Issues and code contribution are handled via infrastructure. See

TL;DR: mvn verify should build a p2-accessible repository in repository/target.


This project is built using Maven Tycho, a set of extensions to Maven for building Eclipse bundles and features.


  1. Maven 3.1.1 or later. Although m2eclipse is bundled with its own Maven install, Maven is necessary for command-line builds.

  2. JDK 8

  3. git (optional: you can use EGit from within Eclipse instead)

  4. The Eclipse IDE. It's easiest to use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers package. You can use Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen).

  5. The m2eclipse plugin (also called m2e) is required to import the projects into Eclipse. m2eclipse is included in several packages, such as the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers package.

  6. Clone the project to a local directory using git clone git clone ssh://

Configuring Maven/Tycho Builds

The plugin is built using Maven/Tycho and targeted to Java 8.

Changing the Eclipse Platform compilation and testing target

By default, the build is targeted against Eclipse Oxygen / 4.7. You can explicitly set the target-config property to target-platform-oxygen (4.6) or target-platform-photon (4.8).

$ mvn -Dtarget-config=target-platform-photon verify

Import into Eclipse


  1. You have installed Eclipse for RCP and RAP Developers 4.7 or later. Other distributions that include PDE and reasonable Java support may also work.

  2. You have cloned the lsp4e repo into a local directory.

In Eclipse:

  1. File > Import > Existing Maven Projects

  2. Click Next.

  3. In the Root Directory chooser select the directory where you cloned the project, and which contains pom.xml.

  4. All targets should be selected. Click Finish.

  5. At this point the Problems view should show on the order of 1000 errors.

  6. In the Project Explorer, select the file Open this file with the target editor.

  7. Click the “Set as Target Platform” link on the top right.

Contributing Changes

When sending a pull request please squash your commits and set the commit message in this form:

Bug 528908 - Change Description Signed-Off-By: Your Name Change-Id: I8cd4aa13a8c61b550cfc80f68ab2b4d230b9f9b3

To push to Gerrit for review:

$ git push ssh:// HEAD:refs/for/master

Make sure that the name/email in the git commits matches the name/email you have registered with the Eclipse project.