blob: 6e3a667b241cc18302934169f16039efdcf9ef40 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2020 SAP SE and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* SAP SE - initial API and implementation
* Paul Pazderski - Bug 546900: Tests to check initial console content and content persistence
* Paul Pazderski - Bug 343023: Tests for 'clear initial content on first edit'
* Paul Pazderski - Bug 304219: Tests for formatting
package org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.console;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.AbstractDebugTest;
import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.TestUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui.console.JavaStackTraceConsoleFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.console.ConsoleMessages;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.console.JavaStackTraceConsole;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.console.JavaStackTraceConsolePage;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadPositionCategoryException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ST;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.console.ConsolePlugin;
import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsole;
import org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleManager;
import org.eclipse.ui.console.TextConsoleViewer;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.console.ConsoleHyperlinkPosition;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.console.ConsoleView;
* Tests {@link JavaStackTraceConsole}
public class JavaStackTraceConsoleTest extends AbstractDebugTest {
private final static Pattern LEFT_INDENT = Pattern.compile("^[ \\t]*");
private final static Pattern RIGHT_INDENT = Pattern.compile("\\s+$");
private final JavaStackTraceConsoleFactory fConsoleFactory = new JavaStackTraceConsoleFactory();
private JavaStackTraceConsole fConsole;
public JavaStackTraceConsoleTest(String name) {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Create and register a {@link JavaStackTraceConsole}.
* @param assertDefaultContent
* If <code>true</code> assert console is initialized with its default content.
* @see #removeConsole(boolean)
private void initConsole(boolean assertDefaultContent) {
IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
IConsole[] consoles = consoleManager.getConsoles();
fConsole = null;
for (IConsole console : consoles) {
if (console instanceof JavaStackTraceConsole) {
fConsole = (JavaStackTraceConsole) console;
// do not end loop. There should be only one JavaStackTraceConsole but if there are more
// the last one is most likely the one we opened
assertNotNull("Failed to open a JavaStackTraceConsole", fConsole);
if (assertDefaultContent) {
* Remove the previous created console.
* @param preserveContent
* If <code>true</code> the remove does not prevent the current console content from being loaded by next
* {@link JavaStackTraceConsole}.
* @see #initConsole(boolean)
private void removeConsole(boolean preserveContent) {
if (!preserveContent) {
final int contentLength = fConsole.getDocument().getLength();
IConsoleManager consoleManager = ConsolePlugin.getDefault().getConsoleManager();
consoleManager.removeConsoles(new IConsole[] { fConsole });
final Path stackTraceFile = Paths.get(JavaStackTraceConsole.FILE_NAME);
if (!preserveContent) {
assertTrue("Leaked content of JavaStackTraceConsole", Files.notExists(stackTraceFile));
} else {
assertTrue("JavaStackTraceConsole content was not persisted", Files.exists(stackTraceFile));
try {
assertTrue("Persisted content seems incomplete", Files.size(stackTraceFile) >= contentLength);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("Persisted content seems incomplete");
public void testHyperlinkMatchSignatureSimple() throws Exception {
String[] matchTexts = linkTextsAtPositions(24);
assertArrayEquals(allLinks(), new String[] { "" }, matchTexts);
public void testHyperlinkMatchSignatureExtended() throws Exception {
String[] matchTexts = linkTextsAtPositions(47);
assertArrayEquals(allLinks(), new String[] { "" }, matchTexts);
public void testHyperlinkMatchMultiple() throws Exception {
consoleDocumentWithText("at\n" //
+ "at");
String[] matchTexts = linkTextsAtPositions(24, 61);
assertArrayEquals(allLinks(), new String[] { "", "" }, matchTexts);
public void testHyperlinkMatchInvalidLine() throws Exception {
String[] matchTexts = linkTextsAtPositions(24);
assertArrayEquals(allLinks(), new String[] { "" }, matchTexts);
public void testHyperlinkNoMatch() throws Exception {
Position[] positions = allLinkPositions();
assertArrayEquals("Expected no hyperlinks for invalid type name", new Position[0], positions);
public void testBug489365_unicodeMatch() throws Exception {
consoleDocumentWithText("at com.example.Fran\\u0301butant(Fran\\n" // "Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla"
+ "at com.example.Franc\\u0301butant(Franc\\n" // "Latin Small Letter C" + "Combining Cedilla"
+ "at Exc\u00E4ption.main(Exc\\n" // "Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis"
+ "at Exca\u0308ption.main(Exca\"); // "Latin Small Letter A" + "Combining Diaeresis"
String[] matchTexts = linkTextsAtPositions(34, 88, 126, 163);
assertArrayEquals(allLinks(), new String[] { "Fran\", "Franc\",
"Exc\", "Exca\" }, matchTexts);
* Test save/restore of stack trace console content on console close/reactivation.
