| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2021 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # |
| # This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.refactoring |
| ####################################### |
| |
| RefactorActionGroup_no_refactoring_available= <no refactoring available> |
| |
| RenameInputWizardPage_new_name= New na&me: |
| |
| RenameRefactoringWizard_internal_error= An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.actions |
| ####################################### |
| |
| OpenRefactoringWizardAction_refactoring=Refactoring |
| OpenRefactoringWizardAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| |
| ExtractMethodAction_label=E&xtract Method... |
| ExtractMethodAction_dialog_title=Extract Method |
| |
| SurroundWithTryCatchAction_label=Surround with tr&y/catch Block |
| SurroundWithTryMultiCatchAction_label=Surround with t&ry/multi-catch Block |
| SurroundWithTryCatchAction_dialog_title=Surround with try/catch |
| SurroundWithTryMultiCatchAction_dialog_title=Surround with try/multi-catch |
| SurroundWithTryMultiCatchAction_not17=Project ''{0}'' cannot be processed since its compiler source level is below 1.7. |
| SurroundWithTryCatchAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| SurroundWithTryResourcesAction_label=Surround with try-with-resources Block |
| SurroundWithTryResourcesAction_dialog_title=Surround with try-with-resources |
| SurroundWithTryResourcesAction_not18=Project ''{0}'' cannot be processed since its compiler source level is below 1.8. |
| SurroundWithTryResourcesAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| |
| RefactoringGroup_modify_Parameters_label=&Change Method Signature... |
| RefactoringGroup_pull_Up_label=Pull &Up... |
| RefactoringGroup_move_label=&Move... |
| |
| |
| RefactoringStarter_unexpected_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| RefactoringStarter_saving=Saving Resources |
| RefactoringStarter_always_save=&Always save all modified resources automatically prior to refactoring |
| RefactoringStarter_save_all_resources=Save Modified Resources |
| RefactoringStarter_must_save=Some modified resources must be saved before this operation. |
| |
| RefactoringExecutionHelper_cannot_execute=The operation cannot be performed due to the following problem:\n\n{0} |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.code |
| ####################################### |
| |
| ExtractMethodWizard_extract_method=Extract Method |
| |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_access_Modifiers=&Access modifier: |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_public=public |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_default=package |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_protected=protected |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_private=private |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_signature_preview=Method signature preview: |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_description=Enter new method name and specify the method's visibility |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_label_text=Method &name: |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_parameters=&Parameters: |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_throwRuntimeExceptions=Declare thrown runtime e&xceptions |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_validation_emptyMethodName=Provide a method name |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_validation_emptyParameterName=Parameter names cannot be empty |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_duplicates_none=&Replace additional occurrences of statements with method |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_duplicates_single=&Replace 1 additional occurrence of statements with method |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_duplicates_multi=&Replace {0} additional occurrences of statements with method |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_destination_type=Destination &type: |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_anonymous_type_label=new {0}() '{'...} |
| ExtractMethodInputPage_generateJavadocComment=Generate method &comment |
| |
| InlineMethodWizard_page_title=Inline Method |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.sef |
| ####################################### |
| |
| SelfEncapsulateField_sef=Encapsulate Field |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_field_access=Field access in declaring type: |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_use_setter_getter=us&e setter and getter |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_keep_references=&keep field reference |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_description=Create getting and setting methods for the field and use only those to access the field |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_getter_name=&Getter name: |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_no_getter_name=(set Getter name) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_no_getter_created=(no getter created) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_setter_name=&Setter name: |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_no_setter_name=(set Setter name) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_no_setter_created=(no setter created) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_insert_after=&Insert new methods after: |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_first_method=As first method |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_access_Modifiers=Access modifier: |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_final_field=(field is final) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_configure_link=<a>Configure naming conventions...