blob: 0fffe767544da5e5e373190fe7afe16e7b85f80e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "CrossfireContext.h"
#include "JSONParser.h"
/* command: backtrace */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_BACKTRACE = L"backtrace";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_FRAMES = L"frames";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_FROMFRAME = L"fromFrame";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_FUNC = L"func";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_INDEX = L"index";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_TOFRAME = L"toFrame";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_TOTALFRAMES = L"totalFrames";
/* command: continue */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_CONTINUE = L"continue";
/* command: evaluate */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_EVALUATE = L"evaluate";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_EXPRESSION = L"expression";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_FRAME = L"frame";
/* command: frame */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_FRAME = L"frame";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_BOOLEAN = L"Boolean";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_FUNCTION = L"\"function\"";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_NUMBER = L"Number";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_NULL = L"Null";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_STRING = L"String";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_TRUE = L"true";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::JSVALUE_UNDEFINED = L"Undefined";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_INCLUDESCOPES = L"includeScopes";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_LOCALS = L"locals";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_NUMBER = L"number";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_THIS = L"this";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_VALUE = L"value";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_BOOLEAN = L"boolean";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_FUNCTION = L"function";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_NUMBER = L"number";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_OBJECT = L"object";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_STRING = L"string";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_UNDEFINED = L"undefined";
/* command: inspect */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_INSPECT = L"inspect";
/* command: lookup */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_LOOKUP = L"lookup";
/* command: scope */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_SCOPE = L"scope";
/* command: scopes */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_SCOPES = L"scopes";
/* command: script */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_SCRIPT = L"script";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_SOURCE = L"source";
/* command: scripts */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_SCRIPTS = L"scripts";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_COMPILATIONTYPE = L"compilationType";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_COLUMNOFFSET = L"columnOffset";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_ID = L"id";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_LINECOUNT = L"lineCount";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_LINEOFFSET = L"lineOffset";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_SCRIPT = L"script";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_SCRIPTS = L"scripts";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_SOURCESTART = L"sourceStart";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_SOURCELENGTH = L"sourceLength";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_TOPLEVEL = L"top-level";
/* command: source */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_SOURCE = L"source";
/* command: suspend */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::COMMAND_SUSPEND = L"suspend";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_STEPACTION = L"stepaction";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_IN = L"in";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_NEXT = L"next";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::VALUE_OUT = L"out";
/* event: onScript */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::EVENT_ONSCRIPT = L"onScript";
/* breakpoint objects */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::BPTYPE_LINE = L"line";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_LOCATION = L"location";
/* shared */
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_BREAKPOINT = L"breakpoint";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_CONTEXTID = L"contextId";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_HANDLE = L"handle";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_INCLUDESOURCE = L"includeSource";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_LINE = L"line";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_TYPE = L"type";
const wchar_t* CrossfireContext::KEY_URL = L"url";
CrossfireContext::CrossfireContext(DWORD threadId, CrossfireServer* server) {
CComObject<IEDebugger>* result = NULL;
HRESULT hr = CComObject<IEDebugger>::CreateInstance(&result);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext(): CoCreateInstance(IIEDebugger) failed", hr);
m_debugger = result;
m_breakpoints = new std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>;
m_cpcApplicationNodeEvents = 0;
m_server = server;
m_debugApplicationThread = NULL;
m_debuggerHooked = false;
m_href = NULL;
m_name = NULL;
m_nextObjectHandle = 1;
m_objects = new std::map<unsigned int, JSObject*>;
m_pendingBreakpoints = new std::vector<PendingBreakpoint*>;
m_running = true;
m_threadId = threadId;
IEDebugger* ieDebugger = static_cast<IEDebugger*>(m_debugger);
CrossfireContext::~CrossfireContext() {
if (m_breakpoints) {
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_breakpoints->begin();
while (iterator != m_breakpoints->end()) {
delete iterator->second;
delete m_breakpoints;
if (m_pendingBreakpoints) {
std::vector<PendingBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_pendingBreakpoints->begin();
while (iterator != m_pendingBreakpoints->end()) {
delete m_pendingBreakpoints;
if (m_cpcApplicationNodeEvents) {
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> debugApplication = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplication(&debugApplication)) {
Logger::error("~CrossfireContext(): cannot Unadvise() the root node");
} else {
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> rootNode = NULL;
HRESULT hr = debugApplication->GetRootNode(&rootNode);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("~CrossfireContext(): GetRootNode() failed", hr);
} else {
CComPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> connectionPointContainer = NULL;
hr = rootNode->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&connectionPointContainer);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("~CrossfireContext(): QI(IConnectionPointContainer) failed", hr);
} else {
CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> connectionPoint = NULL;
hr = connectionPointContainer->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IDebugApplicationNodeEvents, &connectionPoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("~CrossfireContext(): FindConnectionPoint() failed", hr);
} else {
hr = connectionPoint->Unadvise(m_cpcApplicationNodeEvents);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("~CrossfireContext(): Unadvise() failed", hr);
if (m_href) {
if (m_name) {
if (m_objects) {
std::map<unsigned int, JSObject*>::iterator iterator = m_objects->begin();
while (iterator != m_objects->end()) {
JSObject* jsObject = iterator->second;
delete jsObject->name;
if (jsObject->objects) {
delete jsObject->objects;
delete jsObject;
delete m_objects;
if (m_debuggerHooked && unhookDebugger()) {
* Hooking our debugger and then unhooking it later appears to change its
* refcount by a net value of -1 instead of the expected 0. To work around
* this we do not Release our debugger below if it has been hooked and unhooked,
* even though this Release should be required in order to offset the refcount
* that it starts with when instantiated.
