" +
" return zork(new FI<>());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" return zork(new FI<>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'F0<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'FI<@Nullable String>\', corresponding supertype is \'F0<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
public void testBug448709_allocationExpression2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"class F {\n" +
" <@Nullable U> F(U arg1, U arg2) {}\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" F f = new <@NonNull Integer>F(1,2);\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" F f = new <@NonNull Integer>F(1,2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Integer\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable U\'\n" +
public void testBug448709_allocationExpression3() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" class F {\n" +
" <@Nullable U> F(U arg1, U arg2) {}\n" +
" }\n" +
" F f = <@NonNull Integer>F(1,2);\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" F f = <@NonNull Integer>F(1,2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Integer\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable U\'\n" +
public void testBug465513() {
new String[] {
"package pack1;\r\n" +
"import java.math.BigInteger;\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
"interface A { Object m(Class c); }\r\n" +
"interface B<S extends Number> { Object m(Class<S> c); }\r\n" +
"interface C<T extends BigInteger> { Object m(Class<T> c); }\r\n" +
"@FunctionalInterface\r\n" +
"interface D<S,T> extends A, B<BigInteger>, C<BigInteger> {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in pack1\\ (at line 4)\n" +
" interface A { Object m(Class c); }\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Class is a raw type. References to generic type Class<T> should be parameterized\n" +
public void testBug455180() {
runConformTestWithLibs( // same warning from ecj & javac
new String[] {
"package projA;\n"+
"public class GenericType<T> {\n" +
"package projA;\n"+
"public class ClassWithRawUsage {\n"+
" public java.util.List<GenericType> method() {\n"+
" throw new RuntimeException();\n"+
" }\n"+
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in projA\\ (at line 4)\n" +
" public java.util.List<GenericType> method() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"GenericType is a raw type. References to generic type GenericType<T> should be parameterized\n" +
runConformTestWithLibs( // same warning from ecj & javac
new String[] {
"package projB;\n" +
"import projA.ClassWithRawUsage;\n" +
"import projA.GenericType;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class ClassThatImports {\n" +
" void test(ClassWithRawUsage cwru) {\n" +
" @NonNull GenericType gt = cwru.method().get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in projB\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull GenericType gt = cwru.method().get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"GenericType is a raw type. References to generic type GenericType<T> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. INFO in projB\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" @NonNull GenericType gt = cwru.method().get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'@NonNull List<@NonNull GenericType>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
public void testBug455180WithOtherAnnotation() {
new String[] {
"package proj0;\n"+
"@java.lang.annotation.Target({ java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE })"+
"public @interface MyAnnotation {}"
}, null, "");
runConformTestWithLibs( // same warning from ecj & javac
new String[] {
"package projA;\n"+
"public class GenericType<T> {\n" +
"package projA;\n"+
"public class ClassWithRawUsage {\n"+
" public java.util.List<@proj0.MyAnnotation GenericType> method() {\n"+
" throw new RuntimeException();\n"+
" }\n"+
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in projA\\ (at line 3)\n" +
" public java.util.List<@proj0.MyAnnotation GenericType> method() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"GenericType is a raw type. References to generic type GenericType<T> should be parameterized\n" +
new String[] {
"package projB;\n" +
"import projA.ClassWithRawUsage;\n" +
"import projA.GenericType;\n" +
"public class ClassThatImports {\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in projB\\ (at line 2)\n" +
" import projA.ClassWithRawUsage;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The import projA.ClassWithRawUsage is never used\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in projB\\ (at line 3)\n" +
" import projA.GenericType;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The import projA.GenericType is never used\n" +
// original test, witnessing NPE
public void testBug466713() {
new String[] {
"class Bug {\n" +
" java.util.Iterator<int @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable []> x;\n" +
// variant to ensure we are still reporting the error at the other location
public void testBug466713b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"class Bug {\n" +
" java.util.Iterator<@Nullable int @Nullable []> x;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" java.util.Iterator<@Nullable int @Nullable []> x;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation @Nullable is not applicable for the primitive type int\n" +
// variant to ensure we are not complaining against an unrelated annotation
public void testBug466713c() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface MyAnnot {}\n",
"class Bug {\n" +
" java.util.Iterator<@MyAnnot int @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable []> x;\n" +
// variant for
public void testBug466713d() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface MyAnnot {}\n",
"class Bug {\n" +
" boolean test(Object o) {\n" +
" return o instanceof java.util.Iterator<java.lang. @MyAnnot @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable String>;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" return o instanceof java.util.Iterator<java.lang. @MyAnnot @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable String>;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Cannot perform instanceof check against parameterized type Iterator<String>. Use the form Iterator<?> instead since further generic type information will be erased at runtime\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" return o instanceof java.util.Iterator<java.lang. @MyAnnot @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable String>;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness annotations are not applicable at this location \n" +
public void testBug466969() {
new String[] {
"public abstract class GenericType<T extends @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull Runnable> {\n" +
" abstract T get();\n"+
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class WildcardUsage {\n" +
" void f(GenericType<?> p) {\n" +
" p.get().run();\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug467032() {
new String[] {
"class Class1 {;\n"+
" enum E {}\n"+
" void m1(E @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable [] a) {}\n"+
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"class Class2 {;\n"+
" Class1 x;"+
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug467430() {
new String[] {
"public class A {\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
" void m(java.util.@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable Map<String, Integer> map) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void m2(A a) {\n" +
" final java.util.Map<String, Integer> v = null;\n" +
" a.m(v);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug467430mismatch() {
new String[] {
"public class A {\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
" void m(java.util.@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable Map<String, Integer> map) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void m2(A a) {\n" +
" final java.util.Map<String, @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable Integer> v = null;\n" +
" a.m(v);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug467430array() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" void m(@NonNull String @Nullable [] array) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void m2(A a) {\n" +
" final String[] v = null;\n" +
" a.m(v);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug467430arrayMismatch() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" void m(@NonNull String @Nullable [] array) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void m2(A a) {\n" +
" final @Nullable String @Nullable [] v = null;\n" +
" a.m(v);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug446217() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"package sol;",
"\n" +
"package sol;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface FuncList<A> {}\n" +
" \n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"unused\")\n" +
"final class Node<A> implements FuncList<A> {\n" +
" private final A a;\n" +
" private final FuncList<A> tail;\n" +
" \n" +
" Node(final A a, final FuncList<A> tail) {\n" +
" this.a = a;\n" +
" this.tail = tail;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"final class Empty<A> implements FuncList<A> {\n" +
" Empty() {}\n" +
"package sol;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" public static void main(final String[] args) {\n" +
" System.out.println(new Node<>(\"A\", new Empty<>()));\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("auxiliaryclass");
public void testBug456584() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import java.util.function.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static final <T,R> @NonNull R applyRequired(final T input, final Function<? super T,? extends R> function) { // Warning on '@NonNull R': \"The nullness annotation is redundant with a default that applies to this location\"\n" +
" return Objects.requireNonNull(function.apply(input));\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. INFO in (at line 9)\n" +
" return Objects.requireNonNull(function.apply(input));\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on substitution \'T=@NonNull capture#of ? extends R\'. Declaring type \'Objects\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 9)\n" +
" return Objects.requireNonNull(function.apply(input));\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'capture#2-of ? extends R\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug447661() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Two {\n" +
"\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
" public static Set<String> getSet() {\n" +
" return new HashSet<>();\n" +
" }\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class One {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void test() {\n" +
" Set<String> set = Two.getSet();\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug436091() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"package p;\n",
"package p;\n" +
"public class Program {\n" +
" private final ProgramNode program;\n" +
" " +
" public Program(final ProgramNode astRoot) {\n" +
" program = astRoot;\n" +
" }\n" +
" " +
" public Integer execute() {\n" +
" return program.accept(ExecutionEvaluationVisitor.VISITOR);\n" +
" }\n" +
" " +
" class ProgramNode {\n" +
" public <R> R accept(final ConcreteNodeVisitor<R> visitor) {\n" +
" return visitor.visit(this);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"package p;\n" +
"import p.Program.ProgramNode;\n" +
"public interface ConcreteNodeVisitor<R> {\n" +
" R visit(ProgramNode node);\n" +
"package p;\n" +
"" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"" +
"import p.Program.ProgramNode;\n" +
"" +
"public enum ExecutionEvaluationVisitor implements ConcreteNodeVisitor<Integer> {\n" +
" " +
" VISITOR;\n" +
" " +
" @Override" +
" public Integer visit(final ProgramNode node) {\n" +
" @SuppressWarnings(\"null\")\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" final Integer i = Integer.valueOf(0);\n" +
" return i;\n" +
" }\n" +
// re-compile only one of the above:
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"public class Program {\n" +
" private final ProgramNode program;\n" +
" " +
" public Program(final ProgramNode astRoot) {\n" +
" program = astRoot;\n" +
" }\n" +
" " +
" public Integer execute() {\n" +
" return program.accept(ExecutionEvaluationVisitor.VISITOR);\n" +
" }\n" +
" " +
" class ProgramNode {\n" +
" public <R> R accept(final ConcreteNodeVisitor<R> visitor) {\n" +
" return visitor.visit(this);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug474239() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"public class Test {\n" +
" static String s1 = null, s2 = null;\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" int val = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();\n" +
" switch (val % 2) {\n" +
" case 0:\n" +
" if (s1 != null)\n" +
" s2 = \"\";\n" +
" break;\n" +
" case 1:\n" +
" if (s1 != null) // compiler thinks s1 is never null at this point\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException(\"\");\n" +
" break;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug467482() {
new String[]{
"public abstract class Util {\n" +
" public static <T> @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable T f(T[] valuesArray, java.util.Comparator<T> comparator) {\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable\n" +
" T winner = null;\n" +
" for (T value : valuesArray) {\n" +
" if (winner == null) {\n" +
" winner = value;\n" +
" } else {\n" +
" if (, value) < 0) {\n" +
" winner = value;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" return winner;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug467482simple() {
// reduced example without generics that still exhibits the bug
new String[]{
"public abstract class Util {\n" +
"public static void f(Object unknown) {\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable\n" +
" Object winner = null;\n" +
" for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" +
" winner = unknown;\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (winner == null) {\n" +
" assert false;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug467482while() {
// even simpler with while loop
new String[]{
"public abstract class Util {\n" +
"public static void f(Object unknown, boolean flag) {\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable\n" +
" Object winner = null;\n" +
" while (flag) {\n" +
" winner = unknown;\n" +
" flag = false;\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (winner == null) {\n" +
" assert false;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug467482switch() {
// bug behaviour visible via switch
new String[]{
"public abstract class Util {\n" +
"public static void f(Object unknown, boolean flag) {\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable\n" +
" Object winner = null;\n" +
" switch (1) {\n" +
" case 1: winner = unknown;\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (winner == null) {\n" +
" assert false;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug467482regression() {
// simple regression test that verifies that possibly be the patch affected messages stay unchanged
new String[]{
"public abstract class Check {\n" +
" public static void check(@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull Object x) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void f(Object unknown, boolean flag) {\n" +
" check(unknown); // expected: null type safety warning\n" +
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable\n" +
" Object nullable = unknown;\n" +
" check(nullable); // expected: null type mismatch error\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 5)\n" +
" check(unknown); // expected: null type safety warning\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Object\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" check(nullable); // expected: null type mismatch error\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Object\'\n" +
public void testBug484735() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.HashMap;\n" +
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import java.util.Map.Entry;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class NullabilityLoopBug {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args)\n" +
" {\n" +
" Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();\n" +
" \n" +
" map.put(\"key\", \"value\");\n" +
" \n" +
" System.out.println(getKeyByValue(map, \"value\"));\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" private static <K, V> K getKeyByValue(Map<K, V> map, @Nullable V value)\n" +
" {\n" +
" @Nullable K result = null; // some nullability bug? assigning null results in compiler complaining 'result can only be null' below\n" +
" for (Entry<K, V> entry : map.entrySet())\n" +
" {\n" +
" boolean equals;\n" +
" if (value == null)\n" +
" equals = (entry.getValue() == null);\n" +
" else\n" +
" equals = value.equals(entry.getValue());\n" +
" \n" +
" if (equals)\n" +
" {\n" +
" if (result == null) // Incorrect warning: Redundant null check: The variable result can only be null at this location\n" +
" result = entry.getKey();\n" +
" else\n" +
" throw new IllegalStateException(\"Multiple matches for looking up key via value [\" + value + \"]: [\" + result + \"] and [\" + entry.getKey() + \"]\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" if (result == null) // Incorrect warning: Redundant null check: The variable result can only be null at this location\n" +
" throw new IllegalStateException(\"No matches for looking up key via value [\" + value + \"]\");\n" +
" \n" +
" return result; // Incorrect warning: Dead code\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug474239b() {
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"public class Test {\n" +
" static String s2 = null;\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" int val = (int) System.currentTimeMillis();\n" +
" switch (val % 2) {\n" +
" case 0:\n" +
" s2 = \"\";\n" +
" break;\n" +
" case 1:\n" +
" if (s2 != null)\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException(\"\");\n" +
" break;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug472663() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Callee {\n" +
" public static String staticOtherClass(String foo) {\n" +
" return foo;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public String instanceOtherClass(String foo) {\n" +
" return foo;\n" +
" }\n" +
// and now consume Callee.class:
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Function;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Caller {\n" +
" public void foo(final Callee callee) {\n" +
" Function<String, String> function;\n" +
"\n" +
" // assignments with warnings (wrong):\n" +
" function = Callee::staticOtherClass;\n" +
" function = callee::instanceOtherClass;\n" +
"\n" +
" // assignments with no warnings (ok):\n" +
" function = foo -> Callee.staticOtherClass(foo);\n" +
" function = foo -> callee.instanceOtherClass(foo);\n" +
" function = Caller::staticSameClass;\n" +
" function = this::instanceSameClass;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static String staticSameClass(String foo) {\n" +
" return foo;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public String instanceSameClass(String foo) {\n" +
" return foo;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug467094() {
new String[] {
"class A {;\n"+
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull String @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable [] x;\n"+
public void testBug467094_local() {
new String[] {
"public class X {\n"+
" void foo(@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull Object[] o) {\n"+
" o.hashCode();\n"+
" if (o != null) {\n"+
" System.out.print(o.toString());\n"+
" }\n"+
" }\n"+
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" if (o != null) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Redundant null check: The variable o cannot be null at this location\n" +
public void testBug467094_method() {
new String[] {
"class A {;\n"+
" @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull String @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable [] m(){\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" int usage(){\n" +
" if(m() == null) return 1; \n" +
" return 0; \n" +
" }\n"+
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug440398() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({})\r\n" +
"public class NullTest {\r\n" +
" public static @NonNull Object[] obj = null;\r\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\r\n" +
" obj = null;\r\n" +
" if (obj == null) { // WARNING 1\r\n" +
" System.out.println(\"NULL\"); // WARNING 2\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
" }\r\n" +
public void testBug440398_comment2() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({DefaultLocation.FIELD})\n" +
"public class MyClass {\n" +
" private @NonNull String [] names = new @NonNull String[]{\"Alice\", \"Bob\", \"Charlie\"};\n" +
"\n" +
" public String getName(int index) {\n" +
" String name = names[index];\n" +
" return name; /* statement A */\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug440398_comment2a() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault({org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD})\n" +
"package p;\n",
"package p;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class MyClass {\n" +
" private @NonNull String [] names = new @NonNull String[]{\"Alice\", \"Bob\", \"Charlie\"};\n" +
"\n" +
" public String getName(int index) {\n" +
" String name = names[index];\n" +
" return name; /* statement A */\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug481332() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" public void foo() {\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" List<@NonNull String> list = new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" checkNotNull(list); // OK\n" +
"\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull String> map = new HashMap<>();\n" +
" checkNotNull(map); // OK\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object @Nullable [] objects = new @NonNull Object[0];\n" +
" // Error: Null type mismatch (type annotations): required '@NonNull Object @NonNull[]' but this expression ...\n" +
" checkNotNull(objects);\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" public static <@Nullable T> T[] checkNotNull(T @Nullable [] array) {\n" +
" if (array == null) {\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" }\n" +
" return array;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <@Nullable T, C extends Iterable<T>> C checkNotNull(@Nullable C container) {\n" +
" if (container == null) {\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" }\n" +
" return container;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <@Nullable K, @Nullable V, M extends Map<K, V>> M checkNotNull(@Nullable M map) {\n" +
" if (map == null) {\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" }\n" +
" return map;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" checkNotNull(list); // OK\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'List<@NonNull String>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'C extends Iterable<@Nullable T>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" checkNotNull(map); // OK\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'Map<@NonNull String,@NonNull String>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'M extends Map<@Nullable K,@Nullable V>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 16)\n" +
" checkNotNull(objects);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@Nullable Object @Nullable[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Object @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug481322a() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Super<S, T extends List<S>> {\n" +
" S pick(T list) {\n" +
" return list.get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X extends Super<@NonNull String, List<@Nullable String>> {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public @NonNull String pick(List<@Nullable String> list) {\n" +
" return super.pick(list);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<@Nullable String> withNulls = new ArrayList<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" withNulls.add(null);\n" +
" System.out.println(new X().pick(withNulls).toUpperCase());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" return list.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 12)\n" +
" public class X extends Super<@NonNull String, List<@Nullable String>> {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'List<@Nullable String>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends List<S>\'\n" +
public void testBug477719() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
runner.customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull Number instantiate(@NonNull Class<? extends @NonNull Number> c) throws Exception {\n" +
" return c.newInstance();\n" +
" }\n" +
" void test(Double d) throws Exception {\n" +
" instantiate(Integer.class);\n" +
" instantiate(d.getClass());\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("deprecation");
public void testBug482247() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull String @NonNull[] s1 = new String[0];\n" + // expected type drives typing
" @Nullable String @NonNull[] s2 = new String[0];\n" + // expected type drives typing
" <T> @NonNull T first(@NonNull T @NonNull[] arr) {\n" +
" return arr[0];\n" +
" }\n" +
" void other(@Nullable String[] s) {\n" +
" s[0] = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @NonNull String test() {\n" +
" other(new String[0]);\n" + // unchanged semantics
