blob: a8e30c8b1dac06e44e5beffff7ad9948e3ebe35f [file] [log] [blame]
-- Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Fabien Fleutot and others.
-- All rights reserved.
-- This program and the accompanying materials are made available
-- under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
-- accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- This program and the accompanying materials are also made available
-- under the terms of the MIT public license which accompanies this
-- distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- Fabien Fleutot - API and implementation
-- This extension inserts type-checking code at approriate place in the code,
-- thanks to annotations based on "::" keyword:
-- * function declarations can be annotated with a returned type. When they
-- are, type-checking code is inserted in each of their return statements,
-- to make sure they return the expected type.
-- * function parameters can also be annotated. If they are, type-checking
-- code is inserted in the function body, which checks the arguments' types
-- and cause an explicit error upon incorrect calls. Moreover, if a new value
-- is assigned to the parameter in the function's body, the new value's type
-- is checked before the assignment is performed.
-- * Local variables can also be annotated. If they are, type-checking
-- code is inserted before any value assignment or re-assignment is
-- performed on them.
-- Type checking can be disabled with:
-- -{stat: types.enabled = false }
-- Code transformation is performed at the chunk level, i.e. file by
-- file. Therefore, it the value of compile-time variable
-- [types.enabled] changes in the file, the only value that counts is
-- its value once the file is entirely parsed.
-- Syntax
-- ======
-- Syntax annotations consist of "::" followed by a type
-- specifier. They can appear after a function parameter name, after
-- the closing parameter parenthese of a function, or after a local
-- variable name in the declaration. See example in samples.
-- Type specifiers are expressions, in which identifiers are taken
-- from table types. For instance, [number] is transformed into
-- [types.number]. These [] fields must contain functions,
-- which generate an error when they receive an argument which doesn't
-- belong to the type they represent. It is perfectly acceptible for a
-- type-checking function to return another type-checking function,
-- thus defining parametric/generic types. Parameters can be
-- identifiers (they're then considered as indexes in table [types])
-- or literals.
-- Design hints
-- ============
-- This extension uses the code walking library [walk] to globally
-- transform the chunk AST. See [chunk_transformer()] for details
-- about the walker.
-- During parsing, type informations are stored in string-indexed
-- fields, in the AST nodes of tags `Local and `Function. They are
-- used by the walker to generate code only if [types.enabled] is
-- true.
-- ====
-- It's easy to add global vars type-checking, by declaring :: as an
-- assignment operator. It's easy to add arbitrary expr
-- type-checking, by declaring :: as an infix operator. How to make
-- both cohabit?
-- Function chunk_transformer()
-- Takes a block annotated with extra fields, describing typing
-- constraints, and returns a normal AST where these constraints have
-- been turned into type-checking instructions.
-- It relies on the following annotations:
-- * [`Local{ }] statements may have a [types] field, which contains a
-- id name ==> type name map.
-- * [Function{ }] expressions may have an [param_types] field, also a
-- id name ==> type name map. They may also have a [ret_type] field
-- containing the type of the returned value.
-- Design hints:
-- =============
-- It relies on the code walking library, and two states:
-- * [return_types] is a stack of the expected return values types for
-- the functions currently in scope, the most deeply nested one
-- having the biggest index.
-- * [scopes] is a stack of id name ==> type name scopes, one per
-- currently active variables scope.
-- What's performed by the walker:
-- * Assignments to a typed variable involve a type checking of the
-- new value;
-- * Local declarations are checked for additional type declarations.
-- * Blocks create and destroy variable scopes in [scopes]
-- * Functions create an additional scope (around its body block's scope)
-- which retains its argument type associations, and stacks another
-- return type (or [false] if no type constraint is given)
-- * Return statements get the additional type checking statement if
-- applicable.
-- TODO: unify scopes handling with free variables detector
-- FIXME: scopes are currently incorrect anyway, only functions currently define a scope.
require "metalua.walk"
-{ extension 'match' }
module("types", package.seeall)
enabled = true
local function chunk_transformer (block)
if not enabled then return end
local return_types, scopes = { }, { }
local cfg = { block = { }; stat = { }; expr = { } }
function cfg.stat.down (x)
match x with
| `Local{ lhs, rhs, types = x_types } ->
-- Add new types declared by lhs in current scope.
local myscope = scopes [#scopes]
for var, type in pairs (x_types) do
myscope [var] = process_type (type)
-- Type-check each rhs value with the type of the
-- corresponding lhs declaration, if any. Check backward, in
-- case a local var name is used more than once.
for i = 1, max (#lhs, #rhs) do
local type, new_val = myscope[lhs[i][1]], rhs[i]
if type and new_val then
rhs[i] = checktype_builder (type, new_val, 'expr')
| `Set{ lhs, rhs } ->
for i=1, #lhs do
match lhs[i] with
| `Id{ v } ->
-- Retrieve the type associated with the variable, if any:
local j, type = #scopes, nil
repeat j, type = j-1, scopes[j][v] until type or j==0
-- If a type constraint is found, apply it:
if type then rhs[i] = checktype_builder(type, rhs[i] or `Nil, 'expr') end
| _ -> -- assignment to a non-variable, pass
| `Return{ r_val } ->
local r_type = return_types[#return_types]
if r_type then
x <- `Return{ checktype_builder (r_type, r_val, 'expr') }
| _ -> -- pass
function cfg.expr.down (x)
if x.tag ~= 'Function' then return end
local new_scope = { }
table.insert (scopes, new_scope)
for var, type in pairs (x.param_types or { }) do
new_scope[var] = process_type (type)
local r_type = x.ret_type and process_type (x.ret_type) or false
table.insert (return_types, r_type)
-- Unregister the returned type and the variable scope in which
-- arguments are registered;
-- then, adds the parameters type checking instructions at the
-- beginning of the function, if applicable.
