blob: 2cc3f90c275f528dea831a91bb96a6bcb6fed029 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.sun.jdi.AbsentInformationException;
import com.sun.jdi.ClassNotLoadedException;
import com.sun.jdi.ClassType;
import com.sun.jdi.Field;
import com.sun.jdi.IncompatibleThreadStateException;
import com.sun.jdi.InterfaceType;
import com.sun.jdi.InvalidTypeException;
import com.sun.jdi.InvocationException;
import com.sun.jdi.Method;
import com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference;
import com.sun.jdi.StringReference;
import com.sun.jdi.ThreadReference;
import com.sun.jdi.Value;
import com.sun.jdi.event.ThreadStartEvent;
* Tests for JDI com.sun.jdi.ClassType
* and JDWP Class command set.
public class ClassTypeTest extends AbstractJDITest {
private ClassType fType;
* Creates a new test.
public ClassTypeTest() {
* Init the fields that are used by this test only.
public void localSetUp() {
// Get the type org.eclipse.debug.jdi.tests.program.MainClass
fType = getMainClass();
* Run all tests and output to standard output.
* @param args
public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
new ClassTypeTest().runSuite(args);
* Gets the name of the test case.
* @see junit.framework.TestCase#getName()
public String getName() {
return "com.sun.jdi.ClassType";
* Test JDI allFields().
public void testJDIAllFields() {
boolean found = false;
Iterator it = fType.allFields().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Field fld = (Field);
if ("fString")) {
found = true;
assertTrue("1", found);
* Test JDI allInterfaces().
public void testJDIAllInterfaces() {
List all = fType.allInterfaces();
boolean found = false;
Iterator interfaces = fType.allInterfaces().iterator();
while (interfaces.hasNext()) {
InterfaceType next = (InterfaceType);
assertTrue(, all.contains(next));
if ("java.lang.Comparable"))
found = true;
assertTrue("1", found);
* Test JDI allMethods().
public void testJDIAllMethods() {
boolean found = false;
Iterator it = fType.allMethods().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Method mth = (Method);
if ("after")) { // in Date
found = true;
assertTrue("1", found);
* Test JDI concreteMethodByName().
public void testJDIConcreteMethodByName() {
Method method = fType.concreteMethodByName("run", "()V");
assertTrue("1", method != null);
assertEquals("2", fType, method.declaringType());
assertTrue("3", fType.concreteMethodByName("xxx", "(I)Z") == null);
* Test JDI interfaces().
public void testJDIInterfaces() {
boolean found = false;
boolean extra = false;
List interfaces = fType.interfaces();
assertEquals("1", 2, interfaces.size());
Iterator iterator = interfaces.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object next =;
assertTrue("2." + i++, next instanceof InterfaceType);
InterfaceType ift = (InterfaceType) next;
if ("java.lang.Runnable"))
found = true;
if ("java.lang.Comparable"))
extra = true;
assertTrue("1", found);
assertTrue("2", !extra);
* Test JDI invokeMethod(ThreadReference, Method, Value[]).
public void testJDIInvokeMethod() {
// Make sure the entire VM is not suspended before we start a new thread
// (otherwise this new thread will start suspended and we will never get the
// ThreadStart event)
ThreadStartEvent event =
(ThreadStartEvent) triggerAndWait(fVM
ThreadReference thread = event.thread();
Method inv1 =
List args = new ArrayList();
Exception oops = null;
Value val = null;
try {
val = fType.invokeMethod(thread, inv1, args, 0);
} catch (Exception exc) {
oops = exc;
assertTrue("1", oops == null);
assertEquals("2", val == null ? null : ((StringReference) val).value(), "41");
* Test JDI invokeMethod - failure.