</a> |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_please_choose_to_generate_a_getter_setter=Please choose to generate getter and/or a setter. |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_public=&public |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_default=p&ackage |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_protected=pro&tected |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_private=pri&vate |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_generateJavadocComment=Generate method &comments |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_useexistingsetter_label=(using existing setter) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_useexistinggetter_label=(using existing getter) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_usenewgetter_label=(new setter created) |
| SelfEncapsulateFieldInputPage_usenewsetter_label=(new getter created) |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Misc |
| ####################################### |
| |
| ExtractTempWizard_defaultPageTitle=Extract Local Variable |
| ExtractTempInputPage_enter_name=Enter a name for the new local variable |
| ExtractTempInputPage_variable_name=&Variable name: |
| ExtractTempInputPage_replace_all=&Replace all occurrences of the selected expression with references to the local variable |
| ExtractTempInputPage_declare_final=&Declare the local variable as \'final\' |
| ExtractTempInputPage_declare_type_var=Declare the local variable &type as \'var\' |
| ExtractTempInputPage_extract_local=Extract local variable |
| |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_enter_name=Enter a name for the new constant |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_constant_name=&Constant name: |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_replace_all=&Replace all occurrences of the selected expression with references to the constant |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_qualify_constant_references_with_class_name=&Qualify constant references with type name |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_signature_preview=Signature Preview: |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_access_modifiers=Access modifier: |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_selection_refers_to_nonfinal_fields=The selected expression refers to non-final or non-static fields |
| |
| PromoteTempInputPage_description=Select visibility and name for the new field |
| |
| MoveMembersWizard_page_title=Move Static Members |
| |
| RenameInputWizardPage_update_references=Update &references |
| RenameInputWizardPage_update_textual_matches=Update &textual occurrences in comments and strings (forces preview) |
| RenameInputWizardPage_update_qualified_names=Update fully &qualified names in non-Java text files (forces preview) |
| |
| PullUpInputPage_select_methods=Select the methods to be removed in subclasses. |
| PullUpInputPage_pull_Up=Pull Up |
| PullUpInputPage_pull_up1=Pull Up Methods |
| PullUpInputPage_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| |
| ExtractTempAction_label=Extract &Local Variable... |
| ExtractTempAction_extract_temp=Extract Local Variable |
| |
| ConvertLocalToField_label=Con&vert Local Variable to Field... |
| ConvertLocalToField_title=Convert Local Variable to Field |
| |
| ExtractConstantAction_label=Extr&act Constant... |
| ExtractSuperTypeAction_label=Ex&tract Superclass... |
| ExtractConstantAction_extract_constant=Extract Constant |
| |
| InlineTempAction_inline_temp=Inline Local Variable |
| InlineTempAction_label=&Inline Local Variable... |
| |
| RenameAction_rename=Rename |
| RenameAction_unavailable=Operation unavailable on the current selection.\n\nSelect a Java project, source folder, resource, package or a compilation unit, or a non-binary type, field, method, parameter, local variable, or type variable. |
| RenameAction_unavailable_in_editor=Operation unavailable on the current selection, in the Editor. |
| RenameAction_text=Re&name... |
| |
| NewTextRefactoringAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| |
| RenameEnumConstWizard_defaultPageTitle=Rename Enum Constant |
| RenameEnumConstWizard_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this constant. |
| |
| RenameFieldWizard_defaultPageTitle=Rename Field |
| RenameFieldWizard_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this field. |
| RenameFieldInputWizardPage_rename_getter=Rename &getter method |
| RenameFieldInputWizardPage_rename_getter_to=Rename &getter: ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' |
| RenameFieldInputWizardPage_rename_setter=Rename &setter method |
| RenameFieldInputWizardPage_rename_setter_to=Rename &setter: ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' |
| RenameFieldInputWizardPage_setter_label={0} ({1}) |
| RenameFieldInputWizardPage_getter_label={0} ({1}) |
| |
| MoveMembersInputPage_descriptionKey_singular=Member ''{0}'' from ''{1}'' |
| MoveMembersInputPage_descriptionKey_plural={0} members from ''{1}'' |
