blob: 51d6b4b9b0c21e11dbd2dfe73012ca5f8a394b24 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jst.validation.sample.parser;
* Licensed Material - Property of IBM
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2003 - All Rights Reserved.
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
* restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
* The following [enclosed] code is sample code created by IBM
* Corporation. This sample code is not part of any standard or IBM
* product and is provided to you solely for the purpose of assisting
* you in the development of your applications. The code is provided
* for any damages arising out of your use of the sample code, even
* if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
import java.util.*;
* This class represents a .properties file; extensions of this class implement
* environment-specific messages, such as how to report the known problems. This
* class, and every class in the org.eclipse.jst.validation.sample.parser package, is independent
* of the framework environment.
public abstract class APropertyFile {
private static final String EQUALS = "="; //$NON-NLS-1$
private List _propertyLines = null; // The List of PropertyLine instances.
private List _parseWarnings = null; // The List of MessageMetaData warnings found when parsing the .properties file.
private boolean _debug = false;
* Return a name that identifies this file uniquely.
public abstract String getQualifiedFileName();
* Tell the user that there is a problem - in WebSphere Studio, this
* shows up as a row in the Task View; in the sample filesystem framework,
* this appears as a message to System.out.
public abstract void report(String str);
* Tell the user that there is a problem - in WebSphere Studio, this
* shows up as a row in the Task View; in the sample filesystem framework,
* this appears as a message to System.out.
public abstract void report(MessageMetaData mmd);
protected APropertyFile() {
_propertyLines = new ArrayList();
_parseWarnings = new ArrayList();
* Add the List of MessageMetaData to the list of warning messages.
public void addParseWarnings(List list) {
* Add a single warning message to the list of parse warnings.
public void addParseWarning(MessageMetaData mmd) {
* Return the List of warning messages that report problems found
* while parsing the .properties file.
public List getParseWarnings() {
return _parseWarnings;
public String toString() {
return getQualifiedFileName();
* Should debug information be printed when parsing?
public boolean debug() {
return _debug;
protected void setDebug(boolean d) {
_debug = d;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o == null) {
return false;
if(!(o instanceof PropertyFile)) {
return false;
PropertyFile file = (PropertyFile)o;
return getQualifiedFileName().equals(file.getQualifiedFileName());
public int hashCode() {
return getQualifiedFileName().hashCode();
* Return the number of messages in the file, including duplicates & blanks.
public int getNumProperties() {
return _propertyLines.size();
* Excluding message ids and error ids, output the number of words in the
* .properties file.
public int getNumWords() {
// NOT a fast to optimize?
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
int count = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
count += line.getNumWords();
return count;
* Return a count of the number of unique message prefixes in the file.
* (A message prefix starts the message text, e.g., ABCD0000E.)
public int getNumUniquePrefixes() {
Set uniqueIds = new HashSet();
Iterator iterator = getPropertyLines().iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if(line.hasMessagePrefix()) {
return uniqueIds.size();
* Return a count of the number of message prefixes used in the file.
* Usually this is the same as the number of unique prefixes, but if
* a .properties file has variations of a message (slightly different
* wording for a different context), then the number of prefixes will
* be larger than the number of unique prefixess.
public int getNumPrefixes() {
int count = 0;
Iterator iterator = getPropertyLines().iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if(line.hasMessagePrefix()) {
return count;
* Return a count of the number of messages that do not use prefixes in the file.
public int getNumWithoutPrefixes() {
int count = 0;
Iterator iterator = getPropertyLines().iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if(!line.hasMessagePrefix()) {
return count;
* Return a List of the PropertyLine instances contained in this file.
public List getPropertyLines() {
return _propertyLines;
* Return the PropertyLine instance that is identified by the
* given messageId.
public PropertyLine getPropertyLine(String messageId) {
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, PropertyLineComparator.getMessageIdComparator());
int index = Collections.binarySearch(_propertyLines, messageId, PropertyLineComparator.getMessageIdComparator());
if(index < 0) {
return null;
PropertyLine result = (PropertyLine)_propertyLines.get(index);
return result;
* Parse the file to create a collection of uniquely identified
* keys with their associated values. If there are any duplicate
* keys, the last value is the one that is stored. Store the
* value of the duplicate keys, and the line number on which
* each instance of the key (and its value) are located.
protected void parseFile(File propertyFile) {
FileReader input = null;
LineNumberReader lineInput = null;
try {
input = new FileReader(propertyFile);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// We can ignore this exception because we have already checked in the constructor that the
// file exists.