" return first(new String[0]);\n" + // unchanged semantics
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" other(new String[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@Nullable String []\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" return first(new String[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\'\n" +
public void testBug482247_comment5() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Snippet {\n" +
" @NonNull String[] s1 = new String[0]; // No warning\n" +
" public void handleIncidentBeforeCreate() {\n" +
" @NonNull String[] s = new String[0]; // Warning\n" +
" String [] @NonNull[] s2 = new String[0][];\n" +
" String [] @NonNull[] @Nullable[] s3 = new String[0][][];\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug483146() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Foo {\n" +
"\n" +
" void example1() {\n" +
" @Nullable List<String> container = new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" @NonNull List<String> list = checkNotNull(container);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void example2() {\n" +
" @Nullable List<String> container= new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" @NonNull List<String> list = checkNotNull(container);\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNull <T, C extends Iterable<T>> C checkNotNull(C container) {\n" +
" if (container == null) {\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" }\n" +
" return container;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug483146b() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Foo {\n" +
"\n" +
" void example1() {\n" +
" @Nullable List<String> container = new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" @NonNull List<String> list = checkNotNull(container);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void example2() {\n" +
" @Nullable List<String> container= new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" @NonNull List<String> list = checkNotNull(container);\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" <T, C extends Iterable<T>> @NonNull C checkNotNull(@Nullable C container) {\n" + // <- variation: param is @Nullable
" if (container == null) {\n" +
" throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" }\n" +
" return container;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug473713() {
new String[] {
"package a;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class A1 {\n" +
" public class NestedInA1 {\n" +
" }\n" +
"package a;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class A2 {\n" +
" public static abstract class NestedInA2 {\n" +
" public final A1 a1 = new A1();\n" +
" protected abstract void handleApplicationSpecific(A1.NestedInA1 detail);\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package b;\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class B {\n" +
" public static a.A1 m(a.A2.NestedInA2 nestedInA2) {\n" +
" return nestedInA2.a1;\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug482228() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Super<S> {\n" +
" <T extends List<S>> S pick(T list) {\n" +
" return list.get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class X extends Super<@NonNull String> {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" <T extends List<@Nullable String>> @NonNull String pick(T list) {\n" +
" return super.pick(list);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" List<@Nullable String> withNulls = new ArrayList<>();\n" +
" withNulls.add(null);\n" +
" System.out.println(new X().pick(withNulls).toUpperCase());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 9)\n" +
" return list.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" <T extends List<@Nullable String>> @NonNull String pick(T list) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Cannot redefine null constraints of type variable \'T extends List<@NonNull String>\' declared in \'Super<String>.pick(T)\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 15)\n" +
" return super.pick(list);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T extends List<@Nullable String>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends List<@NonNull String>\'\n" +
public void testBug483527() {
final Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"public class Test {\n" +
" static final short foo;\n" +
" static {\n" +
" foo = 1;\n" +
" for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testMultipleAnnotations1() {
Map options1 = new HashMap<>(getCompilerOptions());
new String[] {
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE})\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {}\n",
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target({ElementType.TYPE_USE})\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {}\n",
"package p1;\n" +
"import*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestNulls {\n" +
" public @Nullable String weaken(@NonNull String theValue) {\n" +
" return theValue;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
Map options2 = getCompilerOptions();
options2.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_NonNullAnnotationSecondaryNames, "");
options2.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_NullableAnnotationSecondaryNames, "");
new String[] {
"package p2;\n" +
"import p1.TestNulls;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" @NonNull String test(TestNulls test, @Nullable String input) {\n" +
" return test.weaken(input);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" +
" return test.weaken(input);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in p2\\ (at line 6)\n" +
" return test.weaken(input);\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
public void test483952 () {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import java.util.function.Function;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void test1() {\n" +
" Function function = x -> x;\n" +
" String @Nullable [] z = test2(function, \"\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" <T> T @Nullable [] test2(Function<T, T> function, T t) {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test\\ (at line 6)\n" +
" Function function = x -> x;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Function is a raw type. References to generic type Function<T,R> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" String @Nullable [] z = test2(function, \"\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Type safety: Unchecked invocation test2(Function, String) of the generic method test2(Function<T,T>, T) of type Test\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" String @Nullable [] z = test2(function, \"\");\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Type safety: The expression of type Function needs unchecked conversion to conform to Function<String,String>\n" +
public void test484055() {
new String[] {
"interface A {\n" +
" public void f(String[] x);\n" +
"\n" +
" public void f2(String x);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class B implements A {\n" +
" public void f(String @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable [] x) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void f2(@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable String x) {\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug484108() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface Test <T0 extends Other> {\n" +
" public void a ( @NonNull T0 test );\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface Other { }\n"
false /* don't flush output dir */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import java.lang.reflect.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestImpl <T extends Other> implements Test<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" /**\n" +
" * {@inheritDoc}\n" +
" *\n" +
" * @see test.Test#a(java.lang.Object)\n" +
" */\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void a ( @NonNull T test ) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void main(String... args) {\n" +
" Class<?> c = TestImpl.class;\n" +
" Method[] ms = c.getDeclaredMethods();\n" +
" System.out.println(ms.length);\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug484954() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "");
new String[] {
CUSTOM_NULLABLE_CONTENT, // sic: declaration annotation
CUSTOM_NONNULL_CONTENT, // sic: declaration annotation
"import java.util.function.*;\n" +
"import*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Snippet {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void test() {\n" +
" doStuff((@NonNull Object[] data) -> updateSelectionData(data)); \n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" private void doStuff(Consumer<Object[]> postAction) { }\n" +
" private void updateSelectionData(final @NonNull Object data) { }\n" +
public void testBug484981() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class GenericWithNullableBound<T extends @Nullable Number> {\n" +
"package test1;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target({ TYPE_USE })\n" +
"@interface SomeAnnotation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class GenericWithNullableBound2<@SomeAnnotation T extends @Nullable Number> {\n" +
"package test1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class GenericWithNullable<@Nullable T> {\n" +
"package test1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class GenericWithNonNullBound<T extends @NonNull Number> {\n" +
"package test1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"public class ClassInSameProject {\n" +
" static void f1() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNullableBound<@NonNull Number>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void f2() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNullableBound2<@NonNull Number>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void f3() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNonNullBound<@Nullable Number>(); // error 1 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void f4() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNullable<@NonNull Number>(); // error 2 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test1\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" new GenericWithNonNullBound<@Nullable Number>(); // error 1 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test1\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" new GenericWithNullable<@NonNull Number>(); // error 2 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"import test1.GenericWithNonNullBound;\n" +
"import test1.GenericWithNullable;\n" +
"import test1.GenericWithNullableBound;\n" +
"import test1.GenericWithNullableBound2;\n" +
"public class ClassInOtherProject {\n" +
" static void g1() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNullableBound<@NonNull Number>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void g2() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNullableBound2<@NonNull Number>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void g3() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNonNullBound<@Nullable Number>(); // error 3 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void g4() {\n" +
" new GenericWithNullable<@NonNull Number>(); // error 4 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 16)\n" +
" new GenericWithNonNullBound<@Nullable Number>(); // error 3 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test2\\ (at line 19)\n" +
" new GenericWithNullable<@NonNull Number>(); // error 4 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T extends Object\'\n" +
// same testBinary06 but via SourceTypeBindings
public void testBug484981b() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1<T extends @NonNull Object> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <U, V extends @Nullable Object> void foo(U u, V v) {}\n" +
"package p;\n"+
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X2<@Nullable W extends Object> {}\n",
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import p.X2;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" X1<@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" + // incompatible: T has a bound constrained to @NonNull
" X2<@NonNull String> strings;\n" + // incompatible: W is constrained to @Nullable
" void test(X1<@NonNull String> x) {\n" + // OK
" x.<Y1, @NonNull Object>foo(this, new Object());\n" + // OK: 'extends @Nullable' is no restriction
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" X1<@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" X2<@NonNull String> strings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable W extends Object\'\n" +
// same testBinary06b but via SourceTypeBindings
public void testBug484981c() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
// fix the bug:
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public abstract class X1<T extends java.lang.@NonNull Object> extends ArrayList<T> {\n" +
" public <U, V extends java.lang.@Nullable Object> void foo(U u, V v) {}\n" +
"package p;\n"+
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X2<@Nullable W extends Object> {}\n",
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" p.X1<java.lang.@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" + // incompatible: T has a bound constrained to @NonNull
" p.X2<java.lang.@NonNull String> strings;\n" + // incompatible: W is constrained to @Nullable
" void test(p.X1<java.lang.@NonNull String> x) {\n" + // OK
" x.<Y1, java.lang.@NonNull Object>foo(this, new Object());\n" + // OK: 'extends @Nullable' is no restriction
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 3)\n" +
" p.X1<java.lang.@Nullable String> maybeStrings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" p.X2<java.lang.@NonNull String> strings;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable W extends Object\'\n" +
// same testBinary07 but via SourceTypeBindings
public void testBug484981d() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package p;\n" +
"public interface List<T> {\n" +
" T get(int i);\n" + // avoid IProblem.NonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyMethod against unannotated j.u.List
"package p;\n" +
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target(TYPE_USE)\n" +
"@interface Immutable {}\n" +
"public abstract class X1 {\n" +
" public <@NonNull U, V extends @Nullable Object> List<@NonNull Map<Object, @NonNull String>> foo(@Immutable X1 this, U u, V v) { return null; }\n" +
"import p.X1;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class Y1 {\n" +
" void test(X1 x) {\n" +
" x.<@NonNull Y1, @NonNull Object>foo(this, new Object())\n" + // OK: 'extends @Nullable' is no restriction
" .get(0).put(null, null);\n" + // second null is illegal
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" .get(0).put(null, null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug466562() {
new String[] {
"package x;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
"public class C <T1 extends @Nullable Number> {\n" +
" String consume(T1 t) {\n" +
" @NonNull Object x = t; // error, should warn?\n" +
" x.toString();\n" +
" return t.toString(); // legal???\n" +
" }\n" +
" void y() {\n" +
" consume(null); // illegal - OK\n" +
" @NonNull Object t = provide(); // error, should warn?\n" +
" t.toString();\n" +
" }\n" +
" T1 provide() {\n" +
" return null; // error, should warn?\n" +
" }\n" +
" C<Integer> cString; // OK - Null constraint mismatch: The type 'Integer' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter 'T1 extends @Nullable Number'\n" +
" C<@NonNull Integer> c1String; // Wrong: Null constraint mismatch: The type '@NonNull Integer' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter 'T1 extends @Nullable Number'\n" +
" C<@Nullable Integer> c2String; // legal - OK\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in x\\ (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing package x\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in x\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" @NonNull Object x = t; // error, should warn?\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'T1 extends @Nullable Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in x\\ (at line 10)\n" +
" return t.toString(); // legal???\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T1\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in x\\ (at line 13)\n" +
" consume(null); // illegal - OK\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T1 extends @Nullable Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in x\\ (at line 14)\n" +
" @NonNull Object t = provide(); // error, should warn?\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'T1 extends @Nullable Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in x\\ (at line 18)\n" +
" return null; // error, should warn?\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T1 extends @Nullable Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug485056() {
new String[] {
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"class ExplainedValue<T extends Serializable> {\n" +
" public @Nullable T featureValue;\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class TestExplainedValue {\n" +
" static @Nullable Serializable g(ExplainedValue<? extends @NonNull Serializable> explainedValue) {\n" +
" return explainedValue.featureValue;\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug484741() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" static <T, E extends T> void f(java.util.ArrayList<T> list, E element) {\n" +
" list.add(element);" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <A> void g(A a) {\n" +
" f(new java.util.ArrayList<A>(), a);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T1, E1 extends T1> void h(E1 element1, java.util.ArrayList<T1> list1) {\n" +
" f(list1, element1);\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug484741b() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"public class TestDep {\n" +
" static <T, E extends T> T f(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug484741c() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.PARAMETER, DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.FIELD, DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT })\n" +
"class Feature3<ValueType extends, PartitionKeyType> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.PARAMETER, DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.FIELD, DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT })\n" +
"public class Test3 {\n" +
" public static <T extends, F extends Feature3<T, ?>> T[] getValues(F feature) {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static void f(Feature3<?, ?> feature) {\n" +
" getValues(feature);\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug484741d() {
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class BaseNNBD<S extends Runnable, I extends S> {\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class DerivedNNBD<S1 extends Runnable, I1 extends S1> extends BaseNNBD<S1, I1> { \n" +
public void testBug484741e() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"abstract class AbstractFeature<T extends @NonNull Serializable> {\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"public class SubFeature<T1 extends @NonNull Serializable> extends AbstractFeature<T1> {\n" +
public void testBug484741Invoke() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestInterdepInvoke {\n" +
" static <T, E extends T> T f1(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T, @Nullable E extends T> T f2(E e) {\n" +
" return e; // error 1 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T, E extends T> T f3(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T, @Nullable E extends T> T f4(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f1 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T11, E11 extends T11> T11 g11(E11 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T12, @Nullable E12 extends T12> T12 g12(E12 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e); // error 2 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T13, E13 extends T13> T13 g13(E13 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T14, @Nullable E14 extends T14> T14 g14(E14 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f2 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T21, E21 extends T21> T21 g21(E21 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T22, @Nullable E22 extends T22> T22 g22(E22 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T23, E23 extends T23> T23 g23(E23 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T24, @Nullable E24 extends T24> T24 g24(E24 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f3 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T31, E31 extends T31> T31 g31(E31 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e); // error 3 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T32, @Nullable E32 extends T32> T32 g32(E32 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e); // error 4 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T33, E33 extends T33> T33 g33(E33 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T34, @Nullable E34 extends T34> T34 g34(E34 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f4 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T41, E41 extends T41> T41 g41(E41 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e); /// error 5 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T42, @Nullable E42 extends T42> T42 g42(E42 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e); // error 6 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T43, E43 extends T43> T43 g43(E43 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T44, @Nullable E44 extends T44> T44 g44(E44 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" return e; // error 1 expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E extends T\', where \'T\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 29)\n" +
" return f1(e); // error 2 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T12\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E12 extends T12\', where \'T12\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 61)\n" +
" return f3(e); // error 3 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T31\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E31 extends T31\', where \'T31\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 65)\n" +
" return f3(e); // error 4 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T32\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E32 extends T32\', where \'T32\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 79)\n" +
" return f4(e); /// error 5 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T41\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E41 extends T41\', where \'T41\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 83)\n" +
" return f4(e); // error 6 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T42\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E42 extends T42\', where \'T42\' is a free type variable\n" +
public void testBug484741Invoke2() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"@java.lang.annotation.Target({ java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE })\n" +
"@interface SomeAnnotation {\n" +
" // just needed as workaround if bug 484981 is not fixed\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestInterdepInvokeNN {\n" +
" static <T, @SomeAnnotation E extends T> T f1(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T, @NonNull E extends T> T f2(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T, @SomeAnnotation E extends T> T f3(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T, @NonNull E extends T> T f4(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f1 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T11, @SomeAnnotation E11 extends T11> T11 g11(E11 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T12, @NonNull E12 extends T12> T12 g12(E12 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T13, @SomeAnnotation E13 extends T13> T13 g13(E13 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T14, @NonNull E14 extends T14> T14 g14(E14 e) {\n" +
" return f1(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f2 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T21, @SomeAnnotation E21 extends T21> T21 g21(E21 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e); // error 1 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T22, @NonNull E22 extends T22> T22 g22(E22 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T23, @SomeAnnotation E23 extends T23> T23 g23(E23 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T24, @NonNull E24 extends T24> T24 g24(E24 e) {\n" +
" return f2(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f3 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T31, @SomeAnnotation E31 extends T31> T31 g31(E31 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e); // error 2 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T32, @NonNull E32 extends T32> T32 g32(E32 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T33, @SomeAnnotation E33 extends T33> T33 g33(E33 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T34, @NonNull E34 extends T34> T34 g34(E34 e) {\n" +
" return f3(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations of f4 --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T41, @SomeAnnotation E41 extends T41> T41 g41(E41 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e); // error 3 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T42, @NonNull E42 extends T42> T42 g42(E42 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T43, @SomeAnnotation E43 extends T43> T43 g43(E43 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T44, @NonNull E44 extends T44> T44 g44(E44 e) {\n" +