} else if (m_debugger) {
if (m_debugApplicationThread) {
bool CrossfireContext::clearBreakpoint(unsigned int handle) {
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_breakpoints->find(handle);
if (iterator == m_breakpoints->end()) {
Logger::error("clearBreakpoint: unknown breakpoint handle", handle);
return false;
CrossfireLineBreakpoint* breakpoint = (CrossfireLineBreakpoint*)iterator->second;
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> node = NULL;
if (!findNode((wchar_t*)breakpoint->getUrl()->c_str(), NULL, &node)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): unknown target url");
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocument> document = NULL;
HRESULT hr = node->GetDocument(&document);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): GetDocument() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentText> documentText = NULL;
hr = document->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentText,(void**)&documentText);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): QI(IDebugDocumentText) failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG characterPosition = 0;
hr = documentText->GetPositionOfLine(breakpoint->getLine() - 1, &characterPosition);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): GetPositionOfLine() failed [1]", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentContext> documentContext = NULL;
hr = documentText->GetContextOfPosition(characterPosition, 1, &documentContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): GetContextOfPosition() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugCodeContexts> codeContexts = NULL;
hr = documentContext->EnumCodeContexts(&codeContexts);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): EnumCodeContexts() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG fetched = 0;
IDebugCodeContext* codeContext = NULL;
hr = codeContexts->Next(1, &codeContext, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr) || fetched == 0) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): Next() failed", hr);
return false;
hr = codeContext->SetBreakPoint(BREAKPOINT_DELETED);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.clearBreakpoint(): SetBreakPoint() failed", hr);
return false;
delete iterator->second;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::findNode(wchar_t* name, IDebugApplicationNode* startNode, IDebugApplicationNode** _value) {
*_value = NULL;
if (!startNode) {
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplication(&application)) {
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> rootNode = NULL;
HRESULT hr = application->GetRootNode(&startNode);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext::findNode: GetRootNode() failed", hr);
return false;
CComBSTR url = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(startNode->GetName(DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL, &url))) {
if (wcscmp(std::wstring(url).c_str(), name) == 0) {
*_value = startNode;
return true;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugApplicationNodes> children = NULL;
HRESULT hr = startNode->EnumChildren(&children);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.findNode(): EnumChildren() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG fetched = 0;
do {
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> current = NULL;
hr = children->Next(1, &current, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.findNode(): Next() failed", hr);
if (fetched) {
IDebugApplicationNode* node = NULL;
if (findNode(name, current, &node)) {
*_value = node;
return true;
} while (fetched);
return false;
bool CrossfireContext::getBreakpoint(unsigned int handle, CrossfireBreakpoint** _value) {
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_breakpoints->find(handle);
if (iterator == m_breakpoints->end()) {
Logger::error("getBreakpoint: unknown breakpoint handle", handle);
return false;
CrossfireBreakpoint* breakpoint = iterator->second;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::getBreakpoints(CrossfireBreakpoint*** ___values) {
size_t size = m_breakpoints->size();
CrossfireBreakpoint** breakpoints = new CrossfireBreakpoint*[size + 1];
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator it = m_breakpoints->begin();
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator end = m_breakpoints->end();
int index = 0;
while (it != end) {
breakpoints[index] = NULL;
*___values = breakpoints;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::getDebugApplication(IRemoteDebugApplication** _value) {
*_value = NULL;
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplicationThread> thread = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplicationThread(&thread)) {
return false;
HRESULT hr = thread->GetApplication(_value);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplication: GetApplication() failed", hr);
return false;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::getDebugApplicationThread(IRemoteDebugApplicationThread** _value) {
*_value = NULL;
if (m_debugApplicationThread) {
*_value = m_debugApplicationThread;
return true;
CComPtr<IMachineDebugManager> mdm;
HRESULT hr = mdm.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MachineDebugManager, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MachineDebugManager) failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IEnumRemoteDebugApplications> applications;
hr = mdm->EnumApplications(&applications);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): EnumApplications() failed", hr);
return false;
int counter = 0;
//Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): starting loop, looking for", (int)m_threadId);
ULONG fetchedApps = 0;
do {
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> currentApplication;
hr = applications->Next(1, &currentApplication, &fetchedApps);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
fetchedApps = 1; /* continue to try to enum more applications */
//Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): Next()[1] failed, keep trying", hr);
} else if (fetchedApps) {
CComPtr<IEnumRemoteDebugApplicationThreads> threads;
hr = currentApplication->EnumThreads(&threads);
//if (FAILED(hr)) {
//Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): EnumThreads() failed, keep trying");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ULONG fetchedThreads = 0;
do {
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplicationThread> currentThread;
hr = threads->Next(1, &currentThread, &fetchedThreads);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
fetchedThreads = 1; /* continue to try to enum more threads */
//Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): Next()[2] failed, keep trying");
} else if (fetchedThreads) {
DWORD currentThreadId;
hr = currentThread->GetSystemThreadId(&currentThreadId);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): GetSystemThreadId() failed", hr);
} else if (m_threadId == currentThreadId) {
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> rootNode = NULL;
hr = currentApplication->GetRootNode(&rootNode);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): GetRootNode() failed", hr);
} else {
CComPtr<IConnectionPointContainer> connectionPointContainer = NULL;
hr = rootNode->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&connectionPointContainer);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): QI(IConnectionPointContainer) failed", hr);
} else {
CComPtr<IConnectionPoint> connectionPoint = NULL;
hr = connectionPointContainer->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IDebugApplicationNodeEvents, &connectionPoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): FindConnectionPoint() failed", hr);
} else {
hr = connectionPoint->Advise(m_debugger, &m_cpcApplicationNodeEvents);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): Advise() failed", hr);
} else {
Logger::log("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread() found the thread and advised its root node successfully");
m_debugApplicationThread = currentThread;
//else {
// Logger::error("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread(): they didn't match, got", (int)currentThreadId);
} while (fetchedThreads);
} while (!m_debugApplicationThread && fetchedApps);
if (!m_debugApplicationThread) {
Logger::log("CrossfireContext.getDebugApplicationThread() did not find the thread or did not advise its root node");
return false;
*_value = m_debugApplicationThread;
return true;
wchar_t* CrossfireContext::getHref() {
return m_href;
wchar_t* CrossfireContext::getName() {
return m_name;
bool CrossfireContext::hookDebugger() {
if (m_debuggerHooked) {
return true;
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplication(&application)) {
return false;
CComPtr<IApplicationDebugger> currentDebugger = NULL;
HRESULT hr = application->GetDebugger(&currentDebugger);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && currentDebugger) {
Logger::log("CrossfireContext.hookDebugger(): the application already has a debugger");
return false;
IEDebugger* ieDebugger = static_cast<IEDebugger*>(m_debugger);
hr = application->ConnectDebugger(ieDebugger);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.hookDebugger(): ConnectDebugger() failed", hr);
return false;
Logger::log("CrossfireContext.hookDebugger(): debugger successfully hooked");
m_debuggerHooked = true;
return true;
void CrossfireContext::installBreakpoints(std::vector<Value*>* breakpoints) {
std::vector<Value*>::iterator iterator = breakpoints->begin();
while (iterator != breakpoints->end()) {
Value* current = *iterator;
std::wstring* type = current->getObjectValue(KEY_TYPE)->getStringValue();
if (type->compare(std::wstring(BPTYPE_LINE)) == 0) {
Value* value_location = current->getObjectValue(KEY_LOCATION);
Value* value_url = value_location->getObjectValue(KEY_LINE);
if (value_url && value_url->getType() == TYPE_STRING) {
bool CrossfireContext::performRequest(CrossfireRequest* request) {
if (!m_debuggerHooked) {
wchar_t* command = request->getName();
Value* arguments = request->getArguments();
Value* responseBody = NULL;
bool success = false;
if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_BACKTRACE) == 0) {
success = commandBacktrace(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_CONTINUE) == 0) {
success = commandContinue(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_EVALUATE) == 0) {
success = commandEvaluate(arguments, request->getSeq(), &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_FRAME) == 0) {
success = commandFrame(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_LOOKUP) == 0) {
success = commandLookup(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_SCRIPT) == 0) {
success = commandScript(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_SCRIPTS) == 0) {
success = commandScripts(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_SCOPE) == 0) {
success = commandScope(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_SCOPES) == 0) {
success = commandScopes(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_SOURCE) == 0) {
success = commandSource(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_SUSPEND) == 0) {
success = commandSuspend(arguments, &responseBody);
} else if (wcscmp(command, COMMAND_INSPECT) == 0) {
success = false;
} else {
return false; /* command not handled */
CrossfireResponse response;
if (success) {
} else {
Value emptyBody;
if (responseBody) {
delete responseBody;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::scriptLoaded(std::wstring* url, IDebugApplicationNode *applicationNode, bool isRetry) {
CrossfireBPManager* bpManager = m_server->getBreakpointManager();
* Incoming IBreakpointTarget method invocations should always be for this
* application node, so store it temporarily so that's it's easily accessible,
* rather than repeatedly looking it up for each IBreakpointTarget invocation.
