blob: 9349aa48f7f617b7d73368e8ab48058853304af8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Gayan Perera and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Gayan Perera - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.eval;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IValue;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaThread;
import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.tests.AbstractDebugTest;
public class RemoteEvaluatorTests extends AbstractDebugTest {
private IJavaThread javaThread;
public RemoteEvaluatorTests(String name) {
public void testEvaluate_InInnerScope_FieldInOuterScope() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("RemoteEvaluator", 20);
String code = "java.util.Arrays.asList(\"a\", \"b\", \"ac\").stream().filter(v -> RemoteEvaluator.P_EMPTY.test(v)).count()";
IValue value = evaluate(code);
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("count is not 0", "0", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_InOuterScope_FieldInSameScope() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("RemoteEvaluator", 12);
IValue value = evaluate("java.util.Arrays.asList(\"a\", \"b\", \"ac\").stream().filter(v -> RemoteEvaluator.P_EMPTY.test(v)).count()");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("count is not 0", "0", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_InInnerScope_PrivateFieldInSameScope() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("RemoteEvaluator", 20);
IValue value = evaluate("java.util.Arrays.asList(\"a\", \"b\", \"ac\").stream().filter(v -> this.Q_EMPTY.test(v)).count()");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("count is not 0", "0", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_InInnerScope_PrivateFieldInSameScope_WithoutThis() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("RemoteEvaluator", 20);
IValue value = evaluate("java.util.Arrays.asList(\"a\", \"b\", \"ac\").stream().filter(v -> Q_EMPTY.test(v)).count()");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("count is not 0", "0", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_AnonymousClassInstance_WithSemicolon() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("AnonymousEvaluator", 6);
IValue value = evaluate("calculate(new IntSupplier() {\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public int getAsInt() {\n" +
" return 100 * 20;\n" +
" }\n" +
" });");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("count is not 4000", "4000", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_AnonymousClassInstance_WithoutSemicolon() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("AnonymousEvaluator", 6);
IValue value = evaluate("calculate(new IntSupplier() {\n" +
"\n" +
" @Override\n" +
" public int getAsInt() {\n" +
" return 100 * 20;\n" +
" }\n" +
" })");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("count is not 4000", "4000", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_PrimitiveCastInLamndaExpr_ShouldEvaluatedWithCastType() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("RemoteEvaluator", 20);
IValue value = evaluate(",2,3).anyMatch(i -> ((short) i) > (short)2)");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("value is not true", "true", value.getValueString());
public void testEvaluate_TypeCastInLamndaExpr_ShouldEvaluatedWithCastType() throws Exception {
debugWithBreakpoint("RemoteEvaluator", 20);
IValue value = evaluate("<java.util.List<Object>>of(new java.util.ArrayList<>()).anyMatch(l -> ((java.util.ArrayList<Object>)l).size() > 1)");
assertNotNull("result is null", value);
assertEquals("value is not false", "false", value.getValueString());
protected IJavaProject getProjectContext() {
return get18Project();
private void debugWithBreakpoint(String testClass, int lineNumber) throws Exception {
createLineBreakpoint(lineNumber, testClass);
javaThread = launchToBreakpoint(testClass);
assertNotNull("The program did not suspend", javaThread);
private IValue evaluate(String snippet) throws Exception {
return doEval(javaThread, snippet);
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
try {
} finally {