blob: fc634c12f22713e27aa3f870387964dd5638d235 [file] [log] [blame]
// ****************************************************************************
// *** openArchitectureWare stdlib extensions: globalvar
// *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** This library contains functions to store and retrieve objects.
// ****************************************************************************
* Stores an object.
* @param s A key
* @param o The object to store. Pass null to remove the global var.
* @return Returns the stored object
Object storeGlobalVar(String s, Object o) :
internalStoreGlobalVar(s,o) -> o
* Retrieves a stored object.
* @param s The key under which the object is stored.
* @return The stored object or null if no object was stored for the key.
Object getGlobalVar(String s) :
* Removes a stored object from the global var store.
* @param s The key under which the object is stored.
* @return The stored object or null if no object was stored for the key.
Object removeGlobalVar(String s) :
* Clears all global variables.
Void clearGlobalVars() : internalClearGlobalVars();
// -------------------------------- INTERNAL --------------------------------
private Void internalStoreGlobalVar(String s, Object o) :
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.util.stdlib.GlobalVarExtensions.storeGlobalVar(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
private Object internalGetGlobalVar(String s) :
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.util.stdlib.GlobalVarExtensions.getGlobalVar(java.lang.String)
private Object internalRemoveGlobalVar(String s) :
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.util.stdlib.GlobalVarExtensions.removeGlobalVar(java.lang.String)
private Void internalClearGlobalVars() :
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.util.stdlib.GlobalVarExtensions.clearGlobalVars()