| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2021 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| # Ferenc Hechler, ferenc_hechler@users.sourceforge.net - 83258 [jar exporter] Deploy java application as executable jar |
| # Troy Bishop <tjbishop@ca.ibm.com> - Add support for importing/exporting Java Code Style preferences - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=304395 |
| # Eugene Lucash <e.lucash@gmail.com> - [quick assist] Add key binding for Extract method Quick Assist - https://bugs.eclipse.org/424166 |
| # Angelo Zerr <angelo.zerr@gmail.com> - [CodeMining] Provide Java References/Implementation CodeMinings - Bug 529127 |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| pluginName= Java Development Tools UI |
| providerName= Eclipse.org |
| traceComponentLabel= JDT UI |
| |
| Dummy.label= |
| BookmarkRulerAction.label= Java Editor Bookmark Ruler Action |
| JavaSelectRulerAction.label= Java Editor Ruler Single-Click |
| |
| importExportWizards.category=Java |
| elementFiltersName=Java Element Filters |
| |
| classpathContainerPageExtensionPoint=Classpath Container Configuration |
| classpathAttributeConfiguration=Classpath Attribute Configuration |
| |
| quickFixProcessorExtensionPoint=Quick Fix Processor |
| quickAssistProcessorExtensionPoint=Quick Assist Processor |
| classpathFixProcessorExtensionPoint=Classpath Fix Processor |
| |
| javadocExportWizardPageExtensionPoint=Javadoc Export Wizard Page |
| |
| cleanUpExtensionPoint=Clean Ups |
| |
| queryParticipantsExtensionPoint=Java Query Participants |
| |
| defaultClasspathContainerPage=Default Classpath Container |
| defaultQuickFixProcessor=Standard Quick Fix Processor |
| spellingQuickFixProcessor=Spelling Quick Fix Processor |
| defaultQuickAssistProcessor=Standard Quick Assist Processor |
| advancedQuickAssistProcessor=Advanced Quick Assist Processor |
| |
| javaCompletionProposalComputer= Java Completion Proposal Computers |
| javaCompletionProposalSorters= Java Completion Proposal Sorters |
| |
| RelevanceSorter.name=by relevance |
| AlphabeticSorter.name=alphabetically |
| |
| javadocCompletionProcessor=Javadoc Completion Processors |
| javaEditorTextHoversName=Java Editor Text Hovers |
| javaDocumentSetupParticipant=Java Document Setup Participant |
| |
| JavaProposalCategory= J&ava Proposals |
| OtherJavaProposalCategory= &Java Non-Type Proposals |
| JavaTypesCategory= Java &Type Proposals |
| DefaultProposalCategory= &Basic Proposals |
| TemplateProposalCategory= Te&mplate Proposals |
| TextProposalCategory= &Word Proposals |
| SWTProposalCategory= &SWT Template Proposals |
| ChainProposalCategory= &Chain Template Proposals |
| JavaPostfixProposalCategory= Java &Postfix Template Proposals |
| |
| templatesViewName= Templates |
| |
| SpecificContentAssist.name= Content Assist |
| SpecificContentAssist.desc= A parameterizable command that invokes content assist with a single completion proposal category |
| SpecificContentAssist.param= type |
| |
| perspectiveName=Java |
| java.perspective.description=This perspective is designed to support Java development. It offers a Package Explorer, a Type Hierarchy, and Java-specific navigation actions. |
| typeHierarchyName=Java Type Hierarchy |
| typeHierarchy.perspective.description=This perspective is designed to support Java development. It offers a Type Hierarchy and Java-specific navigation actions. |
| |
| viewCategoryName=Java |
| packagesViewName= Package Explorer |
| hierarchyViewName=Type Hierarchy |
| newWizardCategoryName=Java |
| commonNavigatorContentName=Java Elements |
| |
| buildPathPageName=Java Build Path |
| codeStylePageName=Java Code Style |
| codeTemplatePageName=Code Templates |
| importOrganizePageName=Organize Imports |
| cleanUpPageName=Clean Up |
| codeFormatterPageName=Formatter |
| problemSeveritiesPageName=Errors/Warnings |
| javadocProblemsPageName=Javadoc |
| builderPageName=Building |
| compliancePageName=Java Compiler |
| todoPageName=Task Tags |
| javadocLocationPageName=Javadoc Location |
| javaCompilerPageName=Java Compiler |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.general=Java package explorer call type hierarchy refactoring rename editor search index parallel performance |
| preferenceKeywords.appearance=Java appearance package explorer browsing compress show method return types categories members test |
| preferenceKeywords.sortorder=Java member sort order appearance |
| preferenceKeywords.typefilter=Java type filter ignore package appearance content assist |
| preferenceKeywords.buildpath=Java project source sourcefolder library libraries output outputfolder jre buildpath test |
| preferenceKeywords.buildpathoptions=Java build source sourcefolder output outputfolder buildpath home |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.cpvars=Java classpath variable variables buildpath |
| preferenceKeywords.userlibs=Java user library libraries external archive archives buildpath |
| preferenceKeywords.codestyle=Java prefix postfix suffix naming convention project specific comment override getter this annotation exception qualify field parameter |
| preferenceKeywords.cleanup=Java profile codestyle project specific cleanup |
| preferenceKeywords.formatter=Java profile codestyle project specific comment indentation Javadoc brace white space blank line new control statement wrapping annotation with tab tabulator parenthesis bracket |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.codetemplates=Java comment code getter setter Javadoc codestyle override constructor file type field method override overriding catch body project specific |
| preferenceKeywords.organizeimports=Java static imports order codestyle project specific packages |
| preferenceKeywords.compliance=Java compliance level identifier assert enum debug compatibility jdk 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 5.0 1.6 6 1.7 7 CLDC J2SE5 classfile compiler project specific projectspecific |
| preferenceKeywords.building=Java build path buildpath problem exclusion inclusion pattern folder outputfolder filtered resource output compiler 1.5 5.0 J2SE5 project specific projectspecific strictly compatible JRE execution environment |
| preferenceKeywords.severities=Java errors warnings infos ignore compiler options nls externalize string severity severities jdk 5.0 1.5 J2SE5 deprecated static access member serializable serialVersionUID assignment effect finally empty char array catch shadowing package visible interface object method deprecated forbidden discouraged reference unused code unnecessary import imports private cast instanceof local variable parameter thrown exception final type bound generic vararg boxing unboxing autoboxing annotation @Override @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings enum constants switch project specific projectspecific raw null synchronized problem identical equals hashcode dead code missing |
| preferenceKeywords.javadocproblems=Java tag problem missing deprecated non visible severity severities level comment compiler project specific projectspecific |
| preferenceKeywords.todo=Java case sensitive task tag todo xxx fix fixme compiler project specific projectspecific comments |
| preferenceKeywords.javaeditor=Java java editor quick assist appearance navigation colors light bulb smart caret positioning highlight matching bracket foreground background show selected only save action participant clean up |
| preferenceKeywords.javaeditorproperty= Java java editor save action participant clean up |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.contentassist=Java editor content code assist complete completion insert overwrite single proposal common prefix automatically import fill argument name guess alphabetical hide discouraged reference forbidden auto activation trigger Javadoc camel camelcase category categories separate specific timeout type types word hippie template static members favorites postfix chain asynchronous subword |
| preferenceKeywords.hover=pop-up Java editor hover popup sticky annotation roll over key modifier combined variable problem externalized externalize string source |
| preferenceKeywords.syntaxcoloring=Java editor colors semantic coloring highlighting Javadoc html links tags multi line single line comment task tag method invocation static field annotation autoboxing unboxing boxing constant deprecated field keywords local variable operators brackets strings type variable inherited method declaration |
| preferenceKeywords.templates=Java editor templates snippet macros |
| preferenceKeywords.folding=Java editor folding section comment comments header method import inner type |
| preferenceKeywords.markoccurrences=Java editor occurrence mark highlight type method constant field exception |
| preferenceKeywords.smarttyping=Java editor typing type close comment tabs indentation indent imports wrap escape semicolons braces brackets parenthesis parentheses strings literals paste pasting javadoc tabulator automatically smart typing |