public void testLoadAndSaveDocument() throws Exception {
IDocument initialDocument = fConsole.getDocument();
String storedContent = "at";
Path file = Paths.get(JavaStackTraceConsole.FILE_NAME);
assertTrue("Content was not stored.", Files.exists(file));
assertTrue("Content was not stored.", Files.size(file) > 0);
assertNotSame("Failed to create new console.", initialDocument, fConsole.getDocument());
assertEquals("Failed to restore previous content.", storedContent, fConsole.getDocument().get());
* Test for Bug 343023. Test if initial content is cleared on first edit and not cleared if it was changed programmatically before.
public void testClearInitialContent() {
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().syncExec(() -> {
// type at start of initial content
TextConsoleViewer viewer = getConsolesViewer();
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'a');
assertEquals("Initial content was not cleared.", "a", fConsole.getDocument().get());
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'b');
assertEquals("Content was cleared again.", "ab", fConsole.getDocument().get());
// type inside initial content
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'a');
assertEquals("Initial content was not cleared.", "a", fConsole.getDocument().get());
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'b');
assertEquals("Content was cleared again.", "ab", fConsole.getDocument().get());
// type at end of initial content
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'a');
assertEquals("Initial content was not cleared.", "a", fConsole.getDocument().get());
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'b');
assertEquals("Content was cleared again.", "ab", fConsole.getDocument().get());
// select all initial content
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'a');
assertEquals("Initial content was not cleared.", "a", fConsole.getDocument().get());
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'b');
assertEquals("Content was cleared again.", "ab", fConsole.getDocument().get());
// select part of initial content
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
viewer.getTextWidget().setSelection(5, 10);
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'a');
assertEquals("Initial content was not cleared.", "a", fConsole.getDocument().get());
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'b');
assertEquals("Content was cleared again.", "ab", fConsole.getDocument().get());
// paste inside initial content
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
assertEquals("Initial content was not cleared.", "at;)V(", fConsole.getDocument().get());
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'b');
assertTrue("Content was cleared again.", fConsole.getDocument().getLength() > 5);
// user edit after something already modified the content (expect no magic clear)
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
String text = "Text set programmatically";
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), '!');
assertEquals(text + "!", fConsole.getDocument().get());
removeConsole(true); // preserve content this time!
// check first edit does not clear if console is initialized with custom content
viewer = getConsolesViewer();
int lengthBefore = fConsole.getDocument().getLength();
doKeyStroke(viewer.getTextWidget(), 'a');
assertEquals("Custom content was cleared.", lengthBefore + 1, fConsole.getDocument().getLength());
// do not remove last console so tearDown can do something
/** Test formatting of a plain simple stack trace. */
public void testFormatSimple() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("java.lang.AssertionError: expected:5 but was:7\n\n"
+ "at org.junit.Ass\ \n" + "at\norg.junit. \nAssert.failNotEquals(\n"
+ "at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(\n" + "at \norg.junit.Assert.assertEquals\n(");
assertEquals("java.lang.AssertionError: expected:5 but was:7", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at org.junit.Assert.failNotEquals(", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting of a stack trace including thread name. */
public void testFormatThreadName() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Exception in thread \"ma\nin\" java.lang.NullPointerException\n"
+ "at \nStacktrace.main(");
assertEquals("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NullPointerException", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Stacktrace.main(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting with some less common method names. */
public void testFormatUncommonMethods() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Stack Trace\n" + " at\n(\n"
+ " at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil.lambda$0(\n"
+ " at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$$Lambda$107/0x00000 \ Source)\n"
+ "\tat\n"
+ " at java.base@12/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(\n"
+ " \n at app/\n/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(");
assertEquals("Stack Trace", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil.lambda$0(", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$$Lambda$107/ Source)", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("at java.base@12/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at app//org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting with a 'locked' entry. */
public void testFormatLocked() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE\n"
+ " at Method)\n\n\n"
+ "at\n.accept(\n" + "\t - locked <0x911d3c30> (a\n"
+ " at\n" + "at");
assertEquals("java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Method)", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("- locked <0x911d3c30> (a", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting with a ... more entry. */
public void testFormatMore() {
// additional this one is missing the 'header' line and starting with an 'at' line
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted(" at org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.DefaultPersistenceUnitManager.preparePersistenceUnitInfos(\n"