| MoveMembersInputPage_destination_single=Destination &type for ''{0}'': |
| MoveMembersInputPage_destination_multi=Destination &type for {0} selected elements: |
| MoveMembersInputPage_browse=&Browse... |
| MoveMembersInputPage_move_Member=Move Member |
| MoveMembersInputPage_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| MoveMembersInputPage_choose_Type=Choose Type |
| MoveMembersInputPage_dialogMessage=&Choose a type (? = any character, * = any string): |
| MoveMembersInputPage_not_found=Destination type does not exist (fully qualified type name expected) |
| MoveMembersInputPage_invalid_name=Invalid Type Name |
| MoveMembersInputPage_Invalid_selection=Invalid selection |
| MoveMembersInputPage_no_binary=Cannot move members to binary types |
| |
| RenameJavaElementAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| RenameJavaElementAction_not_available=Operation unavailable on the current selection.\nSelect a Java project, source folder, resource, package, compilation unit, type, field, method, parameter or a local variable |
| RenameJavaElementAction_name=Rename |
| RenameJavaElementAction_started_rename_in_file=Element could not be resolved, started 'Rename in file' |
| |
| MoveAction_text=&Move... |
| |
| QualifiedNameComponent_patterns_label=File name &patterns: |
| QualifiedNameComponent_patterns_description= The patterns are separated by commas (* = any string, ? = any character) |
| |
| DelegateCreator_deprecate_delegates=Mark as &deprecated |
| |
| PullUpInputPage_hierarchyLabal_singular=Method ''{0}'' selected |
| PullUpInputPage_hierarchyLabal_plural={0} methods selected |
| PullUpInputPage_see_log=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| |
| ##Change Signature |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_change=Change the signature of the selected method and all its overriding methods. |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_access_modifier=A&ccess modifier: |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_default=package |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_return_type=Return &type: |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_method_name=Method &name: |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_parameters=Pa&rameters |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_exceptions=E&xceptions |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_method_Signature_Preview=Method signature preview: |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_unchanged=Method signature is unchanged. |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_Internal_Error=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| ChangeSignatureInputPage_Change_Signature=Change Signature |
| ChangeSignatureRefactoring_modify_Parameters=Change Method Signature |
| |
| ModifyParametersAction_unavailable=To activate this refactoring, please select the name of a method. Binary methods and annotation elements are not supported. |
| OpenRefactoringWizardAction_unavailable=Operation Unavailable |
| PullUpAction_unavailable=To activate this refactoring, select a top-level type or the name of a non-binary instance method or field. |
| MoveMembersAction_unavailable=To activate this refactoring, please select the name of a non-binary static method or field. |
| PullUpInputPage_subtypes=&Subtypes of type ''{0}'' |
| |
| RefactoringErrorDialogUtil_okToPerformQuestion={0}\n\nOK to perform the operation on this method? |
| |
| ChangeParametersControl_table_type=Type |
| ChangeParametersControl_table_name=Name |
| ChangeParametersControl_table_defaultValue=Default value |
| ChangeParametersControl_new_parameter_default_name=newParam |
| ChangeParametersControl_buttons_move_up=&Up |
| ChangeParametersControl_buttons_move_down=D&own |
| ChangeParametersControl_buttons_edit=&Edit... |
| ChangeParametersControl_buttons_add=&Add |
| ChangeParametersControl_buttons_remove=Re&move |
| |
| ChangeExceptionsControl_buttons_add=&Add... |
| ChangeExceptionsControl_buttons_remove=Re&move |
| ChangeExceptionsControl_choose_title=Add Exception |
| ChangeExceptionsControl_choose_message=&Choose an Exception (? = any character, * = any string): |
| ChangeExceptionsControl_not_exception=Not an Exception |
| |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_undo_button=Undo |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_abort_button=Abort |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_message=\n Click 'Undo' to undo all successfully executed changes of the current refactoring.\n Click 'Abort' to abort the current refactoring. |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_dialog_title=Refactoring |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_status_without_detail=Exception does not provide a detail message |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_undo_dialog_title=Undo Refactoring |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_undo_dialog_message=An unexpected exception occurred while undoing the refactoring |
| ChangeExceptionHandler_dialog_message=An exception has been caught while processing the refactoring ''{0}''. |
| |
| ParameterEditDialog_title=Method Parameter |
| ParameterEditDialog_message_new=Declaration of parameter: |
| ParameterEditDialog_message=Declaration of parameter ''{0}'': |
| |
| ParameterEditDialog_type=&Type: |
| ParameterEditDialog_name=&Name: |
| ParameterEditDialog_name_error= Parameter name must not be empty. |
| ParameterEditDialog_defaultValue=&Default value: |
