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<title>Java Debug UI</title>
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<p align="left">Provides an implementation of a source locator for the Java debug model.</p>
<h2 align="left">Package Specification</h2>
<p>This package provides a source locator for the Java debug model. The source
locator prompts the user for source, when source cannot be found on the source
lookup path. </p>
<p>These <code>JavaUISourceLocator</code> and <code>JavaSourceLookupDialog</code>
have been <b>deprecated</b> in Eclipse 3.0. Source lookup facilities are now
provided by the debug platform - see <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup</code>.
Source lookup support specific to the Java debugger is now provided in <code>org.eclipse.jdt.launching.sourcelookup.containers</code>.
The user interface for source lookup is provided by <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup</code>.</p>