blob: 8bcfa74ebe32156809828cafa0fd1fcfb7ad79e5 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# Copyright (C) 2013, Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Prepare the test.xml file
sed -i 's/\${eclipse-home}\/plugins\/\${testPluginX}/\${testPluginX}/' target/test.xml
sed -i '/<fileset/,/<\/fileset>/ s/dir="\${eclipse-home}\/plugins"/dir="\${basedir}"/' target/test.xml
sed -i 's/refid="test.plugin.file" \/>/value="\${basedir}\/alltest.xml" \/>/' target/test.xml
# Support multiple XML reports from same bundle but different test classes
sed -i 's/\${report}/\${testPlugin}/' target/test.xml
sed -i '/<attribute name="testPlugin"/ a <attribute name="testClass" \/>' target/test.xml
sed -i 's/@{testPlugin}\.xml/@{testPlugin}-@{testClass}\.xml/' target/test.xml
sed -i 's/\${testPlugin}\.xml/\${output-file}/' target/test.xml
sed -i 's/\${testPlugin}_\${testedPlatform}\.xml/\${output-file}/' target/test.xml
# Insert our test task
sed -i '/<antcall target="quickTests" \/>/ a <antcall target="distroCustomTests" \/>' target/test.xml
sed -i '/<antcall target="quickTests" \/>/ d' target/test.xml
sed -i '/<antcall target="longRunningTests" \/>/ d' target/test.xml
# A VERY dirty hack to mimic Tycho's improper usage of test bundle resources
sed -i '/<antcall target="configureTeamTest" \/>/ i \
<path id="testbundle.paths"> \
<dirset \
dir="\${eclipse-home}" \
includes="plugins/\${testPlugin}_*" \/> \
<\/path> \
<property \
name="testBundlePath" \
refid="testbundle.paths" \/> \
<copy todir="\${eclipse-home}"> \
<fileset dir="\${testBundlePath}" includes="**" \/> \
</copy>' target/test.xml
eclipse_testing_dir=$(cd $(dirname $(readlink -f $(which eclipse)))/../../share/eclipse-testing && pwd)
cp $eclipse_testing_dir/testbundle/{alltest.xml,} target/