| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2021 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| # Benjamin Muskalla <bmuskalla@eclipsesource.com> - [templates] new SWT templates - ToolBar and ToolItem - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=264052 |
| # Robert Roth <robert.roth.off@gmail.com> - [templates] 2 new code templates: finally & lock - https://bugs.eclipse.org/184222 |
| # Lars Vogel <Lars.Vogel@vogella.com> - [templates] Provide templates that check for 'null' - https://bugs.eclipse.org/131445 |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| Templates.for_array=use index on array |
| Templates.for_temp=use index on array with temporary variable |
| Templates.for_collection=iterate over collection |
| Templates.for_iterable=iterate over an array or Iterable |
| Templates.for_map=iterate over map |
| Templates.while_enumeration=iterate with enumeration |
| Templates.while_iterator=iterate with iterator |
| Templates.do=do while statement |
| Templates.switch=switch case statement |
| Templates.switch_labeled=switch labeled statement |
| Templates.switch_case_expression=switch case expression |
| Templates.switch_labeled_expression=switch labeled expression |
| Templates.if=if statement |
| Templates.ifelse=if else statement |
| Templates.elseif=else if block |
| Templates.else=else block |
| Templates.ifnull=if statement checking for null |
| Templates.ifnotnull=if statement checking for not null |
| Templates.try=try catch block |
| Templates.tryfinally=try finally block |
| Templates.catch=catch block |
| Templates.finally=finally block |
| Templates.main=main method |
| Templates.public_method=public method |
| Templates.public_static_method=public static method |
| Templates.protected_method=protected method |
| Templates.private_method=private method |
| Templates.private_static_method=private static method |
| Templates.instanceof=dynamic type test and cast |
| Templates.cast=dynamic cast |
| Templates.toarray=convert collection to array |
| Templates.test=test method (JUnit 3) |
| Templates.test_junit4=test method (JUnit 4) |
| Templates.test_junit5=test method (JUnit 5) |
| Templates.testfactory_junit5=test factory method (JUnit Jupiter) |
| Templates.systrace=print current method to standard out |
| Templates.sysout=print to standard out |
| Templates.syserr=print to standard error |
| Templates.code_tag=<code></code> |
| Templates.code_tag_null=<code>null</code> |
| Templates.code_tag_true=<code>true</code> |
| Templates.code_tag_false=<code>false</code> |
| Templates.pre_tag=<pre></pre> |
| Templates.b_tag=<b></b> |
| Templates.i_tag=<i></i> |
| Templates.author=author name |
| Templates.new=create new object |
| Templates.lazy=lazy creation |
| Templates.while_condition=while loop with condition |
| Templates.non-nls= non-externalized string marker |
| Templates.fall-through= $FALL-THROUGH$ marker |
| Templates.synchronized= synchronized block |
| Templates.lock=explicit lock acquisition |
| Templates.runnable= runnable |
| Templates.arraymerge= merge two arrays into one |
| Templates.arrayadd= add an element to an array |
| Templates.static_final=static final field |
| Templates.new_module=create module declaration |
| Templates.new_class=create new class |
| Templates.new_iface=create new interface |
| Templates.new_enum=create new enumeration |
| Templates.new_record=create new record |
| |
| # Java Only stuff |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.file=Filename of compilation unit |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.primary.type.name=Filename without extension |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.enclosing.method=Enclosing method name |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.enclosing.type=Enclosing type name |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.enclosing.package=Enclosing package name |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.enclosing.project=Enclosing project name |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.enclosing.method.arguments=Argument names of enclosing method |
| CompilationUnitContextType.variable.description.return.type=Enclosing method return type |
| |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.array=A proposal for an array |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.array.type=A proposal for the element type of an array |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.array.element=A proposal for the element name of an array |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.index=A proposal for an index (int) |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.collection=A proposal for a collection (java.util.Collection) |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.iterator=A proposal for an iterator (java.util.Iterator) |
| JavaContextType.variable.description.todo=Todo task tag |
| |
| JavaContext.error.title=Template Error |
| JavaContext.error.message=Template file incomplete or has errors. You can load the default templates from the template preference page (Java>Templates). |
| |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.todo=Todo task tag |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.packdeclaration=Package declaration of the new type |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.typedeclaration=Generated type declaration |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.getterfieldname=The name of field to set or get |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.getterfieldtype=The type of the field to set or get |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.fieldname=The name of field |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.fieldtype=The type of the field |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.barefieldname=The name of field to set or get without prefix or suffix |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.param=The parameter passed into the setter method |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.typecomment=Content of code template 'typecomment' |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.exceptiontype=The type of the caught exception |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.exceptionvar=The variable name of the caught exception |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.enclosingtype=The type enclosing this method |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.typename=Name of the current type |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.enclosingmethod=The enclosing method |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.bodystatement=Return statement or super call |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.returntype=Return type of the enclosing method |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.tags=Generated Javadoc tags (@param, @return...) |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.seetag=See tag pointing to the overridden method (@see T#m()) |