| preferenceKeywords.propertieseditor=Java editor colors properties nls externalized string foreground argument assignment comment key value |
| preferenceKeywords.saveparticipant=Java editor save cleanup participants organize imports format |
| preferenceKeywords.classpathcontainer=Java classpath container buildpath jre |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.wizards.java=Java |
| preferenceKeywords.jarpackager=Java archive application |
| |
| preferenceKeywords.codemining=Java editor code minings |
| preferenceTransfer.java.compiler.name= Java Compiler Preferences |
| preferenceTransfer.java.compiler.description= Java > Compiler preferences. |
| preferenceTransfer.java.appearance.name= Java Appearance Preferences |
| preferenceTransfer.java.appearance.description= Java > Appearance preferences. |
| preferenceTransfer.java.codestyle.name= Java Code Style Preferences |
| preferenceTransfer.java.codestyle.description= Java > Code Style preferences |
| |
| sourceAttachmentPageName=Java Source Attachment |
| ClassFileViewerName=Class File Viewer |
| jarDescEditorName=JAR Export Wizard |
| ModuleInfoClassFileViewerName=Module-Info Class File Viewer |
| |
| javaEditorFontDefiniton.label= Java Editor Text Font |
| javaEditorFontDefintion.description= The Java editor text font is used by Java editors. |
| |
| javaCompareFontDefiniton.label= Java compare text font |
| javaCompareFontDefiniton.description= The Java compare text font is used by Java compare/merge tools. |
| |
| propertiesFileCompareFontDefiniton.label= Java properties file compare text font |
| propertiesFileCompareFontDefiniton.description= The Java properties file compare text font is used by Java properties file compare/merge tools. |
| |
| javadocDisplayFontDefiniton.label= Javadoc display font |
| javadocDisplayFontDefiniton.description= The Javadoc display font is used in the Javadoc view, for Javadoc hovers and for the additional information in content assist. |
| |
| coloredLabels.match_highlight.label=Colored labels - match highlight |
| coloredLabels.match_highlight.description=The background color used to highlight matches when colored labels in Java views are enabled. |
| |
| coloredLabels.writeaccess_highlight.label=Colored labels - write access occurrences |
| coloredLabels.writeaccess_highlight.description=The background color used to highlight write accesses when colored labels in Java views are enabled. |
| |
| coloredLabels.inherited.label=Inherited members |
| coloredLabels.inherited.description=The color used to render to inherited members. |
| |
| javaPrefName=Java |
| organizeImportsPrefName=Organize Imports |
| typeFilterPrefName=Type Filters |
| cleanUpPrefName=Clean Up |
| codeFormatterPrefName=Formatter |
| classPathVarPrefName=Classpath Variables |
| userLibrariesPrefName=User Libraries |
| editorPrefName=Editor |
| compliancePrefName=Compiler |
| problemSeveritiesPrefName=Errors/Warnings |
| javadocProblemsPrefName=Javadoc |
| javaBuildPrefName=Building |
| buildPathPrefName=Build Path |
| |
| todoTaskPrefName=Task Tags |
| codeTemplatePreferencePageName=Code Templates |
| codeStylePreferencePageName=Code Style |
| appearancePrefName=Appearance |
| memberSortPrefName=Members Sort Order |
| nativeLibraryPageName=Native Library |
| |
| templatePageName=Templates |
| |
| contentAssistPageName= Content Assist |
| contentAssistAdvancedName= Advanced |
| contentAssistFavoritesName= Favorites |
| |
| editorCodeMiningPageName=Code Minings |
| editorHoversPageName=Hovers |
| editorSyntaxColoringPage=Syntax Coloring |
| editorFoldingPage=Folding |
| editorMarkOccurrencesPage=Mark Occurrences |
| editorTypingPage=Typing |
| editorSaveParticipants=Save Actions |
| editorPageName= Java Editor |
| |
| classpathContainerPageName=Classpath Container |
| |
| jarExportWizard.label=JAR file |
| jarExportWizard.description=Export resources into a JAR file on the local file system. |
| |
| fatJarExportWizard.label=Runnable JAR file |
| fatJarExportWizard.description=Export all resources required to run an application into a JAR file on the local file system. |
| |
| createJarAction.label=Create &JAR |
| createJarAction.tooltip=Creates the JAR Based on the Selected JAR Description File |
| |
| JavaActionSet.label= Java Navigation |
| JavaActionSet.description= Java Navigation Action Set |
| |
| JavaElementCreationActionSet.label= Java Element Creation |
| JavaElementCreationActionSet.description= Java Element Creation Action Set |
| |
| CompilationUnitEditorName= Java Editor |
| ModuleInfoEditorName= Module-Info Editor |
| |
| OpenTypeAction.label=Open &Type... |
| OpenTypeAction.tooltip=Open Type |
| |
| ShowInBreadcrumbAction.label=Show in &Breadcrumb |
| ShowInBreadcrumbAction.tooltip=Shows the element at the cursor position in the editor breadcrumb |
| |
| OpenProjectWizardAction.label=Java &Project... |
| OpenProjectWizardAction.tooltip=New Java Project |
| |
| OpenPackageWizardAction.label=P&ackage... |
| OpenPackageWizardAction.tooltip=New Java Package |
| |
| OpenClassWizardAction.label=&Class... |
| OpenClassWizardAction.tooltip=New Java Class |
| |
| ImplementOccurrences.label=Implement Occurrences |
| ExceptionOccurrences.label=Exception Occurrences |
| MethodExitOccurrences.label=Method Exit Target Occurrences |
| BreakContinueTargetOccurrences.label=Break / Continue Target Occurrences |
| OccurrencesInFile.label=Occurrences In File |
| |
| OccurrenceAnnotation.label= Occurrences |
| WriteOccurrenceAnnotation.label= Write Occurrences |
| |
| javaEditorPresentationActionSet.label= Java Editor Presentation |
| toggleMarkOccurrences.label= Toggle Mark Occurrences |
| toggleMarkOccurrences.tooltip= Toggle Mark Occurrences |
| toggleMarkOccurrences.description= Toggles mark occurrences in Java editors |
| |
| toggleBreadcrumb.label= Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb |
| toggleBreadcrumb.tooltip= Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb |
| toggleBreadcrumb.description= Toggle the Java editor breadcrumb |
| |
| OverrideIndicator.label= Override Indicators |
| |
| OverrideIndicatorLabelDecorator.label=Java Method Override Indicator |
| OverrideIndicatorLabelDecorator.description=Decorates methods with an override indicator. |
| |
| InterfaceIndicatorLabelDecorator.label=Java Type Indicator |
| InterfaceIndicatorLabelDecorator.description=Decorates compilation units and class files with an interface, enum, abstract class, or annotation indicator, and shows when types are package-visible or deprecated. |
| |
| BuildpathIndicatorLabelDecorator.label=Java Build Path Indicator |
| BuildpathIndicatorLabelDecorator.description=Decorates files and folders if they are on the build path of their enclosing project. |
| |
| WithoutTestCodeDecorator.label=Java Required Project Without Test Code |
| WithoutTestCodeDecorator.description=Decorates required projects on the build path if they are added without test code. |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Java Search |
| ########################################################################## |
| JavaSearchPage.label= Java Search |
| openJavaSearchPageAction.label= &Java... |
| |
| # Action sets |
| JavaSearchActionSet.label= Java Search |
| JavaSearchActionSet.description= Action set containing search related Java actions |
| |
| # Menus |
| searchMenu.label= Se&arch |
| declarationsSubMenu.label= Dec&larations |
| referencesSubMenu.label= R&eferences |
| occurrencesSubMenu.label= Occurre&nces in File |
| implementorsSubMenu.label= &Implementors |
| readAccessSubMenu.label= &Read Access |
| writeAccessSubMenu.label= &Write Access |
| |
| ReferencesInWorkspace.label= &Workspace |
| DeclarationsInWorkspace.label= &Workspace |
| |
| InWorkspace.label= &Workspace |
| InProject.label= &Project |
| InHierarchy.label= &Hierarchy |
| InWorkingSet.label= Working &Set... |
| |
| CompareWithMenu.label=Comp&are With |
| |
| ReplaceWithMenu.label=Rep&lace With |
| |
| JavaCompareFromHistoryAction.label= Element from &Local History... |
| JavaCompareFromHistoryAction.tooltip= Compares the Selected Java Element With One from Local History |
| |
| JavaCompareAction.label= Each Other by &Member |
| JavaCompareAction.tooltip= Compares the Selected Java Elements with Each Other |
| |
| JavaReplaceFromHistoryAction.label=Element from &Local History... |
| JavaReplaceFromHistoryAction.tooltip=Replaces the Selected Java Element With One from Local History |
| |
| JavaReplaceWithPreviousFromHistoryAction.label=&Previous Element from Local History |
| JavaReplaceWithPreviousFromHistoryAction.tooltip=Replaces the Selected Java Element With the Previous from Local History |
| |
| JavaAddElementFromHistoryAction.label=Restore from Local Histor&y... |
| JavaAddElementFromHistoryAction.tooltip=Restores a Java Element from Local History to the Selected Container |
| |
| Refactoring.menu.label= Refac&tor |
| |
| Refactoring.renameAction.label=Re&name... |
| Refactoring.moveAction.label=&Move... |
| Refactoring.modifyParametersAction.label=&Change Method Signature... |
