blob: f99ebcf53f352daac7c2e7e0a4293d8c3081861a [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Sierra Wireless.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kevin KIN-FOO <>
-- - initial API and implementation and initial documentation
-- Load documentation generator and update its path
local templateengine = require 'templateengine'
for name, def in pairs( require 'template.utils' ) do
templateengine.env [ name ] = def
-- Load documentation extractor and set handled languages
local lddextractor = require 'lddextractor'
local M = {}
M.defaultsitemainpagename = 'index'
function M.generatedocforfiles(filenames, cssname,noheuristic)
if not filenames then return nil, 'No files provided.' end
-- Generate API model elements for all files
local generatedfiles = {}
local wrongfiles = {}
for _, filename in pairs( filenames ) do
-- Load file content
local file, error =, 'r')
if not file then return nil, 'Unable to read "'..filename..'"\n'..err end
local code = file:read('*all')
-- Get module for current file
local apimodule, err = lddextractor.generateapimodule(filename, code,noheuristic)
-- Handle modules with module name
if apimodule and then
generatedfiles[ ] = apimodule
elseif not apimodule then
-- Track faulty files
table.insert(wrongfiles, 'Unable to extract comments from "'..filename..'".\n'..err)
elseif not then
-- Do not generate documentation for unnamed modules
table.insert(wrongfiles, 'Unable to create documentation for "'..filename..'", no module name provided.')
-- Defining index, which will summarize all modules
local index = {
modules = generatedfiles,
name = M.defaultsitemainpagename,
generatedfiles[ M.defaultsitemainpagename ] = index
-- Define page cursor
local page = {
currentmodule = nil,
headers = { [[<link rel="stylesheet" href="]].. cssname ..[[" type="text/css"/>]] },
modules = generatedfiles,
tag = 'page'
-- Iterate over modules, generating complete doc pages
for _, module in pairs( generatedfiles ) do
-- Update current cursor page
page.currentmodule = module
-- Generate page
local content, error = templateengine.applytemplate(page)
if not content then return nil, error end
module.body = content
return generatedfiles, wrongfiles
return M