blob: 8455e99bdfa679d153b10bc45daec919a15c8cde [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
Environment = Environment
Environment.Name = Name
Environment.MimeType = MimeType
Environment.Description = Description
Environment.DateCreated = DateCreated
Environment.Max_test_level = MaxTestLevels
Environment.Base_model_version = BaseModelVersion
Environment.AppModelType = ApplicationModelType
Environment.AppModelVersion = ApplicationModelVersion
Environment.Timezone = Timezone
Test = Test
Test.Name = Name
Test.MimeType = MimeType
Test.Description = Description
Test.DateCreated = DateCreated
Test.DateClosed = DateClosed
Test.MDMLinks = Links
TestStep = TestStep
TestStep.Name = Name
TestStep.MimeType = MimeType
TestStep.Description = Description
TestStep.DateCreated = DateCreated
TestStep.Optional = Optional
TestStep.MDMLinks = Links
Measurement = Measurement
Measurement.Name = Name
Measurement.MimeType = MimeType
Measurement.Description = Description
Measurement.DateCreated = DateCreated
Measurement.MeasurementBegin = Begin
Measurement.MeasurementEnd = End
Measurement.MDMLinks = Links
ChannelGroup = ChannelGroup
ChannelGroup.Name = Name
ChannelGroup.MimeType = MimeType
ChannelGroup.SubMatrixNoRows = Rows
SubMatrix = ChannelGroup
SubMatrix.Name = Name
SubMatrix.MimeType = MimeType
SubMatrix.SubMatrixNoRows = Rows
Channel = Channel
Channel.Name = Name
Channel.Description = MimeType
Channel.DataType = DataType
Channel.Minimum = Minimum
Channel.Maximum = Maximum
Channel.Average = Average
Channel.Deviation = Deviation
MeaQuantity = Channel
MeaQuantity.Name = Name
MeaQuantity.Description = MimeType
MeaQuantity.DataType = DataType
MeaQuantity.Minimum = Minimum
MeaQuantity.Maximum = Maximum
MeaQuantity.Average = Average
MeaQuantity.Deviation = Deviation