| ParameterEditDialog_defaultValue_error= Default value must not be empty. |
| ParameterEditDialog_defaultValue_invalid=''{0}'' is not a valid expression. |
| |
| InlineTempWizard_defaultPageTitle= Inline Local Variable |
| InlineTempInputPage_message_one= Inline 1 occurrence of local variable ''{0}'' ? |
| InlineTempInputPage_message_multi= Inline {0} occurrences of local variable ''{1}'' ? |
| InlineTempInputPage_message_zero=Inline 0 occurrences of local variable ''{0}'' ?\n\nSince no references have been found, the variable declaration will simply be removed. |
| |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedInputPage_description=Select the name and modifiers for the new nested type |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedInputPage_class_name=Type &name: |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedInputPage_declare_final=Declare the nested type as \'&final\' |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedInputPage_declare_static=Declare the nested type as \'&static\' |
| |
| ExtractConstantWizard_defaultPageTitle=Extract Constant |
| ExtractConstantInputPage_Internal_Error=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| |
| ExtractSupertypeWizard_defaultPageTitle=Extract Superclass |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_page_title=Select the members to extract to the new type. |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_name_label=&Superclass name: |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_create_stubs_label=&Create necessary methods stubs in non-abstract subtypes of the extracted type |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_types_list_caption=&Types to extract a superclass from: |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_extract_supertype=Extract Superclass |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_extract=extract |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_add_button_label=A&dd... |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_declare_abstract=declare abstract in superclass |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_use_supertype_label=&Use the extracted class in 'instanceof' expressions |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_remove_button_label=Re&move |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_choose_type_caption=Choose Types |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_choose_type_message=Choose types where to extract the new superclass from: |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_no_members_selected=No members selected to extract or declare abstract |
| ExtractSupertypeMemberPage_use_instanceof_label=Use the &extracted class where possible |
| |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_description=Select the name for the new interface and select the members that will be declared in the interface. |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_Interface_name=&Interface name: |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_Members=&Members to declare in the interface: |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_Extract_Interface=Extract Interface |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_Internal_Error=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_Select_All=Select &All |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_Deselect_All=&Deselect All |
| ExtractInterfaceInputPage_change_references=Use the extracted interface &type where possible |
| ExtractInterfaceWizard_Extract_Interface=Extract Interface |
| ExtractInterfaceWizard_generate_annotations=Generate '@Override' a&nnotations (1.6 or higher) |
| ExtractInterfaceWizard_generate_comments=Generate method &comments |
| ExtractInterfaceWizard_use_supertype=&Use the extracted interface in \'instanceof\' expressions |
| |
| InlineConstantInputPage_Inline_constant=Inline constant ''{0}'': |
| InlineConstantInputPage_All_references=&All references |
| InlineConstantInputPage_Delete_constant=&Delete constant declaration |
| InlineConstantInputPage_Only_selected=&Only the selected reference |
| InlineConstantWizard_message=Specify where to inline references to the constant. |
| InlineConstantWizard_Inline_Constant=Inline Constant |
| InlineConstantWizard_initializer_refers_to_fields=This constant\'s initializer refers to non-final or non-static fields |
| |
| MoveInnerToTopWizard_Move_Inner=Move Type to New File |
| MoveInnerToToplnputPage_description=Specify a name for the field that will be used to access the enclosing instance |
| MoveInnerToToplnputPage_instance_final=&Declare instance field as \'final\' |
| MoveInnerToToplnputPage_optional_info=Choose a name to optionally create an enclosing instance field. |
| MoveInnerToToplnputPage_mandatory_info=Choose a name for the enclosing instance field. |
| MoveInnerToToplnputPage_enter_name_mandatory=Enclosing instance field &name: |
| MoveInnerToToplnputPage_enter_name=Enclosing instance field &name (optional): |
| |
| MoveInstanceMethodWizard_Move_Method=Move Method |
| MoveInstanceMethodPage_Target_name=New ¶meter name: |
| MoveInstanceMethodPage_Method_name=New &method name: |
| MoveInstanceMethodPage_New_receiver=&New target for ''{0}'': |
| MoveInstanceMethodPage_Receiver=Receiver |
| MoveInstanceMethodPage_Type=Type |
| MoveInstanceMethodPage_invalid_target=Target ''{0}'' is used in an assignment. |
| |
| PromoteTempInputPage_Field_declaration=Field decla&ration |
