blob: c8eef1a5a8e16666421180fa65fde189d34f925b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2006 Oracle Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Oracle Corporation - initial API and implementation
log.StartMessage=Faces Config Editor initialized on eclipse version {0}.
# Resource message for Logging
log.EditorPlugin=Faces Config Editor Plugin initialized on eclipse version {0}.
log.EditorPlugin.image.error=Image {0} not found.
# Resource message for Alert
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorOpenEditorTitle = Open Pageflow Error
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorOpenEditorInfo = An error occured during opening the editor.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorSaveFileTitle = Save Pageflow Error
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorSaveFileInfo = The current pageflow model could not be saved.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.nullModelManager = No model manager found for saving the file.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorOpenEditor4JSFTitle = Open JSF File Error
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorOpenEditor4JSFInfo = The JSF file ''{0}'' does not exist.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorOpenEditor4JSFFolderInfo = Cannot open the page in the page editor.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.confirmCreateNewJSFFileTitle = Confirm
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.confirmCreateNewJSFFile = No jsp file is related with this page.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.syncWithFacesConfigTitle = Confirm
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.syncWithFacesConfigInfo = Synchronizing with faces-config will update the current pageflow model! \nThis command CAN NOT undo. Are you sure?
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorSyncPageflowModel = The current pageflow model could not be synchronized with the specified faces-config file.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.updateFacesConfigTitle = Confirm
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.updateFacesConfigInfo = Update the related faces config file! are you sure?
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.errorUpdateFacesConfig = The related faces-config file could not be updated!
Pageflow.Transform.Alert.ResourceTitle = Resource Error
Pageflow.Transform.Alert.LoadResourceError = Error loading resource
Pageflow.Transform.Alert.SaveResourceError = Error saving resource
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.DNDResourceTitle = Pageflow Creation Error
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.ExistingPage = The web page {0} is already existed in current PageFlow.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.ExistingAction = The action {0} is already existed in current PageFlow.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Alert.PageFromOtherProject = The web page {0} does not belong to current project.
Pageflow.FacesConfig.Alert.ResourceTitle = Faces Configuration File Warning
Pageflow.FacesConfig.Alert.LoadFileError = Invalid content in faces configuration file ''{0}''.
Pageflow.FacesConfig.Alert.ErrorUpdateFacesConfigFromPageflow = Invalid content in faces configuration file. \nThe pageflow diagram can not be transformed.
Pageflow.FacesConfig.Alert.SaveFileError = Failed to save faces configuration file ''{0}''.
ManagedBeanInitializationSection.Remove.Title = Confirm Remove
ManagedBeanInitializationSection.RemoveManagedProperty = Are you sure you want to remove all the managed-properties?
ManagedBeanInitializationSection.RemoveMapEntries = Are you sure you want to remove map-entries?
ManagedBeanInitializationSection.RemoveListEntries = Are you sure you want to remove list-entries?
Alert.Error.CompletionProcessor.HTML.AttributeCompletionProp=No completions found
Alert.Info.JSPPageEditorContributor.CreateAction.Message=Sample Action Executed
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.invalidPageflowFile = The specified input is not a valid pageflow.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.invalidPageflowModel = The model in the pageflow file is not a valid pageflow model.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.canNotOpenEditor4JSF = The jsf file can not be opened in the editor.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.ResourceChange = Failed in the resource change.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.canNotShowPropertyView = Failed to show property sheet view.
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.canNotShowPaletteView = Failed to show palette sheet view.
Pageflow.PageflowResources.Error.invalidResourceBundle = The specified resource file is not a valid resourece bundle file.
Pageflow.Transform.Resource.LoadError = Error loading resource {0}
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.UnableRemoveAllMarkers = Unable to remove all markers
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.UnableAddMarker = Unable to add a marker
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.UnableRemoveMarker = Unable to remove a marker
Pageflow.PageflowEditor.Error.invalidMarkerAttribute = Unable to get marker's attribute
PageflowEditor.Encoding.Unsupported = Unsupported Encoding.
PageflowEditor.Transform.Error.GetPageflowFromFacesConfig = Failed to get pageflow model from faces-config'a navigation rule.