blob: ad602d8ed422d8a7225a70cad82f6c828244dc4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Audi AG
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.mdf4;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
* <p>
* </p>
* The data records can be used to store raw values (often also denoted as
* implementation values or internal values). The CCBLOCK serves to specify a
* conversion formula to convert the raw values to physical values with a
* physical unit. The result of a conversion always is either a floating-point
* value (REAL) or a character string (UTF-8).
* @author Christian Rechner
public class CCBLOCK extends MDF4GenBlock {
/** Data section */
// Conversion type (formula identifier)
// 0 = 1:1 conversion (in this case, the CCBLOCK can be omitted)
// 1 = linear conversion
// 2 = rational conversion
// 3 = algebraic conversion (MCD-2 MC text formula)
// 4 = value to value tabular look-up with interpolation
// 5 = value to value tabular look-up without interpolation
// 6 = value range to value tabular look-up
// 7 = value to text/scale conversion tabular look-up
// 8 = value range to text/scale conversion tabular look-up
// 9 = text to value tabular look-up
// 10 = text to text tabular look-up (translation)
// UINT8
private byte type;
// Precision for display of floating point values.
// 0xFF means unrestricted precision (infinite)
// Any other value specifies the number of decimal places to use for display
// of floating point values.
// Note: only valid if "precision valid" flag (bit 0) is set and if
// cn_precision of the parent CNBLOCK is invalid,
// otherwise cn_precision must be used.
// UINT8
private byte precision;
// Flags
// The value contains the following bit flags (Bit 0 = LSB):
// Bit 0: Precision valid flag
// Bit 1: Physical value range valid flag
// Bit 2: Status string flag
// UINT16
private int flags;
// Length M of cc_ref list with additional links.
// UINT16
private int refCount;
// Length N of cc_val list with additional parameters.
// UINT16
private int valCount;
// Minimum physical signal value that occurred for this signal.
private double phyRangeMin;
// Maximum physical signal value that occurred for this signal.
private double phyRangeMax;
// List of additional conversion parameters.
// Length of list is given by cc_val_count. The list can be empty.
private double[] val;
* Parse a CCBLOCK from an existing MDFGenBlock
* @param parent
* The already existing MDF Generic Block.
public CCBLOCK(MDF4GenBlock parent) {
// Link to TXBLOCK with name (identifier) of conversion (can be NIL).
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkTxName() {
return links[0];
// Link to TXBLOCK/MDBLOCK with physical unit of signal data (after
// conversion). (can be NIL)
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkMdUnit() {
return links[1];
// Link to TXBLOCK/MDBLOCK with comment of conversion and additional
// information. (can be NIL)
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkMdComment() {
return links[2];
// Link to CCBLOCK for inverse formula (can be NIL, must be NIL for CCBLOCK
// of the inverse formula (no cyclic
// reference allowed).
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkCcInverse() {
return links[3];
// List of additional links to TXBLOCKs with strings or to CCBLOCKs with
// partial conversion rules. Length of list is
// given by cc_ref_count. The list can be empty. Details are explained in
// formula-specific block supplement.
public MDF4GenBlock[] getLnkCcRef() {
MDF4GenBlock[] ret = new MDF4GenBlock[getLinkCount() - 4];
System.arraycopy(links, 4, ret, 0, ret.length);
return ret;
public byte getType() {
return type;
public byte getPrecision() {
return precision;
public int getFlags() {
return flags;
public int getRefCount() {
return refCount;
public int getValCount() {
return valCount;
public double getPhyRangeMin() {
return phyRangeMin;
public double getPhyRangeMax() {
return phyRangeMax;
public double[] getVal() {
return val;
private void setType(byte type) {
this.type = type;
private void setPrecision(byte precision) {
this.precision = precision;
private void setFlags(int flags) {
this.flags = flags;
private void setRefCount(int refCount) {
this.refCount = refCount;
private void setValCount(int valCount) {
this.valCount = valCount;
private void setPhyRangeMin(double phyRangeMin) {
this.phyRangeMin = phyRangeMin;
private void setPhyRangeMax(double phyRangeMax) {
this.phyRangeMax = phyRangeMax;
private void setVal(double[] val) {
this.val = val;
public String toString() {
return "CCBLOCK [type=" + type + ", precision=" + precision + ", flags=" + flags + ", refCount=" + refCount
+ ", valCount=" + valCount + ", phyRangeMin=" + phyRangeMin + ", phyRangeMax=" + phyRangeMax + ", val="
+ Arrays.toString(val) + "]";
* Reads a CCBLOCK from its content.
* @param content
* The data section of this block
* @throws IOException
* If an I/O error occurs.
public void parse(byte[] content) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(content);
// UINT8: Conversion type (formula identifier)
// UINT8: Precision for display of floating point values.
// UINT16: Flags.
// UINT16: Length M of cc_ref list with additional links.
// UINT16: Length N of cc_val list with additional.
// REAL: Minimum physical signal value that occurred for this signal.
// REAL: Maximum physical signal value that occurred for this signal.
// REAL N: List of additional conversion parameters.
double[] val = new double[getValCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
val[i] = MDF4Util.readReal(bb);