blob: 55c03c77ec8852e307f4ee130b6486c746ff3e70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
'use strict';
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.default = {
jifa: {
heapDumpAnalysis: 'Heap Dump Analysis',
setting: 'Setting',
diskCleanup: 'Disk Cleanup',
help: 'Help',
consoleMsg: '',
getStarted: 'Get Started',
success: 'Success',
console: 'Console',
setUserWorker: 'Set Worker',
qm: '?',
feedback: 'Feedback',
options: 'Options',
optionsWithHelp: 'Options',
close: 'Close',
uploadPrompt: 'Choose your file (drag or click)',
enterPrompt: 'Please enter ',
inLine: 'In Line',
addFile: 'Add File',
addHeapDumpFile:'Add Heap Dump File',
copy: 'Copy',
copySuccessfully: 'Copy Successfully',
requestFailed: 'Request failed',
config: 'Config',
prompt: 'Prompt',
confirm: 'Confirm',
reset: 'Reset',
cancel: 'Cancel',
fileTransfer: 'File Transfer',
progress: 'Progress',
analyze: 'analyze',
reanalyze: 'Reanalyze',
release: 'Release',
edit: 'edit',
delete: 'Delete',
loading: 'Loading',
goToOverViewPrompt: 'Go to the overview page',
deletePrompt: 'This will permanently delete the file. Do you want to continue?',
deleteSuccessPrompt: 'Delete success!',
deleteFailedPrompt: 'Delete failed!',
deleteCanceled: 'Delete operation is canceled',
returnValue: 'Are you sure to leave?',
gotoParseFile: 'Will go to parse file',
typeKeyWord: 'type key word to search',
transferring: 'transferring',
transferError: 'transfer error',
show: 'Show',
hide: 'Hide',
expandResultDivWidth: 'Expand Width',
shrinkResultDivWidth: 'Shrink Width',
resetResultDivWidth: 'Reset Width',
addResultDivWidth: 'Add width',
heap: {
basicInformation: 'Basic Information',
reanalyzePrompt: 'Do you want to continue?',
releasePrompt: 'Do you want to continue?',
overview: 'Overview',
leakSuspects: 'Leak Suspects',
description: 'Description',
detail: 'Detail',
GCRoots: 'GC Roots',
systemProperty: 'System Property',
OSBit: 'OS Bit',
jvmInfo: 'JVM',
heapCreationDate: 'Creation Date',
usedHeapSize: 'Used Heap Size',
numberOfClasses: 'Class Count',
numberOfObjects: 'Object Count',
numberOfClassLoaders: 'Class Loaders Count',
numberOfGCRoots: 'GC Root Count',
threadInfo: 'Thread Info',
dominatorTree: 'Dominator Tree',
histogram: 'Histogram',
unreachableObjects: 'Unreachable Objects',
duplicatedClasses: 'Duplicated Classes',
classLoaders: 'Class Loaders',
directByteBuffer: 'Direct Byte Buffer',
compare: 'Heap File Compare',
ref: {
object: {
label: 'References by Object',
outgoing: 'outgoing references',
incoming: 'incoming references',
type: {
label: 'Reference by Class',
outgoing: 'outgoing references',
incoming: 'incoming references',
pathToGCRoots: 'Path to GC Roots',