+ " at org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.DefaultPersistenceUnitManager.afterPropertiesSet(\n"
+ "at org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.createNativeEntityManagerFactory(\n"
+ " at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet(\n\n"
+ " \t\t at\n"
+ " \t \tat\n"
+ " ... 53 more\n" + "");
assertEquals("at org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.DefaultPersistenceUnitManager.preparePersistenceUnitInfos(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.DefaultPersistenceUnitManager.afterPropertiesSet(", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("at org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.createNativeEntityManagerFactory(", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at org.springframework.orm.jpa.AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean.afterPropertiesSet(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
assertEquals("... 53 more", getLine(doc, 7).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting stack trace with cause. */
public void testFormatCause() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("HighLevelException:\n LowLevelException\n" + "\tat Junk.a(\n"
+ " at Junk.main(\n" + " Caused by: LowLevelException\n" + " at Junk.e(\n"
+ " at Junk.d\n(\n" + "at Junk.c(");
assertEquals("HighLevelException: LowLevelException", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Junk.a(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.main(", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("Caused by: LowLevelException", getLine(doc, 3));
assertEquals("at Junk.e(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.d(", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.c(", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
// nested causes
doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("HighLevelException:\t MidLevelException:\n LowLevelException\n" + "\tat Junk.a(\n"
+ " at Junk.main(\n" + " Caused by: MidLevelException: LowLevelException\n" + " at Junk.c(\n"
+ " at Junk.b(\n" + " at Junk.a(\n" + "... 1 more\n" + " Caused by: LowLevelException\n"
+ " at Junk.e(\n" + "at Junk.d(\n" + " at Junk.c(\n" + " ... 3 more\n");
assertEquals("HighLevelException: MidLevelException: LowLevelException", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Junk.a(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.main(", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("Caused by: MidLevelException: LowLevelException", getLine(doc, 3));
assertEquals("at Junk.c(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.b(", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.a(", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
assertEquals("... 1 more", getLine(doc, 7).trim());
assertEquals("Caused by: LowLevelException", getLine(doc, 8));
assertEquals("at Junk.e(", getLine(doc, 9).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.d(", getLine(doc, 10).trim());
assertEquals("at Junk.c(", getLine(doc, 11).trim());
assertEquals("... 3 more", getLine(doc, 12).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting stack trace with suppressed exceptions. */
public void testFormatSuppressed() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Something happened\n" + "at\n"
+ " at Foo.main(\n" + " Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 0\n"
+ " at Resource.close(Resource\\n" + " at\n" + " ... 1 more\n" + "");
assertEquals("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Something happened", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("at Foo.main(", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 0", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at Resource.close(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("at", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("... 1 more", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
// multiple suppressed
doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Main block\n" + " at Foo3.main(\n"
+ " Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 2\n" + " at Resource.close(\n"
+ " \t\tat Foo3.main(\n" + "Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 1\n"
+ " at Resource.close(\n" + " at Foo3.main(\n" + "");
assertEquals("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Main block", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Foo3.main(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 2", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("at Resource.close(", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at Foo3.main(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 1", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at Resource.close(", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
assertEquals("at Foo3.main(", getLine(doc, 7).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting stack trace with mixture of cause and suppressed. */
public void testFormatSuppressedWithCause() {
// exception with suppressed and cause
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Main block\n" + " at Foo3.main(\n"
+ " Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 1\n" + " at Resource.close(\n"
+ " at Foo3.main(\n" + "Caused by: java.lang.Exception: I did it\n" + " at Foo3.main(\n");
assertEquals("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Main block", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Foo3.main(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("Suppressed: Resource$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 1", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("at Resource.close(", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at Foo3.main(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("Caused by: java.lang.Exception: I did it", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at Foo3.main(", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
// Additional indentation check. Since cause is linked to primary exception it must be less indented as suppressed stuff.
assertEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 0)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 5)));
assertEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 1)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 6)));
assertTrue(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 3)) > getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 5)));
assertTrue(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 3)) > getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 6)));
// exception with suppressed and cause for the suppressed
doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Main block\n" + " at Foo4.main(\n"
+ " Suppressed: Resource2$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 1\n" + " at Resource2.close(\n"
+ " at Foo4.main(\n" + " Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Rats, you caught me\n"
+ " at Resource2$CloseFailException.<init>(\n" + " ... 2 more\n");
assertEquals("Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.Exception: Main block", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Foo4.main(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("Suppressed: Resource2$CloseFailException: Resource ID = 1", getLine(doc, 2).trim());
assertEquals("at Resource2.close(", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("at Foo4.main(", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Rats, you caught me", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
assertEquals("at Resource2$CloseFailException.<init>(", getLine(doc, 6).trim());
assertEquals("... 2 more", getLine(doc, 7).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
// Additional indentation check. Since cause is linked to suppressed exception it must be greater indented as primary exception stuff.
assertNotEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 0)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 5)));
assertEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 2)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 5)));
assertNotEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 1)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 6)));
assertEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 3)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 6)));
assertEquals(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 4)), getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 7)));
assertTrue(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 5)) > getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 0)));
assertTrue(getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 6)) > getLineIndentation(getLine(doc, 1)));
/** Test formatting the rare [CIRCULAR REFERENCE:...] entry. */
public void testFormatCircular() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("Exception in thread \"main\" Stacktrace$BadException\n"
+ "at Stacktrace.main\n(\n" + " Caused by: Stacktrace$BadExceptionCompanion: Stacktrace$BadException\n"
+ " at Stacktrace$BadException.<init>(\n" + " ... 1 more\n"
+ " [CIRCULAR REFERENCE:Stacktrace$BadException]");
assertEquals("Exception in thread \"main\" Stacktrace$BadException", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("at Stacktrace.main(", getLine(doc, 1).trim());
assertEquals("Caused by: Stacktrace$BadExceptionCompanion: Stacktrace$BadException", getLine(doc, 2));
assertEquals("at Stacktrace$BadException.<init>(", getLine(doc, 3).trim());
assertEquals("... 1 more", getLine(doc, 4).trim());
assertEquals("[CIRCULAR REFERENCE:Stacktrace$BadException]", getLine(doc, 5).trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 0);
/** Test formatting stack trace from an ant execution. (output mixed with ant prefixes) */
public void testFormatAnt() {
IDocument doc = consoleDocumentFormatted("[java] !ENTRY org.eclipse.debug.core 4 120 2005-01-11 03:02:30.321\n"
+ " [java] !MESSAGE An exception occurred while dispatching debug events.\n" + " [java] !STACK 0\n"
+ " [java] java.lang.NullPointerException\n" + " [java] at \n"
+ "org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.console.ProcessConsole.closeStreams\n" + "(\n" + " [java] at \n"
+ "org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.console.ProcessConsole.handleDebugEvents\n" + "(\n"
+ " [java] at org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin$\n" + "(");
assertEquals("[java] !ENTRY org.eclipse.debug.core 4 120 2005-01-11 03:02:30.321", getLine(doc, 0));
assertEquals("[java] !MESSAGE An exception occurred while dispatching debug events.", getLine(doc, 1));
assertEquals("[java] !STACK 0", getLine(doc, 2));
assertEquals("[java] java.lang.NullPointerException", getLine(doc, 3));
assertEquals("at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.console.ProcessConsole.closeStreams(", getLine(doc, 4).replace("[java]", "").trim());
assertEquals("at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.console.ProcessConsole.handleDebugEvents(", getLine(doc, 5).replace("[java]", "").trim());
assertEquals("at org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin$", getLine(doc, 6).replace("[java]", "").trim());
checkIndentationConsistency(doc, 3);
private IDocument consoleDocumentWithText(String text) throws InterruptedException {
IDocument document = fConsole.getDocument();
// wait for document being parsed and hyperlinks created
Job.getJobManager().join(fConsole, null);
return document;
private String getLine(IDocument doc, int line) {
IRegion lineInfo;
try {
lineInfo = doc.getLineInformation(line);
return doc.get(lineInfo.getOffset(), lineInfo.getLength());
} catch (BadLocationException ex) {
return null;
* Do some tests on the stack trace indentation. No hardcoded valued just some general assumptions.
* @param doc
* document to test
* @param startLine
* first line to check
private void checkIndentationConsistency(IDocument doc, int startLine) {
boolean firstSuppress = true;
int lastIndent = -1;
// Remember how the next line's indentation can differ from the previous.