" return f4(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 48)\n" +
" return f2(e); // error 1 expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required '@NonNull' but this expression has type 'E21', a free type variable that may represent a '@Nullable' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 66)\n" +
" return f3(e); // error 2 expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required '@NonNull' but this expression has type 'E31', a free type variable that may represent a '@Nullable' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 84)\n" +
" return f4(e); // error 3 expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required '@NonNull' but this expression has type 'E41', a free type variable that may represent a '@Nullable' type\n" +
public void testBug484741Invoke3() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestInterdepInvoke {\n" +
" static <T1, E1 extends T1> void f1(ArrayList<T1> list, E1 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T2, @Nullable E2 extends T2> void f2(ArrayList<T2> list, E2 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e); // error expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T3, @NonNull E3 extends T3> void f3(ArrayList<T3> list, E3 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T4, E4 extends T4> void f4(ArrayList<T4> list, E4 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T5, @Nullable E5 extends T5> void f5(ArrayList<T5> list, E5 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@Nullable T6, @NonNull E6 extends T6> void f6(ArrayList<T6> list, E6 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T7, E7 extends T7> void f7(ArrayList<T7> list, E7 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T8, @Nullable E8 extends T8> void f8(ArrayList<T8> list, E8 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e); // error expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <@NonNull T9, @NonNull E9 extends T9> void f9(ArrayList<T9> list, E9 e) {\n" +
" list.add(e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- invocations, but all of the 81 combinations removed, that were already handled correctly -----\n" +
"\n" +
" static <S1, F1 extends S1> void g1(ArrayList<S1> list, F1 e) {\n" +
" f1(list, e);\n" +
" f2(list, e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <S2, @Nullable F2 extends S2> void g2(ArrayList<S2> list, F2 e) {\n" +
" f1(list, e);\n" +
" f2(list, e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <S3, @NonNull F3 extends S3> void g3(ArrayList<S3> list, F3 e) {\n" +
" f2(list, e);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n" +
" list.add(e); // error expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T2\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E2 extends T2\', where \'T2\' is a free type variable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 38)\n" +
" list.add(e); // error expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull T8\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable E8 extends @NonNull T8\'\n" +
public void testBug484471SubclassNullable() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestInterdepSubClass {\n" +
" static class A1<T, E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class A2<T, @Nullable E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class A3<@Nullable T, E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class A4<@Nullable T, @Nullable E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A1<T, E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B11<T11, E11 extends T11> extends A1<T11, E11> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B12<T12, @Nullable E12 extends T12> extends A1<T12, E12> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B13<@Nullable T13, E13 extends T13> extends A1<T13, E13> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B14<@Nullable T14, @Nullable E14 extends T14> extends A1<T14, E14> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A2<T, @Nullable E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B21<T21, E21 extends T21> extends A2<T21, E21> { // expect error 1\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B22<T22, @Nullable E22 extends T22> extends A2<T22, E22> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B23<@Nullable T23, E23 extends T23> extends A2<T23, E23> { // expect error 2\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B24<@Nullable T24, @Nullable E24 extends T24> extends A2<T24, E24> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A3<@Nullable T, E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B31<T31, E31 extends T31> extends A3<T31, E31> { // expect error 3\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B32<T32, @Nullable E32 extends T32> extends A3<T32, E32> { // expect error 4\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B33<@Nullable T33, E33 extends T33> extends A3<T33, E33> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B34<@Nullable T34, @Nullable E34 extends T34> extends A3<T34, E34> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A4<@Nullable T, @Nullable E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B41<T41, E41 extends T41> extends A4<T41, E41> { // expect errors 5 & 6\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B42<T42, @Nullable E42 extends T42> extends A4<T42, E42> { // expect error 7\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B43<@Nullable T43, E43 extends T43> extends A4<T43, E43> { // expect error 8\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B44<@Nullable T44, @Nullable E44 extends T44> extends A4<T44, E44> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 34)\n" +
" static class B21<T21, E21 extends T21> extends A2<T21, E21> { // expect error 1\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E21 extends T21\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable E extends T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 40)\n" +
" static class B23<@Nullable T23, E23 extends T23> extends A2<T23, E23> { // expect error 2\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E23 extends @Nullable T23\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable E extends T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 48)\n" +
" static class B31<T31, E31 extends T31> extends A3<T31, E31> { // expect error 3\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T31\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 51)\n" +
" static class B32<T32, @Nullable E32 extends T32> extends A3<T32, E32> { // expect error 4\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T32\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 62)\n" +
" static class B41<T41, E41 extends T41> extends A4<T41, E41> { // expect errors 5 & 6\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T41\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 62)\n" +
" static class B41<T41, E41 extends T41> extends A4<T41, E41> { // expect errors 5 & 6\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E41 extends T41\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable E extends @Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 65)\n" +
" static class B42<T42, @Nullable E42 extends T42> extends A4<T42, E42> { // expect error 7\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T42\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 68)\n" +
" static class B43<@Nullable T43, E43 extends T43> extends A4<T43, E43> { // expect error 8\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E43 extends @Nullable T43\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable E extends @Nullable T\'\n" +
public void testBug484471SubclassNonNull() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"@java.lang.annotation.Target({ java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE })\n" +
"@interface SomeAnnotation {\n" +
" // just needed as workaround if bug 484981 is not fixed\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestInterdepSubClassNN {\n" +
" static class A1<T, @SomeAnnotation E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class A2<T, @NonNull E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class A3<@NonNull T, @SomeAnnotation E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class A4<@NonNull T, @NonNull E extends T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A1<T, E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B11<T11, @SomeAnnotation E11 extends T11> extends A1<T11, E11> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B12<T12, @NonNull E12 extends T12> extends A1<T12, E12> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B13<@NonNull T13, @SomeAnnotation E13 extends T13> extends A1<T13, E13> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B14<@NonNull T14, @NonNull E14 extends T14> extends A1<T14, E14> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A2<T, @NonNull E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B21<T21, @SomeAnnotation E21 extends T21> extends A2<T21, E21> { // expect error 1\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B22<T22, @NonNull E22 extends T22> extends A2<T22, E22> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B23<@NonNull T23, @SomeAnnotation E23 extends T23> extends A2<T23, E23> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B24<@NonNull T24, @NonNull E24 extends T24> extends A2<T24, E24> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A3<@NonNull T, E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B31<T31, @SomeAnnotation E31 extends T31> extends A3<T31, E31> { // expect errors 2 & 3\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B32<T32, @NonNull E32 extends T32> extends A3<T32, E32> { // expect error 4\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B33<@NonNull T33, @SomeAnnotation E33 extends T33> extends A3<T33, E33> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B34<@NonNull T34, @NonNull E34 extends T34> extends A3<T34, E34> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" // -------- subclasses of A4<@NonNull T, @NonNull E extends T> --------\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B41<T41, @SomeAnnotation E41 extends T41> extends A4<T41, E41> { // expect error 5 & 6\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B42<T42, @NonNull E42 extends T42> extends A4<T42, E42> { // expect error 7\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B43<@NonNull T43, @SomeAnnotation E43 extends T43> extends A4<T43, E43> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static class B44<@NonNull T44, @NonNull E44 extends T44> extends A4<T44, E44> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 39)\n" +
" static class B21<T21, @SomeAnnotation E21 extends T21> extends A2<T21, E21> { // expect error 1\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E21 extends T21\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull E extends T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 53)\n" +
" static class B31<T31, @SomeAnnotation E31 extends T31> extends A3<T31, E31> { // expect errors 2 & 3\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T31\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 53)\n" +
" static class B31<T31, @SomeAnnotation E31 extends T31> extends A3<T31, E31> { // expect errors 2 & 3\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E31 extends T31\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'E extends @NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 56)\n" +
" static class B32<T32, @NonNull E32 extends T32> extends A3<T32, E32> { // expect error 4\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T32\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 67)\n" +
" static class B41<T41, @SomeAnnotation E41 extends T41> extends A4<T41, E41> { // expect error 5 & 6\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T41\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 67)\n" +
" static class B41<T41, @SomeAnnotation E41 extends T41> extends A4<T41, E41> { // expect error 5 & 6\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E41 extends T41\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull E extends @NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 70)\n" +
" static class B42<T42, @NonNull E42 extends T42> extends A4<T42, E42> { // expect error 7\n" +
" ^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T42\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
public void testBug485058() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class Feature4<Q extends Serializable> {\n" +
" Q q() {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test4 {\n" +
" public static <Q1 extends, F extends Feature4<Q1>> Q1[] getValues(F feature) {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void f(Feature4<?> feature) {\n" +
" getValues(feature);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void g(Feature4<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull Serializable> feature) {\n" +
" getValues(feature);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" +
" public static void g(Feature4<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull Serializable> feature) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ? extends @NonNull Serializable\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'Q extends @NonNull Serializable\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" +
" public static void g(Feature4<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull Serializable> feature) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@Nullable\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 26)\n" +
" getValues(feature);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Feature4<@Nullable capture#of ? extends @NonNull Serializable>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'F extends @NonNull Feature4<Q1 extends @NonNull Serializable>\'\n" +
public void testBug485030() {
runConformTestWithLibs(new String[] {
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"@Target({ TYPE_USE })\n" +
"@interface SomeAnnotation {\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class TestContradictoryOnGenericArray {\n" +
" public <@SomeAnnotation Q extends Serializable> void f() {\n" +
" final @Nullable Q[] array = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug485302() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class WildCardNullable {\n" +
" static class A<T> {\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" T returnNull() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void acceptNonNullT(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void acceptNonNullObject(@NonNull Object x) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static @NonNull Number g(A<? extends @NonNull Number> a) {\n" +
" return a.returnNull(); // error 1 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static final <T> void map(final A<@NonNull ? super T> a, T t) {\n" +
" a.acceptNonNullT(t); // warning 2 expected\n" +
" a.acceptNonNullObject(t); // warning 3 expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 21)\n" +
" return a.returnNull(); // error 1 expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Number\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable capture#of ? extends Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 25)\n" +
" a.acceptNonNullT(t); // warning 2 expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required '@NonNull' but this expression has type 'T', a free type variable that may represent a '@Nullable' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 26)\n" +
" a.acceptNonNullObject(t); // warning 3 expected\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety: required '@NonNull' but this expression has type 'T', a free type variable that may represent a '@Nullable' type\n" +
public void testBug485027() {
runConformTestWithLibs(new String[] {
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"@Target({ TYPE_USE })\n" +
"@interface SomeAnnotation {\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Base {\n" +
" public <@SomeAnnotation Q extends Serializable> void setValuesArray(Q @Nullable [] value) {\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"import;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Derived extends Base {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public final <@SomeAnnotation Q1 extends Serializable> void setValuesArray(Q1 @Nullable [] value) {\n" +
" }\n" +
}, getCompilerOptions(), "");
public void testBug485565() {
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.rmi.registry.Registry;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class ClassWithRegistry {\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" public Registry registry;\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test2.ClassWithRegistry;\n" +
"\n" +
"// must be compiled before ZClassWithBug\n" +
"public class ClassWithLambda {\n" +
" interface Lambda {\n" +
" void f();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void invoke(Lambda lambda) {\n" +
" lambda.f();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void f() {\n" +
" new ClassWithRegistry(); // must be accessed as class file\n" +
" invoke(() -> java.rmi.registry.Registry.class.hashCode());\n" +
" }\n" +
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.rmi.registry.Registry;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public abstract class ZClassWithBug {\n" +
"\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" public Registry rmiregistry;\n" +
public void testBug485814() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class ExplainedResult<V2> extends Result<V2> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public ExplainedResult(int score, V2 extractedValue2) {\n" +
" super(score, extractedValue2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public <OtherV2> ExplainedResult<OtherV2> withValue(OtherV2 otherValue2) {\n" +
" return new ExplainedResult<OtherV2>(this.score, otherValue2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Result<V1> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public final int score;\n" +
"\n" +
" public final V1 extractedValue;\n" +
"\n" +
" public Result(int score, V1 extractedValue1) {\n" +
" this.score = score;\n" +
" this.extractedValue = extractedValue1;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public <OtherV1> Result<OtherV1> withValue(OtherV1 otherValue1) {\n" +
" return new Result<OtherV1>(score, otherValue1);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug485581() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class MatchResult<V> implements Comparable<MatchResult<?>> {\n" +
" public final int score;\n" +
" public final V value;\n" +
"\n" +
" public MatchResult(int score, V value) {\n" +
" this.score = score;\n" +
" this.value = value;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public int compareTo(MatchResult<?> o) {\n" +
" return score - o.score;\n" +
" }\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class FVEHandler {\n" +
" public static void process(MatchResult<?> matchResult) {\n" +
" if (matchResult.value != null) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug482752_lambda() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public interface StringProcessor {\n" +
" void process(String value);\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public final class Foo {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static StringProcessor createProcessorLambdaExpression() {\n" +
" return (@NonNull String value) -> Foo.test(value);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void test(@NonNull String value) {\n" +
" System.out.println(value);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug482752_methodref() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public interface StringProcessor {\n" +
" void process(String value);\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public final class Foo {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static StringProcessor createProcessorMethodReference() {\n" +
" return Foo::test;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void test(@NonNull String value) {\n" +
" System.out.println(value);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug485374() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"public interface I<W> {\n" +
" public class Nested {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class D implements I<I.@NonNull Nested> {\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"import test.D;\n" +
"class Import {}\n"
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test2\\ (at line 2)\n" +
" import test.D;\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The import test.D is never used\n" +
public void testBug466556a() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"class C<T extends Number> {\n" +
" int consume(T t) {\n" +
" return t.intValue(); // NOT OK since T could be nullable\n" +
" }\n" +
" T provide() {\n" +
" return null; // NOT OK since T could require nonnull\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 4)\n" +
" return t.intValue(); // NOT OK since T could be nullable\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" return null; // NOT OK since T could require nonnull\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'T\'\n" +
public void testBug466556nonfree() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"class C<T extends @org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull Number> {\n" +
" int consume(T t) {\n" +
" return t.intValue(); // OK since T has upper bound with @NonNull\n" +
" }\n" +
" T provide() {\n" +
" return null; // NOT OK since T could require nonnull\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" return null; // NOT OK since T could require nonnull\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'T extends @NonNull Number\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug466556b() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"\n" +
"class C<T> {\n" +
" int consume(T t) {\n" +
" return t.hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
" void consume2(Supplier<T> s) {\n" +
" s.get().hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" return t.hashCode();\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 10)\n" +
" s.get().hashCode();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug466556c() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"\n" +
"class C<T extends Number> {\n" +
" int consume(T t) {\n" +
" Number n = t;\n" +
" return n.intValue();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" int consume2(Supplier<T> s) {\n" +
" Number n = s.get();\n" +
" return n.intValue();\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" return n.intValue();\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable n may be null at this location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" +
" return n.intValue();\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable n may be null at this location\n" +
public void testBug466556field() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class E<T> {\n" +
" T t;\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class D<T> {\n" +
" enum X {\n" +
" x\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
" T t1;\n" +
" T t2;\n" +
" T t3;\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" T t4;\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" T t5;\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" T t6;\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" T t7;\n" +
"\n" +
" D(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" t2 = t;\n" +
" switch (X.x) {\n" +
" case x:\n" +
" t1 = t;\n" +
" t5 = t;\n" +
" }\n" +
" t6 = t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f() {\n" +
" t1.hashCode();\n" +
" t2.hashCode();\n" +
" t3.hashCode();\n" +
" t4.hashCode();\n" +
" t5.hashCode();\n" +
" t6.hashCode();\n" +
" t7.hashCode();\n" +
" T t = t1;\n" +
" t.hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
" void g() {\n" +
" if(t1 != null)\n" +
" t1.hashCode();\n // problem report expected because syntactic null analysis for fields is off\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" T t;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The field t may not have been initialized, whereas its type \'T\' is a free type variable that may represent a \'@NonNull\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 27)\n" +
" D(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The field t1 may not have been initialized, whereas its type \'T\' is a free type variable that may represent a \'@NonNull\' type. Note that a problem regarding missing \'default:\' on \'switch\' has been suppressed, which is perhaps related to this problem\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 27)\n" +
" D(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The field t3 may not have been initialized, whereas its type \'T\' is a free type variable that may represent a \'@NonNull\' type. Note that a problem regarding missing \'default:\' on \'switch\' has been suppressed, which is perhaps related to this problem\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 27)\n" +
" D(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field t5 may not have been initialized. Note that a problem regarding missing \'default:\' on \'switch\' has been suppressed, which is perhaps related to this problem\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 27)\n" +
" D(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field t7 may not have been initialized. Note that a problem regarding missing \'default:\' on \'switch\' has been suppressed, which is perhaps related to this problem\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 38)\n" +
" t1.hashCode();\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 39)\n" +
" t2.hashCode();\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 40)\n" +