public void testJDIInvokeMethodFail() {
// Make sure the entire VM is not suspended before we start a new thread
// (otherwise this new thread will start suspended and we will never get the
// ThreadStart event)
ThreadStartEvent event =
(ThreadStartEvent) triggerAndWait(fVM
ThreadReference thread = event.thread();
Method inv2 = fType.concreteMethodByName("invoke2", "()V");
Exception good = null;
Exception oops = null;
try {
fType.invokeMethod(thread, inv2, new ArrayList(), 0);
} catch (InvocationException exc) {
good = exc;
} catch (Exception exc) {
oops = exc;
assertTrue("1", oops == null);
assertTrue("2", good != null);
* Test JDI locationsOfLine(int).
public void testJDILocationsOfLine() {
int lineNumber = getLocation().lineNumber();
List locations = null;
try {
locations = fType.locationsOfLine(lineNumber);
} catch (AbsentInformationException e) {
assertTrue("1", false);
assertEquals("2", 1, locations.size());
* Test JDI methodByName
public void testJDIMethodByName() {
assertTrue("1", fType.methodsByName("main").size() == 1);
* Test JDI methodByNameAndSignature
public void testJDIMethodByNameAndSignature() {
assertTrue("1", fType.methodsByName("printAndSignal", "()V").size() == 1);
* Test JDI methods().
public void testJDIMethods() {
boolean found = false;
Iterator it = fType.methods().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Method mth = (Method);
if ("printAndSignal"))
found = true;
assertTrue("1", found);
* Test JDI newInstance(ThreadReference, Method, Value[]).
public void testJDINewInstance() {
// Make sure the entire VM is not suspended before we start a new thread
// (otherwise this new thread will start suspended and we will never get the
// ThreadStart event)
ThreadStartEvent event =
(ThreadStartEvent) triggerAndWait(fVM
ThreadReference thread = event.thread();
Method constructor =
(Method) fType
.methodsByName("<init>", "(ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V")
ObjectReference result = null;
ArrayList arguments = new ArrayList();
try {
result = fType.newInstance(thread, constructor, arguments, 0);
} catch (IncompatibleThreadStateException e) {
assertTrue("1", false);
} catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
assertTrue("2", false);
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
assertTrue("3", false);
} catch (InvocationException e) {
assertTrue("4", false);
assertTrue("5", result != null);
assertTrue("6", result.referenceType().equals(fType));
* Test JDI setValue(Field,Value) and JDWP 'Class - Set Fields Values'.
public void testJDISetValue() {
// Get static field "fInt"
Field field = fType.fieldByName("fInt");
assertTrue("1", field != null);
assertTrue("2", field.isStatic());
// Remember old value
Value oldValue = fType.getValue(field);
// Set to new value
Value newValue = fVM.mirrorOf(1234);
try {
fType.setValue(field, newValue);
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
assertTrue("3.1", false);
} catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
assertTrue("3.2", false);
// Ensure the value as been set
assertEquals("4", fType.getValue(field), newValue);
// Cleanup
try {
fType.setValue(field, oldValue);
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
assertTrue("5.1", false);
} catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
assertTrue("5.2", false);
// Get static field "fString" to test if it can be set to null.
field = fType.fieldByName("fString");
assertTrue("6", field != null);
assertTrue("7", field.isStatic());
// Remember old value
oldValue = fType.getValue(field);
// Set to new value
newValue = null;
try {
fType.setValue(field, newValue);
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
assertTrue("8.1", false);
} catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
assertTrue("8.2", false);
// Ensure the value as been set
assertEquals("9", fType.getValue(field), newValue);
// Cleanup
try {
fType.setValue(field, oldValue);
} catch (ClassNotLoadedException e) {
assertTrue("10.1", false);
} catch (InvalidTypeException e) {
assertTrue("10.2", false);
* Test JDI subclasses().
public void testJDISubclasses() {
List subclasses = fType.subclasses();
assertEquals("1", 1, subclasses.size());
Iterator iterator = subclasses.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
ClassType sub = (ClassType);
assertEquals("2 " +, fType, sub.superclass());
* Test JDI superclass() and JDWP 'Class - Get superclass'.
public void testJDISuperclass() {
ClassType superclass = fType.superclass();
assertEquals("1", "java.util.Date",;