blob: 05498d7d9c0223be6a162656cfa76cf9224b6b89 [file] [log] [blame]
public final class Navigator {
* Determine if a string is all-whitespace
* @param content the string to be tested
* @return true if the supplied string contains no non-whitespace
* characters
public final static boolean isWhite(CharSequence content) {
for (int i=0; i<content.length();) {
// all valid XML whitespace characters, and only whitespace characters, are <= 0x20
if (content.charAt(i++) > 32) {
return false;
return true;
* Get the string value of an attribute of a given element, given the URI and
* local part of the attribute name.
* @return the attribute value, or null if the attribute is not present
public static String getAttributeValue(NodeInfo element, String uri, String localName) {
int fingerprint = element.getNamePool().allocate("", uri, localName);
return element.getAttributeValue(fingerprint);
* Get an absolute XPath expression that identifies a given node within its document
* @param node the node whose path is required
* @return a path expression that can be used to retrieve the node
public static String getPath(NodeInfo node) {
String pre;
NodeInfo parent = node.getParent();
// System.err.println("node = " + node + " parent = " + parent);
// Handle parentless nodes of any kind
if (parent==null) return "/";
switch (node.getNodeKind()) {
case Type.DOCUMENT:
return "/";
case Type.ELEMENT:
pre = getPath(parent);
return (pre.equals("/") ? "" : pre) +
"/" + node.getDisplayName() + "[" + getNumberSimple(node) + "]";
case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
return getPath(parent) + "/@" + node.getDisplayName();
case Type.TEXT:
pre = getPath(parent);
return (pre.equals("/") ? "" : pre) +
"/text()[" + getNumberSimple(node) + "]";
case Type.COMMENT:
pre = getPath(parent);
return (pre.equals("/") ? "" : pre) +
"/comment()[" + getNumberSimple(node) + "]";
pre = getPath(parent);
return (pre.equals("/") ? "" : pre) +
"/processing-instruction()[" + getNumberSimple(node) + "]";
return "";
* Get simple node number. This is defined as one plus the number of previous siblings of the
* same node type and name. It is not accessible directly in XSL.
* @param node The node whose number is required
* @param controller Used for remembering previous result, for
* performance
* @exception XPathException if any error occurs
* @return the node number, as defined above
public static int getNumberSimple(NodeInfo node, Controller controller) throws XPathException {
int fingerprint = node.getFingerprint();
NodeTest same;
if (fingerprint==-1) {
same = NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind());
} else {
same = new NameTest(node);
SequenceIterator preceding = node.iterateAxis(Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING, same);
int i=1;
while (true) {
NodeInfo prev = (NodeInfo);
if (prev == null) {
int memo = controller.getRememberedNumber(prev);
if (memo>0) {
memo += i;
controller.setRememberedNumber(node, memo);
return memo;
controller.setRememberedNumber(node, i);
return i;
* Get simple node number. This is defined as one plus the number of previous siblings of the
* same node type and name. It is not accessible directly in XSL. This version doesn't require
* the controller, and therefore doesn't remember previous results. It is used only by getPath().
* @param node the node whose number is required
* @return the node number, as defined above
private static int getNumberSimple(NodeInfo node) {
int fingerprint = node.getFingerprint();
NodeTest same;
if (fingerprint==-1) {
same = NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind());
} else {
same = new NameTest(node);
AxisIterator preceding = node.iterateAxis(Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING, same);
int i=1;
while ( != null) {
return i;
* Get node number (level="single"). If the current node matches the supplied pattern, the returned
* number is one plus the number of previous siblings that match the pattern. Otherwise,
* return the element number of the nearest ancestor that matches the supplied pattern.
* @param node the current node, the one whose node number is required
* @param count Pattern that identifies which nodes should be
* counted. Default (null) is the element name if the current node is
* an element, or "node()" otherwise.
* @param from Pattern that specifies where counting starts from.
* Default (null) is the root node. (This parameter does not seem
* useful but is included for the sake of XSLT conformance.)
