blob: e369b995454548be8d6b2b877e8fb628a82fd897 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
local walk = require 'metalua.treequery.walk'
local M = { }
-- support for old-style modules
treequery = M
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- multimap helper mmap: associate a key to a set of values
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local function mmap_add (mmap, node, x)
if node==nil then return false end
local set = mmap[node]
if set then set[x] = true
else mmap[node] = {[x]=true} end
-- currently unused, I throw the whole set away
local function mmap_remove (mmap, node, x)
local set = mmap[node]
if not set then return false
elseif not set[x] then return false
elseif next(set) then set[x]=nil
else mmap[node] = nil end
return true
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TreeQuery object.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local ACTIVE_SCOPE = setmetatable({ }, {__mode="k"})
-- treequery metatable
local Q = { }; Q.__index = Q
--- treequery constructor
-- the resultingg object will allow to filter ans operate on the AST
-- @param root the AST to visit
-- @return a treequery visitor instance
function M.treequery(root)
return setmetatable({
root = root,
unsatisfied = 0,
predicates = { },
until_up = { },
from_up = { },
up_f = false,
down_f = false,
filters = { },
}, Q)
-- helper to share the implementations of positional filters
local function add_pos_filter(self, position, inverted, inclusive, f, ...)
if type(f)=='string' then f = M.has_tag(f, ...) end
if not inverted then self.unsatisfied += 1 end
local x = {
pred = f,
position = position,
satisfied = false,
inverted = inverted or false,
inclusive = inclusive or false }
table.insert(self.predicates, x)
return self
function Q :if_unknown(f)
self.unknown_handler = f or (||nil)
return self
-- TODO: offer an API for inclusive pos_filters
--- select nodes which are after one which satisfies predicate f
Q.after = |self, f, ...| add_pos_filter(self, 'after', false, false, f, ...)
--- select nodes which are not after one which satisfies predicate f
Q.not_after = |self, f, ...| add_pos_filter(self, 'after', true, false, f, ...)
--- select nodes which are under one which satisfies predicate f
Q.under = |self, f, ...| add_pos_filter(self, 'under', false, false, f, ...)
--- select nodes which are not under one which satisfies predicate f
Q.not_under = |self, f, ...| add_pos_filter(self, 'under', true, false, f, ...)
--- select nodes which satisfy predicate f
function Q :filter(f, ...)
if type(f)=='string' then f = M.has_tag(f, ...) end
table.insert(self.filters, f);
return self
--- select nodes which satisfy predicate f
function Q :filter_not(f, ...)
if type(f)=='string' then f = M.has_tag(f, ...) end
table.insert(self.filters, |...| not f(...))
return self
-- private helper: apply filters and execute up/down callbacks when applicable
function Q :execute()
local cfg = { }
-- TODO: optimize away not_under & not_after by pruning the tree
function cfg.down(...)
--printf ("[down]\t%s\t%s", self.unsatisfied, table.tostring((...)))
ACTIVE_SCOPE[...] = cfg.scope
local satisfied = self.unsatisfied==0
for _, x in ipairs(self.predicates) do
if not x.satisfied and x.pred(...) then
x.satisfied = true
local node, parent = ...
local inc = x.inverted and 1 or -1
if x.position=='under' then
-- satisfied from after we get down this node...
self.unsatisfied += inc
-- ...until before we get up this node
mmap_add(self.until_up, node, x)
elseif x.position=='after' then
-- satisfied from after we get up this node...
mmap_add(self.from_up, node, x)
-- ...until before we get up this node's parent
mmap_add(self.until_up, parent, x)
elseif x.position=='under_or_after' then
-- satisfied from after we get down this node...
self.satisfied += inc
-- ...until before we get up this node's parent...
mmap_add(self.until_up, parent, x)
error "position not understood"
end -- position
if x.inclusive then satisfied = self.unsatisfied==0 end
end -- predicate passed
end -- for predicates
if satisfied then
for _, f in ipairs(self.filters) do
if not f(...) then satisfied=false; break end
if satisfied and self.down_f then self.down_f(...) end
function cfg.up(...)
--printf ("[up]\t%s", table.tostring((...)))