| PromoteTempInputPage_Current_method=&Current method |
| PromoteTempInputPage_constructors=C&lass constructors |
| PromoteTempInputPage_Field_name=F&ield name: |
| PromoteTempInputPage_Initialize=Initialize in |
| PromoteTempInputPage_declare_static=&Declare field as \'static\' |
| PromoteTempInputPage_declare_final=Decl&are field as \'final\' |
| |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_Select_supertype=Select the supertype to use |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_Use_in_instanceof=&Use the selected supertype in \'instanceof\' expressions |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_Select_supertype_to_use=&Select supertype to use instead of ''{0}'': |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_No_updates=No updates possible for the selected supertype |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_no_possible_updates={0} - no possible updates found |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_updates_possible_in_file={0} - updates possible in 1 file |
| UseSupertypeInputPage_updates_possible_in_files={0} - updates possible in {1} files |
| UseSupertypeWizard_Use_Super_Type_Where_Possible=Use Super Type Where Possible |
| |
| VisibilityControlUtil_Access_modifier=Access modifier |
| VisibilityControlUtil_defa_ult_4=packag&e |
| |
| PullUpWizard_defaultPageTitle=Pull Up |
| PullUpWizard_select_all_label=Select &All |
| PullUpWizard_deselect_all_label=Dese&lect All |
| PullUpInputPage1_pull_up=pull up |
| PullUpInputPage1_declare_abstract=declare abstract in destination |
| PullUpInputPage1_Create_stubs=&Create necessary methods stubs in non-abstract subtypes of the destination type |
| PullUpInputPage1_Select_destination=&Select destination type: |
| PullUpInputPage1_Specify_actions=S&pecify actions for members: |
| PullUpInputPage1_Edit=Set Act&ion... |
| PullUpInputPage1_Add_Required=Add &Required |
| PullUpInputPage1_Edit_members=Set Action |
| PullUpInputPage1_Mark_selected_members_singular=&Action for ''{0}'': |
| PullUpInputPage1_Mark_selected_members_plural=&Action for {0} selected members: |
| PullUpInputPage1_label_use_destination=Use the d&estination type where possible |
| PullUpInputPage1_Member=Member |
| PullUpInputPage1_Action=Action |
| PullUpInputPage1_Select_members_to_pull_up=No members selected to pull up or declare abstract |
| PullUpInputPage1_label_use_in_instanceof=&Use the destination type in 'instanceof' expressions |
| PullUpInputPage1_page_message=Select the destination type and the members to pull up. |
| PullUpInputPage1_status_line_singular=Member ''{0}'' selected. |
| PullUpInputPage1_status_line_plural={0} members selected. |
| |
| PullUpInputPage2_Select=Restore &Defaults |
| PullUpInputPage2_Source=Source |
| |
| PushDownWizard_defaultPageTitle= Push Down |
| PushDownInputPage_leave_abstract=leave abstract declaration |
| PushDownInputPage_push_down=push down |
| PushDownInputPage_Specify_actions=&Specify actions for members: |
| PushDownInputPage_Member=Member |
| PushDownInputPage_Action=Action |
| PushDownInputPage_Edit=Se&t Action... |
| PushDownInputPage_Add_Required=Add &Required |
| PushDownInputPage_Push_Down=Push Down |
| PushDownInputPage_Internal_Error=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| PushDownInputPage_Edit_members=Set Action |
| PushDownInputPage_Mark_selected_members_singular=&Action for ''{0}'': |
| PushDownInputPage_Mark_selected_members_plural=&Action for {0} selected members: |
| PushDownInputPage_Select_members_to_push_down=No members selected to push down or declare abstract |
| PushDownInputPage_status_line_singular=Member ''{0}'' selected. |
| PushDownInputPage_status_line_plural={0} members selected. |
| |
| MoveInstanceMethodAction_dialog_title=Move Method |
| MoveInstanceMethodAction_Move_Method=Move Method... |
| MoveInstanceMethodAction_unexpected_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| MoveInstanceMethodAction_No_reference_or_declaration=No method reference or declaration selected. |
| |
| InlineConstantAction_dialog_title=Inline Constant |
| InlineConstantAction_inline_Constant=Inline &Constant... |
| InlineConstantAction_unexpected_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| InlineConstantAction_no_constant_reference_or_declaration=No constant reference or declaration selected. |
| |
| InlineMethodInputPage_description=Specify where to inline the method invocation. |
| InlineMethodInputPage_inline_method=Inline method ''{0}'': |
| InlineMethodInputPage_all_invocations=&All invocations |
| InlineMethodInputPage_delete_declaration=&Delete method declaration |
| InlineMethodInputPage_only_selected=&Only the selected invocation |
| |
| InlineMethodAction_dialog_title=Inline Method |
| InlineMethodAction_inline_Method=I&nline Method... |
| InlineMethodAction_unexpected_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| InlineMethodAction_no_method_invocation_or_declaration_selected=No method invocation or declaration selected. |
| |
| UseSupertypeAction_use_Supertype=Use Supertype W&here Possible... |
| UseSupertypeAction_to_activate=To activate this refactoring, please select the name of a type. |
| |
| PushDownAction_Push_Down=Push &Down... |
| PushDownAction_To_activate=To activate this refactoring, please select the name of a non-binary instance method or field. |
| |
| MoveAction_Move=Move |
| MoveAction_select=Select a static method, a static field or an instance method that can be moved to a component (parameter or field). |