// -1 -> less indented
// 0 -> equal
// 1 -> more indented
int allowedIndentChange = 1;
for (int i = startLine, lineCount = doc.getNumberOfLines(); i < lineCount; i++) {
String line = getLine(doc, i);
line = line.replaceFirst("^\\[[^\\s\\]]+\\] ", ""); // remove and prefix if any
if (i != 0) { // first line can be empty
assertNotEquals("Empty line " + i, "", line);
assertFalse("Trailing whitespace in line " + i, RIGHT_INDENT.matcher(line).find());
boolean causedBy = line.trim().startsWith("Caused by: ");
boolean suppressed = line.trim().startsWith("Suppressed: ");
if (causedBy || (suppressed && !firstSuppress)) {
allowedIndentChange = -1;
int lineIndent = getLineIndentation(line);
if (allowedIndentChange < 0) {
assertTrue("Wrong indented line " + i + ": " + lastIndent + " > " + lineIndent, lastIndent > lineIndent);
} else if (allowedIndentChange == 0) {
assertEquals("Mixed indentation in line " + i, lastIndent, lineIndent);
} else if (allowedIndentChange > 0) {
assertTrue("Wrong indented line " + i + ": " + lastIndent + " < " + lineIndent, lastIndent < lineIndent);
lastIndent = lineIndent;
allowedIndentChange = 0;
if (causedBy || suppressed || i == startLine) {
allowedIndentChange = 1;
firstSuppress &= !suppressed;
private int getLineIndentation(String line) {
int tabSize = 4;
String indent = "";
Matcher m = LEFT_INDENT.matcher(line);
if (m.find()) {
indent =;
int tabCount = indent.length() - indent.replace("\t", "").length();
return indent.length() + (tabSize - 1) * tabCount;
* Set given text, invoke formatting and wait until finished.
* @param text
* new console text
* @return the consoles document
private IDocument consoleDocumentFormatted(String text) {
IDocument document = fConsole.getDocument();
// wait for document being formatted
TestUtil.waitForJobs(getName(), 30, 1000);
return document;
private String[] linkTextsAtPositions(int... offsets) throws BadLocationException {
IDocument document = fConsole.getDocument();
List<String> texts = new ArrayList<>(offsets.length);
List<Position> positions = linkPositions(offsets);
for (Position pos : positions) {
String matchText = document.get(pos.getOffset(), pos.getLength());
return texts.toArray(new String[texts.size()]);
private List<Position> linkPositions(int... offsets) {
List<Position> filteredPositions = new ArrayList<>(offsets.length);
for (Position position : allLinkPositions()) {
for (int offset : offsets) {
if (offset >= position.getOffset() && offset <= (position.getOffset() + position.getLength())) {
return filteredPositions;
private Position[] allLinkPositions() {
try {
return fConsole.getDocument().getPositions(ConsoleHyperlinkPosition.HYPER_LINK_CATEGORY);
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException ex) {
// no hyperlinks
return new Position[0];
private String allLinks() {
return Arrays.toString(allLinkPositions());
* Check if initial content is shown.
public void assertInitialContent() {
assertEquals("Console not loaded with initial content.", ConsoleMessages.JavaStackTraceConsole_0, fConsole.getDocument().get());
* Tries to get the viewer of the currently tested console.
* @return the consoles viewer
private TextConsoleViewer getConsolesViewer() {
TestUtil.waitForJobs(getName(), 100, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow();
IWorkbenchPage activePage = workbenchWindow.getActivePage();
JavaStackTraceConsolePage page = null;
for (IViewReference vref : activePage.getViewReferences()) {
IViewPart view = vref.getView(false);
if (view instanceof ConsoleView) {
ConsoleView consoleView = (ConsoleView) view;
if (consoleView.getConsole() == fConsole && consoleView.getCurrentPage() instanceof JavaStackTraceConsolePage) {
page = (JavaStackTraceConsolePage) consoleView.getCurrentPage();
return page.getViewer();
* Simulate user pressing a key.
* @param widget
* widget to type in
* @param c
* character to type
private void doKeyStroke(StyledText widget, char c) {
final Event e = new Event();
e.character = c;
widget.notifyListeners(SWT.KeyDown, e);
widget.notifyListeners(SWT.KeyUp, e);