-- Remove predicates which are due before we go up this node
local preds = self.until_up[...]
if preds then
for x, _ in pairs(preds) do
local inc = x.inverted and -1 or 1
self.unsatisfied += inc
x.satisfied = false
self.until_up[...] = nil
-- Execute the up callback
-- TODO: cache the filter passing result from the down callback
-- TODO: skip if there's no callback
local satisfied = self.unsatisfied==0
if satisfied then
for _, f in ipairs(self.filters) do
if not f(self, ...) then satisfied=false; break end
if satisfied and self.up_f then self.up_f(...) end
-- Set predicate which are due after we go up this node
local preds = self.from_up[...]
if preds then
for p, _ in pairs(preds) do
local inc = p.inverted and 1 or -1
self.unsatisfied += inc
self.from_up[...] = nil
ACTIVE_SCOPE[...] = nil
function cfg.binder(id_node, ...)
--printf(" >>> Binder called on %s, %s", table.tostring(id_node),
-- table.tostring{...}:sub(2,-2))
cfg.down(id_node, ...)
cfg.up(id_node, ...)
--printf("down/up on binder done")
cfg.unknown = self.unknown_handler
--function cfg.occurrence (binder, occ)
-- if binder then OCC2BIND[occ] = binder[1] end
--printf(" >>> %s is an occurrence of %s", occ[1], table.tostring(binder and binder[2]))
--function cfg.binder(...) cfg.down(...); cfg.up(...) end
return walk.guess(cfg, self.root)
--- Execute a function on each selected node
-- @down: function executed when we go down a node, i.e. before its children
-- have been examined.
-- @up: function executed when we go up a node, i.e. after its children
-- have been examined.
function Q :foreach(down, up)
if not up and not down then
error "iterator missing"
self.up_f = up
self.down_f = down
return self :execute()
--- Return the list of nodes selected by a given treequery.
function Q :list()
local acc = { }
self :foreach(|x| table.insert(acc, x))
return acc
--- Return the first matching element
-- TODO: dirty hack, to implement properly with a 'break' return.
-- Also, it won't behave correctly if a predicate causes an error,
-- or if coroutines are involved.
function Q :first()
local result = { }
local function f(...) result = {...}; error() end
pcall(|| self :foreach(f))
return unpack(result)
--- Pretty printer for queries
function Q :__tostring() return "<treequery>" end
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Predicates.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Return a predicate which is true if the tested node's tag is among the
-- one listed as arguments
-- @param ... a sequence of tag names
function M.has_tag(...)
local args = {...}
if #args==1 then
local tag = ...
return (|node| node.tag==tag)
--return function(self, node) printf("node %s has_tag %s?", table.tostring(node), tag); return node.tag==tag end
local tags = { }
for _, tag in ipairs(args) do tags[tag]=true end
return function(node)
local node_tag = node.tag
return node_tag and tags[node_tag]
--- Predicate to test whether a node represents an expression.
M.is_expr = M.has_tag('Nil', 'Dots', 'True', 'False', 'Number','String',
'Function', 'Table', 'Op', 'Paren', 'Call', 'Invoke',
'Id', 'Index')
-- helper for is_stat
local STAT_TAGS = { Do=1, Set=1, While=1, Repeat=1, If=1, Fornum=1,
Forin=1, Local=1, Localrec=1, Return=1, Break=1 }
--- Predicate to test whether a node represents a statement.
-- It is context-aware, i.e. it recognizes `Call and `Invoke nodes
-- used in a statement context as such.
function M.is_stat(node, parent)
local tag = node.tag
if not tag then return false
elseif STAT_TAGS[tag] then return true
elseif tag=='Call' or tag=='Invoke' then return parent and parent.tag==nil
else return false end
--- Predicate to test whether a node represents a statements block.
function M.is_block(node) return node.tag==nil end
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Variables and scopes.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Local=true, Localrec=true, Forin=true, Function=true }
--- Test whether a node is a binder. This is local predicate, although it
-- might need to inspect the parent node.
function M.is_binder(node, parent)
--printf('is_binder(%s, %s)', table.tostring(node), table.tostring(parent))
if node.tag ~= 'Id' or not parent then return false end
if parent.tag=='Fornum' then return parent[1]==node end
if not BINDER_PARENT_TAG[parent.tag] then return false end
for _, binder in ipairs(parent[1]) do
if binder==node then return true end
return false
--- Retrieve the binder associated to an occurrence within root.
-- @param occurrence an Id node representing an occurrence in `root`.
-- @param root the tree in which `node` and its binder occur.
-- @return the binder node, and its ancestors up to root if found.