m_currentScriptNode = applicationNode;
bpManager->setBreakpointsForScript(url, this);
m_currentScriptNode = NULL;
Value* script = NULL;
if (createValueForScript(applicationNode, false, &script)) {
CrossfireEvent onScriptEvent;
Value data;
data.addObjectValue(KEY_SCRIPT, script);
delete script;
return true;
if (isRetry) {
return false;
* The script's content has been loaded yet, so create a listener object
* that will call this method again when this script has been loaded
CComPtr<IDebugDocument> document = NULL;
HRESULT hr = applicationNode->GetDocument(&document);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.scriptLoaded(): GetDocument() failed", hr);
return false;
CComObject<PendingBreakpoint>* pendingBreakpoint = NULL;
hr = CComObject<PendingBreakpoint>::CreateInstance(&pendingBreakpoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.scriptLoaded(): CreateInstance(CLSID_PendingBreakpoint) failed [1]", hr);
return false;
pendingBreakpoint->AddRef(); /* CComObject::CreateInstance gives initial ref count of 0 */
if (pendingBreakpoint->init(applicationNode, document, this)) {
} else {
return false;
void CrossfireContext::sendEvent(CrossfireEvent* eventObj) {
// TODO REMOVE! This is done just to prevent errors from leaving IE hanging forever
if (wcscmp(eventObj->getName(), L"onConsoleError") == 0) {
Logger::log("sending onConsoleError, so doing auto-resume, don't forget to remove me!!!");
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplicationThread> applicationThread = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplicationThread(&applicationThread)) {
Logger::error("failed to do auto-resume: getDebugApplicationThread() failed");
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
HRESULT hr = applicationThread->GetApplication(&application);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("failed to do auto-resume: GetApplication() failed", hr);
hr = application->ResumeFromBreakPoint(applicationThread, BREAKRESUMEACTION_CONTINUE, ERRORRESUMEACTION_SkipErrorStatement);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("failed to do auto-resume: ResumeFromBreakPoint() failed", hr);
// -------------------------------------------------
bool CrossfireContext::setBreakpointCondition(unsigned int handle, std::wstring* condition) {
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_breakpoints->find(handle);
if (iterator == m_breakpoints->end()) {
Logger::error("setBreakpointCondition: unknown breakpoint handle", handle);
return false;
CrossfireBreakpoint* breakpoint = iterator->second;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::setBreakpointEnabled(unsigned int handle, bool enabled) {
std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_breakpoints->find(handle);
if (iterator == m_breakpoints->end()) {
Logger::error("setBreakpointEnabled: unknown breakpoint handle", handle);
return false;
CrossfireLineBreakpoint* breakpoint = (CrossfireLineBreakpoint*)iterator->second;
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> node = NULL;
if (!findNode((wchar_t*)breakpoint->getUrl()->c_str(), NULL, &node)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): unknown target url");
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocument> document = NULL;
HRESULT hr = node->GetDocument(&document);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): GetDocument() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentText> documentText = NULL;
hr = document->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentText,(void**)&documentText);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): QI(IDebugDocumentText) failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG characterPosition = 0;
hr = documentText->GetPositionOfLine(breakpoint->getLine() - 1, &characterPosition);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): GetPositionOfLine() failed [1]", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentContext> documentContext = NULL;
hr = documentText->GetContextOfPosition(characterPosition, 1, &documentContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): GetContextOfPosition() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugCodeContexts> codeContexts = NULL;
hr = documentContext->EnumCodeContexts(&codeContexts);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): EnumCodeContexts() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG fetched = 0;
IDebugCodeContext* codeContext = NULL;
hr = codeContexts->Next(1, &codeContext, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr) || fetched == 0) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): Next() failed", hr);
return false;
hr = codeContext->SetBreakPoint(enabled ? BREAKPOINT_ENABLED : BREAKPOINT_DISABLED);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setBreakpointEnabled(): SetBreakPoint() failed", hr);
return false;
return true;
void CrossfireContext::setHref(wchar_t* value) {
if (m_href) {
m_href = _wcsdup(value);
if (!m_debuggerHooked) {
bool CrossfireContext::setLineBreakpoint(CrossfireLineBreakpoint *breakpoint, bool isRetry) {
// TODO uncomment the following once Refreshes cause new contexts to be created
// unsigned int handle = breakpoint->getHandle();
// std::map<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>::iterator iterator = m_breakpoints->find(handle);
// if (iterator != m_breakpoints->end()) {
// /* this breakpoint is already set on this context */
// return true;
// }
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> node = NULL;
if (m_currentScriptNode) {
node = m_currentScriptNode;
} else {
if (!findNode((wchar_t*)breakpoint->getUrl()->c_str(), NULL, &node)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): unknown target url");
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocument> document = NULL;
HRESULT hr = node->GetDocument(&document);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): GetDocument() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentText> documentText = NULL;
hr = document->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentText,(void**)&documentText);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): QI(IDebugDocumentText) failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG characterPosition = 0;
hr = documentText->GetPositionOfLine(breakpoint->getLine() - 1, &characterPosition);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
* In this context E_INVALIDARG failures are often caused by the target document
* not being adequately loaded yet. If this is the first attempt to set this
* breakpoint then create a pending breakpoint that will attempt to hook itself
* later if it is detected that the document load may have completed.
if (!isRetry && hr == E_INVALIDARG) {
CComObject<PendingBreakpoint>* pendingBreakpoint = NULL;
HRESULT hr = CComObject<PendingBreakpoint>::CreateInstance(&pendingBreakpoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): CreateInstance(CLSID_PendingBreakpoint) failed [1]", hr);
return false;
pendingBreakpoint->AddRef(); /* CComObject::CreateInstance gives initial ref count of 0 */
if (pendingBreakpoint->init(breakpoint, document, this)) {
} else {
} else {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): GetPositionOfLine() failed [1]", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentContext> documentContext = NULL;
hr = documentText->GetContextOfPosition(characterPosition, 1, &documentContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): GetContextOfPosition() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugCodeContexts> codeContexts = NULL;
hr = documentContext->EnumCodeContexts(&codeContexts);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
* In this context E_INVALIDARG failures are often caused by the target document
* not being adequately loaded yet. If this is the first attempt to set this
* breakpoint then create a pending breakpoint that will attempt to hook itself
* later if it is detected that the document load may have completed.
