blob: 073d57dbaec1617b13b2f77d6fe7983cdfee54d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation
* See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
syntax = "proto3";
package org.eclipse.mdm.protobuf;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
* Specifies if the MeasuredValues contain the final values or the generation parameters.
enum ValuesMode {
* MeasuredValues will contain the final values, calculated for non-explicit
* sequence representations using generation parameters and, if applicable, the
* raw values. No generation parameters are returned in the resulting
* MeasuredValues, SequenceRepresentation will be EXPLICIT.
* MeasuredValues will contain the (raw) values and generation parameters as
* present in the storage.
* Scalar type enumeration represents the datatype of MeasuredValues.
enum ScalarType {
STRING = 0; // MeasuredValues are provided as StringArray
DATE = 1; // MeasuredValues are provided as DateArray
BOOLEAN = 2; // MeasuredValues are provided as BooleanArray
BYTE = 3; // MeasuredValues are provided as ByteArray
SHORT = 4; // MeasuredValues are provided as ShortArray
INTEGER = 5; // MeasuredValues are provided as IntegerArray
LONG = 6; // MeasuredValues are provided as LongArray
FLOAT = 7; // MeasuredValues are provided as FloatArray
DOUBLE = 8; // MeasuredValues are provided as DoubleArray
BYTE_STREAM = 9; // MeasuredValues are provided as ByteStreamArray
FLOAT_COMPLEX = 10; // MeasuredValues are provided as FloatComplexArray
DOUBLE_COMPLEX = 11; // MeasuredValues are provided as DoubleComplexArray
ENUMERATION = 12; // not used for MeasuredValues
FILE_LINK = 13; // not used for MeasuredValues
BLOB = 14; // not used for MeasuredValues
UNKNOWN = 15; // not used for MeasuredValues
* This is the axis type enumeration as defined in the ASAM ODS NVH model.
enum AxisType {
X_AXIS = 0; // A Channel of this type may be displayed as the x-axis.
Y_AXIS = 1; // A Channel of this type may be displayed as the y-axis.
XY_AXIS = 2; // A Channel of this type may be displayed as the x- or y-axis.
* The sequence representation to describe the storage type of measured values.
enum SequenceRepresentation {
* Measured values are stored as is and values are therefore immediately
* available.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> = p for i
* &isin; [1, n], n is the total number of values and generation parameter p
* (offset).
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> =
* p<sub>1</sub>+(i-1)*p<sub>2</sub> for i &isin; [1, n], n is the total number
* of values and generation parameters p<sub>1</sub> (start value) and
* p<sub>2</sub> (increment).
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> =
* p<sub>1</sub>+((i-1)mod(p<sub>3</sub>-p<sub>1</sub>)/p<sub>2</sub>)*
* p<sub>2</sub> for i &isin; [1, n], n is the total number of values and
* generation parameters p<sub>1</sub> (start value), p<sub>2</sub> (increment)
* and p<sub>3</sub> (number of values per saw). The expression
* (p<sub>3</sub>-p<sub>1</sub>)/p<sub>2</sub> must be truncated to integer to
* start each saw curve cycle at p<sub>1</sub>.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> =
* p<sub>1</sub>+p<sub>2</sub>*r<sub>i</sub> for i &isin; [1, n], n is the total
* number of values and generation parameters p<sub>1</sub> (offset),
* p<sub>2</sub> (factor) and the raw value r at position i.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> = &sum;
* p<sub>j</sub>*r<sub>i</sub><sup>j-1</sup> = p<sub>2</sub>+p<sub>3
* </sub>*r<sub>i</sub>+p<sub>4</sub>*r<sub>i</sub><sup>2</sup>+... for i &isin;
* [1, n], n is the total number of values and generation parameters
* p<sub>j</sub> for j &isin; [1, p<sub>1</sub>] and the raw value r at position
* i.
* Not used. But keep here to show ordinal sequence.
* Measured values are stored as is in an external file and values are therefore
* immediately available.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> =
* p<sub>1</sub>+p<sub>2</sub>*r<sub>i</sub> for i &isin; [1, n], n is the total
* number of values and generation parameters p<sub>1</sub> (offset),
* p<sub>2</sub> (factor) and the raw value r at position i read from an
* external file.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> = &sum;
* p<sub>j</sub>*r<sub>i</sub><sup>j-1</sup> = p<sub>2</sub>+p<sub>3
* </sub>*r<sub>i</sub>+p<sub>4</sub>*r<sub>i</sub><sup>2</sup>+... for i &isin;
* [1, n], n is the total number of values and generation parameters
* p<sub>j</sub> for j &isin; [1, p<sub>1</sub>] and the raw value r at position
* i read from an external file.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> =
* (p<sub>1</sub>+p<sub>2</sub>*r<sub>i</sub>)*p<sub>3</sub> for i &isin; [1,
* n], n is the total number of values and generation parameters p<sub>1</sub>
* (offset), p<sub>2</sub> (factor), p<sub>2</sub> (calibration) and the raw
* value r at position i.