| Refactoring.convertAnonymousToNestedAction.label=C&onvert Anonymous Class to Nested... |
| Refactoring.convertNestedToTopAction.label=Mo&ve Type to New File... |
| |
| Refactoring.pushDownAction.label=Push &Down... |
| Refactoring.pullUpAction.label=Pull &Up... |
| Refactoring.extractInterfaceAction.label=&Extract Interface... |
| Refactoring.extractClassAction.label=Extract Class... |
| Refactoring.extractSupertypeAction.label=Extrac&t Superclass... |
| Refactoring.changeTypeAction.label=Generali&ze Declared Type... |
| Refactoring.useSupertypeAction.label=Use Supertype W&here Possible... |
| Refactoring.inferTypeArgumentsAction.label=Infer &Generic Type Arguments... |
| |
| Refactoring.inlineAction.label=&Inline... |
| Refactoring.extractMethodAction.label=E&xtract Method... |
| Refactoring.extractTempAction.label=Extract &Local Variable... |
| Refactoring.extractConstantAction.label=Extr&act Constant... |
| |
| Refactoring.introduceIndirectionAction.label=Introduce Indirec&tion... |
| Refactoring.introduceParameterAction.label=Introduce &Parameter... |
| Refactoring.introduceFactoryAction.label=Introduce &Factory... |
| Refactoring.convertLocalToFieldAction.label=Convert Local Varia&ble to Field... |
| Refactoring.selfEncapsulateFieldAction.label=Encap&sulate Field... |
| Refactoring.introduceParameterObject.label=Introduce &Parameter Object... |
| |
| Refactoring.migrateJar.label=Migrate &JAR File... |
| Refactoring.applyScript.label=Appl&y Script... |
| Refactoring.createScript.label=C&reate Script... |
| Refactoring.showHistory.label=&History... |
| |
| Refactoring.NLSFieldRenameParticipant=Externalized string accessor field rename |
| |
| NewJavaProject.label= Java Project |
| NewJavaProject.description=Create a Java project |
| |
| NewJavaPackage.label= Package |
| NewJavaPackage.description=Create a Java package |
| |
| NewJavaClass.label= Class |
| NewJavaClass.description=Create a Java class |
| |
| NewJavaInterface.label= Interface |
| NewJavaInterface.description= Create a Java interface |
| |
| NewEnumType.label= Enum |
| NewEnumType.description= Create an enum type |
| |
| NewRecordType.label= Record |
| NewRecordType.description= Create a Record type |
| |
| NewAnnotationType.label= Annotation |
| NewAnnotationType.description= Create an annotation type |
| |
| NewSourceFolderCreationWizard.label=Source Folder |
| NewSourceFolderCreationWizard.description=Create a Java source folder |
| |
| NewJavaWorkingSetWizard.label=Java Working Set |
| NewJavaWorkingSetWizard.description=Creates a Java working set |
| |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |
| |
| #NLS |
| |
| #Browsing |
| Browsing.perspectiveName= Java Browsing |
| browsing.perspective.description=This perspective is designed to support Java code browsing. It offers Java-specific navigation actions and view to show projects, packages, types, and members. |
| Browsing.viewCategoryName= Java Browsing |
| Browsing.projectsViewName= Projects |
| Browsing.packagesViewName= Packages |
| Browsing.typesViewName= Types |
| Browsing.membersViewName= Members |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Coding Action set |
| ########################################################################## |
| CodingActionSet.label= Java Coding |
| CodingActionSet.description= Action set containing coding related Java actions |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Open Action set |
| ########################################################################## |
| OpenActionSet.label= Java Open Actions |
| OpenActionSet.description= Action set containing open actions for Java |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Navigate Menu |
| ########################################################################## |
| |
| GoToTypeAction.label=&Type... |
| |
| GoToPackageAction.label=&Package... |
| |
| OpenAction.label=&Open |
| OpenAction.tooltip=Open an Editor on the Selected Element |
| |
| OpenImplementationAction.label=O&pen Implementation |
| OpenImplementationAction.tooltip=Opens the Implementations of a Method or Type in its Hierarchy |
| |
| OpenSuperImplementationAction.label=Open &Super Implementation |
| OpenSuperImplementationAction.tooltip=Opens the Implementation of the Method in a Super Class, when Super Class Exists |
| |
| OpenAttachedJavadocAction.label=Open Attached &Javadoc |
| |
| OpenTypeHierarchyAction.label=Ope&n Type Hierarchy |
| |
| OpenCallHierarchyAction.label=Open Call H&ierarchy |
| |
| |
| OpenHyperlinkAction.label=Open Hyperlin&k |
| OpenHyperlinkAction.tooltip=Opens the hyperlink at the caret location or opens a chooser if more than one hyperlink is available |
| |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.label=Open Type in Hierarch&y... |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.tooltip=Opens a Type in a Type Hierarchy |
| |
| ActionDefinition.indexRebuild.name=Rebuild Java Index |
| ActionDefinition.indexRebuild.description=Rebuilds the Java index database |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Source Menu |
| ########################################################################## |
| SourceMenu.label= &Source |
| |
| CommentAction.label= Co&mment |
| |
| UncommentAction.label= &Uncomment |
| |
| ToggleCommentAction.label= Togg&le Comment |
| |
| AddBlockCommentAction.label= Add &Block Comment |
| |
| AddTextBlockAction.label= Add &Text Block |
| |
| RemoveBlockCommentAction.label= Remove Bloc&k Comment |
| |
| ShiftRightAction.label= &Shift Right |
| |
| ShiftLeftAction.label= S&hift Left |
| |
| FormatAction.label=&Format |
| |
| FormatElementAction.label= Format Eleme&nt |
| |
| SortMembersAction.label= S&ort Members... |
| |
| AddImportAction.label= A&dd Import |
| |
| OrganizeImportsAction.label= Or&ganize Imports |
| |
| CleanUpAction.label= Clean &Up... |
| |
| CopyQualifiedName.label= Cop&y Qualified Name |
| |
| RawPaste.label= Raw Paste |
| |
| SurroundWithTemplateAction.label= Surround &With |
| |
| OverrideMethodsAction.label= O&verride/Implement Methods... |
| |
| GenerateGetterSetterAction.label= Gene&rate Getters and Setters... |
| |
| GenerateDelegateMethodsAction.label=Generate Delegate &Methods... |
| |
| AddConstructorFromSuperclassAction.label= Generate &Constructors from Superclass... |
| |
| GenerateConstructorUsingFieldsAction.label= Gener&ate Constructor using Fields... |
| |
| AddJavaDocCommentAction.label= Generate Element Comm&ent |
| |
| GenerateHashCodeEqualsAction.label= Generate &hashCode() and equals()... |
| |
| GenerateToStringAction.label= Generate to&String()... |
| |
| ExternalizeStringsAction.label= E&xternalize Strings... |
| |
| FindNLSProblems.label= Find Broken Ex&ternalized Strings |
| |
| IndentAction.label= Correct &Indentation |
| |
| annotateClassFile.label= Annotate Class File |
| annotateClassFile.description= Externally add Annotations to a Class File. |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Javadoc Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| JavadocWizard.name= Javadoc |
| JavadocWizard.description=Generate Javadoc. |
| CreateJavadocAction.label= Open Javadoc &Wizard... |
| CreateJavadocAction.tooltip= Open Javadoc Wizard |
| |
| GenerateJavadocAction.label= &Generate Javadoc... |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Module Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| create.module.info.label= Create module-info.java |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Preview Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| enable.preview.features.label= Enable preview features |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Java Working Set Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| JavaWorkingSetPage.name= Java |
| JavaWorkingSetPage.description=Working set for Java elements |
| OthersWorkingSetWizardPage.name= Others |
| OthersWorkingSetWizardPage.description=Working set containing all elements not in any Package Explorer groups |
| DynamicSourcesWorkingSetWizardPage.name=Dynamic Java Sources |
| DynamicSourcesWorkingSetWizardPage.description=Dynamic working set containing all Java main or test source folders |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Marker Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| markerCategory.problem = Java Problems |
| markerCategory.buildpath_problem = Java Build Path Problems |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Filter Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| HideSystemFiles.label= .* resources |
| HideSystemFiles.description= Hides resources with names that start with a '.' |
| |
| HideInnerClassFiles.label= Inner class files |
| HideInnerClassFiles.description= Hides class files with names that contain a '$' |
| |
| HideEmptyPackages.label= Empty packages |
| HideEmptyPackages.description= Hides all empty packages |
| |
| HideNoPackageContainingFolders.label= Folder containing no packages |
| HideNoPackageContainingFolders.description= Hides folders which do not contain any packages |
| |