| |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.filename=Name of the enclosing compilation unit |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.packagename=Name of the enclosing package |
| CodeTemplateContextType.variable.description.projectname=Name of the enclosing project |
| |
| CodeTemplateContextType.validate.unknownvariable=Variable ''{0}'' is unknown. |
| CodeTemplateContextType.validate.missingvariable=Variable ''{0}'' is required. |
| CodeTemplateContextType.validate.invalidcomment=Pattern is not a valid Java comment. |
| |
| PostfixTemplates.beg=Sets the cursor to the begin of the expression |
| PostfixTemplates.cast=Casts the expression to a new type |
| PostfixTemplates.dowhile=Creates a do-while loop |
| PostfixTemplates.else=Creates a negated if statement |
| PostfixTemplates.for=Creates a for statement |
| PostfixTemplates.fori=Creates a for statement which iterates over an array |
| PostfixTemplates.foriub=Creates an indexed for statement which uses the given integer as upper bound |
| PostfixTemplates.forrlb=Creates an indexed for statement which uses the given integer - 1 as starting value (counting backwards) |
| PostfixTemplates.forr=Creates a for statement which iterates over an array in reverse order |
| PostfixTemplates.nnull=Creates an if statement and checks if the expression does not resolve to null |
| PostfixTemplates.null=Creates an if statement which checks if expression resolves to null |
| PostfixTemplates.sif=Creates a short if statement |
| PostfixTemplates.snnull=Creates an if statement which checks if the expression does not resolve to null |
| PostfixTemplates.snull=Creates a short if statement which checks for null |
| PostfixTemplates.sysout=Sends the affected string to a System.out.println(..) call |
| PostfixTemplates.throw=Throws the given Exception |
| PostfixTemplates.var=Creates a new variable |
| PostfixTemplates.while=Creates a while loop |
| PostfixTemplates.withinregion=Creates an if statement which checks if a given numeric variable is within a region |
| PostfixTemplates.field=Creates a new field |
| PostfixTemplates.constpriv=Creates a new private constant |
| PostfixTemplates.constpub=Creates a new public constant |
| PostfixTemplates.stream=Creates a new stream using Stream.of |
| |
| # strings in default templates |
| CodeTemplates.constructorcomment=Comment for created constructors |
| CodeTemplates.filecomment=Comment for created Java files |
| CodeTemplates.typecomment=Comment for created types |
| CodeTemplates.fieldcomment=Comment for fields |
| CodeTemplates.modulecomment=Comment for modules |
| CodeTemplates.nonoverridingcomment=Comment for non-overriding methods |
| CodeTemplates.overridecomment=Comment for overriding methods |
| CodeTemplates.delegatecomment=Comment for delegate methods |
| CodeTemplates.gettercomment=Comment for getter method |
| # ! Do not translate ${bare_field_name} ! |
| CodeTemplates.gettercomment.returntagcontent=the ${bare_field_name} |
| CodeTemplates.settercomment=Comment for setter method |
| # ! Do not translate ${bare_field_name} ! |
| CodeTemplates.settercomment.paramtagcontent=the ${bare_field_name} to set |
| |
| CodeTemplates.newfile=Newly created files |
| CodeTemplates.classbody=Code in new class type bodies |
| CodeTemplates.interfacebody=Code in new interface type bodies |
| CodeTemplates.enumbody=Code in new enum type bodies |
| CodeTemplates.recordbody=Code in new record type bodies |
| CodeTemplates.annotationbody=Code in new annotation type bodies |
| CodeTemplates.catchblock=Code in new catch blocks |
| CodeTemplates.methodstub=Code in created method stubs |
| CodeTemplates.constructorstub=Code in created constructor stubs |
| CodeTemplates.getterstub=Code in created getters |
| CodeTemplates.setterstub=Code in created setters |
| |
| CodeTemplates.overridecomment.nonjd=(non-Javadoc) |
| CodeTemplates.delegatecomment.nonjd=(non-Javadoc) |
| |
| CodeTemplates.catchblock.tododesc=Auto-generated catch block |
| CodeTemplates.methodstub.tododesc=Auto-generated method stub |
| CodeTemplates.constructorstub.tododesc=Auto-generated constructor stub |
| |
| SWTTemplates.label=new Label |
| SWTTemplates.image=new Image |
| SWTTemplates.button=new Button |
| SWTTemplates.link=new Link |
| SWTTemplates.combo=new Combo |
| SWTTemplates.scale=new Scale |
| SWTTemplates.spinner=new Spinner |
| SWTTemplates.browser=new Browser |
| SWTTemplates.datetime=new DateTime |
| SWTTemplates.composite=new Composite with GridLayout |
| SWTTemplates.scrolledcomposite=new ScrolledComposite |
| SWTTemplates.group=new Group with GridLayout |
| SWTTemplates.sashform=new SashForm |
| SWTTemplates.expandbar=new ExpandBar |
| SWTTemplates.expanditem=new ExpandItem for an ExpandBar |
| SWTTemplates.tabfolder=new TabFolder |
| SWTTemplates.tabitem=new TabItem for a TabFolder |
| SWTTemplates.text=new Text |
| SWTTemplates.styledtext=new StyledText |
| SWTTemplates.stylerange=new StyleRange for a StyledText |
| SWTTemplates.list=new List |
| SWTTemplates.table=new Table |
| SWTTemplates.tablecolumn=new TableColumn for a Table |
| SWTTemplates.tableitem=new TableItem for a Table |
| SWTTemplates.tree=new Tree |
| SWTTemplates.treecolumn=new TreeColumn for a Tree |
| SWTTemplates.treeitem=new TreeItem for a Tree |
| SWTTemplates.shell=new Shell |
| SWTTemplates.mainloop=new top level Shell with event loop |
| SWTTemplates.execute=execute a runnable in the UI thread |
| SWTTemplates.addlistener=add a listener to a Widget |
| SWTTemplates.gridlayout=new GridLayout for a Composites |
| SWTTemplates.griddata=new GridData for a Control |
| SWTTemplates.griddatafactory=using GridDataFactory for a Control |
| SWTTemplates.toolbar=new ToolBar |
| SWTTemplates.toolitem=new ToolItem for a ToolBar |