blob: f06418c5172f49c2a108f629b3e3cc9f74f02082 [file] [log] [blame]
EL_EXPR_MUST_BE_IN_HASH_BRACES_ID=EL expression must be of the form #{expression}
SYNTAX_ERROR_IN_EL_ID=Syntax error in EL
CANNOT_FIND_CLASS_NAME_ID=Cannot find fully qualified class: {0}
FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_MUST_BE_A_CLASS_ID=Fully qualified name must be a class: {0}
CLASS_MUST_BE_INSTANCE_OF_ID=Class {0} must {1} the type {2}
CLASS_MUST_BE_CONCRETE_ID=Class {0} must be concrete (not abstract)
API_DEPRECATED_AFTER_VERSION_ID=API {0} is deprecated after JSF {1}. Use {2} instead.
BEAN_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND_ID=Bean property {0} not found on parent class {1}
MUST_BE_A_VALID_JAVA_IDENT_ID={0} must be a valid Java identifier
BEAN_SCOPE_NOT_VALID_ID=Managed bean scope must be one of: request, session, application, none
MAP_ENTRIES_CAN_ONLY_BE_SET_ON_MAP_TYPE_ID=Map entries can only be set on objects of type Map. {0} is not an instance of type java.util.Map
LIST_ENTRIES_CAN_ONLY_BE_SET_ON_LIST_TYPE_ID=List entries can only be set on objects of type List. {0} is not an instance of type java.util.List