* @param controller the controller of the transformation, used if
* the patterns reference context values (e.g. variables)
* @exception XPathException when any error occurs in processing
* @return the node number established as follows: go to the nearest
* ancestor-or-self that matches the 'count' pattern and that is a
* descendant of the nearest ancestor that matches the 'from' pattern.
* Return one plus the nunber of preceding siblings of that ancestor
* that match the 'count' pattern. If there is no such ancestor,
* return 0.
public static int getNumberSingle(NodeInfo node, Pattern count,
Pattern from, Controller controller) throws XPathException {
// checkNumberable(node);
if (count==null && from==null) {
return getNumberSimple(node, controller);
boolean knownToMatch = false;
if (count==null) {
if (node.getFingerprint()==-1) { // unnamed node
count = NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind());
} else {
count = new NameTest(node);
knownToMatch = true;
NodeInfo target = node;
while (!(knownToMatch || count.matches(target, controller))) {
target = target.getParent();
if (target==null) {
return 0;
if (from!=null && from.matches(target, controller)) {
return 0;
// we've found the ancestor to count from
SequenceIterator preceding =
target.iterateAxis(Axis.PRECEDING_SIBLING, count.getNodeTest());
// pass the filter condition down to the axis enumeration where possible
boolean alreadyChecked = (count instanceof NodeTest);
int i = 1;
while (true) {
NodeInfo p = (NodeInfo);
if (p == null) {
return i;
if (alreadyChecked || count.matches(p, controller)) {
* Get node number (level="any").
* Return one plus the number of previous nodes in the
* document that match the supplied pattern
* @exception XPathException
* @param inst Identifies the xsl:number instruction; this is relevant
* when the function is memoised to support repeated use of the same
* instruction to number modulple nodes
* @param node Identifies the xsl:number instruction; this is
* relevant when the function is memoised to support repeated use of
* the same instruction to number modulple nodes
* @param count Pattern that identifies which nodes should be
* counted. Default (null) is the element name if the current node is
* an element, or "node()" otherwise.
* @param from Pattern that specifies where counting starts from.
* Default (null) is the root node. Only nodes after the first (most
* recent) node that matches the 'from' pattern are counted.
* @param controller The controller
* @param hasVariablesInPatterns if the count or from patterns
* contain variables, then it's not safe to get the answer by adding
* one to the number of the most recent node that matches
* @return one plus the number of nodes that precede the current node,
* that match the count pattern, and that follow the first node that
* matches the from pattern if specified.
public static int getNumberAny(Instruction inst, NodeInfo node, Pattern count,
Pattern from, Controller controller, boolean hasVariablesInPatterns) throws XPathException {
NodeInfo memoNode = null;
int memoNumber = 0;
boolean memoise = (!hasVariablesInPatterns && count!=null);
if (memoise) {
Object[] memo = (Object[])controller.getUserData(inst, "xsl:number");
if (memo != null) {
memoNode = (NodeInfo)memo[0];
memoNumber = ((Integer)memo[1]).intValue();
int num = 0;
if (count==null) {
if (node.getFingerprint()==-1) { // unnamed node
count = NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind());
} else {
count = new NameTest(node);
num = 1;
} else if (count.matches(node, controller)) {
num = 1;
// We use a special axis invented for the purpose: the union of the preceding and
// ancestor axes, but in reverse document order
// Pass part of the filtering down to the axis iterator if possible
NodeTest filter;
if (from==null) {
filter = count.getNodeTest();
} else if (from.getNodeKind()==Type.ELEMENT && count.getNodeKind()==Type.ELEMENT) {
filter = NodeKindTest.ELEMENT;
} else {
filter = AnyNodeTest.getInstance();
SequenceIterator preceding =
node.iterateAxis(Axis.PRECEDING_OR_ANCESTOR, filter);
while (true) {
NodeInfo prev = (NodeInfo);
if (prev == null) {
if (from!=null && from.matches(prev, controller)) {
return num;
if (count.matches(prev, controller)) {
if (num==1 && memoNode!=null && prev.isSameNode(memoNode)) {
num = memoNumber + 1;
if (memoise) {
Object[] memo = new Object[2];
memo[0] = node;
memo[1] = new Integer(num);
controller.setUserData(inst, "xsl:number", memo);
return num;
* Get node number (level="multiple").