| |
| InlineAction_Inline=&Inline... |
| InlineAction_dialog_title=Inline |
| InlineAction_select=Select a method declaration, a method invocation, a static final field or a local variable that you want to inline. |
| |
| ExtractInterfaceAction_Extract_Interface=&Extract Interface... |
| ExtractInterfaceAction_To_activate=To activate this refactoring, please select the name of a top level type. |
| ExtractSuperTypeAction_unavailable=To activate this refactoring, please select a non-binary non-inner class or the name of an instance method or field. |
| |
| ConvertNestedToTopAction_Convert=Mo&ve Type to New File... |
| ConvertNestedToTopAction_To_activate=To activate this refactoring, please select the name of a member type or a secondary type. |
| |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction_dialog_title=Convert Anonymous Class to Nested Class |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction_Convert_Anonymous=C&onvert Anonymous Class to Nested... |
| ConvertAnonymousToNestedAction_wizard_title=Convert Anonymous Class to Nested Class |
| |
| ###################### Temporary Participant Keys ################################# |
| RenameJavaProject_defaultPageTitle=Rename Java Project |
| RenameJavaProject_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this Java project. |
| |
| RenameSourceFolder_defaultPageTitle=Rename Source Folder |
| RenameSourceFolder_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this source folder. |
| |
| RenamePackageWizard_defaultPageTitle=Rename Package |
| RenamePackageWizard_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this package. |
| RenamePackageWizard_rename_subpackages=Rename &subpackages |
| |
| RenameCuWizard_defaultPageTitle= Rename Compilation Unit |
| RenameCuWizard_inputPage_description= Enter the new name for this compilation unit. |
| |
| RenameTypeParameterWizard_defaultPageTitle=Rename Type Variable |
| RenameTypeParameterWizard_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this type variable. |
| |
| RenameMethodWizard_defaultPageTitle=Rename Method |
| RenameMethodWizard_inputPage_description= Enter the new name for this method. |
| |
| RenameModule_defaultPageTitle=Rename Module |
| RenameModule_inputPage_description=Enter the new name for this module. |
| |
| RenameLocalVariableWizard_defaultPageTitle=Rename Local Variable |
| |
| UseSupertypeWizard_10=No updates are possible for the supertypes |
| |
| DeleteWizard_1=Delete |
| DeleteWizard_2=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| DeleteWizard_3=Delete linked {0}?\nOnly the workspace link will be deleted. Link target will remain unchanged. |
| DeleteWizard_4=Delete {0}? |
| DeleteWizard_5=Delete linked {0}?\nOnly the workspace link will be deleted. Link target will remain unchanged. |
| DeleteWizard_6=Delete linked {0}?\nOnly the workspace link will be deleted. Link target will remain unchanged.\n\nNote that all subelements of the selected linked packages and package fragment roots will be removed from the workspace. |
| DeleteWizard_7=Delete linked {0}?\nOnly the workspace link will be deleted. Link target will remain unchanged. |
| DeleteWizard_8=Delete {0}? |
| DeleteWizard_9=Delete these {0} elements? |
| DeleteWizard_10=Delete these {0} elements?\n\nSelection contains linked resources.\nOnly the workspace links will be deleted. Link targets will remain unchanged. |
| DeleteWizard_11=Delete these {0} elements?\n\nSelection contains linked packages.\nOnly the workspace links will be deleted. Link targets will remain unchanged.\n\nNote that all subelements of linked packages and package fragment roots will be removed from the workspace. |
| DeleteWizard_12_singular=The selected element does not exist anymore and cannot be deleted. |
| DeleteWizard_12_plural=The {0} selected elements do not exist anymore and cannot be deleted. |
| DeleteWizard_also_delete_sub_packages=Delete &subpackages of selected packages |
| |
| ##################################### |
| # Rename Type |
| ##################################### |
| |
| RenameTypeWizard_defaultPageTitle= Rename Type |
| RenameTypeWizard_unexpected_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| |
| RenameTypeWizardInputPage_description=Enter the new name for this type. |
| RenameTypeWizardInputPage_update_similar_elements=Update &similarly named variables and methods |
| RenameTypeWizardInputPage_update_similar_elements_configure=<a>Configure...</a> |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_name_empty=Please enter a name. |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_rename_to=Rename ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_change_element_name=Change Element Name |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_enter_new_name=Enter a new name for the selected element: |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_field_exists=A field with this name already exists in the type. |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_method_exists=A method with this name already exists in the type. |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_restore_defaults=Restore &Defaults |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_change_name=&Change Name... |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_name_should_start_lowercase=Element names should start with a lowercase character. |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_review_similar_elements=&Similarly named variables and methods to be renamed |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsPage_select_element_to_view_source=Select an element |
