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* Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 itemis AG ( and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
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* This file contains public API to read XML files from Xtend/Xpand.
* @author Moritz Eysholdt - Initial contribution and API
import emf;
* Reads the file xmlFileName and returns the root-node's EObject representation.
* The supplied EObject readerContext is used to reuse the XSDMetaModel associated with it. This
* avoids costly reloading of XSD files and regeneration of EPackages. Furthermore xmlFileName can be
* treated as relative to the URI where readerContext has been loaded from. This behavior is useful
* especially if one XML file is read which contains filenames of referenced XML files that are relative
* to the first XML file's location. In this case, they are looked up automatically.
* Example:
* --- XSD ---
* <complexType name="FileList">
* <sequence>
* <element name="file" type="string" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" />
* </sequence>
* </complexType>
* <element name="files" type="tns:FileList"></element>
* --- /XSD ---
* --- XML ---
* <files>
* <file>Loadcurve1.xml</file>
* <file>Loadcurve2.xml</file>
* </files>
* --- /XML ---
* --- Xtend ---
* import fileList;
* import loadCurve;
* extension org::eclipse::xtend::typesystem::xsd::lib::xmlreader;
* List[Loadcurve] readXMLWithContext(FileList files):
* files.file.collect(e|(Loadcurve)files.readXML(e));
* --- /Xtend ---
* The example loads all Loadcurve-XML-Files which are specified in the above snippet using
* readXML(EObject readerContext, String xmlFileName). The supplied value for readerContext is
* the variable 'files', the object-oriented syntax is a feature of the Xtend language. As we know
* that our files will only contain loadcurves, we can safely typecast from EObject to 'Loadcurve' ;)
* @param readerContext This is any EObject that has been loaded by the XMLReader previously,
* for example in the workflow.
* @param xmlFileName The name of the XML-file which is to be loaded. The file is looked up relative
* to the path, where readerContext has been load from, first, then in the classpath
* and the Eclipse plugin path.
* @return The EObject of the XML files root element. This is not the DocumentRoot object but one of it's children.
EObject readXML(EObject readerContext, String xmlFileName):
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.xsd.lib.XMLReaderHelper.readXML(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject,java.lang.String);
* Loads an XML files and creates a new XSDMetaModel. Needed XSDs are reloaded and EPackages regenerated. This
* is a quite calculation-intensive process that you can avoid by using readXML(EObject readerContext, String xmlFileName)
* instead.
* @param xmlFileName The XML file's name. Lookup is done within the classpath and the Eclipse plugin path.
* @return The EObject of the XML files root element. This is not the DocumentRoot object but one of it's children.
EObject readXML(String xmlFileName):
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.xsd.lib.XMLReaderHelper.readXML(java.lang.String);
* Loads an XML files and reuses an XSDMetaModel which has been defined within the workflow. If you can, avoid
* using this method and use readXML(EObject readerContext, String xmlFileName) instead. It provides the same
* advantages, a better lookup meachanism for files and it is more elegant not to use the XSDMetaModel's
* ID outside the workflow.
* @param xmlFileName The XML file's name. Lookup is done within the classpath and the Eclipse plugin path.
* @param xsdMetaModelID An XSDMetaModel's ID, which has been defined within the workflow.
* @return The EObject of the XML files root element. This is not the DocumentRoot object but one of it's children.
EObject readXML(String xmlFileName, String xsdMetaModelID):
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.xsd.lib.XMLReaderHelper.readXML(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);
* Same as readXML(String xmlFileName), but returns the XML files DocumentRoot-EObject instead.
EObject readDocumentRoot(String xmlFileName):
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.xsd.lib.XMLReaderHelper.readDocumentRoot(java.lang.String);
* Same as readXML(EObject readerContext, String xmlFileName), but returns the XML files DocumentRoot-EObject instead.
EObject readDocumentRoot(EObject readerContext, String xmlFileName):
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.xsd.lib.XMLReaderHelper.readDocumentRoot(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject,java.lang.String);
* Same as readXML(String xmlFileName, String xsdMetaModelID), but returns the XML files DocumentRoot-EObject instead.
EObject readDocumentRoot(String xmlFileName, String xsdMetaModelID):
JAVA org.eclipse.xtend.typesystem.xsd.lib.XMLReaderHelper.readDocumentRoot(java.lang.String,java.lang.String);