-- @return nil if node is global (or not an occurrence) in `root`.
function M.binder(occurrence, root)
local cfg, id_name, result = { }, occurrence[1], { }
function cfg.occurrence(id)
if id == occurrence then result = cfg.scope :get(id_name) end
-- TODO: break the walker
walk.guess(cfg, root)
return unpack(result)
--- Predicate to filter occurrences of a given binder.
-- Warning: it relies on internal scope book-keeping,
-- and for this reason, it only works as query method argument.
-- It won't work outside of a query.
-- @param binder the binder whose occurrences must be kept by predicate
-- @return a predicate
-- function M.is_occurrence_of(binder)
-- return function(node, ...)
-- if node.tag ~= 'Id' then return nil end
-- if M.is_binder(node, ...) then return nil end
-- local scope = ACTIVE_SCOPE[node]
-- if not scope then return nil end
-- local result = scope :get (node[1]) or { }
-- if result[1] ~= binder then return nil end
-- return unpack(result)
-- end
-- end
function M.is_occurrence_of(binder)
return function(node, ...)
local b = M.get_binder(node)
return b and b==binder
function M.get_binder(occurrence, ...)
if occurrence.tag ~= 'Id' then return nil end
if M.is_binder(occurrence, ...) then return nil end
local scope = ACTIVE_SCOPE[occurrence]
local binder_hierarchy = scope :get(occurrence[1])
return unpack (binder_hierarchy or { })
--- Transform a predicate on a node into a predicate on this node's
-- parent. For instance if p tests whether a node has property P,
-- then parent(p) tests whether this node's parent has property P.
-- The ancestor level is precised with n, with 1 being the node itself,
-- 2 its parent, 3 its grand-parent etc.
-- @param[optional] n the parent to examine, default=2
-- @param pred the predicate to transform
-- @return a predicate
function M.parent(n, pred, ...)
if type(n)~='number' then n, pred = 2, n end
if type(pred)=='string' then pred = M.has_tag(pred, ...) end
return function(self, ...)
return select(n, ...) and pred(self, select(n, ...))
--- Transform a predicate on a node into a predicate on this node's
-- n-th child.
-- @param n the child's index number
-- @param pred the predicate to transform
-- @return a predicate
function M.child(n, pred)
return function(node, ...)
local child = node[n]
return child and pred(child, node, ...)
--- Predicate to test the position of a node in its parent.
-- The predicate succeeds if the node is the n-th child of its parent,
-- and a <= n <= b.
-- nth(a) is equivalent to nth(a, a).
-- Negative indices are admitted, and count from the last child,
-- as done for instance by string.sub().
-- TODO: This is wrong, this tests the table relationship rather than the
-- AST node relationship.
-- Must build a getindex helper, based on pattern matching, then build
-- the predicate around it.
-- @param a lower bound
-- @param a upper bound
-- @return a predicate
function M.is_nth(a, b)
b = b or a
return function(self, node, parent)
if not parent then return false end
local nchildren = #parent
local a = a<=0 and nchildren+a+1 or a
if a>nchildren then return false end
local b = b<=0 and nchildren+b+1 or b>nchildren and nchildren or b
for i=a,b do if parent[i]==node then return true end end
return false
--- Returns a list of the direct children of AST node `ast`.
-- Children are only expressions, statements and blocks,
-- not intermediates such as `Pair` nodes or internal lists
-- in `Local` or `Set` nodes.
-- Children are returned in parsing order, which isn't necessarily
-- the same as source code order. For instance, the right-hand-side
-- of a `Local` node is listed before the left-hand-side, because
-- semantically the right is evaluated before the variables on the
-- left enter scope.
-- @param ast the node whose children are needed
-- @return a list of the direct children of `ast`
function M.children(ast)
local acc = { }
local cfg = { }
function cfg.down(x)
if x~=ast then table.insert(acc, x); return 'break' end
walk.guess(cfg, ast)
return acc
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Comments parsing.
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local comment_extractor = |which_side| function (node)
local x = node.lineinfo
x = x and x[which_side]
x = x and x.comments
if not x then return nil end
local lines = { }
for _, record in ipairs(x) do
table.insert(lines, record[1])
return table.concat(lines, '\n')
M.comment_prefix = comment_extractor 'first'
M.comment_suffix = comment_extractor 'last'
--- Shortcut for the query constructor
function M :__call(...) return self.treequery(...) end
setmetatable(M, M)
return M