* Return a vector giving the hierarchic position of this node. See the XSLT spec for details.
* @exception XPathException
* @param node The node to be numbered
* @param count Pattern that identifies which nodes (ancestors and
* their previous siblings) should be counted. Default (null) is the
* element name if the current node is an element, or "node()"
* otherwise.
* @param from Pattern that specifies where counting starts from.
* Default (null) is the root node. Only nodes below the first (most
* recent) node that matches the 'from' pattern are counted.
* @param controller The controller for the transformation
* @return a vector containing for each ancestor-or-self that matches the
* count pattern and that is below the nearest node that matches the
* from pattern, an Integer which is one greater than the number of
* previous siblings that match the count pattern.
public static List getNumberMulti(NodeInfo node, Pattern count,
Pattern from, Controller controller) throws XPathException {
ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
if (count==null) {
if (node.getFingerprint()==-1) { // unnamed node
count = NodeKindTest.makeNodeKindTest(node.getNodeKind());
} else {
count = new NameTest(node);
NodeInfo curr = node;
while(true) {
if (count.matches(curr, controller)) {
int num = getNumberSingle(curr, count, null, controller);
v.add(0, new Long(num));
curr = curr.getParent();
if (curr==null) break;
if (from!=null && from.matches(curr, controller)) break;
return v;
* Generic (model-independent) implementation of deep copy algorithm for nodes.
* This is available for use by any node implementations that choose to use it.
* @param node The node to be copied
* @param out The receiver to which events will be sent
* @param namePool Namepool holding the name codes (used only to resolve namespace
* codes)
* @param whichNamespaces Indicates which namespace nodes for an element should
* be copied
* @param copyAnnotations Indicates whether type annotations should be copied
* @throws TransformerException on any failure reported by the Receiver
public static void copy(NodeInfo node,
Receiver out,
NamePool namePool,
int whichNamespaces,
boolean copyAnnotations) throws TransformerException {
switch (node.getNodeKind()) {
case Type.DOCUMENT:
AxisIterator children0 = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD, new AnyNodeTest());
while (true) {
NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo);
if (child == null) {
child.copy(out, whichNamespaces, copyAnnotations);
case Type.ELEMENT:
out.startElement(node.getNameCode(), 0, 0);
// output the namespaces
if (whichNamespaces != NodeInfo.NO_NAMESPACES) {
node.outputNamespaceNodes(out, true);
// output the attributes
AxisIterator attributes = node.iterateAxis(Axis.ATTRIBUTE, new AnyNodeTest());
while (true) {
NodeInfo att = (NodeInfo);
if (att == null) {
att.copy(out, whichNamespaces, copyAnnotations);
// output the children
AxisIterator children = node.iterateAxis(Axis.CHILD, new AnyNodeTest());
while (true) {
NodeInfo child = (NodeInfo);
if (child == null) {
child.copy(out, whichNamespaces, copyAnnotations);
// finally the end tag
case Type.ATTRIBUTE:
out.attribute(node.getNameCode(), 0, node.getStringValue(), 0);
case Type.TEXT:
out.characters(node.getStringValue(), 0);
case Type.COMMENT:
out.comment(node.getStringValue(), 0);
out.processingInstruction(node.getLocalPart(), node.getStringValue(), 0);
case Type.NAMESPACE:
out.namespace(namePool.allocateNamespaceCode(node.getLocalPart(), node.getStringValue()),0);
* Generic (model-independent) method to determine the relative position of two
* node in document order. The nodes must be in the same tree.