function cfg.expr.up (x)
if x.tag ~= 'Function' then return end
-- Unregister stuff going out of scope:
table.remove (return_types)
table.remove (scopes)
-- Add initial type checking:
for v, t in pairs(x.param_types or { }) do
table.insert(x[2], 1, checktype_builder(t, `Id{v}, 'stat'))
cfg.block.down = || table.insert (scopes, { })
cfg.block.up = || table.remove (scopes)
walk.block(cfg, block)
-- Perform required transformations to change a raw type expression into
-- a callable function:
-- * identifiers are changed into indexes in [types], unless they're
-- allready indexed, or into parentheses;
-- * literal tables are embedded into a call to types.__table
-- This transformation is not performed when type checking is disabled:
-- types are stored under their raw form in the AST; the transformation is
-- only performed when they're put in the stacks (scopes and return_types)
-- of the main walker.
function process_type (type_term)
-- Transform the type:
cfg = { expr = { } }
function cfg.expr.down(x)
match x with
| `Index{...} | `Paren{...} -> return 'break'
| _ -> -- pass
function cfg.expr.up (x)
match x with
| `Id{i} -> x <- `Index{ `Id "types", `String{ i } }
| `Table{...} | `String{...} | `Op{...} ->
local xcopy, name = table.shallow_copy(x)
match x.tag with
| 'Table' -> name = '__table'
| 'String' -> name = '__string'
| 'Op' -> name = '__'..x[1]
x <- `Call{ `Index{ `Id "types", `String{ name } }, xcopy }
| `Function{ params, { results } } if results.tag=='Return' ->
results.tag = nil
x <- `Call{ +{types.__function}, params, results }
| `Function{...} -> error "malformed function type"
| _ -> -- pass
walk.expr(cfg, type_term)
return type_term
-- Insert a type-checking function call on [term] before returning
-- [term]'s value. Only legal in an expression context.
local non_const_tags = table.transpose
{ 'Dots', 'Op', 'Index', 'Call', 'Invoke', 'Table' }
function checktype_builder(type, term, kind)
-- Shove type-checking code into the term to check:
match kind with
| 'expr' if non_const_tags [term.tag] ->
local v = mlp.gensym()
return `Stat{ { `Local{ {v}, {term} }; `Call{ type, v } }, v }
| 'expr' ->
return `Stat{ { `Call{ type, term } }, term }
| 'stat' ->
return `Call{ type, term }
-- Parse the typechecking tests in a function definition, and adds the
-- corresponding tests at the beginning of the function's body.
local function func_val_builder (x)
local typed_params, ret_type, body = unpack(x)
local e = `Function{ { }, body; param_types = { }; ret_type = ret_type }
-- Build [untyped_params] list, and [e.param_types] dictionary.
for i, y in ipairs (typed_params) do
if y.tag=="Dots" then
assert(i==#typed_params, "`...' must be the last parameter")
local param, type = unpack(y)
e[1][i] = param
if type then e.param_types[param[1]] = type end
return e
-- Parse ":: type" annotation if next token is "::", or return false.
-- Called by function parameters parser
local opt_type = gg.onkeyword{ "::", mlp.expr }
-- Updated function definition parser, which accepts typed vars as
-- parameters.
-- Parameters parsing:
local id_or_dots = gg.multisequence{ { "...", builder = "Dots" }, default = }
-- Function parsing:
mlp.func_val = gg.sequence{
"(", gg.list{
gg.sequence{ id_or_dots, opt_type }, terminators = ")", separators = "," },
")", opt_type, mlp.block, "end",
builder = func_val_builder }
mlp.lexer:add { "::", "newtype" }
mlp.chunk.transformers:add (chunk_transformer)
-- Local declarations parsing:
local local_decl_parser = mlp.stat:get "local" [2].default
local_decl_parser[1].primary = gg.sequence{, opt_type }
function local_decl_parser.builder(x)
local lhs, rhs = unpack(x)
local s, stypes = `Local{ { }, rhs or { } }, { }
for i = 1, #lhs do
local id, type = unpack(lhs[i])
s[1][i] = id
if type then stypes[id[1]]=type end
if next(stypes) then s.types = stypes end
return s
function newtype_builder(x)
local lhs, rhs = unpack(x)
match lhs with
| `Id{ x } -> t = process_type (rhs)
| `Call{ `Id{ x }, ... } ->
t = `Function{ { }, rhs }
for i = 2, #lhs do
if lhs[i].tag ~= "Id" then error "Invalid newtype parameter" end
t[1][i-1] = lhs[i]
| _ -> error "Invalid newtype definition"
return `Let{ { `Index{ `Id "types", `String{ x } } }, { t } }
mlp.stat:add{ "newtype", mlp.expr, "=", mlp.expr, builder = newtype_builder }
-- Register as an operator
--mlp.expr.infix:add{ "::", prec=100, builder = |a, _, b| insert_test(a,b) }
return +{ require (-{ `String{ package.metalua_extension_prefix .. 'types-runtime' } }) }