if (!isRetry && hr == E_INVALIDARG) {
CComObject<PendingBreakpoint>* pendingBreakpoint = NULL;
HRESULT hr = CComObject<PendingBreakpoint>::CreateInstance(&pendingBreakpoint);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): CreateInstance(CLSID_PendingBreakpoint) failed [2]", hr);
return false;
pendingBreakpoint->AddRef(); /* CComObject::CreateInstance gives initial ref count of 0 */
if (pendingBreakpoint->init(breakpoint, document, this)) {
} else {
} else {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): EnumCodeContexts() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG fetched = 0;
CComPtr<IDebugCodeContext> codeContext = NULL;
hr = codeContexts->Next(1, &codeContext, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr) || fetched == 0) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): Next() failed", hr);
return false;
hr = codeContext->SetBreakPoint(breakpoint->isEnabled() ? BREAKPOINT_ENABLED : BREAKPOINT_DISABLED);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): SetBreakPoint() failed", hr);
return false;
/* Determine the line number the breakpoint was set on (it may not match the requested line number) */
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentContext> bpDocumentContext = NULL;
hr = codeContext->GetDocumentContext(&bpDocumentContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): GetDocumentContext() failed", hr);
return false;
characterPosition = 0;
ULONG numChars = 0;
hr = documentText->GetPositionOfContext(bpDocumentContext, &characterPosition, &numChars);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): GetPositionOfContext() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG bpLineNumber = 0;
ULONG offset = 0;
hr = documentText->GetLineOfPosition(characterPosition, &bpLineNumber, &offset);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.setLineBreakpoint(): GetLineOfPosition() failed", hr);
return false;
breakpoint->setLine(bpLineNumber + 1);
CrossfireLineBreakpoint* copy = NULL;
m_breakpoints->insert(std::pair<unsigned int, CrossfireBreakpoint*>(breakpoint->getHandle(), copy));
return true;
void CrossfireContext::setName(wchar_t* value) {
if (m_name) {
m_name = _wcsdup(value);
void CrossfireContext::setRunning(bool value) {
m_running = value;
bool CrossfireContext::unhookDebugger() {
if (!m_debuggerHooked) {
return true;
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplication(&application)) {
return false;
HRESULT hr = application->DisconnectDebugger();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.unhookDebugger(): DisconnectDebugger() failed", hr);
return SUCCEEDED(hr);
/* commands */
bool CrossfireContext::commandBacktrace(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
unsigned int fromFrame = 0;
Value* value_fromFrame = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_FROMFRAME);
if (value_fromFrame) {
if (value_fromFrame->getType() != TYPE_NUMBER || (unsigned int)value_fromFrame->getNumberValue() < 0) {
Logger::error("'backtrace' command has an invalid 'fromFrame' value");
return false;
fromFrame = (unsigned int)value_fromFrame->getNumberValue();
Value framesArray;
int index = 0;
for (index = fromFrame; ; index++) {
arguments->setObjectValue(KEY_NUMBER, &Value((double)index));
Value* frame = NULL;
if (!commandFrame(arguments, &frame)) {
index--; /* decrement since this attempt was not successful */
delete frame;
int totalFrames = index - fromFrame + 1;
if (totalFrames == 0) {
*_responseBody = new Value();
return false;
Value* result = new Value();
result->addObjectValue(KEY_CONTEXTID, &Value(m_name));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_FRAMES, &framesArray);
result->addObjectValue(KEY_FROMFRAME, &Value((double)fromFrame));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_TOFRAME, &Value((double)index));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_TOTALFRAMES, &Value((double)totalFrames));
*_responseBody = result;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::commandContinue(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
Value* value_action = NULL;
if (arguments) {
value_action = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_STEPACTION);
if (!value_action) {
} else {
if (value_action->getType() != TYPE_STRING) {
Logger::error("'continue' command has invalid 'stepaction' value");
return false;
std::wstring* actionString = value_action->getStringValue();
if (actionString->compare(VALUE_IN) == 0) {
} else if (actionString->compare(VALUE_NEXT) == 0) {
} else if (actionString->compare(VALUE_OUT) == 0) {
} else {
Logger::error("'continue' command has invalid 'stepaction' value");
return false;
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplicationThread> applicationThread = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplicationThread(&applicationThread)) {
return false;
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
HRESULT hr = applicationThread->GetApplication(&application);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandContinue(): GetApplication() failed", hr);
return false;
hr = application->ResumeFromBreakPoint(applicationThread, action, ERRORRESUMEACTION_SkipErrorStatement);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
*_responseBody = new Value();
m_running = true;
} else {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandContinue(): ResumeFromBreakPoint() failed", hr);
return SUCCEEDED(hr);
bool CrossfireContext::commandEvaluate(Value* arguments, unsigned int requestSeq, Value** _responseBody) {
unsigned int frame = 0;
Value* value_frame = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_FRAME);
if (value_frame) {
if (value_frame->getType() != TYPE_NUMBER || (unsigned int)value_frame->getNumberValue() < 0) {
Logger::error("'evaluate' command has invalid 'frame' value");
return false;
frame = (unsigned int)value_frame->getNumberValue();
Value* value_expression = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_EXPRESSION);
if (!value_expression || value_expression->getType() != TYPE_STRING) {
Logger::error("'evaluate' command does not have a valid 'expression' value");
return false;
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplicationThread> applicationThread = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplicationThread(&applicationThread)) {
return false;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugStackFrames> stackFrames = NULL;
HRESULT hr = applicationThread->EnumStackFrames(&stackFrames);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandEvaluate(): EnumStackFrames() failed", hr);
return false;
if (frame > 0) {
hr = stackFrames->Skip(frame);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandEvaluate(): Skip() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG fetched = 0;
DebugStackFrameDescriptor stackFrameDescriptor;
hr = stackFrames->Next(1, &stackFrameDescriptor, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr) || fetched == 0) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandEvaluate(): Next() failed", hr);
return false;
IDebugStackFrame* stackFrame = stackFrameDescriptor.pdsf;
CComPtr<IDebugExpressionContext> expressionContext = NULL;
hr = stackFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugExpressionContext, (void**)&expressionContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandEvaluate(): QI(IDebugExpressionContext) failed", hr);
return false;
IDebugExpression* expression = NULL;
hr = expressionContext->ParseLanguageText(
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandEvaluate(): ParseLanguageText failed", hr);
return false;
JSEvalCallback* callback = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_JSEvalCallback, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IJSEvalCallback, (LPVOID*)&callback);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandEvaluate(): CoCreateInstance(CLSID_JSEvalCallback) failed", hr);
return false;
// TODO finish this, note that "expression" and "callback" need to be released by someone)
CrossfireResponse response;
response.setRunning(true); // TODO better way to determine this?