* @param first The first node
* @param second The second node, whose position is to be compared with the first node
* @return -1 if this node precedes the other node, +1 if it follows the other
* node, or 0 if they are the same node. (In this case, isSameNode() will always
* return true, and the two nodes will produce the same result for generateId())
public static int compareOrder(SiblingCountingNode first, SiblingCountingNode second) {
NodeInfo ow = second;
// are they the same node?
if (first.isSameNode(second)) {
return 0;
// are they siblings (common case)
if (first.getParent().isSameNode(second.getParent())) {
return first.getSiblingPosition() - second.getSiblingPosition();
// find the depths of both nodes in the tree
int depth1 = 0;
int depth2 = 0;
NodeInfo p1 = first;
NodeInfo p2 = second;
while (p1 != null) {
p1 = p1.getParent();
while (p2 != null) {
p2 = p2.getParent();
// move up one branch of the tree so we have two nodes on the same level
p1 = first;
while (depth1>depth2) {
p1 = p1.getParent();
if (p1.isSameNode(second)) {
return +1;
p2 = ow;
while (depth2>depth1) {
p2 = p2.getParent();
if (p2.isSameNode(first)) {
return -1;
// now move up both branches in sync until we find a common parent
while (true) {
NodeInfo par1 = p1.getParent();
NodeInfo par2 = p2.getParent();
if (par1==null || par2==null) {
throw new NullPointerException("DOM tree compare - internal error");
if (par1.isSameNode(par2)) {
return ((SiblingCountingNode)p1).getSiblingPosition() -
p1 = par1;
p2 = par2;
* Get a character string that uniquely identifies this node and that collates nodes
* into document order
* @return a string. The string is always interned so keys can be compared using "==".
public static String getSequentialKey(SiblingCountingNode node) {
// TODO: this was designed so it could be used for sorting nodes into document
// order, but is not currently used that way.
StringBuffer key = new StringBuffer();
while(!(node instanceof DocumentInfo)) {
key.insert(0, alphaKey(node.getSiblingPosition()));
node = (SiblingCountingNode)node.getParent();
key.insert(0, "w" + node.getDocumentNumber());
return key.toString().intern();
* Construct an alphabetic key from an positive integer; the key collates in the same sequence
* as the integer
* @param value The positive integer key value (negative values are treated as zero).
public static String alphaKey(int value) {
if (value<1) return "a";
if (value<10) return "b" + value;
if (value<100) return "c" + value;
if (value<1000) return "d" + value;
if (value<10000) return "e" + value;
if (value<100000) return "f" + value;
if (value<1000000) return "g" + value;
if (value<10000000) return "h" + value;
if (value<100000000) return "i" + value;
if (value<1000000000) return "j" + value;
return "k" + value;
// Helper classes to support axis iteration
* AxisFilter is an iterator that applies a NodeTest filter to
* the nodes returned by an underlying AxisIterator.
public static class AxisFilter extends AxisIteratorImpl {
private int last = -1;
* Construct a AxisFilter
* @param base the underlying iterator that returns all the nodes on
* a required axis. This must not be an atomizing iterator!
* @param test a NodeTest that is applied to each node returned by the
* underlying AxisIterator; only those nodes that pass the NodeTest are
* returned by the AxisFilter
public AxisFilter(AxisIterator base, NodeTest test) {
this.base = base;
this.nodeTest = test;
position = 0;
public Item next() {
while (true) {
current =;
if (current == null) {
return null;
NodeInfo n = (NodeInfo)current;
if (nodeTest.matches(n.getNodeKind(),
n.getTypeAnnotation())) {
return current;
public int getLastPosition() {
// To find out how many nodes there are in the axis, we
// make a copy of the original node enumeration, and run through
// the whole thing again, counting how many nodes match the filter.
if (last>=0) {
return last;
last = 0;
AxisIterator b = (AxisIterator)base.getAnother();
while (true) {
NodeInfo n = (NodeInfo);
if (n == null) {
return last;
if (nodeTest.matches(n.getNodeKind(),
n.getTypeAnnotation())) {
public SequenceIterator getAnother() {
return new AxisFilter((AxisIterator)base.getAnother(), nodeTest);