blob: b1c934bf26d716fab9d783d48b06f152d7c38c3a [file] [log] [blame]
package g5.m.ref;
import g5.m.def.*;
public class RefMultiple {
// Test methods calls
void test() {
Multiple<Object, Exception, RuntimeException> gm = new Multiple<Object, Exception, RuntimeException>();
// Test reference to a standard method
gm.standard(new Object(), new Exception(), new RuntimeException());
// Test reference to a generic method
gm.<Object, Exception, RuntimeException>generic(new Object(), new Exception(), new RuntimeException());
// Test reference to a method returning a parameterized type
gm = gm.returnParamType();
// Test reference to a method with parameterized type arguments
gm.paramTypesArgs(new Single<Object>(), new Single<Exception>(), new Single<RuntimeException>(), gm);
// Test reference to a generic method returning a param type with param type parameters (=full)
gm = gm.<Object, Exception, RuntimeException>complete(new Object(), new Exception(), new RuntimeException(), gm);
// Test methods calls to a generic parameterized with ?
void testUnbound() {
Multiple<?,?,?> gm = new Multiple();
gm.paramTypesArgs(new Single<Object>(), new Single<Object>(), new Single<Object>(), gm);
gm = gm.returnParamType();
// Test methods calls to a generic parameterized with ? extends Throwable
void testExtends() {
Multiple<Object, ? extends Throwable, ? extends Exception> gm = new Multiple<Object, Exception, RuntimeException>();
gm.<Object, RuntimeException, RuntimeException>generic(new Object(), new RuntimeException(), new RuntimeException());
gm.paramTypesArgs(new Single<Object>(), new Single<Throwable>(), new Single<Exception>(), gm);
gm = gm.returnParamType();
gm = gm.<Object, RuntimeException, RuntimeException>complete(new Object(), new RuntimeException(), new RuntimeException(), gm);
// Test methods calls to a generic parameterized with ? super RuntimeException
void testSuper() {
Multiple<Object, ? super RuntimeException, ? super IllegalMonitorStateException> gm = new Multiple<Object, Exception, RuntimeException>();
gm.<Object, RuntimeException, IllegalMonitorStateException>generic(new Object(), new RuntimeException(), new IllegalMonitorStateException());
gm.paramTypesArgs(new Single<Object>(), new Single<RuntimeException>(), new Single<RuntimeException>(), gm);
gm = gm.returnParamType();
gm = gm.<Object, RuntimeException, IllegalMonitorStateException>complete(new Object(), new RuntimeException(), new IllegalMonitorStateException(), gm);