" t3.hashCode();\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 41)\n" +
" t4.hashCode();\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 46)\n" +
" t.hashCode();\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 50)\n" +
" t1.hashCode();\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug466556withRaw() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestWithRaw {\n" +
" @SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\", \"rawtypes\" })\n" +
" public static void uncheckedEnumValueOf(final Class<?> valueClass, final String value) {\n" +
" Class valueClass2 = valueClass;\n" +
" Enum.valueOf(valueClass2, value).name();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug466556withPGMB() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestWithParameterizedGenericMethodBinding {\n" +
" static <T, E extends T> T f1(E e) {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T11, E11 extends T11> void g11(E11 e) {\n" +
" f1(e).hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" f1(e).hashCode();\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'E11\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug466556captures() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"class I {\n" +
" int i;\n" +
"\n" +
" String s() {\n" +
" return \"\";\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class KE<E extends I> {\n" +
" public final E e;\n" +
"\n" +
" public E getE() {\n" +
" return e;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public KE(E element) {\n" +
" this.e = element;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class TestFreeTypeVariable<E2 extends I> {\n" +
" public void test(KE<E2> ke) {\n" +
" int i1 = ke.e.i; // error 1\n" +
" ke.e.s().substring(i1); // error 2\n" +
" int i2 = ke.getE().i; // error 3\n" +
" ke.getE().s().substring(i2); // error 4\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestCapture {\n" +
" public void test(KE<? extends I> ke) {\n" +
" int i1 = ke.e.i; // error 5\n" +
" ke.e.s().substring(i1); // error 6\n" +
" int i2 = ke.getE().i; // error 7\n" +
" ke.getE().s().substring(i2); // error 8\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" +
" int i1 = ke.e.i; // error 1\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'E2\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 26)\n" +
" ke.e.s().substring(i1); // error 2\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'E2\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 27)\n" +
" int i2 = ke.getE().i; // error 3\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'E2\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 28)\n" +
" ke.getE().s().substring(i2); // error 4\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'E2\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 34)\n" +
" int i1 = ke.e.i; // error 5\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'capture#1-of ? extends test.I\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" ke.e.s().substring(i1); // error 6\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'capture#2-of ? extends test.I\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" int i2 = ke.getE().i; // error 7\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'capture#3-of ? extends test.I\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 37)\n" +
" ke.getE().s().substring(i2); // error 8\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'capture#4-of ? extends test.I\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug466556Loops() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestLoop<T> {\n" +
" boolean b;\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void nn(@NonNull Object value) {\n" +
" assert value != null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void testDoWhile(T t1) {\n" +
" nn(t1); // 1: unchecked warning\n" +
" do {\n" +
" nn(t1); // 2: unchecked warning\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 3: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" } while (b);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void testWhileWithBreak(T t1) {\n" +
" while (true) {\n" +
" nn(t1); // 4: unchecked warning\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 5: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" if (b)\n" +
" break;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void testWhile(T t1) {\n" +
" while (TestLoop.class.hashCode() == 4711) {\n" +
" nn(t1); // 6: unchecked warning\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 7: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void testFor(T t1) {\n" +
" for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" +
" nn(t1); // 8: unchecked warning\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 9: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void testForEach(T t1) {\n" +
" for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {\n" +
" nn(t1); // 10: unchecked warning\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 11: Potential null pointer access: The variable t1 may be null at this location\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" +
" nn(t1); // 1: unchecked warning\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" nn(t1); // 2: unchecked warning\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 3: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n" +
" nn(t1); // 4: unchecked warning\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 23)\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 5: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 31)\n" +
" nn(t1); // 6: unchecked warning\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 7: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 38)\n" +
" nn(t1); // 8: unchecked warning\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 39)\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 9: Potential null pointer type variable\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 45)\n" +
" nn(t1); // 10: unchecked warning\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 46)\n" +
" t1.hashCode(); // 11: Potential null pointer access: The variable t1 may be null at this location\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug461268() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation, JavaCore.ERROR);
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PessimisticNullAnalysisForFreeTypeVariables, JavaCore.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void test(List<@NonNull String> list) {\n" +
" @NonNull String s = list.get(0);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" @NonNull String s = list.get(0);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'List<@NonNull String>\'. Type \'List<E>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
public void testBug461268invoke() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation, JavaCore.ERROR);
new String[] {
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" void test(Map<Object, @NonNull String> map) {\n" +
" map.get(this).length();\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" map.get(this).length();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'Map<Object,@NonNull String>\'. Type \'Map<K,V>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
public void testBug461268nnbd() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyInvocation, JavaCore.ERROR);
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Container<T> {\n" +
" public static <T> T getFrom(Container<T> container) {\n" +
" return container.get();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" private final T t;\n" +
"\n" +
" public Container(T t) {\n" +
" this.t = t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" private T get() {\n" + // we really mean 'T' unannotated, believe it due to @NonNullByDefault
" return this.t;\n" +
" }\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test2.Container;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" String f(Container<String> c) {\n" +
" return Container.getFrom(c);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug485988WildcardOverride() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Result<V> implements Comparable<Result<?>> {\n" +
" public final int score;\n" +
" public final V value;\n" +
"\n" +
" protected Result(int score, V value) {\n" +
" this.score = score;\n" +
" this.value = value;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public int compareTo(Result<?> o) {\n" +
" return score - o.score;\n" +
" }\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public abstract class Base {\n" +
" public abstract Result<?> matches();\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.math.BigDecimal;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Derived extends Base {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public Result<BigDecimal> matches() {\n" +
" return new Result<BigDecimal>(0, new BigDecimal(\"1\"));\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug485988neutral() {
new String[] {
"package neutral;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class A<T> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" abstract A<?> g1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> g2();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> g2b();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> g3();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> h1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> h2();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> h2b();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<?> h3();\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Y extends X {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<?> g1() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@NonNull ?> g2() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<? extends @NonNull Number> g2b() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull Integer>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@NonNull String> g3() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<?> h1() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@Nullable ?> h2() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<? super @Nullable Number> h2b() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable Object>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@Nullable String> h3() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class WildcardTest {\n" +
" void f(A<?> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <T1> void g(A<T1> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <T2> void invoke(T2 t) {\n" +
" f(new A<T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
"\n" +
" f(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
"\n" +
" f(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug485988nonnull() {
new String[] {
"package nonnull;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class A<@NonNull T> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> g1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> g2();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> g2b();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> g3();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> h1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> h2();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> h2b();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@NonNull ?> h3();\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Y extends X {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<?> g1() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@NonNull ?> g2() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<? extends @NonNull Number> g2b() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull Integer>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@NonNull String> g3() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<?> h1() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@Nullable ?> h2() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<? super @Nullable String> h2b() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@Nullable String> h3() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class WildcardNonNullTest {\n" +
" void f(A<?> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <@NonNull T1> void g(A<T1> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <T2> void invoke(T2 t) {\n" +
" f(new A<T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
"\n" +
" f(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
"\n" +
" f(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 52)\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 56)\n" +
" A<@Nullable ?> h2() {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'A<@NonNull ?>\' returned from X.h2() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 56)\n" +
" A<@Nullable ?> h2() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ?\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 57)\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 61)\n" +
" A<? super @Nullable String> h2b() {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'A<@NonNull ?>\' returned from X.h2b() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 61)\n" +
" A<? super @Nullable String> h2b() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'? super @Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 62)\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 66)\n" +
" A<@Nullable String> h3() {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'A<@NonNull ?>\' returned from X.h3() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 66)\n" +
" A<@Nullable String> h3() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 67)\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 80)\n" +
" f(new A<T2>());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"12. WARNING in nonnull\\ (at line 81)\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'A<T2>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull A<@NonNull T2>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"13. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 81)\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"14. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 86)\n" +
" f(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"15. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 87)\n" +
" g(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull A<@NonNull T2>\' but this expression has type \'A<@Nullable T2>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"16. ERROR in nonnull\\ (at line 87)\n" +
" g(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull T\'\n" +
public void testBug485988nullable() {
new String[] {
"package nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class A<@Nullable T> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> g1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> g2();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> g2b();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> g3();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> h1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> h2();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> h2b();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract A<@Nullable ?> h3();\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Y extends X {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<?> g1() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@NonNull ?> g2() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<? extends @NonNull Number> g2b() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull Integer>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@NonNull String> g3() {\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<?> h1() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@Nullable ?> h2() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<? super @Nullable String> h2b() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" A<@Nullable String> h3() {\n" +
" return new A<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class WildcardNullableTest {\n" +
" void f(A<?> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <@Nullable T1> void g(A<T1> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" <T2> void invoke(T2 t) {\n" +
" f(new A<T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
"\n" +
" f(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
"\n" +
" f(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" g(new A<@Nullable T2>());\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 32)\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" A<@NonNull ?> g2() {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'A<@Nullable ?>\' returned from X.g2() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" A<@NonNull ?> g2() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull ?\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 37)\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 41)\n" +
" A<? extends @NonNull Number> g2b() {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'A<@Nullable ?>\' returned from X.g2b() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 41)\n" +
" A<? extends @NonNull Number> g2b() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'? extends @NonNull Number\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 42)\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull Integer>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull Integer\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 46)\n" +
" A<@NonNull String> g3() {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'A<@Nullable ?>\' returned from X.g3() (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 46)\n" +
" A<@NonNull String> g3() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 47)\n" +
" return new A<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull String\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 80)\n" +
" f(new A<T2>());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"12. WARNING in nullable\\ (at line 81)\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'A<T2>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull A<@Nullable T2>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"13. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 81)\n" +
" g(new A<T2>());\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"14. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 83)\n" +
" f(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"15. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 84)\n" +
" g(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull A<@Nullable T2>\' but this expression has type \'A<@NonNull T2>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"16. ERROR in nullable\\ (at line 84)\n" +
" g(new A<@NonNull T2>());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@NonNull T2\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@Nullable T\'\n" +
public void testBug485988WildCardForTVWithNonNullBound() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class F<T extends Serializable> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class WildCard {\n" +
" void f(ArrayList<F<?>> list) {\n" +
" for (F<? extends Serializable> f : list) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug485988WildcardWithGenericBound() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
"import java.util.Iterator;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"interface LibA {\n" +
" <T> Iterator<? extends T> constrainedWildcards(Collection<? extends T> in);\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class Test1 {\n" +
" Iterator<? extends @NonNull String> test3(LibA lib, Collection<String> coll) {\n" +
" return lib.constrainedWildcards(coll);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" return lib.constrainedWildcards(coll);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Collection<String>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'Collection<? extends @NonNull String>\'\n" +
public void testBug485988Contradictory() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"interface A<T> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"public class Test1{\n" +
" void f1(A<@Nullable @NonNull ?> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void f2(A<@NonNull @Nullable ?> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void f3(A<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull Object> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void f4(A<@NonNull ? super @Nullable Integer> a) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void f5(A<@Nullable ? super @Nullable Integer> a) {\n" + // OK
" }\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault void f6(A<@Nullable ? extends Integer> a) {\n" + // OK
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" void f1(A<@Nullable @NonNull ?> a) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" void f2(A<@NonNull @Nullable ?> a) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Contradictory null specification; only one of @NonNull and @Nullable can be specified at any location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" void f3(A<@Nullable ? extends @NonNull Object> a) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@Nullable\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" +
" void f4(A<@NonNull ? super @Nullable Integer> a) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"This nullness annotation conflicts with a \'@NonNull\' annotation which is effective on the same type parameter \n" +
public void testBug485988bound() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface I<T> { }\n" +
"\n" +
"public class C {\n" +
" I<@NonNull ?> m1(I<? extends @NonNull C> i) {\n" +
" return i;\n" +
" }\n" +
" I<? extends @NonNull C> m2(I<@NonNull ? extends C> i) {\n" +
" return i;\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
public void testBug466585_comment_0() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"class C3<T extends @NonNull Number> {\n" +
" C3<?> x; // Null constraint mismatch: The type '?' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter 'T extends @NonNull Number'\n" +
public void testBug466585_comment_4() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"class C4<T extends @NonNull Number> {\n" +
" C4<@Nullable ?> err1;\n" +
" C4<@Nullable ? extends Integer> err2;\n" +
" C4<? super @Nullable Integer> err3;\n" +
" C4<@Nullable ? super Integer> err4;\n" +
" C4<@NonNull ? super Integer> ok1;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 4)\n" +
" C4<@Nullable ?> err1;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ?\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" C4<@Nullable ? extends Integer> err2;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ? extends Integer\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" C4<? super @Nullable Integer> err3;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'? super @Nullable Integer\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Number\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" C4<@Nullable ? super Integer> err4;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'@Nullable ? super Integer\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'T extends @NonNull Number\'\n" +
public void testBug489978() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class BinaryClass {\n" +
" public ArrayList<Object> list;\n" +
"\n" +
" public BinaryClass(ArrayList<Object> list) {\n" +
" this.list = list;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.ArrayList;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Usage {\n" +
" ArrayList<Object> f(BinaryClass b) {\n" +
" return b.list;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug489245() {
Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_PessimisticNullAnalysisForFreeTypeVariables, JavaCore.INFO);
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class TestBogusProblemReportOnlyAsInfo {\n" +
" static <U> void get(Supplier<U> supplier, @NonNull U defaultValue) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void f() {\n" +
" get(() -> {\n" +
" return null; // bogus problem report only as info\n" +
" }, \"\");\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static <T> void h(@NonNull T t) {\n" +
" get(() -> {\n" +
" return null; // correctly reported (but twice with the bug)\n" +
" }, t);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. INFO in test\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" return null; // correctly reported (but twice with the bug)\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'T\'\n" +
public void testBug489674() {
Map options = new HashMap<>(getCompilerOptions());
new String[] {
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {}\n",
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {}\n",
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package with_other_nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"import;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class P1 {\n" +
" public static @Nullable String f0() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <T> T check(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package with_other_nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"import;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class P2 {\n" +
" public static void f(@NonNull String s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <T> T check(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"import with_other_nullable.P1;\n" +
"import with_other_nullable.P2;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test4 {\n" +
" void m1(String s) {\n" +
" P1.f0().hashCode();\n" +
" s = P1.check(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
" void m2(String s) {\n" +
" P2.f(null);\n" +
" s = P2.check(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" P1.f0().hashCode();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The method f0() may return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" P2.f(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug492327() {
