blob: 3f537ce3e0ce09629c188e11a59d62a0acd936c3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jst.jsf.validation.internal.el.operators;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.internal.types.LiteralType;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.internal.types.SignatureBasedType;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.internal.types.TypeCoercer;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.internal.types.TypeConstants;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.common.internal.types.ValueType;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.context.symbol.internal.provisional.IMethodSymbol;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.context.symbol.internal.provisional.IObjectSymbol;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.context.symbol.internal.provisional.IPropertySymbol;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.context.symbol.internal.provisional.ISymbol;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.context.symbol.internal.util.IMethodSymbolBasedType;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.context.symbol.internal.util.IObjectSymbolBasedValueType;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.core.internal.JSFCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.designtime.internal.provisional.DesignTimeApplicationManager;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.designtime.internal.provisional.el.AbstractDTMethodResolver;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.designtime.internal.provisional.el.AbstractDTPropertyResolver;
import org.eclipse.jst.jsf.validation.internal.el.diagnostics.DiagnosticFactory;
* Super-class for all operators whose function is to access members of an
* EL object. i.e. the "." and "[]" operators
* @author cbateman
public abstract class MemberAccessorOperator
* The source file for the EL expression in which this operator
* is being evaluated.
protected final IFile _file;
// TODO: need to reconcile with BinaryOperator? performOperation must return
// SignatureBasedType since it may return a method. This can't happen
// with other operators (besides eqiv [])
* @param file
protected MemberAccessorOperator(final IFile file)
_file = file;
* @param firstArg
* @param secondArg
* @return the result of validating the dot operation with these arguments.
public Diagnostic validate(ValueType firstArg, ValueType secondArg)
if (!(firstArg instanceof IObjectSymbolBasedValueType))
throw new AssertionError("The first argument of the dot operator must always be a symbol resolvable value type");
if (TypeCoercer.typeIsNull(secondArg.getSignature()))
return DiagnosticFactory.create_BINARY_OP_DOT_WITH_VALUEB_NULL();
final IObjectSymbolBasedValueType firstArgSymbol =
(IObjectSymbolBasedValueType) firstArg;
if (secondArg instanceof LiteralType)
final IObjectSymbol curBaseSymbol = firstArgSymbol.getSymbol();
final ISymbol nextSymbol =
// if the x in x.y is an unconstrained map an it returns
// a java.lang.Object, then return null. We can't really say
// anything meaningful about such a property anyway.
// TODO: do we need to refine the type descriptor on such
// a property object to make this more precise?
if (curBaseSymbol.supportsCoercion(TypeConstants.TYPE_MAP)
&& nextSymbol instanceof IPropertySymbol
&& TypeConstants.TYPE_JAVAOBJECT.equals(((IPropertySymbol)nextSymbol).getTypeDescriptor().getTypeSignature()))
// if we get a symbol back that's a generic object coming from a map
// then stop validating; we can't tell anything for sure
return Diagnostic.OK_INSTANCE;
if (nextSymbol == null)
return DiagnosticFactory.create_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND(((LiteralType)secondArg).getLiteralValue()
return Diagnostic.OK_INSTANCE;
* @param firstArg
* @param secondArg
* @return the resolved type for the operation or null if not computable
public SignatureBasedType performOperation(ValueType firstArg, ValueType secondArg)
if (firstArg instanceof IObjectSymbolBasedValueType)
return handlePerformSymbolDotValue((IObjectSymbolBasedValueType)firstArg, secondArg);
return null;
* @param firstArg -- represents value-a (expr-a after step 1) in JSP.2.3.4
* @param secondArg -- represents value-b (expr-b after step 3) in JSP.2.3.4
* @return the new ValueType for this operation or null
protected SignatureBasedType handlePerformSymbolDotValue(IObjectSymbolBasedValueType firstArg
, ValueType secondArg)
if (secondArg instanceof LiteralType)
// per JSP.2.3.4, if value-b is null, then return null (not literal null)
if (TypeCoercer.typeIsNull(secondArg.getSignature()))
return null;
ISymbol symbol =
getMemberSymbol(firstArg.getSymbol(), ((LiteralType)secondArg).getLiteralValueRaw());
if (symbol instanceof IPropertySymbol)
// // if we get back a bounded property, then
// if (firstArg.getSymbol().supportsCoercion(TypeConstants.TYPE_MAP)
// && TypeConstants.TYPE_JAVAOBJECT.equals(((IPropertySymbol)symbol).getTypeDescriptor().getTypeSignature()))
// {
// // TODO: another draw back of this is that assignability is lost
// // even if java type can't determined. This cannot be a permanent
// // solution.
// return null;
// }
return new IObjectSymbolBasedValueType((IPropertySymbol)symbol);
else if (symbol instanceof IMethodSymbol)
return new IMethodSymbolBasedType((IMethodSymbol) symbol);
// fall-through and return null
// if we don't have a literal value with which to derive value-b, then
// we can't get a property
return null;
* @param symbol
* @param name
* @return the member symbol of 'symbol' corresponding to 'name' or
* null if there is no such member
protected ISymbol getMemberSymbol(final IObjectSymbol symbol, final Object name)
ISymbol memberSymbol = getPropertySymbol(symbol, name);
if (memberSymbol != null)
return memberSymbol;
memberSymbol = getMethodSymbol(symbol, name);
// otherwise, see if it's a valid method
if (memberSymbol != null)
return memberSymbol;
// if not a property or method, then not a valid member
return null;
* @param symbol
* @param name
* @return the property symbol called name relative to 'symbol' or null
* if one doesn't exist
protected ISymbol getPropertySymbol(final ISymbol symbol, final Object name)
AbstractDTPropertyResolver resolver = getPropertyResolver();
if (resolver != null)
return resolver.getProperty(symbol,name);
JSFCorePlugin.log("Error acquiring property resolver", new Throwable());
return null;
* @param symbol
* @param name
* @return the method symbol on 'symbol' corresponding to
* 'name' or null if no such member
protected IMethodSymbol getMethodSymbol(final IObjectSymbol symbol, final Object name)
AbstractDTMethodResolver resolver = getMethodResolver();
if (resolver != null)
return resolver.getMethod(symbol, name);
JSFCorePlugin.log("Error acquiring property resolver", new Throwable());
return null;
* @return the property resolver for the current source file
protected AbstractDTPropertyResolver getPropertyResolver()
* @return the method resolver for the current source file
protected AbstractDTMethodResolver getMethodResolver()