// Because we want to read in a line at a time from the file, convert the FileReader to a LineReader
lineInput = new LineNumberReader(input);
try {
catch (IOException e) {
input = null;
lineInput = null;
* Given a LineNumberReader on a .properties file, read the
* file and note any problems that may need to be reported to
* the user.
protected void parseFile(LineNumberReader lineInput) {
boolean isNewKey = true;
String key = null;
int lineNumber = 0;
String value = null;
int offset = 0; // each .properties line needs to know its offset so that columns in the line can be calculated.
int messageOffset = 0; // the offset, relative to the start of the line, where the message prefix starts
String line = null;
while (true) {
try {
line = lineInput.readLine(); // calculate the offset in the finally block
if (line == null)
line = line.trim();
// ignore blank lines
if (line.equals("")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// strip off lines that begin with '#'
if (line.startsWith("#")) //$NON-NLS-1$
// strip off lines that begin with '/'
if (line.startsWith("/")) //$NON-NLS-1$
if (isNewKey) {
// We know that the line is of the form
if (line.indexOf(EQUALS) != -1) {
// Make sure the line is not of the form " = Message" (i.e., missing the message id).
if(line.indexOf(EQUALS) == 0) {
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
// The user may or may not put spaces between the key
// name, the equals sign, and the value. This gives us four cases:
// 1. keyname=value
// 2. keyname= value
// 3. keyname =value
// 4. keyname = value
// The way to deal with all four cases is to find the index of the
// '=' sign, and the value is the remainder of the line after the
// sign.
key = line.substring(0, line.indexOf(EQUALS));
key = key.trim();
// add 1 to the EQUALS index because '=' is one character long
value = line.substring(line.indexOf(EQUALS) + 1);
value = value.trim();
messageOffset = line.indexOf(value);
lineNumber = lineInput.getLineNumber();
else {
// error in line syntax
throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();
else {
// need to read in the multiple lines to get the multi-line value
value += line;
if (value.endsWith("\\")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// multi-line value
// read in every line from the file until you reach an end-of-line
isNewKey = false;
else {
// end of multi-line value, or end of single-line value
isNewKey = true;
PropertyLine pline = new PropertyLine(this, offset, messageOffset, key, value, lineNumber);
catch (IOException e) {
// When there is an IOException, we have reached the end of the file.
catch (NullPointerException e) {
// If a line is not of the form KEYNAME = VALUE, there might be a null exception.
// Just continue onto the next line in the file
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.ERROR, IValidationConstants.ABCD0080, null, this, lineInput.getLineNumber());
catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
// If a line is not of the form KEYNAME = VALUE, there might be a NoSuchElement exception.
// Just continue onto the next line in the file
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.ERROR, IValidationConstants.ABCD0080, null, this, lineInput.getLineNumber());
finally {
if(line != null) {
offset += line.length() + 2; // hack.
// Can't get offset from BufferedReader, and since the reader strips
// the '\n' and '\r' from the line before the line is returned, the
// true length of the line can't be ascertained. This hack will not
// work on Unix because unix's EOL char is different than Windows.
// When there's time, need to find an alternative to LineNumberReader.
* Print a list of all message prefixes, e.g., ABCD0000E, that are used
* in the .properties file.
public void printAllMessagePrefixes() {
report("Line Number\tMessage prefix\tMessage id"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, PropertyLineComparator.getMessagePrefixComparator());
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if((line.getMessagePrefix() != null) && (!line.getMessagePrefix().equals(""))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(line.getLineNumber()));
buffer.append("\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Print a list of all of the message prefixes, e.g., ABCD1111E,
* that are not used in the file. A message prefix is considered
* &quot;missing&quot; if a message prefix that precedes it,
* e.g. ABCD0000E, and a message prefix that follows it,
* e.g. ABCD2222E, are contained in the file, but the prefix is not.
