blob: d1124c6b3a84695caa993b602af6dee2afe5fa92 [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* </copyright>
* $Id:,v 1.1 2010/03/18 06:24:28 cbateman Exp $
package org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* A representation of the model object '<em><b>Facelet Taglib Tag</b></em>'.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* <!-- begin-model-doc -->
* If the tag library XML file contains individual tag
* declarations rather than pointing to a library-class or a
* declaring a composite-library name, the individual tags are
* enclosed in tag elements.
* <!-- end-model-doc -->
* <p>
* The following features are supported:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getTagNameElement <em>Tag Name Element</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getHandlerClassElement <em>Handler Class Element</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getBehavior <em>Behavior</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getComponent <em>Component</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getConverter <em>Converter</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getValidator <em>Validator</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getSource <em>Source</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getAttribute <em>Attribute</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getTagExtension <em>Tag Extension</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getTagName <em>Tag Name</em>}</li>
* <li>{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getHandlerClass <em>Handler Class</em>}</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag()
* @model extendedMetaData="name='facelet-taglib-tagType' kind='elementOnly'"
* @generated
public interface FaceletTaglibTag extends UserVisibleTaglibObject
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Tag Name Element</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Tag Name Element</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Tag Name Element</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setTagNameElement(FaceletTaglibCanonicalName)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_TagNameElement()
* @model containment="true" required="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='tag-name' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
FaceletTaglibCanonicalName getTagNameElement();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getTagNameElement <em>Tag Name Element</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Tag Name Element</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getTagNameElement()
* @generated
void setTagNameElement(FaceletTaglibCanonicalName value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Handler Class Element</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Handler Class Element</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Handler Class Element</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setHandlerClassElement(FullyQualifiedClass)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_HandlerClassElement()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='handler-class' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
FullyQualifiedClass getHandlerClassElement();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getHandlerClassElement <em>Handler Class Element</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Handler Class Element</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getHandlerClassElement()
* @generated
void setHandlerClassElement(FullyQualifiedClass value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Tag Name</b></em>' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Tag Name</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Tag Name</em>' attribute.
* @see #setTagName(String)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_TagName()
* @model transient="true" volatile="true"
* @generated
String getTagName();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getTagName <em>Tag Name</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Tag Name</em>' attribute.
* @see #getTagName()
* @generated
void setTagName(String value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Handler Class</b></em>' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Handle Class</em>' attribute isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Handler Class</em>' attribute.
* @see #setHandlerClass(String)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_HandlerClass()
* @model transient="true" volatile="true"
* @generated
String getHandlerClass();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getHandlerClass <em>Handler Class</em>}' attribute.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Handler Class</em>' attribute.
* @see #getHandlerClass()
* @generated
void setHandlerClass(String value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Behavior</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Behavior</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Behavior</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setBehavior(FaceletTaglibTagBehavior)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_Behavior()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='behavior' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
FaceletTaglibTagBehavior getBehavior();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getBehavior <em>Behavior</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Behavior</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getBehavior()
* @generated
void setBehavior(FaceletTaglibTagBehavior value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Component</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Component</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Component</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setComponent(FaceletTaglibTagComponent)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_Component()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='component' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
FaceletTaglibTagComponent getComponent();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getComponent <em>Component</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Component</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getComponent()
* @generated
void setComponent(FaceletTaglibTagComponent value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Converter</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Converter</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Converter</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setConverter(FaceletTaglibTagConverter)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_Converter()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='converter' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
FaceletTaglibTagConverter getConverter();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getConverter <em>Converter</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Converter</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getConverter()
* @generated
void setConverter(FaceletTaglibTagConverter value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Validator</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Validator</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Validator</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setValidator(FaceletTaglibTagValidator)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_Validator()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='validator' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
FaceletTaglibTagValidator getValidator();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getValidator <em>Validator</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Validator</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getValidator()
* @generated
void setValidator(FaceletTaglibTagValidator value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Source</b></em>' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Source</em>' containment reference isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Source</em>' containment reference.
* @see #setSource(IdentifiableStringValue)
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_Source()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='source' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
IdentifiableStringValue getSource();
* Sets the value of the '{@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTag#getSource <em>Source</em>}' containment reference.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param value the new value of the '<em>Source</em>' containment reference.
* @see #getSource()
* @generated
void setSource(IdentifiableStringValue value);
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Attribute</b></em>' containment reference list.
* The list contents are of type {@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTagAttribute}.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Attribute</em>' containment reference list isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Attribute</em>' containment reference list.
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_Attribute()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='attribute' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
EList<FaceletTaglibTagAttribute> getAttribute();
* Returns the value of the '<em><b>Tag Extension</b></em>' containment reference list.
* The list contents are of type {@link org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibTagExtension}.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <p>
* If the meaning of the '<em>Tag Extension</em>' containment reference list isn't clear,
* there really should be more of a description here...
* </p>
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the value of the '<em>Tag Extension</em>' containment reference list.
* @see org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facelet.core.internal.registry.taglib.faceletTaglib.FaceletTaglibPackage#getFaceletTaglibTag_TagExtension()
* @model containment="true"
* extendedMetaData="kind='element' name='tag-extension' namespace='##targetNamespace'"
* @generated
EList<FaceletTaglibTagExtension> getTagExtension();
} // FaceletTaglibTag