blob: fbd0f87e788f09e6012c7a21351e4d72a58e769e [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
require "metalua.walk"
-- * [loop_tags] are the tags of statements which support continue.
-- * [loop_keywords] are the initial keywords which trigger the parsing
-- of these statements: they're indeed indexed by keyword in [mlp.stat].
local loop_tags = table.transpose{ "Forin", "Fornum", "While", "Repeat" }
local loop_keywords = { "for", "while", "repeat" }
-- This function takes the AST of a continue-enabled loop, parse
-- its body to find all instances of [`Continue]. If any of them
-- is found ([label~=nil]), they're transformed in [`Goto{...}], and
-- the corresponding label is added at the end of the loop's body.
-- Caveat: if a [continue] appears in the non-body part of a loop
-- (and therefore is relative to some enclosing loop), it isn't
-- handled, and therefore causes a compilation error. This could
-- only happen due in a [`Stat{ }], however, since [`Function{ }]
-- cuts the search for [`Continue].
local function loop_transformer (ast)
local label
local cfg = { stat = { }; expr = { } }
function cfg.stat.down (x)
if loop_tags[x.tag] then return 'break'
elseif x.tag=='Continue' then
if not label then label = mlp.gensym 'continue' end
x <- `Goto{ label }
function cfg.expr.down (x)
return x.tag=='Function' and 'break'
local loop_body = ast.tag=="Repeat" and ast[1] or ast[#ast]
walk.block (cfg, loop_body)
if label then table.insert (loop_body, `Label{ label }) end
-- Register the transformer for each kind of loop:
for keyword in values (loop_keywords) do
mlp.stat:get(keyword).transformers:add (loop_transformer)
mlp.lexer:add "continue"
mlp.stat:add{ "continue", builder = ||`Continue }