* This list is useful when adding a new message to the file;
* the prefixes printed by this method are unused and one can be
* selected for the new method.
public void printAllMissingMessagePrefixes() {
int lastNumber = -1;
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, PropertyLineComparator.getMessagePrefixComparator());
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
String prefix = line.getMessagePrefix();
int prefixNumber = 0;
if(prefix == null) {
if(prefix.equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
String prefixLetters = prefix.substring(0, 4); // "ABCD" of "ABCD0000W"
try {
// Re: magic numbers "4" and "8" below.
// Since the message prefix is of the form ABCD0000E,
// strip off the first four characters up to (and excluding) the
// eighth character, "E".
prefixNumber = Integer.parseInt(prefix.substring(4, 8));
catch(NumberFormatException e) {
// just continue
if(lastNumber != -1) {
if(prefixNumber != (lastNumber + 1)) {
// Start at lastNumber + 1 because lastNumber exists.
// Exclude prefixNumber because prefixNumber exists.
for(int i=lastNumber+1; i<prefixNumber; i++) {
report(prefixLetters + i);
lastNumber = prefixNumber;
* Print all of the messages in the .properties file that use
* a message prefix, e.g. ABCD0000E.
public void printAllMessagesWithAMessagePrefix() {
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, PropertyLineComparator.getLineNoComparator());
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if(line.hasMessagePrefix()) {
* Print all of the messages in the .properties file whose message
* text does not begin with a message prefix, e.g., ABCD0000E.
public void printAllMessagesWithoutAMessagePrefix() {
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, PropertyLineComparator.getLineNoComparator());
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if(!line.hasMessagePrefix()) {
* Print a list of all messages whose text is the empty string (&quot;&quot;).
public void printAllMessagesWhichAreBlank() {
report("BLANK MESSAGES"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, PropertyLineComparator.getLineNoComparator());
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
if(line.getMessage().equals("")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("line number "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append(", message id "); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Print a list of the lines that have syntax errors, for example,
* missing the equals sign between the message id and the message
* text.
public void printSyntaxWarnings() {
List parseWarnings = getParseWarnings();
Iterator iterator = parseWarnings.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
* Print a list of all of the messages in the .properties file that
* use the same message id. If more than one message uses the same
* id, when the ResourceBundle is asked for that message id, it will
* return the last message (i.e., the largest line number) with that
* id in the file.
public void printDuplicateMessageId() {
* Print a list of all of the messages in the .properties file that
* use the same message id. If more than one message uses the same
* id, when the ResourceBundle is asked for that message id, it will
* return the last message (i.e., the largest line number) with that
* id in the file.
* The boolean parameter is used to determine whether or not
* the &quot;DUPLICATE MESSAGE IDS&quot; title is emitted before
* the list of duplicates.
public void printDuplicateMessageId(boolean printTitle) {
if(printTitle) {
Comparator c = PropertyLineComparator.getMessageIdComparator();
String messageId = IValidationConstants.ABCD0060;
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, c);
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
PropertyLine lastLine = null;
PropertyLine line = null;
boolean needToPrintLast = false;
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
lastLine = line;
line = (PropertyLine);
if(, line) == 0) {
needToPrintLast = true;
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.WARNING, messageId, new String[]{lastLine.getMessageId()}, lastLine, lastLine.getLineNumber());
else if(needToPrintLast) {
// The last duplicate line needs to be printed, because lastLine is always printed but line needs to be printed too.
needToPrintLast = false;
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.WARNING, messageId, new String[]{lastLine.getMessageId()}, lastLine, lastLine.getLineNumber());
if(needToPrintLast) {
// The last duplicate line needs to be printed, because lastLine is always printed but line needs to be printed too.
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.WARNING, messageId, new String[]{line.getMessageId()}, line, line.getLineNumber());
* Print a list of all of the messages in the .properties file that
* do not use a unique message prefix (e.g., ABCD0000E), with the
* exception of all messages which are intended to be duplicates.
