blob: a91e6514eee8919a1ae997149a3c92c4e0c0a1d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// ****************************************************************************
// *** openArchitectureWare stdlib extensions: naming
// *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** This library contains functions for evaluating names on model elements,
// *** e.g. computing qualified names from a containment hierarchy.
// *** These functions will only work for EMF based models. It is generally
// *** assumed that elements on which these functions are invoked on
// *** have a feature 'name' of type EString.
// ****************************************************************************
extension org::eclipse::xtend::util::stdlib::io;
* Returns the namespace, i.e. the qualified name minus the name of the element itself.
* @param this A model element.
* @return The qualified namespace name of the element.
String namespace(Object this): (getEContainer() != null) ? concat( getEContainer().namespace(), getName(getEContainer()) ) : null;
* Returns the qualified name (dot separated) of an element by evaluating its containment hierarchy.
* @param this A model element.
* @return The qualified name of the element.
String qualifiedName(Object this): concat( namespace(), getName() );
// ****************************************************************************
// *** openArchitectureWare stdlib extensions: naming
// *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// *** This library contains functions for evaluating names on model elements,
// *** e.g. computing qualified names from a containment hierarchy.
// *** These functions will only work for EMF based models. It is generally
// *** assumed that elements on which these functions are invoked on
// *** have a feature 'name' of type EString.
// ****************************************************************************
* Tries to build a useful description of an element in the model; very useful for error reporting.
* @param this A model element.
* @return Location information about the element.
String loc(Object this):
namespace() == null ?
"["+this.metaType+", "+getName()+"]" :
"["+this.metaType+", "+namespace()+"."+getName()+"]";
Object findChildByName( Object contextObject, String name, xpand2::Type t ):
contextObject.getEContents().selectFirst( e | t.isAssignableFrom(e.metaType) && e.getName() == name );
* Searches the candidates for an element with a specific name.
* @param candidates A collection of model elements.
* @param name The searched element name.
* @return The searched element or null if no element with that name is contained in the candidates collection.
Object findByName( Collection candidates, String name ):
candidates.selectFirst( e | e.getName() == name );
Object findSiblingByName( Object object, String name, xpand2::Type t ):
findChildByName( object.getEContainer(), name, t );
Object resolveNameFromHere( Object ctx, String name, xpand2::Type t ):
!name.isQualifiedName() ? findSiblingByName( ctx, name, t ) :
findObjectByQualifiedName( ctx.getERootContainer(), name, t );
Object resolveNameFromParent( Object ctx, String name, xpand2::Type t ):
resolveNameFromHere( ctx.getEContainer(), name, t );
Object resolveNameFromParent( Object ctx, String name ):
resolveNameFromHere( ctx.getEContainer(), name, Object );
Object findObjectByQualifiedName( Object root, String qName, xpand2::Type t ):
root.getEAllContents().selectFirst(e | t.isInstance(e) && e.qualifiedName() == qName );
* Proves if a name is a qualified name.
* @param name A name string
* @return true if the name contains a dot.
boolean isQualifiedName( String name ): name.contains(".");
private String getName( Object o ): o.metaType.getProperty("name").get(o);
private Object getEContainer( Object o ): o.metaType.getProperty("eContainer").get(o);
private Object getERootContainer( Object o ): o.metaType.getProperty("eRootContainer").get(o);
private Collection getEContents( Object o ): o.metaType.getProperty("eContents").get(o);
private Collection getEAllContents( Object o ): o.metaType.getProperty("eAllContents").get(o);
private String concat( String s1, String s2 ):
switch {
case ((s1 == null) && (s2 == null)): null
case ((s1 == null) && (s2 != null)): s2
case ((s1 != null) && (s2 == null)): s1
default: s1+"."+s2