blob: 0cb9843364a966ab8866e231f7100458e8b37310 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.mdf3;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.eclipse.mdm.mdfsorter.MDFParser;
* The Data Group Block
* @author Christian Rechner, Tobias Leemann
public class HDBLOCK extends MDF3GenBlock {
/** Data section */
// UINT16
// Number of Data Groups in linked list.
private int numberOfDataGroups;
// CHAR 10 Date at which the recording was started in "DD:MM:YYYY" format
private String dateStarted;
// CHAR 8 Time at which the recording was started in "HH:MM:SS" format
private String timeStarted;
// CHAR 32 Author’s name
private String author;
// CHAR 32 Name of organization or department
private String department;
// CHAR 32 Project name
private String projectName;
// CHAR 32 Measurement object e. g. the vehicle identification
private String meaObject;
// UINT64 1 Time stamp at which recording was started in nanoseconds.
// Elapsed time since 00:00:00 01.01.1970 (local
// time) (local time = UTC time + UTC time offset) Note: the local time does
// not contain a daylight saving time
// (DST) offset! Valid since version 3.20. Default value: 0 See remark below
private long timestamp;
// INT16 1 UTC time offset in hours (= GMT time zone) For example 1 means
// GMT+1 time zone = Central European Time
// (CET). The value must be in range [-12, 12], i.e. it can be negative!
// Valid since version 3.20. Default value: 0
// (= GMT time)
private short utcTimeOffsetHours;
// UINT16 1 Time quality class
// 0 = local PC reference time (Default)
// 10 = external time source
// 16 = external absolute synchronized time
private int timeQualityClass;
// CHAR 32 Timer identification (time source), e.g. "Local PC Reference
// Time" or "GPS Reference Time". Valid since
// version 3.20. Default value: empty string
private String timerIdent;
* Parse a HLBLOCK from an existing MDFGenBlock
* @param parent
* The already existing MDF Generic Block.
public HDBLOCK(MDF3GenBlock parent) {
super(parent.getPos(), parent.isBigEndian());
public MDF3GenBlock getLnkFirstFileGroup() {
return links[0];
public MDF3GenBlock getLnkFileCommentTxt() {
return links[1];
public MDF3GenBlock getLnkProgramBlock() {
return links[2];
public int getNumberOfDataGroups() {
return numberOfDataGroups;
public void setNumberOfDataGroups(int numberOfDataGroups) {
this.numberOfDataGroups = numberOfDataGroups;
public String getDateStarted() {
return dateStarted;
public void setDateStarted(String dateStarted) {
this.dateStarted = dateStarted;
public String getTimeStarted() {
return timeStarted;
public void setTimeStarted(String timeStarted) {
this.timeStarted = timeStarted;
public String getAuthor() {
return author;
public void setAuthor(String author) { = author;
public String getDepartment() {
return department;
public void setDepartment(String department) {
this.department = department;
public String getProjectName() {
return projectName;
public void setProjectName(String projectName) {
this.projectName = projectName;
public String getMeaObject() {
return meaObject;
public void setMeaObject(String meaObject) {
this.meaObject = meaObject;
public long getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public short getUtcTimeOffsetHours() {
return utcTimeOffsetHours;
public void setUtcTimeOffsetHours(short utcTimeOffsetHours) {
this.utcTimeOffsetHours = utcTimeOffsetHours;
public int getTimeQualityClass() {
return timeQualityClass;
public void setTimeQualityClass(int timeQualityClass) {
this.timeQualityClass = timeQualityClass;
public String getTimerIdent() {
return timerIdent;
public void setTimerIdent(String timerIdent) {
this.timerIdent = timerIdent;
public String toString() {
return "HDBLOCK [dateStarted=" + dateStarted + ", timeStarted=" + timeStarted + ", author=" + author
+ ", department=" + department + ", projectName=" + projectName + ", meaObject=" + meaObject
+ ", timestamp=" + timestamp + ", utcTimeOffsetHours=" + utcTimeOffsetHours + ", timeQualityClass="
+ timeQualityClass + ", timerIdent=" + timerIdent + "]";
public void parse(byte[] content) throws IOException {
// UNINT16 Number of Data Groups
setNumberOfDataGroups(MDF3Util.readUInt16(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 0, 2), isBigEndian()));
// CHAR 10 Date when the recording was started
setDateStarted(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 2, 12), 10));
// CHAR 8 Signal name, i.e. the first 32 characters of the ASAM-MCD
// unique name
setTimeStarted(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 12, 20), 8));
setAuthor(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 20, 52), 32));
setDepartment(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 52, 84), 32));
setProjectName(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 84, 116), 32));
setMeaObject(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 116, 148), 32));
if (content.length > 148) {
// UNINT 64 Timestamp
setTimestamp(MDF3Util.readUInt64(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 148, 156), isBigEndian()));
if (content.length > 156) {
// INT16, Time zone offset in hours
setUtcTimeOffsetHours(MDF3Util.readInt16(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 156, 158), isBigEndian()));
if (content.length > 158) {
// UINT16, Time Quality
setTimeQualityClass(MDF3Util.readUInt16(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 158, 160), isBigEndian()));
if (content.length > 160) {
setTimerIdent(MDF3Util.readCharsISO8859(MDFParser.getDataBuffer(content, 160, 192), 32));
public byte[] getBodyBytes() throws IOException {
int arraylength = (int) (getLength() - 16L); // Length of header and 3
// links
ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(arraylength);
b.put(MDF3Util.getBytesUInt16(getNumberOfDataGroups(), isBigEndian()));
if (arraylength > 148) {
b.put(MDF3Util.getBytesUInt64(getTimestamp(), isBigEndian()));
if (arraylength > 156) {
b.put(MDF3Util.getBytesInt16(getUtcTimeOffsetHours(), isBigEndian()));
if (arraylength > 158) {
b.put(MDF3Util.getBytesUInt16(getTimeQualityClass(), isBigEndian()));
if (arraylength > 160) {
return b.array();