| |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsOptionsDialog_title=Similar Names Configuration |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsOptionsDialog_select_strategy=Strategy for matching type names (e.g., 'SomeClass') in variable and method names: |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsOptionsDialog_warning_short_names=Short type names or short suffixes may lead to unexpected results when matching partial names. Please review the matched elements carefully. |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsOptionsDialog_strategy_1=Find &exact names only ('someClass' or 'someClass()') |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsOptionsDialog_strategy_2=Also find e&mbedded names ('mySomeClassToUse' or 'getSomeClass()') |
| RenameTypeWizardSimilarElementsOptionsDialog_strategy_3=Also find name &suffixes ('class', 'myClass', or 'getClassToUse()') |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # IntroduceParameter |
| ####################################### |
| IntroduceParameterAction_label=Introduce &Parameter... |
| IntroduceParameterAction_dialog_title=Introduce Parameter |
| |
| IntroduceParameterWizard_defaultPageTitle=Introduce Parameter |
| IntroduceParameterWizard_parameters=&Parameters: |
| IntroduceParameterInputPage_description=Enter the name for the new parameter. |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Introduce Indirection |
| ####################################### |
| IntroduceIndirectionAction_title=Introduce Indirec&tion... |
| IntroduceIndirectionAction_dialog_title=Introduce Indirection |
| IntroduceIndirectionAction_tooltip=Introduce an Indirection to Encapsulate Method Calls |
| IntroduceIndirectionAction_description=Introduces an indirection to encapsulate calls to the selected method |
| IntroduceIndirectionAction_unknown_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| IntroduceIndirectionInputPage_browse=&Browse... |
| IntroduceIndirectionInputPage_new_method_name=New method &name: |
| IntroduceIndirectionInputPage_declaring_class=Declaring &type: |
| IntroduceIndirectionInputPage_update_references=&Redirect all method invocations |
| IntroduceIndirectionInputPage_dialog_choose_declaring_class=Choose Type |
| IntroduceIndirectionInputPage_dialog_choose_declaring_class_long=&Choose the type where to insert the new method: |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Introduce Factory |
| ####################################### |
| IntroduceFactoryAction_label=Intr&oduce Factory... |
| IntroduceFactoryAction_dialog_title=Introduce Factory |
| IntroduceFactoryAction_tooltipText=Introduce a Factory to Encapsulate Object Instantiation |
| IntroduceFactoryAction_description=Creates a factory to encapsulate calls to the selected constructor |
| IntroduceFactoryAction_use_factory=Introduce Factory |
| IntroduceFactoryAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_name_factory=Factory options |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_method_name=Factory method &name: |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_protectConstructorLabel=Ma&ke constructor private |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_browseLabel=&Browse... |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_factoryClassLabel=Factory &class: |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_chooseFactoryClass_title=Choose Factory Class |
| IntroduceFactoryInputPage_chooseFactoryClass_message=&Choose the class on which to place the factory method: |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Introduce Parameter Object |
| ####################################### |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_wizardpage_name=Introduce Parameter Object |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_wizardpage_title=Introduce Parameter Object |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_type_column=Type |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_type_group=New parameter object class |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_edit_button=&Edit... |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_fieldname_title=Edit Field Name |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_fieldname_message=Field &name: |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_name_column=Name |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_error_title=Introduce Parameter Object |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_method_group=Method signature changes |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_moveentryup_button=&Up |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_error_description=An unexpected exception occurred. See details. |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_destination_label=Destination: |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_parametername_check_notunique=Parameter name ''{0}'' is not unique |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_createasnestedclass_radio=&Nested class in ''{0}'' |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_parametername_check_atleastoneparameter=At least one parameter has to be checked |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_parametername_check_alreadyexists=A