new String[] {
"public interface WatchEvent<T> {\n" +
" public static interface Modifier {\n" +
" }\n" +
"public interface Watchable {\n" +
" void register(WatchEvent.Modifier[] modifiers);\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"public interface Path extends Watchable {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" void register(WatchEvent.Modifier[] modifiers);\n" +
public void testBug488495collector() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Collector<A, R> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Stream {\n" +
" <A1, R1> R1 collect(Collector<A1, R1> collector);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"interface List<E> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" public static <T> Collector<?, List<T>> toList() {\n" +
" return new Collector<Object, List<T>>(){};\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static List<String> myMethod(Stream stream) {\n" +
" List<String> list = stream.collect(toList());\n" +
" return list;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug496591() {
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"public final class Descriptors {\n" +
" public static final class FieldDescriptor implements FieldSet.FieldDescriptorLite<FieldDescriptor> { }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"public final class FieldSet<F1 extends FieldSet.FieldDescriptorLite<F1>> {\n" +
" public interface FieldDescriptorLite<F2 extends FieldDescriptorLite<F2>> { }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(final Map.Entry<F1> entry) { }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Map<K> {\n" +
" interface Entry<K1> { }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"public interface MessageOrBuilder {\n" +
" Map<Descriptors.FieldDescriptor> getAllFields();\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test2.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor;\n" +
"import test2.Map;\n" +
"import test2.MessageOrBuilder;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class GeneratedMessage implements MessageOrBuilder {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public abstract Map<FieldDescriptor> getAllFields();\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug497698() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class And {\n" +
" public static void createAnd() {\n" +
" Or.create();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Or<D, V> {\n" +
" public static <V> Or<V> create() {\n" +
" return new Or<V, V>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" public static <V> Or<V> create() {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Incorrect number of arguments for type Or<D,V>; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <V>\n" +
public void testBug497698raw() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class And {\n" +
" public static void createAnd() {\n" +
" new Or().create();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Or<D, V> {\n" +
" public <V1> Or<V1> create() {\n" +
" return new Or<V1, V1>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" new Or().create();\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Or is a raw type. References to generic type Or<D,V> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" public <V1> Or<V1> create() {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Incorrect number of arguments for type Or<D,V>; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <V1>\n" +
public void testBug497698nestedinraw() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class And {\n" +
" public static void createAnd(X.Or x) {\n" +
" x.create();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X<Z> {\n" +
" public class Or<D, V> {\n" +
" public <V1> Or<V1> create() {\n" +
" return new Or<V1,V1>();\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" public static void createAnd(X.Or x) {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"X.Or is a raw type. References to generic type X<Z>.Or<D,V> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" public <V1> Or<V1> create() {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Incorrect number of arguments for type X<Z>.Or<D,V>; it cannot be parameterized with arguments <V1>\n" +
public void testBug492322() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class Base {\n" +
" public class GenericInner<T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.PARAMETER)\n" +
" public Object method(@Nullable GenericInner<Object> nullable) {\n" +
" return new Object();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test1.Base;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Derived extends Base {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" method(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug492322field() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public abstract class Base {\n" +
" public class GenericInner<T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" protected @Nullable GenericInner<Object> field;\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test1.Base;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Derived extends Base {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" field = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug492322deep() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class Base {\n" +
" public static class Static {\n" +
" public class Middle1 {\n" +
" public class Middle2<M> {\n" +
" public class Middle3 {\n" +
" public class GenericInner<T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.PARAMETER)\n" +
" public Object method( Static.Middle1.Middle2<Object>.Middle3.@Nullable GenericInner<String> nullable) {\n" +
" return new Object();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test1.Base;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Derived extends Base {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" method(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug492322withGenericBase() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class Base<B> {\n" +
" static public class Static {\n" +
" public class Middle1 {\n" +
" public class Middle2<M> {\n" +
" public class Middle3 {\n" +
" public class GenericInner<T> {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.PARAMETER)\n" +
" public Object method( Static.Middle1.Middle2<Object>.Middle3.@Nullable GenericInner<String> nullable) {\n" +
" return new Object();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import test1.Base;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Derived extends Base<Number> {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" method(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug499862a() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" static void printChecked(Collection<? extends @Nullable String> collection) {\n" +
" for(String s : collection)\n" +
" if (s != null)\n" +
" System.out.println(s.toString());\n" +
" else\n" +
" System.out.println(\"NULL\");\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug499862b() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" static void printChecked(Collection<? extends @Nullable String> collection) {\n" +
" for(String s : collection)\n" +
" System.out.println(s.toString());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" System.out.println(s.toString());\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: The variable s may be null at this location\n" +
public void testBug499862c() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" static <T> void printUnchecked(Collection<T> collection) {\n" +
" for(T t : collection)\n" +
" System.out.println(t.toString());\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" System.out.println(t.toString());\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Potential null pointer access: this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug499597simplified() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class Foo2 {\n" +
" static <T> T of(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static String foo() {\n" +
" return Foo2.<String>of(\"\"); // <-- warning here\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static String bar() {\n" +
" return Foo2.<@NonNull String>of(\"\"); // <-- no warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug499597original() {
new String[] {
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.Collection;\n" +
"import java.util.Collections;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Foo {\n" +
" static @NonNull String @NonNull [] X = { \"A\" };\n" +
"\n" +
" @SafeVarargs\n" +
" static <T> Collection<T> of(@NonNull T @NonNull... elements) {\n" +
" return Collections.singleton(elements[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static Collection<String[]> foo() {\n" +
" return Foo.<String[]>of(X); // <-- warning here\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static Collection<String[]> bar() {\n" +
" return Foo.<String @NonNull []>of(X); // <-- no warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 12)\n" +
" static <T> Collection<T> of(@NonNull T @NonNull... elements) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation is redundant with a default that applies to this location\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" return Collections.singleton(elements[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Set<@NonNull T>\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Collection<@NonNull T>\', corresponding supertype is \'Collection<@NonNull T>\'\n" +
public void testBug501031() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" <T> @NonNull Object identity(T t) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug501031return() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" <T> T identity() {\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull T\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug501031btb() {
// this already worked without the patch for bug 501031.
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
"class X {\n" +
" <T> void identity(T t) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class Y {\n" +
" void test(X x, @Nullable String string) {\n" +
" x.identity(string);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 7)\n" +
" x.identity(string);\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
public void testBug501449() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" <T, S extends T> void f(T[] objects, @Nullable T nullableValue, T value, S subclassValue) {\n" +
" objects[0] = null;\n" +
" objects[1] = nullableValue;\n" +
" objects[2] = value;\n" +
" objects[3] = subclassValue;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 5)\n" +
" objects[0] = null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): \'null\' is not compatible to the free type variable \'T\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 6)\n" +
" objects[1] = nullableValue;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'T\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable T\', where \'T\' is a free type variable\n" +
public void testBug502112() {
new String[] {
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {}\n",
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package util;\n" +
"\n" +
"import;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Optional {\n" +
" public static <T> T fromNullable(@Nullable T nullableReference, @Nullable T nullableReference2) {\n" +
" return nullableReference;\n" +
" }\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" public static <T> T returnNull(T nullableReference) {\n" +
" return nullableReference;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
Map options = new HashMap<>(getCompilerOptions());
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"import util.Optional;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void f(@Nullable String s) {\n" +
" Optional.<String>fromNullable(s, null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" String g(@Nullable String s) {\n" +
" return Optional.<String>returnNull(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n" +
" return Optional.<String>returnNull(s);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n" +
" return Optional.<String>returnNull(s);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
public void testBug502112b() {
new String[] {
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {}\n",
"package;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.*;\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLASS)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {}\n",
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package util;\n" +
"\n" +
"import;\n" +
"import;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" public <T> T nonNull(@Nullable T t, @Nullable T t2) {\n" +
" return java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(t);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
Map options = new HashMap<>(getCompilerOptions());
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"import util.X;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test extends X{\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public <T> @Nullable T nonNull(@NonNull T t, T t2) {\n" +
" return t;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" public <T> @Nullable T nonNull(@NonNull T t, T t2) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull T extends Object\' returned from X.nonNull(T, T) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" public <T> @Nullable T nonNull(@NonNull T t, T t2) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter t, inherited method from X declares this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" public <T> @Nullable T nonNull(@NonNull T t, T t2) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Missing nullable annotation: inherited method from X specifies this parameter as @Nullable\n" +
public void testBug484926locals() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class NNBDOnLocalOrField {\n" +
" void someMethod() {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x1 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<@NonNull String>(), x3=new AtomicReference<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> y1 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> y2 = new AtomicReference<@NonNull String>(), y3=new AtomicReference<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" y1.set(null);\n" +
" y2.set(null);\n" +
" y3.set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<@NonNull String>(), x3=new AtomicReference<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'AtomicReference<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'AtomicReference<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 23)\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug484926fields() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class NNBDOnLocalOrField {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x1 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<@NonNull String>(), x3=new AtomicReference<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> y1 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> y2 = new AtomicReference<@NonNull String>(), y3=new AtomicReference<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" void someMethod() {\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" y1.set(null);\n" +
" y2.set(null);\n" +
" y3.set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<@NonNull String>(), x3=new AtomicReference<@Nullable String>();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull AtomicReference<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'AtomicReference<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 23)\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug484926() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class NNBDOnLocalOrField {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> f = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
"\n" +
" {\n" +
" f.set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" Runnable r = () -> {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x1 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
" Object someMethod() {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" Runnable r1 = () -> {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
" \n" +
" return r1;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug484926nesting() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNBDOnLocalOrField {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault()\n" +
" Runnable r = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x1 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" Object someMethod() {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" Runnable r1 = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
" \n" +
" return r1;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 29)\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug484926localDeclarationInForLoop() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class NNBDOnLocalOrField {\n" +
" void someMethod() {\n" +
" for(@NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" Runnable r1 = () -> {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" }, r2 = () -> {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x4 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x4.set(null);\n" +
" };;) {\n" +
";\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug484926redundantNNBD() {
new String[] {
"package testnnbd;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNBDRedundantOnLocalOrField {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" Runnable r1 = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" }, r2 = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x4 = new AtomicReference<String>() {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" public void set(String object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" x4.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" class X1 {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" Runnable r = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" class Local extends AtomicReference<String> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" class X2 {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" String s;\n" +
" \n" +
" {\n" +
" set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" {\n" +
" new X2().hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" Local x1 = new Local();\n" +
" x1.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" Object someMethod() {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x2 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x2.set(null);\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" Runnable r = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" Runnable r2 = new Runnable() {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void run() {\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
";\n" +
" return r;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" void forLoopVariable() {\n" +
" {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" Runnable r = () -> {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" }, r2 = () -> {\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x4 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x4.set(null);\n" +
" };\n" +
";\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" for (@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" Runnable r = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x3 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" }, r2 = () -> {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> x4 = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" x4.set(null);\n" +
" };;) {\n" +
";\n" +
";\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"package testnnbd;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 13)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing package testnnbd\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the field r1\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in testnnbd\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" x3.set(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the variable x4\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 22)\n" +
" public void set(String object) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The method set(String) of type new AtomicReference<String>(){} should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superclass method\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 28)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing package testnnbd\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 30)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type NNBDRedundantOnLocalOrField.X1\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 34)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type Local\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type Local.X2\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 37)\n" +
" String s;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The value of the field Local.X2.s is not used\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 54)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing method someMethod()\n" +
"----------\n" +
"12. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 65)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing method someMethod()\n" +
"----------\n" +
"13. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 66)\n" +
" Runnable r2 = new Runnable() {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The local variable r2 is hiding a field from type NNBDRedundantOnLocalOrField\n" +
"----------\n" +
"14. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 67)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the variable r2\n" +
"----------\n" +
"15. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 80)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing method forLoopVariable()\n" +
"----------\n" +
"16. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 84)\n" +
" }, r2 = () -> {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The local variable r2 is hiding a field from type NNBDRedundantOnLocalOrField\n" +
"----------\n" +
"17. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 91)\n" +
" for (@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing method forLoopVariable()\n" +
"----------\n" +
"18. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 91)\n" +
" for (@NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing method forLoopVariable()\n" +
"----------\n" +
"19. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 93)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the variable r\n" +
"----------\n" +
"20. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 96)\n" +
" }, r2 = () -> {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The local variable r2 is hiding a field from type NNBDRedundantOnLocalOrField\n" +
"----------\n" +
"21. WARNING in testnnbd\\ (at line 97)\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE)\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the variable r2\n" +
public void testBug484926BTB() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
" public void set(T object) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault()\n" +
"public class ClassWithNNBDOnField {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> f = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" {\n" +
" f.set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static class X {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" AtomicReference<String> nested = new AtomicReference<>();\n" +
" {\n" +
" nested.set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public X x = new X();\n" +
" \n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().f.set(null);\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().f = null;\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().x.nested.set(null);\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().x.nested = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().f.set(null);\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().f = null;\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().x.nested.set(null);\n" +
" new ClassWithNNBDOnField().x.nested = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug500885() {
new String[] {
"package annot;\n" +
"@java.lang.annotation.Retention(java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {}\n",
"package annot;\n" +
"@annot.NonNull\n" +
"@java.lang.annotation.Retention(java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)\n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {}\n",
"@annot.NonNullByDefault package annot;\n",
"@annot.NonNullByDefault package test;\n",
"package test;\n" +
"public interface X {\n" +
" public String get();\n" +
Map options = getCompilerOptions();
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault package test2;\n",
"package test2;\n" +
"import test.X;\n" +
"public class Y implements X {\n" +
" public String get() {\n" +
" return \"\";\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug505671() {
new String[] {
"package snippet;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Pair {\n" +
" public static <S, T> S make(S left, T right, Object x) {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package snippet;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Snippet {\n" +
" public static final @NonNull Object FALSE = new Object();\n" +
"\n" +
" public static @NonNull Object abbreviateExplained0() {\n" +