| HideEmptyInnerPackages.label= Empty parent packages |
| HideEmptyInnerPackages.description= Hides empty packages which do not contain Java files but other sub-folders. E.g. given a package 'org.junit' where 'org' does not contain any Java files, this filter will hide the package 'org' but not the package 'org.junit' |
| |
| HideNonJavaElements.label= Non-Java elements |
| HideNonJavaElements.description= Hides all non-Java elements |
| |
| HideEmptyLibraryContainers.label= Empty library containers |
| HideEmptyLibraryContainers.description= Hides library containers which do not contain at least one library that is not filtered |
| |
| HideReferencedLibraries.label= Libraries from external |
| HideReferencedLibraries.description= Hides external libraries i.e. those not contained inside the project itself |
| |
| HideContainedLibraries.label=Libraries in project |
| HideContainedLibraries.description= Hides local libraries i.e. those contained inside the project itself |
| |
| HideJavaFiles.label= Java files |
| HideJavaFiles.description= Hides all Java files |
| |
| HidePackageDeclaration.label= Package declarations |
| HidePackageDeclaration.description= Hides all package declarations |
| |
| HideImportDeclaration.label= Import declarations |
| HideImportDeclaration.description= Hides all import declarations |
| |
| HideNonJavaProjects.label= Non-Java projects |
| HideNonJavaProjects.description= Hides all projects without Java nature |
| |
| HideNonPublicType.label= Non-public types |
| HideNonPublicType.description= Hides all non-public types |
| |
| HideInterface.label= Interfaces |
| HideInterface.description= Hides all interfaces |
| |
| HideEnum.label= Enums |
| HideEnum.description= Hides all enum types |
| |
| HideAnnotation.label= Annotations |
| HideAnnotation.description= Hides all annotations |
| |
| HideClass.label= Classes |
| HideClass.description= Hides all classes |
| |
| HideNonSharedProjects.label= Non-shared projects |
| HideNonSharedProjects.description= Hides all unshared projects |
| |
| HideClosedProjects.label= Closed projects |
| HideClosedProjects.description= Hides closed projects |
| |
| HideFields.label= Fields |
| HideFields.description= Hides fields |
| |
| HideStatics.label= Static fields and methods |
| HideStatics.description= Hides static fields and methods |
| |
| HideNonPublic.label= Non-public members |
| HideNonPublic.description= Hides non-public members |
| |
| HideLocalTypes.label= Local types |
| HideLocalTypes.description= Hides local types |
| |
| HideSyntheticMembers.label= Synthetic members |
| HideSyntheticMembers.description= Hides synthetic members. Synthetic members do not appear in the source code, but are internally created by the compiler. |
| |
| HideOutputFolder.label= Output folders |
| HideOutputFolder.description= Hides Java output folders of the Java projects. A Java output folder is where the compiled Java classes are. |
| HideJavaOutputFolder.label= Java output folders |
| |
| HideJavaLangObjectMembersFilter.label=Inherited members from java.lang.Object |
| HideJavaLangObjectMembersFilter.description=Hides all inherited members from java.lang.Object |
| |
| HideDeprecatedFieldsAndMethods.label= Deprecated fields and methods |
| HideDeprecatedFieldsAndMethods.description= Hides deprecated fields and methods |
| |
| HideTestCode.label= Test code |
| HideTestCode.description= Hides test code |
| |
| |
| sourceHover= Source |
| sourceHoverDescription= Shows the source of the selected element, or the source near the matching opening curly brace. |
| javadocHover= Javadoc |
| javadocHoverDescription= Shows the Javadoc of the selected element. |
| nlsStringHover= Externalized String |
| nlsStringHoverDescription= Shows the externalized string of the selected key. |
| sequentialHover= Combined Hover |
| sequentialHoverDescription= Tries the hovers in the sequence listed in above table, excluding this hover, and uses the one which fits best for the selected element and the current context. |
| annotationHover= Annotation Description |
| annotationHoverDescription= Shows the description of the selected annotation. |
| problemHover= Problem Description |
| problemHoverDescription= Shows the description of the selected problem. |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Action Definitions |
| ########################################################################## |
| |
| category.refactoring.name=Refactor - Java |
| category.refactoring.description=Java Refactoring Actions |
| category.source.name=Source |
| category.source.description= Java Source Actions |
| |
| context.editingJavaSource.name= Editing Java Source |
| context.editingJavaSource.description= Editing Java Source Context |
| |
| context.browsingJavaSource.name= Browsing attached Java Source |
| context.browsingJavaSource.description= Browsing attached Java Source Context |
| |
| context.editingPropertiesSource.name= Editing Properties Files |
| context.editingPropertiesSource.description= Editing Properties Files Context |
| |
| context.editorBreadcrumb.name= Editor Breadcrumb Navigation |
| context.editorBreadcrumb.description= Editor Breadcrumb Navigation Context |
| |
| #--- Edit menu |
| ActionDefinition.show.outline.name= Quick Outline |
| ActionDefinition.show.outline.description= Show the quick outline for the editor input |
| |
| ActionDefinition.open.hierarchy.name= Quick Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.open.hierarchy.description= Show the quick hierarchy of the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.open.structure.name= Open Structure |
| ActionDefinition.open.structure.description= Show the structure of the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.raw.paste.name= Raw Paste |
| ActionDefinition.raw.paste.description= Paste and ignore smart insert setting |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoNextMember.name= Go to Next Member |
| ActionDefinition.gotoNextMember.description= Move the caret to the next member of the compilation unit |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPreviousMember.name= Go to Previous Member |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPreviousMember.description= Move the caret to the previous member of the compilation unit |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectEnclosing.name= Select Enclosing Element |
| ActionDefinition.selectEnclosing.description= Expand selection to include enclosing element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectNext.name= Select Next Element |
| ActionDefinition.selectNext.description= Expand selection to include next sibling |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectPrevious.name= Select Previous Element |
| ActionDefinition.selectPrevious.description= Expand selection to include previous sibling |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectLast.name= Restore Last Selection |
| ActionDefinition.selectLast.description= Restore last selection |
| |
| ActionDefinition.removeOccurrenceAnnotations.name= Remove Occurrence Annotations |
| ActionDefinition.removeOccurrenceAnnotations.description= Removes the occurrence annotations from the current editor |
| |
| |
| #--- Source menu |
| ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.name= Show Source Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.description= Shows the source quick menu |
| |
| ActionDefinition.comment.name= Comment |
| ActionDefinition.comment.description= Turn the selected lines into Java comments |
| |
| ActionDefinition.uncomment.name= Uncomment |
| ActionDefinition.uncomment.description= Uncomment the selected Java comment lines |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleComment.name= Toggle Comment |
| ActionDefinition.toggleComment.description= Toggle comment the selected lines |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.name= Add Block Comment |
| ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.description= Enclose the selection with a block comment |
| |
| ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.name= Remove Block Comment |
| ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.description= Remove the block comment enclosing the selection |
| |
| ActionDefinition.format.name= Format |
| ActionDefinition.format.description= Format the selected text |
| |
| ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.name= Copy Qualified Name |
| ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.description= Copy a fully qualified name to the system clipboard |
| |
| ActionDefinition.quickformat.name= Format Element |
| ActionDefinition.quickformat.description= Format enclosing text element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addImport.name= Add Import |
| ActionDefinition.addImport.description= Create import statement on selection |
| |
| ActionDefinition.organizeImports.name= Organize Imports |
| ActionDefinition.organizeImports.description= Evaluate all required imports and replace the current imports |
| |
| ActionDefinition.cleanUp.name= Clean Up |
