blob: 439bc3d9cac5fdcd677e9acd9b1c47e5bdb96dfc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = {
jifa: {
heapDumpAnalysis: '堆分析',
setting: '设置',
diskCleanup: '清理磁盘',
help: '帮助',
consoleMsg: '',
getStarted: '开始使用',
success: '成功',
console: '控制台',
setUserWorker: '设置 Worker 地址',
qm: '?',
feedback: '建议与反馈',
options: '选项',
optionsWithHelp: '选项',
close: '关闭',
uploadPrompt: '选择文件(拖拽或点击选择)',
enterPrompt: '请输入',
inLine: '排队中',
addFile: '添加文件',
addHeapDumpFile:'添加 Heap Dump',
copy: '复制',
copySuccessfully: '复制成功',
requestFailed: '请求失败',
config: '配置',
prompt: '提示',
confirm: '确定',
reset: '重置',
cancel: '取消',
fileTransfer: '文件传输',
progress: '进度',
analyze: '分析',
reanalyze: '重新分析',
release: '释放',
edit: '编辑',
delete: '删除',
loading: '加载中',
goToOverViewPrompt: '即将进入概况页面...',
deletePrompt: '此操作将永久删除该文件,是否继续?',
deleteSuccessPrompt: '删除成功!',
deleteFailedPrompt: '删除失败!',
deleteCanceled: '已取消删除',
returnValue: '确定离开吗?',
gotoParseFile: '即将解析文件',
typeKeyWord: '输入关键字搜索',
transferring: '传输中',
transferError: '传输失败',
show: '显示',
hide: '隐藏',
expandResultDivWidth: '显示宽度 Expand',
shrinkResultDivWidth: '显示宽度 Shrink',
resetResultDivWidth: '显示宽度 Reset',
heap: {
basicInformation: '基础信息',
reanalyzePrompt: '是否继续?',
releasePrompt: '是否继续?',
overview: '概况',
leakSuspects: '泄露报表',
description: '描述',
detail: '细节',
GCRoots: 'GC 根对象',
systemProperty: '系统属性',
OSBit: '操作系统位数',
jvmInfo: 'JVM',
heapCreationDate: '创建时间',
usedHeapSize: '堆使用大小',
numberOfClasses: '类数量',
numberOfObjects: '对象数量',
numberOfClassLoaders: '类加载器数量',
numberOfGCRoots: '根对象数量',
threadInfo: '线程信息',
dominatorTree: '支配树',
histogram: '类视图',
unreachableObjects: '不可达类视图',
duplicatedClasses: '重复类视图',
classLoaders: '类加载器视图',
directByteBuffer: '堆外内存视图',
compare: '内存文件对比',
ref: {
object: {
label: '对象引用',
outgoing: '引用对象集合',
incoming: '被引用对象集合',
type: {
label: '类型引用',
outgoing: '引用类型集合',
incoming: '被引用类型集合',
pathToGCRoots: 'GC 根路径',