" return Pair.<String, @NonNull Object>make(null, FALSE, null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in snippet\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" return Pair.<String, @NonNull Object>make(null, FALSE, null);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in snippet\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" return Pair.<String, @NonNull Object>make(null, FALSE, null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug501564() {
new String[] {
"package xxx;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Generic<E1 extends Generic<E1>> { \n" +
"}\n" +
"class Foo { \n" +
" static <E2 extends Generic<E2>> Bar<E2> foo() {\n" +
" return new Bar<>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
" static class Bar<E3 extends Generic<E3>> { }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in xxx\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" static <E2 extends Generic<E2>> Bar<E2> foo() {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E2 extends Generic<E2>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull E3 extends Generic<E3 extends Generic<E3>>\'\n" +
public void testBug501564interface() {
new String[] {
"package xxx;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface Generic<E1 extends Generic<E1>> { \n" +
"}\n" +
"class Foo { \n" +
" static <E2 extends Generic<E2>> Bar<E2> foo() {\n" +
" return new Bar<>();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.TYPE_PARAMETER)\n" +
" static class Bar<E3 extends Generic<E3>> { }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in xxx\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" static <E2 extends Generic<E2>> Bar<E2> foo() {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Null constraint mismatch: The type \'E2 extends Generic<E2>\' is not a valid substitute for the type parameter \'@NonNull E3 extends Generic<E3 extends Generic<E3>>\'\n" +
public void testBug501464() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface MyList<T> { @NonNull T getAny(); }\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
"class Foo {\n" +
" @Nullable Object b;\n" +
" \n" +
" void foo() {\n" +
" @Nullable Object f = b;\n" +
" ((@NonNull Object)f).hashCode(); // Error (unexpected): Potential null pointer access: this expression has a '@Nullable' type\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" void workaround() {\n" +
" @Nullable Object f = b;\n" +
" @NonNull Object g = (@NonNull Object)f; // Warning (expected): Null type safety: Unchecked cast from @Nullable Object to @NonNull Object\n" +
" g.hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
" String three(@NonNull MyList<@Nullable String> list) {\n" +
" return ((@NonNull MyList<@NonNull String>) list).getAny().toUpperCase();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 11)\n" +
" ((@NonNull Object)f).hashCode(); // Error (unexpected): Potential null pointer access: this expression has a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: Unchecked cast from @Nullable Object to @NonNull Object\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" +
" @NonNull Object g = (@NonNull Object)f; // Warning (expected): Null type safety: Unchecked cast from @Nullable Object to @NonNull Object\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: Unchecked cast from @Nullable Object to @NonNull Object\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 20)\n" +
" return ((@NonNull MyList<@NonNull String>) list).getAny().toUpperCase();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: Unchecked cast from @NonNull MyList<@Nullable String> to @NonNull MyList<@NonNull String>\n" +
public void testBug507840() {
new String[] {
"package nnbd_on_typevar;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class AtomicReference<T> {\n" +
" public void set(T t) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package nnbd_on_typevar;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Usage {\n" +
" void m(AtomicReference<String> ref) {\n" +
" ref.set(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug508497() {
new String[] {
"interface Fluent<SELF extends Fluent<SELF>> {\n" +
" SELF self();\n" +
"}\n" +
"abstract class Reference<T> {\n" +
" abstract T get();\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"class B2 {\n" +
" void b1(Fluent f) {\n" +
" f.self();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void b2(Reference<@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull Fluent> ref) {\n" +
" ref.get().self();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 2)\n" +
" void b1(Fluent f) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Fluent is a raw type. References to generic type Fluent<SELF> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" void b2(Reference<@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull Fluent> ref) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Fluent is a raw type. References to generic type Fluent<SELF> should be parameterized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. INFO in (at line 7)\n" +
" ref.get().self();\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Unsafe interpretation of method return type as \'@NonNull\' based on the receiver type \'Reference<@NonNull Fluent>\'. Type \'Reference<T>\' doesn\'t seem to be designed with null type annotations in mind\n" +
public void testBug509025() {
new String[] {
"import java.lang.annotation.Retention;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public @interface MyAnno {\n" +
" @NonNull String[] items();\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class AnnoLoop {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" String[] test(MyAnno anno) {\n" +
" return anno.items();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug501598() {
new String[] {
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class Foo {\n" +
" static <T> @NonNull List<?> f() {\n" +
" throw new Error();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 8)\n" +
" static <T> @NonNull List<?> f() {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"The nullness annotation is redundant with a default that applies to this location\n" +
public void testBug509328() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Feature {\n" +
" public Feature(String name) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" public static void f() {\n" +
" new Feature(null) {\n" +
" // anonymous subclass\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 8)\n" +
" new Feature(null) {\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug510799() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"class TestNNBDBreaksDimensionAnnotation {\n" +
" Object f(String[] @NonNull [] a) {\n" +
" return a[0];\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug490403() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class TestNullInt {\n" +
"\n" +
" public void test() {\n" +
" @NonNull Integer[] keys = new @NonNull Integer[12];\n" +
" @NonNull Integer index = 0;\n" +
" for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
" keys[index] = index;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug490403while() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class TestNullInt {\n" +
" public abstract boolean b();\n" +
"\n" +
" public void test(@NonNull Object[] keys, @NonNull String o) {\n" +
" while (b()) {\n" +
" keys[0] = o;\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? o : o;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug490403negative() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class TestNullInt {\n" +
" public abstract boolean b();\n" +
"\n" +
" public void warning(@NonNull Object[] keys, String o) {\n" +
" while (b()) {\n" +
" keys[0] = o;\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? o : \"\";\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" public void error(@NonNull Object[] keys, @Nullable String o) {\n" +
" while (b()) {\n" +
" keys[0] = o;\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? \"\" : o;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" keys[0] = o;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in test\\ (at line 10)\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? o : \"\";\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Object\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" keys[0] = o;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? \"\" : o;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Object\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
public void testBug490403typeArgAnnotationMismatch() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"class Ref<T> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class Test {\n" +
" abstract boolean b();\n" +
"\n" +
" public void testAnnotationMismatch(@NonNull Ref<@Nullable String> x, @NonNull Ref<@NonNull String>[] keys) {\n" +
" keys[0] = x;\n" +
" while (b()) {\n" +
" keys[0] = x;\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? keys[0] : x;\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 13)\n" +
" keys[0] = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" keys[0] = x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" +
" keys[1] = b() ? keys[0] : x;\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String>\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<@Nullable String>\'\n" +
public void testBug499589() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ PARAMETER, ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"class BogusWarning {\n" +
" static void a(String[] array) {\n" +
" x(array[0]); // <----- bogus warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void x(String s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void b(String[][] array) {\n" +
" y(array[0]); // <----- bogus warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void y(String[] s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug499589multidim() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ PARAMETER, ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"class BogusWarning {\n" +
" static void foo(String[] @Nullable [] array) {\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void x(String[] s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug499589leafTypeNullable() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ PARAMETER, ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"class BogusWarning {\n" +
" static void foo(@Nullable String[] array) {\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void x(String s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
public void testBug499589qualified() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ PARAMETER, ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"class BogusWarning {\n" +
" static void foo(java.lang.String[] array) {\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void x(String s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug499589qualified_leafTypeNullable() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ PARAMETER, ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"class BogusWarning {\n" +
" static void foo(java.lang.@Nullable String[] array) {\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void x(String s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String\'\n" +
public void testBug499589qualified_multidim() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ PARAMETER, ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"class BogusWarning {\n" +
" static void foo(java.lang.String[] @Nullable [] array) {\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
" static void x(java.lang.String[] s) {\n" +
" System.out.println(s[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" x(array[0]);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug499589STB() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Ref<T> {\n" +
" T get() {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\" })\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" public final String[][] field = {};\n" +
" public final @Nullable String[][] fieldWithNullable1 = {};\n" +
" public final String[] @Nullable [] fieldWithNullable2 = {};\n" +
"\n" +
" public final Ref<String[][]> list = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final Ref<@Nullable String[][]> listWithNullable1 = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final Ref<String[] @Nullable []> listWithNullable2 = new Ref<>();\n" +
"\n" +
" public abstract String[][] method();\n" +
" public abstract @Nullable String[][] methodWithNullable1();\n" +
" public abstract String[] @Nullable [] methodWithNullable2();\n" +
"\n" +
" public final Ref<String[][]>[][] genericField = new Ref[0][];\n" +
" public final @Nullable Ref<@Nullable String[][]>[][] genericFieldWithNullable1 = new Ref[0][];\n" +
" public final Ref<String[] @Nullable []>[] @Nullable [] genericFieldWithNullable2 = new Ref[0][];\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class SourceUsage {\n" +
" void check(@NonNull String @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void checkGeneric(@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull [] @NonNull []> @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(X x) {\n" +
" check(x.field);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" check(x.list.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" check(x.method());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericField);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 37)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 39)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 40)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 42)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 43)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 45)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Ref<@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 46)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]> @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug499589BTB() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Ref<T> {\n" +
" T get() {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\" })\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" public final String[][] field = {};\n" +
" public final @Nullable String[][] fieldWithNullable1 = {};\n" +
" public final String[] @Nullable [] fieldWithNullable2 = {};\n" +
"\n" +
" public final Ref<String[][]> list = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final Ref<@Nullable String[][]> listWithNullable1 = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final Ref<String[] @Nullable []> listWithNullable2 = new Ref<>();\n" +
"\n" +
" public abstract String[][] method();\n" +
" public abstract @Nullable String[][] methodWithNullable1();\n" +
" public abstract String[] @Nullable [] methodWithNullable2();\n" +
"\n" +
" public final Ref<String[][]>[][] genericField = new Ref[0][];\n" +
" public final @Nullable Ref<@Nullable String[][]>[][] genericFieldWithNullable1 = new Ref[0][];\n" +
" public final Ref<String[] @Nullable []>[] @Nullable [] genericFieldWithNullable2 = new Ref[0][];\n" +
"}\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("rawtypes"); // javac detects rawtypes at new Ref[0][0]
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"class BinaryUsage {\n" +
" void check(@NonNull String @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void checkGeneric(@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull [] @NonNull []> @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(X x) {\n" +
" check(x.field);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" check(x.list.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" check(x.method());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericField);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 16)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 18)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 19)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 22)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 24)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Ref<@Nullable String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 25)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<@NonNull String @NonNull[] @Nullable[]> @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug499589STBqualified() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Ref<T> {\n" +
" T get() {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" class B {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\" })\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" public final test.A.B[][] field = {};\n" +
" public final test.A.@Nullable B[][] fieldWithNullable1 = {};\n" +
" public final test.A.B[] @Nullable [] fieldWithNullable2 = {};\n" +
"\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[][]> list = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.@Nullable B[][]> listWithNullable1 = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[] @Nullable []> listWithNullable2 = new Ref<>();\n" +
"\n" +
" public abstract test.A.B[][] method();\n" +
" public abstract test.A.@Nullable B[][] methodWithNullable1();\n" +
" public abstract test.A.B[] @Nullable [] methodWithNullable2();\n" +
"\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[][]>[][] genericField = new Ref[0][];\n" +
" public final test.@Nullable Ref<test.A.@Nullable B[][]>[][] genericFieldWithNullable1 = new Ref[0][];;\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[] @Nullable []>[] @Nullable[] genericFieldWithNullable2 = new Ref[0][];;\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class SourceUsage {\n" +
" void check(test.A.@NonNull B @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void checkGeneric(test.@NonNull Ref<test.A.@NonNull B @NonNull [] @NonNull []> @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(X x) {\n" +
" check(x.field);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" check(x.list.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" check(x.method());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericField);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 38)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 39)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 41)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 42)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 44)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Ref<A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 45)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]> @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug499589BTBqualified() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Ref<T> {\n" +
" T get() {\n" +
" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class A {\n" +
" class B {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings({ \"unchecked\" })\n" +
"public abstract class X {\n" +
" public final test.A.B[][] field = {};\n" +
" public final test.A.@Nullable B[][] fieldWithNullable1 = {};\n" +
" public final test.A.B[] @Nullable [] fieldWithNullable2 = {};\n" +
"\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[][]> list = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.@Nullable B[][]> listWithNullable1 = new Ref<>();\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[] @Nullable []> listWithNullable2 = new Ref<>();\n" +
"\n" +
" public abstract test.A.B[][] method();\n" +
" public abstract test.A.@Nullable B[][] methodWithNullable1();\n" +
" public abstract test.A.B[] @Nullable [] methodWithNullable2();\n" +
"\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[][]>[][] genericField = new Ref[0][];\n" +
" public final test.@Nullable Ref<test.A.@Nullable B[][]>[][] genericFieldWithNullable1 = new Ref[0][];;\n" +
" public final test.Ref<test.A.B[] @Nullable []>[] @Nullable[] genericFieldWithNullable2 = new Ref[0][];;\n" +
"}\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("rawtypes"); // javac detects rawtypes at new Ref[0][0]
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"class BinaryUsage {\n" +
" void check(test.A.@NonNull B @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" void checkGeneric(test.@NonNull Ref<test.A.@NonNull B @NonNull [] @NonNull []> @NonNull [] @NonNull [] s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(X x) {\n" +
" check(x.field);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" check(x.list.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" check(x.method());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericField);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 14)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" check(x.fieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable1.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 18)\n" +
" check(x.listWithNullable2.get());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 20)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable1());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" check(x.methodWithNullable2());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 23)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable1);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@Nullable Ref<A.@Nullable B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 24)\n" +
" checkGeneric(x.genericFieldWithNullable2);\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch (type annotations): required \'@NonNull Ref<A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @NonNull[]> @NonNull[] @NonNull[]\' but this expression has type \'@NonNull Ref<A.@NonNull B @NonNull[] @Nullable[]> @NonNull[] @Nullable[]\'\n" +
public void testBug499589arrayAllocation() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"public class ArrayAllocation {\n" +
" public Integer[] x1 = { 1, 2, 3, null };\n" +
" public Integer[] x2 = new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3 };\n" +
" public Integer[] x3 = new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3, null };\n" +
" public Integer[] x4 = new Integer[3];\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" public Integer[] x1 = { 1, 2, 3, null };\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" public Integer[] x3 = new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3, null };\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" public Integer[] x4 = new Integer[3];\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'Integer[]\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull Integer []\'\n" +
public void testBug499589generics() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT, DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS })\n" +
"public class Methods {\n" +
" static interface List<T> {\n" +
" T get(int i);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static List<String> f0(List<String> list) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = list.get(0);\n" +
" return list;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static String[] f1(String[] array) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = array[0];\n" +
" return array;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <T> List<T> g0(List<T> list) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = list.get(0); // problem\n" +
" return list;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <T> T[] g1(T[] array) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = array[0]; // problem\n" +
" return array;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> List<@NonNull T> h0(List<T> list) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = list.get(0);\n" +
" return list;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <@NonNull T> @NonNull T[] h1(T[] array) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = array[0];\n" +
" return array;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 26)\n" +
" Object o = list.get(0); // problem\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" +
" Object o = array[0]; // problem\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug511723() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class ArrayVsList {\n" +
" static interface List<T> {\n" +
" T get(int i);\n" +
" }\n" +
" public static <T> void f(List<T> list) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = list.get(0); // problem\n" +
" o.hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <T> void g(T[] array) {\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" Object o = array[0]; // problem\n" +
" o.hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" Object o = list.get(0); // problem\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" Object o = array[0]; // problem\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: required \'@NonNull\' but this expression has type \'T\', a free type variable that may represent a \'@Nullable\' type\n" +
public void testBug498084() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.HashMap;\n" +
"import java.util.Map;\n" +
"import java.util.function.Function;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
"\n" +
" protected static final <K, V> V cache(final Map<K, V> cache, final V value, final Function<V, K> keyFunction) {\n" +
" cache.put(keyFunction.apply(value), value);\n" +
" return value;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static final void main(final String[] args) {\n" +
" Map<Integer, String> cache = new HashMap<>();\n" +
" cache(cache, \"test\", String::length); // Warning: Null type safety at\n" +
" // method return type: Method\n" +
" // descriptor\n" +
" // Function<String,Integer>.apply(String)\n" +
" // promises '@NonNull Integer'\n" +
" // but referenced method\n" +
" // provides 'int'\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug498084b() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Consumer;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test2 {\n" +
" static void f(int i) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" Consumer<@Nullable Integer> sam = Test2::f;\n" +
" sam.accept(null); // <- NullPointerExpection when run\n" +
" Consumer<Integer> sam2 = Test2::f;\n" +