| ActionDefinition.cleanUp.description= Solve problems and improve code style on selected resources |
| |
| ActionDefinition.sortMembers.name=Sort Members |
| ActionDefinition.sortMembers.description=Sort all members using the member order preference |
| |
| ActionDefinition.delegateMethods.name=Generate Delegate Methods |
| ActionDefinition.delegateMethods.description=Add delegate methods for a type's fields |
| |
| ActionDefinition.getterSetter.name=Generate Getters and Setters |
| ActionDefinition.getterSetter.description=Generate Getter and Setter methods for type's fields |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addJavadocComment.name=Add Javadoc Comment |
| ActionDefinition.addJavadocComment.description=Add a Javadoc comment stub to the member element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryCatch.name= Surround with try/catch Block |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryCatch.description= Surround the selected text with a try/catch block |
| |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryMultiCatch.name= Surround with try/multi-catch Block |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryMultiCatch.description= Surround the selected text with a try/multi-catch block |
| |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryWithResources.name= Surround with try-with-resources Block |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryWithResources.description= Surround the selected text with a try-with-resources block |
| |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.quickMenu.name= Surround With Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.quickMenu.description= Shows the Surround With quick menu |
| |
| ActionDefinition.overrideMethods.name= Override/Implement Methods |
| ActionDefinition.overrideMethods.description= Override or implement methods from super types |
| |
| ActionDefinition.generateHashCode.name= Generate hashCode() and equals() |
| ActionDefinition.generateHashCode.description= Generates hashCode() and equals() methods for the type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.generateToString.name= Generate toString() |
| ActionDefinition.generateToString.description= Generates the toString() method for the type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addUnimplementedConstructors.name= Generate Constructors from Superclass |
| ActionDefinition.addUnimplementedConstructors.description= Evaluate and add constructors from superclass |
| |
| ActionDefinition.generateConstructorUsingFields.name= Generate Constructor using Fields |
| ActionDefinition.generateConstructorsUsingFields.description= Choose fields to initialize and constructor from superclass to call |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.externalizeStrings.name= Externalize Strings |
| ActionDefinition.externalizeStrings.description=Finds all strings that are not externalized and moves them into a separate property file |
| |
| ActionDefinition.findNLSProblems.name= Find Broken Externalized Strings |
| ActionDefinition.findNLSProblems.description=Finds undefined, duplicate and unused externalized string keys in property files |
| |
| ActionDefinition.indent.name= Correct Indentation |
| ActionDefinition.indent.description=Corrects the indentation of the selected lines |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addTextBlock.name= Add Text Block |
| ActionDefinition.addTextBlock.description=Adds Text Block |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.renameInFile.name=Quick Assist - Rename in file |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.renameInFile.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Rename in file' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToLocal.name=Quick Assist - Assign to local variable |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign to local variable' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignInTryWithResources.name=Quick Assist - Assign to variable in new try-with-resources block |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignInTryWithResources.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign to variable in new try-with-resources block' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToField.name=Quick Assist - Assign to field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign to field' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignParamToField.name=Quick Assist - Assign parameter to field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignParamToField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign parameter to field' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignAllParamsToNewFields.name=Quick Assist - Assign all parameters to new fields |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignAllParamsToNewFields.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign all parameters to new fields' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addBlock.name=Quick Assist - Replace statement with block |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addBlock.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Replace statement with block' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addThrowsDecl.name=Quick Fix - Add throws declaration |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addThrowsDecl.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add throws declaration' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addCast.name=Quick Fix - Add cast |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addCast.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add cast' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addNonNLS.name=Quick Fix - Add non-NLS tag |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addNonNLS.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add non-NLS tag' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.qualifyField.name=Quick Fix - Qualify field access |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.qualifyField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Qualify field access' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.changeToStatic.name=Quick Fix - Change to static access |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.changeToStatic.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Change to static access' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addImport.name=Quick Fix - Add import |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addImport.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add import' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addSuppressWarnings.name=Quick Fix - Add @SuppressWarnings |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addSuppressWarnings.description=Invokes quick fix and selects 'Add @SuppressWarnings' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.splitJoinVariableDeclaration.name=Quick Assist - Split/Join variable declaration |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.splitJoinVariableDeclaration.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Split/Join variable declaration' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractLocal.name=Quick Assist - Extract local variable (replace all occurrences) |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Extract local variable (replace all occurrences)' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractLocalNotReplaceOccurrences.name=Quick Assist - Extract local variable |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractLocalNotReplaceOccurrences.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Extract local variable' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractConstant.name=Quick Assist - Extract constant |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractConstant.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Extract constant' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractMethodInplace.name=Quick Assist - Extract method |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractMethodInplace.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Extract to method' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertLocalToField.name=Quick Assist - Convert local variable to field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertLocalToField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Convert local variable to field' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.inlineLocal.name=Quick Assist - Inline local variable |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.inlineLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Inline local variable' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertAnonymousToLocal.name=Quick Assist - Convert anonymous to local class |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertAnonymousToLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Convert anonymous to local class' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.encapsulateField.name=Quick Assist - Create getter/setter for field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.encapsulateField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Create getter/setter for field' |