* Generally, users expect one message prefix per problem, so
* reused message prefixes can be confusing. Any message which
* deliberately reuses a message prefix must use a message id
* that starts with that prefix.
public void printDuplicateMessagePrefix() {
* Print a list of all of the messages in the .properties file that
* do not use a unique message prefix (e.g., ABCD0000E), with the
* exception of all messages which are intended to be duplicates.
* Generally, users expect one message prefix per problem, so
* reused message prefixes can be confusing. Any message which
* deliberately reuses a message prefix must use a message id
* that starts with that prefix.
* The boolean parameter is used to determine whether or not
* the &quot;DUPLICATE MESSAGE PREFIXESS&quot; title is emitted
* before the list of duplicates.
public void printDuplicateMessagePrefix(boolean printTitle) {
if(printTitle) {
Comparator c = PropertyLineComparator.getMessagePrefixComparator();
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, c);
String messageId = IValidationConstants.ABCD0070;
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
PropertyLine lastLine = null;
PropertyLine line = null;
boolean needToPrintLast = false;
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
lastLine = line;
line = (PropertyLine);
if(lastLine != null) {
if(!lastLine.getMessageId().startsWith(lastLine.getShortMessagePrefix())) {
if(, line) == 0) {
needToPrintLast = true;
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.WARNING, messageId, new String[]{lastLine.getMessagePrefix()}, lastLine, lastLine.getLineNumber());
else if(needToPrintLast) {
// The last duplicate line needs to be printed, because lastLine is always printed but line needs to be printed too.
needToPrintLast = false;
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.WARNING, messageId, new String[]{lastLine.getMessagePrefix()}, lastLine, lastLine.getLineNumber());
if(lastLine != null) {
if(!lastLine.getMessageId().startsWith(lastLine.getShortMessagePrefix())) {
if(needToPrintLast) {
// The last duplicate line needs to be printed, because lastLine is always printed but line needs to be printed too.
MessageMetaData mmd = new MessageMetaData(IValidationConstants.BUNDLENAME, MessageMetaData.WARNING, messageId, new String[]{line.getMessagePrefix()}, line, line.getLineNumber());
* Print a list of message prefixes whose first characters match
* the prefix parameter. This method is useful when you want to see
* if a range of prefixes is in use or not.
public void printMessagePrefixStartingWith(final String prefix) {
report("Find all error prefixes starting with " + prefix); //$NON-NLS-1$
Comparator c = PropertyLineComparator.getMessagePrefixComparator();
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, c);
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
PropertyLine line = null;
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
line = (PropertyLine);
if (line.getMessagePrefix().startsWith(prefix)) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(line.getLineNumber()));
buffer.append("\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Print the last prefix (i.e., the one with the largest number,
* e.g. ABCD2222 is larger than ABCD1111 or ABCD0000) in the file
* whose first characters match the prefix parameter.
public void printLastMessagePrefixStartingWith(final String prefix) {
report("Find last error prefix starting with " + prefix); //$NON-NLS-1$
Comparator c = PropertyLineComparator.getMessagePrefixComparator();
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, c);
PropertyLine[] lines = new PropertyLine[_propertyLines.size()];
boolean found = false;
for(int i=lines.length; i>-1; i--) {
PropertyLine line = lines[i];
if (line.getMessagePrefix().startsWith(prefix)) {
found = true;
if(!found) {
report("No error ids were found that started with " + prefix); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Given an estimate of the number of characters in a substitution parameter,
* print a list of the number of characters in a given message, if each
* parameter is replaced with &quot;length&quot; characters.
public void printExpectedStringLength(final int length) {
Comparator c = PropertyLineComparator.getStringLengthComparator(length);
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, c);
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("Length: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
buffer.append("\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Print the number of characters in each message.
public void printStringLength() {
// "0" means no substitution
* Print the contents of the .properties file, sorted by message id.
public void printContents() {
report("CONTENTS OF .properties FILE, SORTED BY MESSAGE ID"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Comparator c = PropertyLineComparator.getMessageIdComparator();
Collections.sort(_propertyLines, c);
Iterator iterator = _propertyLines.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PropertyLine line = (PropertyLine);