" sam2.accept(null); // variation: unchecked \n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 12)\n" +
" Consumer<@Nullable Integer> sam = Test2::f;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch at parameter 1: required \'int\' but provided \'@Nullable Integer\' via method descriptor Consumer<Integer>.accept(Integer)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in test\\ (at line 14)\n" +
" Consumer<Integer> sam2 = Test2::f;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety: parameter 1 provided via method descriptor Consumer<Integer>.accept(Integer) needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'int\'\n" +
public void testBug513495() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Function;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test3 {\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" Function<@Nullable Integer, Object> sam = Integer::intValue;\n" +
" sam.apply(null); // <- NullPointerExpection\n" +
" Function<Integer, Object> sam2 = Integer::intValue;\n" +
" sam2.apply(null); // variation: unchecked, so intentionally no warning reported, but would give NPE too \n" +
" }\n" +
" void wildcards(Class<?>[] params) { // unchecked case with wildcards\n" +
"[]::new);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" Function<@Nullable Integer, Object> sam = Integer::intValue;\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch at parameter 'this': required \'@NonNull Integer\' but provided \'@Nullable Integer\' via method descriptor Function<Integer,Object>.apply(Integer)\n" +
public void testBug513855() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.math.BigDecimal;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" interface Sink<T extends Number> {\n" +
" void receive(T t);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" interface Source<U extends BigDecimal> {\n" +
" U get();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void nn(Object x) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(Source<?> source) {\n" +
" nn(source.get());\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug513855lambda() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.math.BigDecimal;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Lambda3 {\n" +
" interface Sink<T extends Number> {\n" +
" void receive(T t);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" interface Source<U extends BigDecimal> {\n" +
" void sendTo(Sink<? super U> c);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void f(Source<?> source) {\n" +
" source.sendTo(a -> a.scale());\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug514091() {
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"@org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault\n" +
"interface SAM<A> {\n" +
" void f(A[] a);\n" +
"}\n" +
false /* don't flush */,
new String[] {
"package test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class LambdaNN {\n" +
" void g1() {\n" +
" SAM<? super Number> sam = (Number @NonNull [] a) -> {};\n" +
" sam.f(new Number[0]);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug514570() {
final Map compilerOptions = getCompilerOptions();
compilerOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_DOC_COMMENT_SUPPORT, JavaCore.ENABLED);
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.List;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" /**\n" +
" * {@link #bug()}\n" +
" */\n" +
" <E, T extends List<@NonNull E>> void bug() {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug514977() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" static void nn(@NonNull Object i) {\n" +
" i.hashCode();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" static void f(@NonNull Integer @NonNull... args) {\n" +
" nn(args);\n" +
" for (Integer s : args) {\n" +
" nn(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER })\n" +
" static void g(Integer... args) {\n" +
" nn(args);\n" +
" for (Integer s : args) {\n" +
" nn(s);\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(String[] args) {\n" +
" Integer i = args.length == 0 ? null : 1;\n" +
" Integer[] array = i == null ? null : new Integer[] {i};\n" +
" f(array);\n" +
" f(i);\n" +
" f(1, i);\n" +
" g(array);\n" +
" g(i);\n" +
" g(1, i);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 30)\n" +
" f(array);\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 31)\n" +
" f(i);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 32)\n" +
" f(1, i);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 33)\n" +
" g(array);\n" +
" ^^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer @NonNull[]\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 34)\n" +
" g(i);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" g(1, i);\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Integer\' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
public void testBug515292() {
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class BoundedByFinal {\n" +
" abstract <T extends @Nullable String> void setSelection(T[] selectedObjects);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NonNull String @NonNull [] toArray1();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @Nullable String @NonNull [] toArray2();\n" +
"\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" setSelection(toArray1());\n" +
" setSelection(toArray2());\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug526555() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
new String[] {
"package ztest;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.ARRAY_CONTENTS;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"import static org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface X509TrustManager {\n" +
" void checkClientTrusted(String[] arg0, String arg1);\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"public class OverrideTest implements X509TrustManager {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void checkClientTrusted(String @Nullable [] arg0, @Nullable String arg1) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in ztest\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" public void checkClientTrusted(String @Nullable [] arg0, @Nullable String arg1) {\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter arg0, inherited method from X509TrustManager declares this parameter as \'String[]\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
public void testBug530913() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullByDefault");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DEAD_CODE, JavaCore.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public enum DefaultLocation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.*;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER, RETURN_TYPE, FIELD, TYPE_BOUND, TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package nnbd_test2;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Data {\n" +
" public void f(@NonNullByDefault({}) String s1, String s2) {\n" +
" s1.equals(s2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public void g(String s1, @NonNullByDefault({}) String s2) {\n" +
" s1.equals(s2);\n" +
" }\n" +
" \n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" public void h(@NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.PARAMETER }) Supplier<String> s1, @NonNullByDefault Supplier<String> s2) {\n" +
" s1.equals(s2);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package nnbd_test1;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Supplier;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"import nnbd_test2.Data;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void f(@NonNullByDefault({}) String s1, String s2) {\n" +
" if (s1 == null) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s is null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (s2 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s2 is null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void g(String s1, @NonNullByDefault({}) String s2) {\n" +
" if (s1 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s is null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (s2 == null) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s2 is null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({})\n" +
" void h(@NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.PARAMETER }) Supplier<String> s1, @NonNullByDefault Supplier<String> s2) {\n" +
" if (s1 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s is null\");\n" +
" return;\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (s2 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s2 is null\");\n" +
" return;\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (s1.get() == null) {\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s is null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" if (s2.get() == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" System.out.println(\"s2 is null\");\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void checkInvocation() {\n" +
" Test d = new Test();\n" +
" d.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" d.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void checkBTBInvocation() {\n" +
" Data d = new Data();\n" +
" d.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" d.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void checkInheritance() {\n" +
" Test t = new Test() {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" void f(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" super.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" void g(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the second parameter expected\n" +
" super.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" void h(Supplier<String> s1, Supplier<String> s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void checkBTBInheritance() {\n" +
" Data d = new Data() {\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void f(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" super.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void g(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the second parameter expected\n" +
" super.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public void h(Supplier<String> s1, Supplier<String> s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" if (s2 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull String\' against null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 21)\n" +
" if (s1 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull String\' against null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 31)\n" +
" if (s1 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull Supplier<String>\' against null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" if (s2 == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull Supplier<@NonNull String>\' against null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 42)\n" +
" if (s2.get() == null) { // warning expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Redundant null check: comparing \'@NonNull String\' against null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 49)\n" +
" d.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 50)\n" +
" d.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 55)\n" +
" d.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 56)\n" +
" d.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 62)\n" +
" void f(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter s1, inherited method from Test does not constrain this parameter\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 63)\n" +
" super.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"12. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 67)\n" +
" void g(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the second parameter expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter s2, inherited method from Test does not constrain this parameter\n" +
"----------\n" +
"13. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 68)\n" +
" super.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"14. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 72)\n" +
" void h(Supplier<String> s1, Supplier<String> s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter s1, inherited method from Test declares this parameter as \'@NonNull Supplier<String>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"15. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 80)\n" +
" public void f(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter s1, inherited method from Data does not constrain this parameter\n" +
"----------\n" +
"16. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 81)\n" +
" super.f(null, null); // warning on the second null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"17. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 85)\n" +
" public void g(String s1, String s2) { // warning on the second parameter expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter s2, inherited method from Data does not constrain this parameter\n" +
"----------\n" +
"18. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 86)\n" +
" super.g(null, null); // warning on the first null expected\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"19. ERROR in nnbd_test1\\ (at line 90)\n" +
" public void h(Supplier<String> s1, Supplier<String> s2) { // warning on the first parameter expected\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Illegal redefinition of parameter s1, inherited method from Data declares this parameter as \'@NonNull Supplier<String>\' (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
public void testBug530913b() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullByDefault");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NNBDField,annotation.NNBDParam,annotation.NNBDReturn,annotation.NNBDTypeArg,annotation.NNBDTypeBound");
customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public enum DefaultLocation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER, RETURN_TYPE, FIELD, TYPE_BOUND, TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.shouldFlushOutputDirectory = false;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface C<T1, T2> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault(DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE) abstract void f2(@NonNullByDefault C<Object, ? extends Number> p1);\n" +
runner.customOptions = customOptions;
runner.javacTestOptions = new JavacTestOptions.SuppressWarnings("auxiliaryclass");
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"class ExplicitNonNull extends X {\n" +
" void f2(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1) {\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug530971() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullByDefault");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NNBDField,annotation.NNBDParam,annotation.NNBDReturn,annotation.NNBDTypeArg,annotation.NNBDTypeBound");
customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public enum DefaultLocation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NNBDField {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { FIELD };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDParam {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDReturn {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { RETURN_TYPE };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeArg {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeBound {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_BOUND };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER, RETURN_TYPE, FIELD, TYPE_BOUND, TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDField;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDParam;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDReturn;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDTypeArg;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDTypeBound;\n" +
"import annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface C<T1, T2> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDField\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" C<Object, ? extends Number> f1; // warning 1\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> f2; // warning 2\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" abstract Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NNBDReturn Object m2(@NNBDParam @NNBDTypeArg @NNBDTypeBound C<Object, ? extends Number> p1,\n" +
" @NNBDParam Object p2);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NonNull Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class ExplicitNonNull extends X {\n" +
" Object m1(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 3 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 4\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 5\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 6 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 7 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NNBDParam\n" +
"@NNBDTypeArg\n" +
"@NNBDTypeBound\n" +
"class OnClass extends X {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 8 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 9\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 10\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 11 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 12 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" X onField = new X() {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 13 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 14\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 15\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 16 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 17 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
" {\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" X onLocal = new X() {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 18 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 19\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 20\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 21 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 22 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" void onMethod() {\n" +
" X l1 = new X() {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 23 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 24\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 25\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 26 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 27 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" C<Object, ? extends Number> f1; // warning 1\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field f1 may not have been initialized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 20)\n" +
" C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> f2; // warning 2\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field f2 may not have been initialized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" Object m1(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 3 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 4\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 37)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 5\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 43)\n" +
" Object m2(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 6 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 49)\n" +
" Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 7 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 60)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 8 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 61)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 9\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 62)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 10\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 68)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 11 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 74)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 12 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 86)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 13 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"14. ERROR in test\\ (at line 87)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 14\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"15. ERROR in test\\ (at line 88)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 15\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"16. ERROR in test\\ (at line 94)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 16 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"17. ERROR in test\\ (at line 100)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 17 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"18. ERROR in test\\ (at line 112)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 18 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"19. ERROR in test\\ (at line 113)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 19\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"20. ERROR in test\\ (at line 114)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 20\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"21. ERROR in test\\ (at line 120)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 21 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"22. ERROR in test\\ (at line 126)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 22 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"23. ERROR in test\\ (at line 139)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 23 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"24. ERROR in test\\ (at line 140)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 24\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"25. ERROR in test\\ (at line 141)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 25\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"26. ERROR in test\\ (at line 147)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 26 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"27. ERROR in test\\ (at line 153)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 27 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
// same as testBug530971, but X is read via class file
public void testBug530971_BTB() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullByDefault");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NNBDField,annotation.NNBDParam,annotation.NNBDReturn,annotation.NNBDTypeArg,annotation.NNBDTypeBound");
customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public enum DefaultLocation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NNBDField {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { FIELD };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDParam {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDReturn {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { RETURN_TYPE };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeArg {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeBound {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_BOUND };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER, RETURN_TYPE, FIELD, TYPE_BOUND, TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDField;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDParam;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDReturn;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDTypeArg;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDTypeBound;\n" +
"import annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface C<T1, T2> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@SuppressWarnings(\"null\")\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDField\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" C<Object, ? extends Number> f1; // warning 1\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> f2; // warning 2\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" abstract Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NNBDReturn Object m2(@NNBDParam @NNBDTypeArg @NNBDTypeBound C<Object, ? extends Number> p1,\n" +
" @NNBDParam Object p2);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NonNull Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2);\n" +
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDField;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDParam;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDReturn;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDTypeArg;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDTypeBound;\n" +
"import annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"interface C_IGNORED<T1, T2> {\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"abstract class X_IGNORED {\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDField\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" C<Object, ? extends Number> f1; // warning 1\n" +
"\n" +
" @NonNull\n" +
" C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> f2; // warning 2\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" abstract Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NNBDReturn Object m2(@NNBDParam @NNBDTypeArg @NNBDTypeBound C<Object, ? extends Number> p1,\n" +
" @NNBDParam Object p2);\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract @NonNull Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2);\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class ExplicitNonNull extends X {\n" +
" Object m1(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 3 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 4\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 5\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 6 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 7 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"@NNBDParam\n" +
"@NNBDTypeArg\n" +
"@NNBDTypeBound\n" +
