blob: 685cb87b93ccc780423a9c0be0d3cf4ea0730ca7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jem.tests.proxy.initParser;
* $RCSfile:,v $
* $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2005/02/15 23:00:16 $
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.initParser.InitializationStringEvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.jem.internal.proxy.initParser.InitializationStringParser;
* @author jmyers
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
public class InitStringParserTestHelper extends AbstractInitStringParserTestHelper {
private final ClassLoader classLoader;
public InitStringParserTestHelper() {
this.classLoader = null;
public InitStringParserTestHelper(ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.classLoader = classLoader;
* TestInitializationStringParser constructor comment.
public void testInitString(String aString, Object expectedResult, boolean throwsException, boolean equalsOnly) throws Throwable {
// Equals only means accept if == or equals(), don't try to go on and say maybe equal.
try {
InitializationStringParser parser = InitializationStringParser.createParser(aString, classLoader);
Object result = parser.evaluate();
if (throwsException) {"It should of thrown an exception. Instead result=" + (result != null ? result.toString() : "null"));
} else {
if (result == expectedResult) {
} else if (
(result == null && expectedResult != null) || (expectedResult == null && result != null)) {"ExpectedResult=" + expectedResult + " result=" + result);
} else if (result.equals(expectedResult)) {
} else {
// It may be that the equals expression is bad. If so use the toString() to do a partial comparison
if (result.getClass() == expectedResult.getClass()) {
if (result.toString().equals(expectedResult.toString())) {
} else {
// The toStrings do not match perfectly but the classes do.
// Try and see how close the two strings are
if ( expectedResult.getClass().isArray() && result.getClass().isArray()){
Class expectedResultClass = expectedResult.getClass().getComponentType();
Class resultClass = result.getClass().getComponentType();
int resultLength = Array.getLength(result);
int expectedLength = Array.getLength(expectedResult);
if ( expectedLength == resultLength ){
if ( resultClass == expectedResultClass ) {
// TODO Should actually step in and check each element too.
} else { aString
+ " ExpectedResult="
+ expectedResult
+ " ActualResult="
+ result
+ " ExpectedClass="
+ expectedResult.getClass()
+ " ActualClass="
+ result.getClass());
} else { aString
+ " ExpectedResult="
+ expectedResult
+ " ActualResult="
+ result
+ " ExpectedClass="
+ expectedResult.getClass()
+ " ActualClass="
+ result.getClass());
} else {
if (equalsOnly) aString
+ " ExpectedResult="
+ expectedResult
+ " ActualResult="
+ result
+ " ExpectedClass="
+ expectedResult.getClass()
+ " ActualClass="
+ result.getClass());
} else { aString
+ " ExpectedResult="
+ expectedResult
+ " ActualResult="
+ result
+ " ExpectedClass="
+ expectedResult.getClass()
+ " ActualClass="
+ result.getClass());
} catch (InitializationStringEvaluationException e) {
if (throwsException) {
} else {
throw e.getOriginalException();