blob: ef9e1f9841177710319662fbd054f1f800e85b51 [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2012 Sierra Wireless.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Kevin KIN-FOO <>
-- - initial API and implementation and initial documentation
<div id="content">
# --
# -- Module name
# --
# if then
<h$(i)>Module <code>$(</code></h$(i)>
# end
# --
# -- Descriptions
# --
# if _file.shortdescription then
$( format(_file.shortdescription) )
# end
# if _file.description and #_file.description > 0 then
$( format(_file.description) )
# end
# --
# -- Handle "@usage" special tag
# --
#if _file.metadata and _file.metadata.usage then
$( applytemplate(_file.metadata.usage, i+1) )
# --
# -- Show quick description of current type
# --
# -- show quick description for globals
# if not isempty(_file.globalvars) then
<table class="function_list">
# for _, item in sortedpairs(_file.globalvars) do
<td class="name" nowrap="nowrap">$( fulllinkto(item) )</td>
<td class="summary">$( format(item.shortdescription) )</td>
# end
# end
# -- get type corresponding to this file (module)
# local currenttype
# local typeref = _file:moduletyperef()
# if typeref and typeref.tag == "internaltyperef" then
# local typedef = _file.types[typeref.typename]
# if typedef and typedef.tag == "recordtypedef" then
# currenttype = typedef
# end
# end
# -- show quick description type exposed by module
# if currenttype and (not isempty(currenttype.fields) or currenttype:getcalldef()) then
<h$(i+1)><a id="$(anchor(currenttype))" >Type <code>$(</code></a></h$(i+1)>
$( applytemplate(currenttype, i+2, 'index') )
# end
# --
# -- Show quick description of other types
# --
# if _file.types then
# for name, type in sortedpairs( _file.types ) do
# if type ~= currenttype and type.tag == 'recordtypedef' and (not isempty(type.fields) or type:getcalldef()) then
<h$(i+1)><a id="$(anchor(type))">Type <code>$(name)</code></a></h$(i+1)>
$( applytemplate(type, i+2, 'index') )
# end
# end
# end
# --
# -- Long description of globals
# --
# if not isempty(_file.globalvars) then
# for name, item in sortedpairs(_file.globalvars) do
$( applytemplate(item, i+2) )
# end
# end
# --
# -- Long description of current type
# --
# if currenttype then
<h$(i+1)><a id="$(anchor(currenttype))" >Type <code>$(</code></a></h$(i+1)>
$( applytemplate(currenttype, i+2) )
# end
# --
# -- Long description of other types
# --
# if not isempty( _file.types ) then
# for name, type in sortedpairs( _file.types ) do
# if type ~= currenttype and type.tag == 'recordtypedef' then
<h$(i+1)><a id="$(anchor(type))" >Type <code>$(name)</code></a></h$(i+1)>
$( applytemplate(type, i+2) )
# end
# end
# end