| |
| #--- Refactor menu |
| ActionDefinition.refactorQuickMenu.name= Show Refactor Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.refactorQuickMenu.description= Shows the refactor quick menu |
| |
| ActionDefinition.pullUp.name= Pull Up |
| ActionDefinition.pullUp.description= Move members to a superclass |
| |
| ActionDefinition.pushDown.name= Push Down |
| ActionDefinition.pushDown.description= Move members to subclasses |
| |
| ActionDefinition.renameElement.name= Rename - Refactoring |
| ActionDefinition.renameElement.description= Rename the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.modifyMethodParameters.name= Change Method Signature |
| ActionDefinition.modifyMethodParameters.description= Change method signature includes parameter names and parameter order |
| |
| ActionDefinition.moveElement.name= Move - Refactoring |
| ActionDefinition.moveElement.description= Move the selected element to a new location |
| |
| ActionDefinition.extractLocalVariable.name= Extract Local Variable |
| ActionDefinition.extractLocalVariable.description= Extracts an expression into a new local variable and uses the new local variable |
| |
| ActionDefinition.extractConstant.name= Extract Constant |
| ActionDefinition.extractConstant.description= Extracts a constant into a new static field and uses the new static field |
| |
| ActionDefinition.introduceParameter.name= Introduce Parameter |
| ActionDefinition.introduceParameter.description= Introduce a new method parameter based on the selected expression |
| |
| ActionDefinition.introduceParameterObject.name= Introduce Parameter Object |
| ActionDefinition.introduceParameterObject.description= Introduce a parameter object to a selected method |
| |
| ActionDefinition.introduceFactory.name= Introduce Factory |
| ActionDefinition.introduceFactory.description= Introduce a factory method to encapsulate invocation of the selected constructor |
| |
| ActionDefinition.inline.name= Inline |
| ActionDefinition.inline.description= Inline a constant, local variable or method |
| |
| ActionDefinition.introduceIndirection.name= Introduce Indirection |
| ActionDefinition.introduceIndirection.description= Introduce an indirection to encapsulate invocations of a selected method |
| |
| ActionDefinition.replaceInvocations.name= Replace Invocations |
| ActionDefinition.replaceInvocations.description= Replace invocations of the selected method |
| |
| ActionDefinition.extractClass.name=Extract Class... |
| ActionDefinition.extractClass.description=Extracts fields into a new class |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selfEncapsulateField.name= Encapsulate Field |
| ActionDefinition.selfEncapsulateField.description= Create getting and setting methods for the field and use only those to access the field |
| |
| ActionDefinition.extractMethod.name= Extract Method |
| ActionDefinition.extractMethod.description= Extract a set of statements or an expression into a new method and use the new method |
| |
| ActionDefinition.extractInterface.name= Extract Interface |
| ActionDefinition.extractInterface.description= Extract a set of members into a new interface and try to use the new interface |
| |
| ActionDefinition.extractSupertype.name= Extract Superclass |
| ActionDefinition.extractSupertype.description= Extract a set of members into a new superclass and try to use the new superclass |
| |
| ActionDefinition.changeType.name= Generalize Declared Type |
| ActionDefinition.changeType.description= Change the declaration of a selected variable to a more general type consistent with usage |
| |
| ActionDefinition.convertNestedToTopLevel.name= Move Type to New File |
| ActionDefinition.convertNestedToTopLevel.description= Move Type to New File |
| |
| ActionDefinition.useSupertype.name= Use Supertype Where Possible |
| ActionDefinition.useSupertype.description= Change occurrences of a type to use a supertype instead |
| |
| ActionDefinition.inferTypeArguments.name= Infer Generic Type Arguments |
| ActionDefinition.inferTypeArguments.description= Infer type arguments for references to generic classes and remove unnecessary casts |
| |
| ActionDefinition.convertLocalToField.name= Convert Local Variable to Field |
| ActionDefinition.convertLocalToField.description= Convert a local variable to a field |
| |
| ActionDefinition.convertAnonymousToNested.name= Convert Anonymous Class to Nested |
| ActionDefinition.convertAnonymousToNested.description= Convert an anonymous class to a nested class |
| |
| ActionDefinition.applyRefactoringScript.name=Apply Script |
| ActionDefinition.applyRefactoringScript.description=Perform refactorings from a refactoring script on the local workspace |
| |
| ActionDefinition.createRefactoringScript.name=Create Script |
| ActionDefinition.createRefactoringScript.description=Create a refactoring script from refactorings on the local workspace |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openRefactoringHistory.name=Open Refactoring History |
| ActionDefinition.openRefactoringHistory.description=Opens the refactoring history |
| |
| ActionDefinition.migrate.name=Migrate JAR File |
| ActionDefinition.migrate.description=Migrate a JAR File to a new version |
| |
| |
| #--- Navigate menu |
| ActionDefinition.openType.name= Open Type |
| ActionDefinition.openType.description= Open a type in a Java editor |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.name= Open Type in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.description= Open a type in the type hierarchy view |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPackage.name= Go to Package |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPackage.description= Go to Package |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoBreadcrumb.name= Show In Breadcrumb |
| ActionDefinition.gotoBreadcrumb.description= Shows the Java editor breadcrumb and sets the keyboard focus into it |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoType.name= Go to Type |
| ActionDefinition.gotoType.description= Go to Type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openEditor.name= Open Declaration |
| ActionDefinition.openEditor.description= Open an editor on the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openImplementation.name= Open Implementation |
| ActionDefinition.openImplementation.description= Opens the Implementations of a method or a type in its hierarchy |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openSuperImplementation.name= Open Super Implementation |
| ActionDefinition.openSuperImplementation.description= Open the Implementation in the Super Type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openAttachedJavadoc.name= Open Attached Javadoc |
| ActionDefinition.openAttachedJavadoc.description= Open the attached Javadoc of the selected element in a browser |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeHierarchy.name= Open Type Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeHierarchy.description= Open a type hierarchy on the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openCallHierarchy.name= Open Call Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openCallHierarchy.description= Open a call hierarchy on the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.showInPackageView.name= Show in Package Explorer |
| ActionDefinition.showInPackageView.description= Show the selected element in the Package Explorer |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoMatchingBracket.name= Go to Matching Bracket |
| ActionDefinition.gotoMatchingBracket.description= Moves the cursor to the matching bracket |
| |
| #--- Search menu |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInWorkspace.name= References in Workspace |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInWorkspace.description= Search for references to the selected element in the workspace |
| |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInProject.name= References in Project |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInProject.description= Search for references to the selected element in the enclosing project |
| |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInHierarchy.name= References in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInHierarchy.description= Search for references of the selected element in its hierarchy |
| |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInWorkingSet.name= References in Working Set |
| ActionDefinition.referencesInWorkingSet.description= Search for references to the selected element in a working set |
| |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInworkspace.name= Read Access in Workspace |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInWorkspace.description= Search for read references to the selected element in the workspace |