type with name ''{0}'' already exists in ''{1}'' |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_type_already_exists_in_package_info=A type named ''{0}'' already exists in package ''{1}'' |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_moventrydown_button=D&own |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_wizardpage_description=Introduces a new class that will be used as parameter |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_parameterfield_label=&Parameter name: |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_createastoplevel_radio=&Top level class |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_signaturepreview_label=Method signature preview: |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_fields_selection_label=Select &fields for parameter object class: |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_creategetter_checkbox=Create &getters |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_createsetter_checkbox=Create &setters |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_dot_not_allowed_error=Type name may not contain a dot. |
| IntroduceParameterObjectWizard_classnamefield_label=&Class name: |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Generalize Declared Type |
| ####################################### |
| ChangeTypeAction_label=Generali&ze Declared Type... |
| ChangeTypeAction_tooltipText=Generalize Variable\'s Declared Type |
| ChangeTypeAction_description=Change variable\'s declared type to more general type consistent with usage |
| ChangeTypeAction_exception=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| ChangeTypeAction_dialog_title=Generalize Declared Type |
| |
| ChangeTypeWizard_title=Generalize Declared Type |
| ChangeTypeWizard_declCannotBeChanged=Type of selected declaration cannot be changed |
| ChangeTypeWizard_pleaseChooseType=&Choose new type for ''{0}'': |
| ChangeTypeWizard_analyzing=Analyzing... |
| ChangeTypeWizard_internalError=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details. |
| ChangeTypeWizard_computationInterrupted=Computation of valid types was interrupted |
| ChangeTypeWizard_grayed_types= Type ''{0}'' cannot be used as a replacement for type ''{1}'' |
| ChangeTypeWizard_with_itself= Cannot replace type ''{0}'' with itself |
| ChangeTypeInputPage_Select_Type=Press "Compute" to determine allowable supertypes |
| |
| JavaTypeCompletionProcessor_no_completion=No completions available. |
| JavaStatusContextViewer_no_source_found0=Source not found\n\nThe archive {0} has no source attachment. |
| JavaStatusContextViewer_no_source_available=No source available |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Infer Type Arguments |
| ####################################### |
| InferTypeArgumentsAction_label=Infer &Generic Type Arguments... |
| InferTypeArgumentsAction_dialog_title=Infer Generic Type Arguments |
| InferTypeArgumentsAction_unavailable=To activate this refactoring, please select a set of compilation units, packages, source folders, or Java projects. |
| |
| InferTypeArgumentsWizard_defaultPageTitle=Infer Generic Type Arguments |
| InferTypeArgumentsInputPage_description=Infer Generic Type Arguments |
| InferTypeArgumentsWizard_lengthyDescription=Infer type arguments for references to generic types and remove unnecessary casts. |
| InferTypeArgumentsWizard_assumeCloneSameType=&Assume clone() returns an instance of the receiver type |
| InferTypeArgumentsWizard_leaveUnconstrainedRaw=&Leave unconstrained type arguments raw (rather than inferring <?>) |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Replace Invocations |
| ####################################### |
| ReplaceInvocationsAction_label=Replace In&vocations... |
| ReplaceInvocationsWizard_title=Replace Method Invocations |
| ReplaceInvocationsAction_dialog_title=Replace Invocations |
| ReplaceInvocationsInputPage_replaceInvocationsBy=&Replace Invocations by: |
| ReplaceInvocationsInputPage_replaceAll=Replace &all invocations |
| ReplaceInvocationsAction_unavailable=An unexpected exception occurred. See the error log for more details |
| RefactoringExecutionStarter_IntroduceParameterObject_problem_title=Introduce Parameter Object |
| RefactoringExecutionStarter_IntroduceParameterObject_problem_description=Cannot add a parameter object as the selected method overrides or implements a binary method |
| ReferencesInBinaryStatusContextViewer_show_as_search_button=&Show as Search Result |
| ReferencesInBinaryStatusContextViewer_title=Elements containing binary references |
| |
| ####################################### |
| # Extract Class |
| ####################################### |
| ExtractClassWizard_field_name=&Field name: |
| ExtractClassWizard_page_title=Extract Class |
| ExtractClassWizard_radio_nested=&Nested class in ''{0}'' |
| ExtractClassWizard_dialog_title=Edit Field Name |
| ExtractClassWizard_not_available=n/a |
| ExtractClassWizard_button_edit=&Edit... |
| ExtractClassWizard_column_type=Type |
| ExtractClassWizard_column_name=Name |
| ExtractClassAction_action_text=Extract Class... |
| ExtractClassWizard_label_select_fields=&Select fields for extracted class: |
| ExtractClassWizard_checkbox_create_gettersetter=Create &getters and setters |
| ExtractClassWizard_dialog_message=Field &name: |
| ExtractClassWizard_label_class_name=&Class name: |
| ExtractClassWizard_label_destination=Destination: |
| ExtractClassWizard_radio_top_level=&Top level class |