"class OnClass extends X {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 8 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 9\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 10\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 11 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 12 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"\n" +
"class Test {\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" X onField = new X() {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 13 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 14\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 15\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 16 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 17 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
"\n" +
" {\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" X onLocal = new X() {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 18 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 19\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 20\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 21 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 22 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDTypeArg\n" +
" @NNBDTypeBound\n" +
" void onMethod() {\n" +
" X l1 = new X() {\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 23 on return type\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 24\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 25\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 26 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 27 on return type\n" +
" f1 = p1;\n" +
" f2 = p1;\n" +
" return p2;\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in test\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" C<Object, ? extends Number> f1; // warning 1\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field f1 may not have been initialized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in test\\ (at line 20)\n" +
" C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> f2; // warning 2\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"The @NonNull field f2 may not have been initialized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in test\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" Object m1(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 3 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in test\\ (at line 36)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 4\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in test\\ (at line 37)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 5\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in test\\ (at line 43)\n" +
" Object m2(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 6 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"7. ERROR in test\\ (at line 49)\n" +
" Object m3(@NonNull C<@NonNull Object, ? extends @NonNull Number> p1, @NonNull Object p2) { // warning 7 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"8. ERROR in test\\ (at line 60)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 8 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"9. ERROR in test\\ (at line 61)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 9\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"10. ERROR in test\\ (at line 62)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 10\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"11. ERROR in test\\ (at line 68)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 11 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"12. ERROR in test\\ (at line 74)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 12 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"13. ERROR in test\\ (at line 86)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 13 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"14. ERROR in test\\ (at line 87)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 14\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"15. ERROR in test\\ (at line 88)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 15\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"16. ERROR in test\\ (at line 94)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 16 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"17. ERROR in test\\ (at line 100)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 17 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"18. ERROR in test\\ (at line 112)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 18 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"19. ERROR in test\\ (at line 113)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 19\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"20. ERROR in test\\ (at line 114)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 20\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"21. ERROR in test\\ (at line 120)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 21 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"22. ERROR in test\\ (at line 126)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 22 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"23. ERROR in test\\ (at line 139)\n" +
" Object m1(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 23 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m1(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"24. ERROR in test\\ (at line 140)\n" +
" f1 = null; // warning 24\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"25. ERROR in test\\ (at line 141)\n" +
" f2 = null; // warning 25\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull C<@NonNull Object,? extends @NonNull Number>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"26. ERROR in test\\ (at line 147)\n" +
" Object m2(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 26 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m2(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
"----------\n" +
"27. ERROR in test\\ (at line 153)\n" +
" Object m3(C<Object, ? extends Number> p1, Object p2) { // warning 27 on return type\n" +
" ^^^^^^\n" +
"The return type is incompatible with \'@NonNull Object\' returned from X.m3(C<Object,? extends Number>, Object) (mismatching null constraints)\n" +
public void testBug530971_redundant() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullByDefault");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NNBDField,annotation.NNBDParam,annotation.NNBDReturn,annotation.NNBDTypeArg,annotation.NNBDTypeBound");
customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public enum DefaultLocation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NNBDField {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { FIELD };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDParam {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDReturn {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { RETURN_TYPE };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeArg {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeBound {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_BOUND };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER, RETURN_TYPE, FIELD, TYPE_BOUND, TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.shouldFlushOutputDirectory = false;
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"package test;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NNBDReturn\n" +
"@NNBDParam\n" +
"@NNBDField\n" +
"abstract class X {\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 1\n" +
" abstract class OnClass {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 2\n" +
" Object onField = \"\";\n" +
"\n" +
" {\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 3\n" +
" Object onLocal;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 4\n" +
" abstract void onMethod();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract void m(//\n" +
" @NNBDReturn //\n" +
" @NNBDParam //\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 5\n" +
" Object onParameter);\n" +
"}\n" +
runner.customOptions = customOptions;
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in test\\ (at line 11)\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 1\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type X\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in test\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 2\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type X\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in test\\ (at line 23)\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 3\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type X\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. WARNING in test\\ (at line 29)\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 4\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type X\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. WARNING in test\\ (at line 35)\n" +
" @NNBDField // warning 5\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Nullness default is redundant with a default specified for the enclosing type X\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = JavacTestOptions.Excuse.EclipseHasSomeMoreWarnings;
public void testBug530971_locally_redundant() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullByDefault");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NNBDField,annotation.NNBDParam,annotation.NNBDReturn,annotation.NNBDTypeArg,annotation.NNBDTypeBound");
customOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation, CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public enum DefaultLocation {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NNBDField {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { FIELD };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDParam {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDReturn {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { RETURN_TYPE };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeArg {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NNBDTypeBound {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { TYPE_BOUND };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.FIELD;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.PARAMETER;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_ARGUMENT;\n" +
"import static annotation.DefaultLocation.TYPE_BOUND;\n" +
" \n" +
"public @interface NonNullByDefault {\n" +
" DefaultLocation[] value() default { PARAMETER, RETURN_TYPE, FIELD, TYPE_BOUND, TYPE_ARGUMENT };\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.Target;\n" +
"\n" +
"@Target(ElementType.TYPE_USE)\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package testredundant;\n" +
"\n" +
"import annotation.DefaultLocation;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDField;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDParam;\n" +
"import annotation.NNBDReturn;\n" +
"import annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NNBDReturn\n" +
"@NNBDParam\n" +
"@NNBDField\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER, DefaultLocation.FIELD })\n" +
"abstract class TestRedundantOnSame {\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER })\n" +
" abstract class OnClass {\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER })\n" +
" Object onField = \"\";\n" +
"\n" +
" {\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER })\n" +
" Object onLocal;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" @NNBDReturn\n" +
" @NNBDParam\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER })\n" +
" abstract void onMethod();\n" +
"\n" +
" abstract void m(//\n" +
" @NNBDReturn //\n" +
" @NNBDParam //\n" +
" @NonNullByDefault({ DefaultLocation.RETURN_TYPE, DefaultLocation.PARAMETER }) //\n" +
" Object onParameter);\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug518839() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullApi");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NonNullFields");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DEAD_CODE, JavaCore.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"\n" +
"@TypeQualifierDefault({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})\n" +
"public @interface NonNullApi {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"\n" +
"@TypeQualifierDefault(ElementType.FIELD)\n" +
"public @interface NonNullFields {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface TypeQualifierDefault {\n" +
" ElementType[] value();\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package nn_api;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNApi {\n" +
" public String f;\n" +
"\n" +
" public Object m(Object p) {\n" +
" if (p != null) { // warning\n" +
" //\n" +
" }\n" +
" return null; // warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullApi\n" +
"package nn_api;\n" +
"package nn_api_and_fields;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNApiAndFields {\n" +
" public String f; // warning 1\n" +
"\n" +
" public Object m(Object p) {\n" +
" if (p != null) { // warning 2\n" +
" //\n" +
" }\n" +
" return null; // warning 3\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullApi\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullFields\n" +
"package nn_api_and_fields;\n" +
"package nn_fields;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNFields {\n" +
" public String f; // warning\n" +
"\n" +
" public Object m(Object p) {\n" +
" if (p != null) {\n" +
" //\n" +
" }\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullFields\n" +
"package nn_fields;\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in nn_api\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" if (p != null) { // warning\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Redundant null check: The variable p is specified as @NonNull\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in nn_api\\ (at line 10)\n" +
" return null; // warning\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in nn_api_and_fields\\ (at line 4)\n" +
" public String f; // warning 1\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The @NonNull field f may not have been initialized\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in nn_api_and_fields\\ (at line 7)\n" +
" if (p != null) { // warning 2\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Redundant null check: The variable p is specified as @NonNull\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in nn_api_and_fields\\ (at line 10)\n" +
" return null; // warning 3\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in nn_fields\\ (at line 4)\n" +
" public String f; // warning\n" +
" ^\n" +
"The @NonNull field f may not have been initialized\n" +
public void testBug518839_BTB() {
Map customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NULLABLE_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.Nullable");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNull");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_NAME, "annotation.NonNullApi");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_NONNULL_BY_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_SECONDARY_NAMES, "annotation.NonNullFields");
customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_DEAD_CODE, JavaCore.IGNORE);
new String[] {
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface NonNull {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"\n" +
"@TypeQualifierDefault({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.PARAMETER})\n" +
"public @interface NonNullApi {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"\n" +
"@TypeQualifierDefault(ElementType.FIELD)\n" +
"public @interface NonNullFields {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface Nullable {\n" +
"}\n" +
"package annotation;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;\n" +
"\n" +
"public @interface TypeQualifierDefault {\n" +
" ElementType[] value();\n" +
"}\n" +
// compile with jdt annotations, so no warnings are created.
new String[] {
"package nn_api;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNApi {\n" +
" public String f;\n" +
"\n" +
" public Object m(Object p) {\n" +
" if (p != null) { // warning\n" +
" //\n" +
" }\n" +
" return null; // warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullApi\n" +
"package nn_api;\n" +
"package nn_api_and_fields;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNApiAndFields {\n" +
" public String f; // warning 1\n" +
"\n" +
" public Object m(Object p) {\n" +
" if (p != null) { // warning 2\n" +
" //\n" +
" }\n" +
" return null; // warning 3\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullApi\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullFields\n" +
"package nn_api_and_fields;\n" +
"package nn_fields;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class NNFields {\n" +
" public String f; // warning\n" +
"\n" +
" public Object m(Object p) {\n" +
" if (p != null) {\n" +
" //\n" +
" }\n" +
" return null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"@annotation.NonNullFields\n" +
"package nn_fields;\n" +
new String[] {
"package btbtest;\n" +
"\n" +
"import nn_api.NNApi;\n" +
"import nn_api_and_fields.NNApiAndFields;\n" +
"import nn_fields.NNFields;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class BTBTest {\n" +
" void api(NNApi p) {\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) { // 2 warnings\n" +
" }\n" +
" p.f = null;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void apiAndFields(NNApiAndFields p) {\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) { // 2 warnings\n" +
" }\n" +
" p.f = null; // warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" void fields(NNFields p) {\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" p.f = null; // warning\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in btbtest\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) { // 2 warnings\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null comparison always yields false: The method m(Object) cannot return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in btbtest\\ (at line 9)\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) { // 2 warnings\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in btbtest\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) { // 2 warnings\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null comparison always yields false: The method m(Object) cannot return null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"4. ERROR in btbtest\\ (at line 15)\n" +
" if (p.m(null) == null) { // 2 warnings\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Object\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"5. ERROR in btbtest\\ (at line 17)\n" +
" p.f = null; // warning\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"6. ERROR in btbtest\\ (at line 23)\n" +
" p.f = null; // warning\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
public void testBug531040() {
if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK10)
new String[] {
"import java.util.*;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
" void test() {\n" +
" var list1 = new ArrayList<@NonNull String>();\n" +
" list1.add(null);\n" +
" @NonNull String val = \"\";\n" +
" var list2 = getList(val);\n" +
" list2.add(null);\n" +
" }\n" +
" <T> List<T> getList(T... in) {\n" +
" return Arrays.asList(in);\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 8)\n" +
" list1.add(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in (at line 11)\n" +
" list2.add(null);\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull String\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 13)\n" +
" <T> List<T> getList(T... in) {\n" +
" ^^\n" +
"Type safety: Potential heap pollution via varargs parameter in\n" +
public void testBug533339() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class Test {\n" +
"\n" +
" interface Foo {\n" +
"\n" +
" @Nullable\n" +
" String getString();\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" class Bar {\n" +
"\n" +
" Bar(@NonNull String s) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Bar hasWarning(Foo foo) {\n" +
" @NonNull String s = checkNotNull(foo.getString());\n" +
" return new Bar(s);// Null type mismatch: required '@NonNull String' but the provided value is inferred as @Nullable\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" Bar hasNoWarning(Foo foo) {\n" +
" return new Bar(checkNotNull(foo.getString()));// no warning when s is inlined\n" +
" }\n" +
" static <T> T checkNotNull(T reference) {\n" +
" if (reference == null) throw new NullPointerException();\n" +
" return reference;\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 19)\n" +
" @NonNull String s = checkNotNull(foo.getString());\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 24)\n" +
" return new Bar(checkNotNull(foo.getString()));// no warning when s is inlined\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'String\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull String\'\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = JavacTestOptions.Excuse.EclipseHasSomeMoreWarnings;
public void testBug534516() {
new String[] {
"package testbug.nullannotations;\n" +
"\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNullByDefault;\n" +
"\n" +
"@NonNullByDefault\n" +
"public class Utility {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static String massageString(final String input) {\n" +
" return input + \" .\";\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" private Utility() {\n" +
"\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
new String[] {
"package testbug.nullannotations;\n" +
"\n" +
"import java.util.function.Function;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;\n" +
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class ApplyIfNonNullElseGetBugDemo {\n" +
"\n" +
" public static <T, U> U applyIfNonNullElse(@Nullable T value, @NonNull Function<@NonNull ? super T, ? extends U> function, U fallbackValue) {\n" +
" if (value != null)\n" +
" return function.apply(value);\n" +
" return fallbackValue;\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
" public static void main(final @Nullable String[] args) {\n" +
" final @Nullable String arg = args.length == 0 ? null : args[0];\n" +
" System.out.println(applyIfNonNullElse(arg, Utility::massageString, \"\")); // incorrect warning here\n" +
" }\n" +
"\n" +
"}\n" +
public void testBug536459() {
new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;\n" +
"\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" static void x() {\n" +
" @Nullable String x1 = \"\";\n" +
" @Nullable String[] x2 = { \"\" };\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testBug536555() {
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_DOC_COMMENT_SUPPORT, JavaCore.ENABLED);
runner.testFiles =
new String[] {
"public class Foo\n" +
"{\n" +
" /** Test {@link #foo(boolean)}. */\n" +
" public static final String TEST = \"foo\";\n" +
"\n" +
" public void foo(@SuppressWarnings(TEST) final boolean test)\n" +
" {\n" +
" System.out.println(test);\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. WARNING in (at line 6)\n" +
" public void foo(@SuppressWarnings(TEST) final boolean test)\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Unsupported @SuppressWarnings(\"foo\")\n" +
runner.javacTestOptions = JavacTestOptions.Excuse.EclipseHasSomeMoreWarnings;
public void testBug540264() {
new String[] {
"package example;\n" +
"\n" +
"public abstract class Example {\n" +
" void f() {\n" +
" for (X.Y<Z> entry : x) {\n" +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
"}\n" +
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in example\\ (at line 5)\n" +
" for (X.Y<Z> entry : x) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"X cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. ERROR in example\\ (at line 5)\n" +
" for (X.Y<Z> entry : x) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"Z cannot be resolved to a type\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. ERROR in example\\ (at line 5)\n" +
" for (X.Y<Z> entry : x) {\n" +
" ^\n" +
"x cannot be resolved to a variable\n" +
public void testBug542707_1() {
if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK12) return; // switch expression
// switch expression has a functional type with interesting type inference and various null issues:
Runner runner = new Runner();
runner.customOptions = getCompilerOptions();
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_ENABLE_PREVIEW_FEATURES, JavaCore.ENABLED);
runner.customOptions.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_PB_REPORT_PREVIEW_FEATURES, JavaCore.IGNORE);
runner.classLibraries = this.LIBS;
runner.testFiles = new String[] {
"import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.*;\n" +
"import java.util.function.*;\n" +
"interface IN0 {}\n" +
"interface IN1 extends IN0 {}\n" +
"interface IN2 extends IN0 {}\n" +
"public class X {\n" +
" @NonNull IN1 n1() { return new IN1() {}; }\n" +
" IN2 n2() { return null; }\n" +
" <M> void m(@NonNull Supplier<@NonNull M> m2) { }\n" +
" void testSw(int i) {\n" +
" m(switch(i) {\n" +
" case 1 -> this::n1;\n" +
" case 2 -> () -> n1();\n" +
" case 3 -> null;\n" +
" case 4 -> () -> n2();\n" +
" default -> this::n2; });\n" +
" }\n" +
runner.expectedCompilerLog =
"----------\n" +
"1. ERROR in (at line 14)\n" +
" case 3 -> null;\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type mismatch: required \'@NonNull Supplier<@NonNull IN0>\' but the provided value is null\n" +
"----------\n" +
"2. WARNING in (at line 15)\n" +
" case 4 -> () -> n2();\n" +
" ^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety (type annotations): The expression of type \'IN2\' needs unchecked conversion to conform to \'@NonNull IN0\'\n" +
"----------\n" +
"3. WARNING in (at line 16)\n" +
" default -> this::n2; });\n" +
" ^^^^^^^^\n" +
"Null type safety at method return type: Method descriptor Supplier<IN0>.get() promises \'@NonNull IN0\' but referenced method provides \'IN2\'\n" +