blob: d1b5ee3e6d197c88a1b0050ccdfc313f69ff4805 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests;
Copyright (c) 2000, 2002 IBM Corp. All rights reserved.
This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
import java.util.Vector;
import com.sun.jdi.VMDisconnectedException;
import com.sun.jdi.event.AccessWatchpointEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.BreakpointEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ClassPrepareEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ClassUnloadEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.Event;
import com.sun.jdi.event.EventIterator;
import com.sun.jdi.event.EventQueue;
import com.sun.jdi.event.EventSet;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ExceptionEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.MethodEntryEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.MethodExitEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ModificationWatchpointEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.StepEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ThreadDeathEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ThreadStartEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.VMDeathEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.event.VMDisconnectEvent;
import com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest;
* An event reader that continuously reads events coming from the VM
* and dispatch them to the registered listeners.
public class EventReader extends AbstractReader {
private EventQueue fEventQueue;
private Vector fEventListeners = new Vector(); // A Vector of EventListener
* Creates a new event reader that will read from the given event queue.
public EventReader(String name, EventQueue queue) {
fEventQueue = queue;
* Registers the given event listener.
public synchronized void addEventListener(EventListener listener) {
* Dispatches the given event to the given listener.
* Returns whether the VM should be resumed.
private boolean dispath(Event event, EventListener listener) {
if (event instanceof AccessWatchpointEvent)
return listener.accessWatchpoint((AccessWatchpointEvent) event);
if (event instanceof BreakpointEvent)
return listener.breakpoint((BreakpointEvent) event);
if (event instanceof ClassPrepareEvent)
return listener.classPrepare((ClassPrepareEvent) event);
if (event instanceof ClassUnloadEvent)
return listener.classUnload((ClassUnloadEvent) event);
if (event instanceof ExceptionEvent)
return listener.exception((ExceptionEvent) event);
if (event instanceof MethodEntryEvent)
return listener.methodEntry((MethodEntryEvent) event);
if (event instanceof MethodExitEvent)
return listener.methodExit((MethodExitEvent) event);
if (event instanceof ModificationWatchpointEvent)
return listener.modificationWatchpoint(
(ModificationWatchpointEvent) event);
if (event instanceof StepEvent)
return listener.step((StepEvent) event);
if (event instanceof ThreadDeathEvent)
return listener.threadDeath((ThreadDeathEvent) event);
if (event instanceof ThreadStartEvent)
return listener.threadStart((ThreadStartEvent) event);
if (event instanceof VMDisconnectEvent)
return listener.vmDisconnect((VMDisconnectEvent) event);
if (event instanceof VMDeathEvent)
return listener.vmDeath((VMDeathEvent) event);
return true;
* Continuously reads events that are coming from the event queue.
protected void readerLoop() {
while (!fIsStopping) {
try {
if (!fIsStopping) {
// Get the next event
EventSet eventSet = fEventQueue.remove();
// Dispatch the events
boolean shouldGo = true;
EventIterator iterator = eventSet.eventIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Event event = iterator.nextEvent();
for (int i = 0; i < fEventListeners.size(); i++) {
EventListener listener =
(EventListener) fEventListeners.elementAt(i);
shouldGo = shouldGo & dispath(event, listener);
if (event instanceof VMDeathEvent)
// Let the VM go if it was interrupted
if ((!fIsStopping)
&& (eventSet != null)
&& (eventSet.suspendPolicy() == EventRequest.SUSPEND_ALL)
&& shouldGo)
synchronized (this) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (!fIsStopping) {
System.out.println("Event reader loop was interrupted");
} catch (VMDisconnectedException e) {
* De-registers the given event listener.
public synchronized void removeEventListener(EventListener listener) {