//callback->init(&response, crossfire, expression);
hr = expression->Start(static_cast<IDebugExpressionCallBack*>(callback));
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("'evaluate' Start() failed", hr);
return false;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::commandFrame(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
Value* value_includeScopes = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_INCLUDESCOPES);
if (!value_includeScopes || value_includeScopes->getType() != TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
Logger::error("'frame' command does not have a valid 'includeScopes' value");
return false;
bool includeScopes = value_includeScopes->getBooleanValue();
unsigned int index = 0;
Value* value_number = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_NUMBER);
if (value_number) {
if (value_number->getType() != TYPE_NUMBER || (unsigned int)value_number->getNumberValue() < 0) {
Logger::error("'frame' command has an invalid 'number' value");
return false;
index = (unsigned int)value_number->getNumberValue();
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplicationThread> applicationThread = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplicationThread(&applicationThread)) {
return false;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugStackFrames> stackFrames = NULL;
HRESULT hr = applicationThread->EnumStackFrames(&stackFrames);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): EnumStackFrames() failed", hr);
return false;
if (index > 0) {
hr = stackFrames->Skip(index);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): Skip() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG fetched = 0;
DebugStackFrameDescriptor stackFrameDescriptor;
hr = stackFrames->Next(1, &stackFrameDescriptor, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr) || fetched == 0) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): Next() failed", hr);
return false;
IDebugStackFrame* stackFrame = stackFrameDescriptor.pdsf;
CComBSTR description = NULL;
hr = stackFrame->GetDescriptionString(true, &description);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetDescriptionString() failed", hr);
return false;
/* determine the current line number */
CComPtr<IDebugCodeContext> codeContext = NULL;
hr = stackFrame->GetCodeContext(&codeContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
/* fails if the current position is not within a user document, which is valid */
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentContext> documentContext = NULL;
hr = codeContext->GetDocumentContext(&documentContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetDocumentContext() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocument> document = NULL;
hr = documentContext->GetDocument(&document);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetDocument() failed", hr);
return false;
CComBSTR url = NULL;
hr = document->GetName(DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL, &url);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetName() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentText> documentText = NULL;
hr = document->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentText, (void**)&documentText);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): QI(IDebugDocumentText) failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG position, numChars;
hr = documentText->GetPositionOfContext(documentContext, &position, &numChars);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetPositionOfContext() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG lineNumber, column;
hr = documentText->GetLineOfPosition(position, &lineNumber, &column);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetLineOfPosition() failed", hr);
return false;
/* get the locals */
CComPtr<IDebugProperty> debugProperty = NULL;
hr = stackFrame->GetDebugProperty(&debugProperty);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetDebugProperty() failed", hr);
return false;
// TODO this frameObject is currently created temporarily, but to
// get the full benefit of handle reuse it should be stored and
// reused for cases where the frame command is invoked on the same
// frame multiple times
JSObject frameObject;
frameObject.debugProperty = debugProperty;
frameObject.isFunction = false; = NULL;
frameObject.objects = NULL;
frameObject.parentHandle = 0;
frameObject.stackFrame = stackFrame;
Value* locals = NULL;
if (!createValueForObject(&frameObject, &locals)) {
return false;
/* get "this" */
CComPtr<IDebugExpressionContext> expressionContext = NULL;
hr = stackFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugExpressionContext, (void**)&expressionContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): QI(IDebugExpressionContext) failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugExpression> expression = NULL;
hr = expressionContext->ParseLanguageText(
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): ParseLanguageText failed [2]", hr);
return false;
hr = expression->Start(NULL);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): Start failed", hr);
return false;
Logger::error("Evaluating this");
while (expression->QueryIsComplete() == S_FALSE) {
Logger::error("Get result for this");
HRESULT evalResult;
CComPtr<IDebugProperty> debugProperty2 = NULL;
hr = expression->GetResultAsDebugProperty(&evalResult, &debugProperty2);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): GetResultAsDebugProperty failed", hr);
return false;
if (FAILED(evalResult)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandFrame(): evaluation of GetResultAsDebugProperty failed", evalResult);
return false;
// TODO this thisObject is currently created temporarily, but to
// get the full benefit of handle reuse it should be stored and
// reused for cases where the frame command is invoked on the same
// frame multiple times
JSObject thisObject;
thisObject.debugProperty = debugProperty2;
thisObject.isFunction = false; = NULL;
thisObject.objects = NULL;
thisObject.parentHandle = 0;
