blob: 5ebf8849c547d2676fe5c10487dd8a250661e1da [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Arbortext, Inc., 1988-2006, v.4002-->
<task id="temessb" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Creating message-driven beans with XDoclet annotation support</title>
<shortdesc>You can use a wizard to create a message-driven bean and add it
to your project.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>message-driven beans<indexterm>XDoclet annotation support</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm>XDoclet annotation support<indexterm>creating message-driven beans</indexterm></indexterm>
<prereq><p>Before you can create an enterprise bean, you must:</p><ul>
<li>Define an EJB project to contain the enterprise bean. See <xref href="tecrtpro.dita"></xref>.</li>
<li>Install XDoclet annotation support and enable it. See <xref href="txdocletconf.dita"></xref>.</li>
<context><p>To create a message-driven bean, complete the following steps:</p></context>
<step><cmd>In the Java EE perspective, click <menucascade><uicontrol>File</uicontrol>
<uicontrol>New</uicontrol><uicontrol>Other<?Pub Caret?></uicontrol></menucascade>.
Select <menucascade><uicontrol>EJB</uicontrol><uicontrol>XDoclet Enterprise
JavaBean</uicontrol></menucascade> and click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Select the <uicontrol>Message Driven Bean</uicontrol> and click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Select the <uicontrol>Project</uicontrol> that will contain the
new bean. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Folder</uicontrol> field, select the folder for
the new bean. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Java package</uicontrol> field, enter the package
name for the new bean. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the <uicontrol>Class name</uicontrol> field, type a name for
the enterprise bean. By convention, bean names should begin with an uppercase
letter. </cmd><info><note>You can use Unicode characters for the bean name,
but Unicode characters are not supported for enterprise bean packages and
classes associated with enterprise beans.</note></info></step>
<step><cmd>Change the <uicontrol>Superclass</uicontrol> for the bean if you
want it to inherit from a class other than <codeph>java.lang.Object</codeph> and
click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide an <uicontrol>EJB Name</uicontrol> for the bean. This is
the name of the enterprise bean class. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide an <uicontrol>Destination JNDI Name</uicontrol> for the
bean. This is a logical name used by the server to locate an enterprise bean
at runtime. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide an <uicontrol>Display Name</uicontrol> for the bean. This
is a short name for the enterprise bean that is used by tools. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide a text <uicontrol>Description</uicontrol> for the bean.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Select a <uicontrol>Destination</uicontrol> for the new bean: </cmd>
<li><uicontrol>Queue</uicontrol> specifies that the point-to-point JMS messaging
model will be used. </li>
<li><uicontrol>Topic</uicontrol> specifies that the publish-and-subscribe
JMS messaging model will be used.</li>
<step><cmd>Select a <uicontrol>Transaction Type</uicontrol> for the new bean:</cmd>
<li><uicontrol>Container</uicontrol> specifies that the transaction demarcation
is performed by the container.</li>
<li><uicontrol>Bean</uicontrol> specifies that the transaction demarcation
is performed by the bean. </li>
</ul>Click <uicontrol>Next</uicontrol>.</info></step>
<step><cmd>Select the type of <uicontrol>Modifiers</uicontrol> to use for
the class.</cmd></step>
<step importance="optional"><cmd>Select the <uicontrol>Interfaces</uicontrol> you
want the bean to implement. Click <uicontrol>Add</uicontrol> to select interfaces
that you want to implement and click <uicontrol>Remove</uicontrol> to take
away interfaces that you no longer want to implement.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Select the method stubs that you want the wizard to create.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Click <uicontrol>Finish</uicontrol> to add the new bean to the
specified EJB project.</cmd></step>
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