blob: b0438167c8302d36d9928b71e29358a63124f8f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests;
Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import com.sun.jdi.event.AccessWatchpointEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.BreakpointEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ClassPrepareEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ClassUnloadEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ExceptionEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.MethodEntryEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.MethodExitEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ModificationWatchpointEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.StepEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ThreadDeathEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ThreadStartEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.VMDeathEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.VMDisconnectEvent;
* An event listener that handles all kinds of event coming from the VM.
public interface EventListener {
* Handles an access watchpoint event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean accessWatchpoint(AccessWatchpointEvent event);
* Handles a breakpoint event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean breakpoint(BreakpointEvent event);
* Handles a class prepare event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean classPrepare(ClassPrepareEvent event);
* Handles a class unload event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean classUnload(ClassUnloadEvent event);
* Handles an exception event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean exception(ExceptionEvent event);
public boolean methodEntry(MethodEntryEvent event);
public boolean methodExit(MethodExitEvent event);
* Handles a modification watchpoint event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean modificationWatchpoint(ModificationWatchpointEvent event);
* Handles a step event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean step(StepEvent event);
* Handles a thread death event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean threadDeath(ThreadDeathEvent event);
* Handles a thread start event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean threadStart(ThreadStartEvent event);
* Handles a vm death event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean vmDeath(VMDeathEvent event);
* Handles a vm disconnect event.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed if it was interrupted.
public boolean vmDisconnect(VMDisconnectEvent event);