thisObject.stackFrame = stackFrame;
Value* value_this = NULL;
if (createValueForObject(&thisObject, &value_this)) {
locals->addObjectValue(KEY_THIS, value_this);
delete value_this;
} else {
/* create an empty "this" value */
Value value_thisChildren;
Value value_this2;
value_this2.addObjectValue(KEY_TYPE, &Value(VALUE_OBJECT));
value_this2.addObjectValue(KEY_VALUE, &value_thisChildren);
locals->addObjectValue(KEY_THIS, &value_this2);
Value* result = new Value();
result->addObjectValue(KEY_CONTEXTID, &Value(m_name));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_FUNC, &Value(description));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_INDEX, &Value((double)index));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_LINE, &Value((double)lineNumber + 1));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_LOCALS, locals);
result->addObjectValue(KEY_SCRIPT, &Value(url));
delete locals;
*_responseBody = result;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::commandLookup(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
Value* value_handle = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_HANDLE);
if (!value_handle || value_handle->getType() != TYPE_NUMBER || (unsigned int)value_handle->getNumberValue() < 1) {
Logger::error("'lookup' command does not have a valid 'handle' value");
return false;
bool includeSource = false;
Value* value_includeSource = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_INCLUDESOURCE);
if (value_includeSource) {
if (value_includeSource->getType() != TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
Logger::error("'lookup' command has an invalid 'includeSource' value");
return false;
includeSource = value_includeSource->getBooleanValue();
unsigned int handle = (unsigned int)value_handle->getNumberValue();
std::map<unsigned int, JSObject*>::iterator iterator = m_objects->find(handle);
if (iterator == m_objects->end()) {
Logger::error("'lookup' handle value is not a known object handle");
return false;
JSObject* object = iterator->second;
Value* result = NULL;
if (!createValueForObject(object, &result)) {
return false;
*_responseBody = result;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::createValueForObject(JSObject* object, Value** _value) {
*_value = NULL;
IDebugProperty* debugProperty = object->debugProperty;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugPropertyInfo> enumPropertyInfo = NULL;
HRESULT hr = debugProperty->EnumMembers(
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForObject(): EnumMembers() failed", hr);
return false;
/* The IDebugExpressionContext will be needed for each encountered object/function */
CComPtr<IDebugExpressionContext> expressionContext = NULL;
hr = object->stackFrame->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugExpressionContext, (void**)&expressionContext);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForObject(): QI(IDebugExpressionContext) failed", hr);
return false;
Value membersCollection;
std::map<wchar_t*, unsigned int>* newObjectsTable = NULL;
ULONG fetched;
do {
DebugPropertyInfo propertyInfo;
HRESULT hr = enumPropertyInfo->Next(1, &propertyInfo, &fetched);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fetched) {
BSTR type = propertyInfo.m_bstrType;
Value local;
if (wcscmp(type, JSVALUE_NULL) == 0) {
} else if (wcscmp(type, JSVALUE_UNDEFINED) == 0) {
} else {
BSTR stringValue = propertyInfo.m_bstrValue;
if (wcscmp(type, JSVALUE_NUMBER) == 0) {
wchar_t* endPtr = 0;
double value = wcstod(stringValue, &endPtr);
local.addObjectValue(KEY_TYPE, &Value(VALUE_NUMBER));
local.addObjectValue(KEY_VALUE, &Value(value));
} else if (wcscmp(type, JSVALUE_BOOLEAN) == 0) {
local.addObjectValue(KEY_TYPE, &Value(VALUE_BOOLEAN));
if (wcscmp(stringValue, JSVALUE_TRUE) == 0) {
local.addObjectValue(KEY_VALUE, &Value(true));
} else {
local.addObjectValue(KEY_VALUE, &Value(false));
} else if (wcscmp(type, JSVALUE_STRING) == 0) {
std::wstring string(stringValue);
string = string.substr(1, string.length() - 2);
local.addObjectValue(KEY_TYPE, &Value(VALUE_STRING));
local.addObjectValue(KEY_VALUE, &Value(&string));
} else {
bool isFunction = (propertyInfo.m_dwAttrib & /*DBGPROP_ATTRIB_VALUE_IS_EXPANDABLE*/ 0x10) == 0;
if (!newObjectsTable) {
newObjectsTable = new std::map<wchar_t*, unsigned int>;
wchar_t* name = propertyInfo.m_bstrName;
unsigned int handle = 0;
if (object->objects) {
std::map<wchar_t*, unsigned int>::iterator iterator = object->objects->find(name);
if (iterator != object->objects->end()) {
std::map<unsigned int, JSObject*>::iterator iterator2 = m_objects->find(iterator->second);
if (iterator2 != m_objects->end()) {
JSObject* existingObject = iterator2->second;
if (existingObject->isFunction == isFunction) {
handle = iterator2->first;
if (!handle) {
JSObject* newObject = new JSObject();
IDebugProperty* objectProperty = propertyInfo.m_pDebugProp;
newObject->debugProperty = objectProperty;
newObject->isFunction = isFunction;
newObject->name = _wcsdup(name);
newObject->objects = NULL;
newObject->parentHandle = 0;
newObject->stackFrame = object->stackFrame;
handle = m_nextObjectHandle++;
m_objects->insert(std::pair<unsigned int, JSObject*>(handle, newObject));
newObjectsTable->insert(std::pair<wchar_t*, unsigned int>(name, handle));
local.setObjectValue(KEY_TYPE, isFunction ? &Value(VALUE_FUNCTION) : &Value(VALUE_OBJECT));
local.addObjectValue(KEY_HANDLE, &Value((double)handle));
membersCollection.addObjectValue(propertyInfo.m_bstrName, &local);
} while (fetched);
if (object->objects) {
std::map<wchar_t*, unsigned int>::iterator iterator = object->objects->begin();
while (iterator != object->objects->end()) {
delete iterator->first;
delete object->objects;
object->objects = newObjectsTable;
Value* result = new Value();
result->setObjectValue(KEY_TYPE, object->isFunction ? &Value(VALUE_FUNCTION) : &Value(VALUE_OBJECT));
result->setObjectValue(KEY_VALUE, &membersCollection);
*_value = result;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::commandScope(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
return false;
