blob: a76a1c3d5235c1c181990cad744e2575ae7a38f7 [file] [log] [blame]
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<concept id="ejbarch" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>EJB 3.0 architecture</title>
<shortdesc>This topic provides a high-level overview of the distributed component
architecture defined in the Sun Microsystems Enterprise <tm tmclass="special"
tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc." tmtype="tm" trademark="JavaBeans">JavaBeans</tm> (EJB)
version 3.0 architecture specification.</shortdesc>
<keywords><indexterm>architecture<indexterm>EJB 3.0</indexterm></indexterm>
<indexterm>EJB 3.0<indexterm>architecture<indexterm>3.0</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm>
<p><b>Enterprise <tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc." tmtype="tm"
trademark="JavaBeans">JavaBeans</tm></b> is a standard server-side component
model for distributed business applications. The EJB specification is part
of the <b><tm tmclass="special" tmowner="Sun Microsystems, Inc." tmtype="tm"
trademark="Java">Java</tm> Platform Enterprise Edition</b>.</p>
<p><b>EJB 3.0</b> makes it much easier to develop EJBs, using annotations
rather than the complex deployment descriptors used in version 2.x. The use
of home and remote interfaces and the <i>ejb-jar.xml</i> file are also no
longer required in this release. They are replaced with a business interface
and a bean class that implements the interface.</p>
<p>For more information about EJB 3.0 specification go to the following Web
site: <xref format="html" href=""
scope="external"><desc></desc></xref> </p>