| |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInProject.name= Read Access in Project |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInProject.description= Search for read references to the selected element in the enclosing project |
| |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInHierarchy.name= Read Access in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInHierarchy.description= Search for read references of the selected element in its hierarchy |
| |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInWorkingSet.name= Read Access in Working Set |
| ActionDefinition.readAccessInWorkingSet.description= Search for read references to the selected element in a working set |
| |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInWorkspace.name=Write Access in Workspace |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInWorkspace.description= Search for write references to the selected element in the workspace |
| |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInProject.name= Write Access in Project |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInProject.description= Search for write references to the selected element in the enclosing project |
| |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInHierarchy.name= Write Access in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInHierarchy.description= Search for write references of the selected element in its hierarchy |
| |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInWorkingSet.name= Write Access in Working Set |
| ActionDefinition.writeAccessInWorkingSet.description= Search for write references to the selected element in a working set |
| |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInWorkspace.name= Declaration in Workspace |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInWorkspace.description= Search for declarations of the selected element in the workspace |
| |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInProject.name= Declaration in Project |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInProject.description= Search for declarations of the selected element in the enclosing project |
| |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInHierarchy.name= Declaration in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInHierarchy.description= Search for declarations of the selected element in its hierarchy |
| |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInWorkingSet.name= Declaration in Working Set |
| ActionDefinition.declarationsInWorkingSet.description= Search for declarations of the selected element in a working set |
| |
| ActionDefinition.implementorsInWorkspace.name= Implementors in Workspace |
| ActionDefinition.implementorsInWorkspace.description= Search for implementors of the selected interface |
| |
| ActionDefinition.implementorsInProject.name= Implementors in Project |
| ActionDefinition.implementorsInProject.description= Search for implementors of the selected interface in the enclosing project |
| |
| ActionDefinition.implementorsInWorkingSet.name= Implementors in Working Set |
| ActionDefinition.implementorsInWorkingSet.description= Search for implementors of the selected interface in a working set |
| |
| ActionDefinition.occurrencesInFile.quickMenu.name= Show Occurrences in File Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.occurrencesInFile.quickMenu.description= Shows the Occurrences in File quick menu |
| |
| ActionDefinition.occurrencesInFile.name= Search All Occurrences in File |
| ActionDefinition.occurrencesInFile.description= Search for all occurrences of the selected element in its declaring file |
| |
| ActionDefinition.methodExitOccurrences.name = Search Method Exit Occurrences in File |
| ActionDefinition.methodExitOccurrences.description = Search for method exit occurrences of a selected return type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.breakContinueTargetOccurrences.name = Search break/continue Target Occurrences in File |
| ActionDefinition.breakContinueTargetOccurrences.description = Search for break/continue target occurrences of a selected target name |
| |
| ActionDefinition.exceptionOccurrences.name= Search Exception Occurrences in File |
| ActionDefinition.exceptionOccurrences.description= Search for exception occurrences of a selected exception type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.implementOccurrences.name= Search Implement Occurrences in File |
| ActionDefinition.implementOccurrences.description= Search for implement occurrences of a selected type |
| |
| #--- project |
| ActionDefinition.generateJavadoc.name= Generate Javadoc |
| ActionDefinition.generateJavadoc.description= Generates Javadoc for a selectable set of Java resources |
| |
| |
| #--- commands not assigned to a menu |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseMembers.name= Collapse Members |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseMembers.description= Collapse all members |
| |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseComments.name= Collapse Comments |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseComments.description= Collapse all comments |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleCodeMining.name= Toggle Code Mining |
| ActionDefinition.toggleCodeMining.description= Toggle Code Mining Annotations |
| |
| #--- perspective commands |
| PerspectiveCommand.javaBrowsing.name= Java Browsing |
| PerspectiveCommand.javaBrowsing.description= Show the Java Browsing perspective |
| |
| PerspectiveCommand.java.name= Java |
| PerspectiveCommand.java.description= Show the Java perspective |
| |
| PerspectiveCommand.javaTypeHierarchy.name= Java Type Hierarchy |
| PerspectiveCommand.javaTypeHierarchy.description= Show the Java Type Hierarchy perspective |
| |
| |
| #--- Commands for surfacing java elements |
| command.openElementInEditor.name= Open Java Element |
| command.openElementInEditor.desc= Open a Java element in its editor |
| commandParameter.openElementInEditor.elementRef.name= Java element reference |
| command.showElementInPackageView.name= Show Java Element in Package Explorer |
| command.showElementInPackageView.desc= Select Java element in the Package Explorer view |
| commandParameter.showElementInPackageView.elementRef.name= Java element reference |
| command.showElementInTypeHierarchyView.name= Show Java Element Type Hierarchy |
| command.showElementInTypeHierarchyView.desc= Show a Java element in the Type Hierarchy view |
| commandParameter.showElementInTypeHierarchyView.elementRef.name= Java element reference |
| |
| #--- Call Hierarchy |
| callHierarchyViewName=Call Hierarchy |
| |
| #--- Info views |
| JavaSourceView= Declaration |
| JavadocView= Javadoc |
| |
| |
| #--- Info view colors |
| JavadocBackgroundColor.label= Javadoc background |
| JavadocBackgroundColor.description= The color used as background for the Javadoc view and hover. |
| JavadocForegroundColor.label= Javadoc text color |
| JavadocForegroundColor.description= The foreground color for text in the Javadoc view and hover. |
| DeclarationViewBackgroundColor.label= Declaration view background |
| DeclarationViewBackgroundColor.description= The color used as background for the Declaration view. |
| |
| #--- linked mode annotations |
| linked.focus.label= Current range |
| linked.slave.label= Range linked to current |
| linked.target.label= Editable range |
| linked.exit.label= Final caret location |
| |
| userLibrary.name=User Library |
| |
| #--- templates |
| templates.java.contextType.name= Java |
| templates.java.empty.contextType.name= Java (Empty File) |
| templates.java.module.contextType.name= Java module |
| templates.java.statements.contextType.name= Java statements |
| templates.java.members.contextType.name= Java type members |
| templates.javadoc.contextType.name= Javadoc |
| templates.swt.contextType.name= SWT |
| templates.swt.statements.contextType.name= SWT statements |
| templates.swt.members.contextType.name= SWT type members |
| templates.postfix.members.contextType.name= Java postfix |
| |
| templates.java.resolvers.Field.name= Field |
| templates.java.resolvers.Field.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:field(type[,type]*)}</b><br>Evaluates to a field in the current scope that is a subtype of any of the given types. If no type is specified, any non-primitive field matches.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${counter:field(int)}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.Link.name= Linked Mode |
| templates.java.resolvers.Link.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:link([proposal[,proposal]*])}</b><br>Evaluates to <i>id</i> if the list of proposals is empty, evaluates to the first proposal otherwise. The evaluated value is put into linked mode. A proposal window shows all the given proposals.<br><br><b>Example1:</b><br><code>java.util.Collections.${kind:link(EMPTY_SET, EMPTY_LIST, 'EMPTY_MAP.entrySet()')}</code><br><br><b>Example2:</b><br><code>int ${integer:link}; ${integer}= 0;</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.Imports.name= Import |