bool CrossfireContext::commandScopes(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
return false;
bool CrossfireContext::commandScript(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
Value* value_url = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_URL);
if (!value_url || value_url->getType() != TYPE_STRING) {
Logger::error("'script' command does not have a valid 'url' value");
return false;
std::wstring* url = value_url->getStringValue();
Value* value_includeSource = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_INCLUDESOURCE);
if (!value_includeSource || value_includeSource->getType() != TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
Logger::error("'script' command does not have a valid 'includeSource' value");
return false;
bool includeSource = value_includeSource->getBooleanValue();
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> node = NULL;
if (!findNode((wchar_t*)url->c_str(), NULL, &node)) {
Logger::error("'script' command specified an unknown script url");
return false;
Value* script = NULL;
if (!createValueForScript(node, includeSource, &script)) {
return false;
Value* result = new Value();
result->addObjectValue(KEY_CONTEXTID, &Value(m_name));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_SCRIPT, script);
*_responseBody = result;
delete script;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::createValueForScript(IDebugApplicationNode* node, bool includeSource, Value** _value) {
*_value = NULL;
CComBSTR url = L"NULL";
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): GetName() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocument> document = NULL;
hr = node->GetDocument(&document);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): GetDocument() failed", hr);
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugDocumentText> documentText = NULL;
hr = document->QueryInterface(IID_IDebugDocumentText,(void**)&documentText);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): QI(IDebugDocumentText) failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG numLines = 0;
ULONG numChars = 0;
hr = documentText->GetSize(&numLines, &numChars);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): GetSize() failed", hr);
return false;
ULONG line1start = 0;
hr = documentText->GetPositionOfLine(1, &line1start);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): GetPositionOfLine() failed [2]", hr);
return false;
wchar_t* line0chars = new wchar_t[line1start + 1];
ULONG charsRead = 0;
hr = documentText->GetText(0, line0chars, NULL, &charsRead, line1start);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): GetText() failed", hr);
return false;
line0chars[line1start] = NULL;
Value* result = new Value();
result->addObjectValue(KEY_ID, &Value(url));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_LINEOFFSET, &Value((double)0)); // TODO right?
result->addObjectValue(KEY_COLUMNOFFSET, &Value((double)0)); // TODO right?
result->addObjectValue(KEY_SOURCESTART, &Value(line0chars));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_SOURCELENGTH, &Value((double)numLines)); // TODO wrong
result->addObjectValue(KEY_LINECOUNT, &Value((double)numLines));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_COMPILATIONTYPE, &Value(VALUE_TOPLEVEL)); // TODO right?
delete[] line0chars;
if (includeSource) {
wchar_t* sourceChars = new wchar_t[numChars + 1];
charsRead = 0;
hr = documentText->GetText(0, sourceChars, NULL, &charsRead, numChars);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.createValueForScript(): GetText()[2] failed", hr);
return false;
sourceChars[numChars] = NULL;
result->addObjectValue(KEY_SOURCE, &Value(sourceChars));
delete[] sourceChars;
*_value = result;
return true;
bool CrossfireContext::commandScripts(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
Value* value_includeSource = arguments->getObjectValue(KEY_INCLUDESOURCE);
if (!value_includeSource || value_includeSource->getType() != TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
Logger::error("'scripts' command does not have a valid 'includeSource' value");
return false;
bool includeSource = value_includeSource->getBooleanValue();
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplication(&application)) {
return false;
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> rootNode = NULL;
HRESULT hr = application->GetRootNode(&rootNode);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandScripts(): GetRootNode() failed", hr);
return false;
Value scripts;
addScriptsToArray(rootNode, includeSource, &scripts);
Value* result = new Value();
result->addObjectValue(KEY_CONTEXTID, &Value(m_name));
result->addObjectValue(KEY_SCRIPTS, &scripts);
*_responseBody = result;
return true;
void CrossfireContext::addScriptsToArray(IDebugApplicationNode* node, bool includeSource, Value* scriptsArray) {
Value* value_script = NULL;
if (createValueForScript(node, includeSource, &value_script)) {
Value script;
script.addObjectValue(KEY_SCRIPT, value_script);
delete value_script;
CComPtr<IEnumDebugApplicationNodes> nodes = NULL;
HRESULT hr = node->EnumChildren(&nodes);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.addScriptsToArray(): EnumChildren() failed", hr);
ULONG fetched = 0;
do {
CComPtr<IDebugApplicationNode> current = NULL;
hr = nodes->Next(1, &current, &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.addScriptsToArray(): Next() failed", hr);
} else {
if (fetched) {
addScriptsToArray(current, includeSource, scriptsArray);
} while (fetched);
bool CrossfireContext::commandSource(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
arguments->setObjectValue(KEY_INCLUDESOURCE, &Value(true));
return commandScripts(arguments, _responseBody);
bool CrossfireContext::commandSuspend(Value* arguments, Value** _responseBody) {
CComPtr<IRemoteDebugApplication> application = NULL;
if (!getDebugApplication(&application)) {
return false;
HRESULT hr = application->CauseBreak();
if (FAILED(hr)) {
Logger::error("CrossfireContext.commandSuspend(): CauseBreak() failed", hr);
return false;
*_responseBody = new Value();
return true;