blob: 2563391e4f1f9a6d8cea769f4b6aa756fdc4d166 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Audi AG
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.mdf4;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFParser;
* The Header Block The HDBLOCK always begins at file position 64. It contains
* general information about the contents of the measured data file and is the
* root for the block hierarchy.
* @author Christian Rechner
public class HDBLOCK extends MDF4GenBlock {
/** Data section */
// Time stamp at start of measurement in nanoseconds elapsed since 00:00:00
// 01.01.1970 (UTC time or local time,
// depending on "local time" flag, see [UTC]). All time stamps for time
// synchronized master channels or events are
// always relative to this start time stamp.
// UINT64
private long startTimeNs;
// Time zone offset in minutes.
// The value is not necessarily a multiple of 60 and can be negative! For
// the current time zone definitions, it is
// expected to be in the range [-840,840] min.
// For example a value of 60 (min) means UTC+1 time zone = Central European
// Time
// Only valid if "time offsets valid" flag is set in time flags.
// INT16
private short tzOffsetMin;
// Daylight saving time (DST) offset in minutes for start time stamp. During
// the summer months, most regions observe
// a DST offset of 60 min (1 hour).
// Only valid if "time offsets valid" flag is set in time flags.
// INT16
private short dstOffsetMin;
// Time flags
// The value contains the following bit flags (Bit 0 = LSB):
// Bit 0: Local time flag
// If set, the start time stamp in nanoseconds represents the local time
// instead of the UTC time, In this case, time
// zone and DST offset must not be considered (time offsets flag must not be
// set). Should only be used if UTC time
// is unknown.
// If the bit is not set (default), the start time stamp represents the UTC
// time.
// Bit 1: Time offsets valid flag
// If set, the time zone and DST offsets are valid. Must not be set together
// with "local time" flag (mutually
// exclusive).
// If the offsets are valid, the locally displayed time at start of
// recording can be determined
// (after conversion of offsets to ns) by
// Local time = UTC time + time zone offset + DST offset.
// UINT8
private byte timeFlags;
// Time quality class
// 0 = local PC reference time (Default)
// 10 = external time source
// 16 = external absolute synchronized time
// UINT8
private byte timeClass;
// Flags
// The value contains the following bit flags (Bit 0 = LSB):
// Bit 0: Start angle valid flag. If set, the start angle value below is
// valid.
// Bit 1: Start distance valid flag. If set, the start distance value below
// is valid.
// UINT8
private byte flags;
// Start angle in radians at start of measurement (only for angle
// synchronous measurements)
// Only valid if "start angle valid" flag is set.
private double startAngleRad;
// Start distance in meters at start of measurement
// (only for distance synchronous measurements)
// Only valid if "start distance valid" flag is set.
// All distance values for distance synchronized master channels
private double startDistanceM;
* Parse a HLBLOCK from an existing MDFGenBlock
* @param parent
* The already existing MDF Generic Block.
public HDBLOCK(MDF4GenBlock parent) {
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkDgFirst() {
return links[0];
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkFhFirst() {
return links[1];
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkChFirst() {
return links[2];
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkAtFirst() {
return links[3];
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkEvFirst() {
return links[4];
public MDF4GenBlock getLnkMdComment() {
return links[5];
public long getStartTimeNs() {
return startTimeNs;
private void setStartTimeNs(long startTimeNs) {
this.startTimeNs = startTimeNs;
public short getTzOffsetMin() {
return tzOffsetMin;
private void setTzOffsetMin(short tzOffsetMin) {
this.tzOffsetMin = tzOffsetMin;
public short getDstOffsetMin() {
return dstOffsetMin;
private void setDstOffsetMin(short dstOffsetMin) {
this.dstOffsetMin = dstOffsetMin;
public byte getTimeFlags() {
return timeFlags;
private void setTimeFlags(byte timeFlags) {
this.timeFlags = timeFlags;
public byte getTimeClass() {
return timeClass;
private void setTimeClass(byte timeClass) {
this.timeClass = timeClass;
public byte getFlags() {
return flags;
private void setFlags(byte flags) {
this.flags = flags;
public double getStartAngleRad() {
return startAngleRad;
private void setStartAngleRad(double startAngleRad) {
this.startAngleRad = startAngleRad;
public double getStartDistanceM() {
return startDistanceM;
private void setStartDistanceM(double startDistanceM) {
this.startDistanceM = startDistanceM;
public boolean isLocalTime() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(timeFlags).testBit(0);
public boolean isTimeFlagsValid() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(timeFlags).testBit(1);
public boolean isStartAngleValid() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(flags).testBit(0);
public boolean isStartDistanceValid() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(flags).testBit(1);
public String toString() {
return "HDBLOCK [ startTimeNs=" + startTimeNs + ", tzOffsetMin="
+ tzOffsetMin + ", dstOffsetMin=" + dstOffsetMin
+ ", timeFlags=" + timeFlags + ", timeClass=" + timeClass
+ ", flags=" + flags + ", startAngleRad=" + startAngleRad
+ ", startDistanceM=" + startDistanceM + "]";
public void parse(byte[] content) throws IOException {
// UINT64: Time stamp at start of measurement in nanoseconds elapsed
// since 00:00:00 01.01.1970
MDF4Util.readUInt64(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 0, 8)));
// INT16: Time zone offset in minutes.
MDF4Util.readInt16(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 8, 10)));
// INT16: Daylight saving time (DST) offset in minutes for start time
MDF4Util.readInt16(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 10, 12)));
// UINT8: Time flags block.setTimeFlags(MDF4Util.readUInt8(bb));
MDF4Util.readUInt8(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 12, 13)));
// UINT8: Time quality class
MDF4Util.readUInt8(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 13, 14)));
// UINT8: Flags block.setFlags(MDF4Util.readUInt8(bb)); if
setFlags(MDF4Util.readUInt8(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 14, 15)));
// 1 Byte reserved (15)
// REAL: Start angle in radians at start of measurement (only for
// angle synchronous measurements)
MDF4Util.readReal(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 16, 24)));
// REAL: Start distance in meters at start of measurement
MDF4Util.readReal(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 24, 32)));
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return super.equals(o);
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();