| templates.java.resolvers.Imports.description= <b>${:import([type[,type]*])}</b><br>Adds an import statement for each type that is not already imported. Does nothing if a conflicting import exists. Evaluates to nothing.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${:import(java.util.List, java.util.Collection)}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.ImportStatic.name= Import Static |
| templates.java.resolvers.ImportStatic.description= <b>${:importStatic([qualifiedName[,qualifiedName]*])}</b><br>Adds a static import statement for each qualified name that is not already imported. The <code>qualifiedName</code> is the fully qualified name of a static field or method, or it is the qualified name of a type plus a <code>.*</code> suffix, enclosed in single quotes <code>'\u0027</code>. Does nothing if a conflicting import exists. Evaluates to nothing.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${:importStatic(java.util.Collections.EMPTY_SET, 'java.lang.System.*')}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.Var.name= Variable |
| templates.java.resolvers.Var.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:var(type[,type]*)}</b><br>Evaluates to a field, local variable or parameter visible in the current scope that is a subtype of any of the given types. If no type is specified, any non-primitive variable matches.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${array:var('java.lang.Object[]')}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.LocalVar.name= Local Variable |
| templates.java.resolvers.LocalVar.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:localVar(type[,type]*)}</b><br>Evaluates to a local variable or parameter visible in the current scope that is a subtype of any of the given types. If no type is specified, any non-primitive local variable matches.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${iterable:localVar(java.lang.Iterable)}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.Name.name= New Name |
| templates.java.resolvers.Name.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:newName(reference)}</b><br>Evaluates to an non-conflicting name for a new local variable of the type specified by the reference. The reference may either be a Java type name or the name of another template variable. The generated name respects the code style settings.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${index:newName(int)}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.Type.name= New Type |
| templates.java.resolvers.Type.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:newType(fullyQualifiedType)}</b><br>Evaluates to a type name given the fully qualified Java type name. Evaluates to a simple type name and an import if no conflicting type exists. Evaluates to a fully qualified type name otherwise.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${type:newType(java.util.Iterator)}</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.ElementType.name= Element Type |
| templates.java.resolvers.ElementType.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:elemType(variable)}</b><br>Evaluates to the element type of the referenced template variable. The reference should be the name of another template variable that resolves to an array or an instance of <code>java.lang.Iterable</code>.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${t:elemType(a)} elem = ${a:array};</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.ArgumentType.name= Argument Type |
| templates.java.resolvers.ArgumentType.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:argType(variable, n)}</b><br> Evaluates to the <em>nth</em> type argument of the referenced template variable. The reference should be the name of another template variable. Resolves to <code>java.lang.Object</code> if the referenced variable cannot be found or is not a parameterized type.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${type:argType(vector, 0)} ${first:name(type)} = ${vector:var(java.util.Vector)}.get(0);</code>; |
| templates.java.resolvers.ExceptionVariableName.name= Exception Variable Name |
| templates.java.resolvers.ExceptionVariableName.description= Exception variable name in catch blocks |
| templates.java.resolvers.ActualType.name= New Actual Type |
| templates.java.resolvers.ActualType.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:newActualType(fullyQualifiedType)}</b><br>Evaluates to the actual type name given the fully qualified Java type name of an array or a generic type. Evaluates to a simple type name and an import if no conflicting type exists. Evaluates to a fully qualified type name otherwise.<br>The parameter may be the name of another template variable.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${type:newType(java.util.List<java.lang.Object>)}</code> will resolve to <code>java.lang.Object</code> |
| templates.java.resolvers.NewField.name= New Field |
| templates.java.resolvers.NewField.description= <b>${<i>id</i>:newField(template_variable[,is_public=false,is_static=false,is_final=false,initialization=false])}</b><br>Creates a new field, i.e. instance variable, in the current context and resolves to the name of the newly created field. The type of the new field is determined by the given template variable. <code>is_public</code>, <code>is_static</code> and <code>is_final</code> are boolean flags which specify the modifiers of the new field. The parameter <code>initialization<code> is a boolean flag which specifies if the new field should be initialized with the value of the given template variable.<br><br><b>Example:</b><br><code>${type:newField(a_variable, false, false, false, true)}</code> will create the following code:<br><br><code>private TheType t = the_value</code><br> where <code>TheType</code> is the type of the given template variable and <code>the_value</code> is value of the given template variable. The variable itself will resolve to <code>t</code> |
| |
| #--- folding |
| foldingStructureProvidersExtensionPoint= Folding Structure Providers |
| defaultFoldingStructureProviderName= Default Java Folding |
| |
| #--- presentation |
| javaPresentation.label= Java |
| |
| #--- Properties File Editor |
| PropertiesFileEditorName=Properties File Editor |
| propertiesFileDocumentSetupParticipant= Properties File Document Setup Participant |
| |
| propertiesFileEditorFontDefiniton.label= Properties File Editor Text Font |
| propertiesFileEditorFontDefintion.description= The Properties File editor text font is used by Properties File editors. |
| |
| propertiesFileEditorPrefName= Properties Files Editor |
| |
| #--- Spelling |
| defaultSpellingEngine.label= Default spelling engine |
| spellingMarker= Spelling Marker |
| |
| #--- Java model provider |
| JavaModelProvider.name=Java Workspace |
| JavaModelContent.name=Java Workspace |
| |
| #--- Java problem grouping |
| MarkerCategory.name=Java Problem Type |
| MarkerCategory.buildpath=Build Path |
| MarkerCategory.fatal=Fatal Errors |
| MarkerCategory.documentation=Documentation |
| MarkerCategory.codestyle=Code Style |
| MarkerCategory.potential=Potential Programming Problems |
| MarkerCategory.namingconflicts=Name Shadowing and Conflicts |
| MarkerCategory.deprecation=Deprecation |
| MarkerCategory.generictypes=Type Safety and Raw Types |
| MarkerCategory.unnecessary=Unnecessary Code |
| MarkerCategory.nls=Externalized Strings |
| MarkerCategory.restrictedAPI=Restricted API |
| |
| #--- Hyperlinking --- |
| JavaEditorHyperlinkTarget= Java Editor |
| PropertiesFileEditorHyperlinkTarget=Properties File Editor |
| JavaElementHyperlinkDetector= Open Declaration |
| JavaElementHyperlinkImplementationDetector= Open Implementation |
| NLSHyperlinkDetector= Java Property Key |
| PropertyKeyHyperlinkDetector= Java Property Key |
| JavaElementHyperlinkDeclaredTypeDetector= Open Declared Type |
| JavaElementHyperlinkReturnTypeDetector= Open Return Type |
| JavaElementHyperlinkSuperImplementationDetector= Open Super Implementation |
| |
| #--- Clean Up --- |
| CleanUpTabPage.CodeStyle.name = &Code Style |
| CleanUpTabPage.JavaFeature.name = &Java Feature |
| CleanUpTabPage.SourceFixing.name = Source &Fixing |
| CleanUpTabPage.Performance.name = &Performance |
| CleanUpTabPage.MemberAccesses.name = Membe&r Accesses |
| CleanUpTabPage.UnnecessaryCode.name = &Unnecessary Code |
| CleanUpTabPage.MissingCode.name = &Missing Code |
| CleanUpTabPage.CodeOrganizing.name = Code &Organizing |
| CleanUpTabPage.DuplicateCode.name = &Duplicate code |
| |
| contentMergeViewers.java.label=Java Source Compare |
| contentMergeViewers.properties.label=Java Properties Compare |
| structureMergeViewers.java.label=Java Structure Compare |
| |
| projectConfigurator.java = Java |
| projectConfigurator.jdt = JDT |
| |
| JavaElementCodeMiningProvider.label=Java Element code mining provider |
| JavaElementCodeMiningProvider.parameterNames.label=Java parameter names code mining provides |