* Each value x<sub>i</sub> is generated as follows: x<sub>i</sub> =
* (p<sub>1</sub>+p<sub>2</sub>*r<sub>i</sub>)*p<sub>3</sub> for i &isin; [1,
* n], n is the total number of values and generation parameters p<sub>1</sub>
* (offset), p<sub>2</sub> (factor), p<sub>2</sub> (calibration) and the raw
* value r at position i read from an external file.
* This class provides all required informations to load measured values.
message ReadRequest {
string channel_group_id = 1; // ID of the ChannelGroup which Channel values are requested.
repeated string channel_ids = 2; // IDs of the channels to load. If empty, all channels are loaded.
* IDSs of the units in which the corresponding channel values (i.e. the channels at the same index as in channel_ids)
* are loaded. A missing or empty string is interpreted as the default unit of the channel.
* Superfluous unit IDs are ignored.
repeated string unit_ids = 3;
int32 request_size = 4; // Number of requested values
int32 start_index = 5; // Start index of the requested values
ValuesMode values_mode = 6; // Mode in which the values are returned. See description of ValueMode enum.
* This message represents a complex value with real and imaginary parts of type float.
message FloatComplex {
float re = 1; // The real part.
float im = 2; // The imaginary part.
* This message represents a complex value with real and imaginary parts of type double.
message DoubleComplex {
double re = 1; // The real part.
double im = 2; // The imaginary part.
message StringArray { repeated string values = 1; }
message DateArray { repeated google.protobuf.Timestamp values = 1; }
message BooleanArray { repeated bool values = 1 [packed=true]; }
message ByteArray { bytes values = 1; }
message ShortArray { repeated int32 values = 1 [packed=true]; }
message IntegerArray { repeated int32 values = 1 [packed=true]; }
message LongArray { repeated int64 values = 1 [packed=true]; }
message FloatArray { repeated float values = 1 [packed=true]; }
message DoubleArray { repeated double values = 1 [packed=true]; }
message ByteStreamArray { repeated bytes values = 1; }
message FloatComplexArray { repeated FloatComplex values = 1; }
message DoubleComplexArray { repeated DoubleComplex values = 1; }
* This message represents a sequence of measured values for one Channel.
message MeasuredValues {
string name = 1; // Name of the channel
string unit = 2; // Unit of the values
int32 length = 3; // Length of the channel
SequenceRepresentation sequence_representation = 4; // The SequenceRepresentation of the measured values.
repeated double generation_parameters = 5 [packed=true]; // The generation parameters of the channel
bool independent = 6; // The independent flag of the channel
AxisType axis_type = 7; // The axis type of the channel
ScalarType scalar_type = 8; // Scalar type of the channel's values
oneof values {
StringArray string_array = 9; // STRING
DateArray date_array = 10; // DATE
BooleanArray boolean_array = 11; // BOOLEAN
ByteArray byte_array = 12; // BYTE
ShortArray short_array = 13; // SHORT
IntegerArray integer_array = 14; // INTEGER
LongArray long_array = 15; // LONG
FloatArray float_array = 16; // FLOAT
DoubleArray double_array = 17; // DOUBLE,
ByteStreamArray byte_stream_array = 18; // BYTE_STREAM
FloatComplexArray float_complex_array = 19; // FLOAT_COMPLEX
DoubleComplexArray double_complex_array = 20; // DOUBLE_COMPLEX
// The following datatypes are not supported in ODS for measuredvalues: ENUMERATION, FILE_LINK, BLOB, UNKNOWN
} // the actual measured values
repeated bool flags = 21 [packed=true]; // The flags of the measured values
* Container for a list of MeasuredValues
message MeasuredValuesList {
repeated MeasuredValues values = 1; // List of MeasuredValues
* Container for a list of WriteRequests
message WriteRequestList {
* Holds required data to write mass data.
message WriteRequest {
message ExplicitData {
oneof values {
StringArray string_array = 1; // STRING
DateArray date_array = 2; // DATE
BooleanArray boolean_array = 3; // BOOLEAN
ByteArray byte_array = 4; // BYTE
ShortArray short_array = 5; // SHORT
IntegerArray integer_array = 6; // INTEGER
LongArray long_array = 7; // LONG
FloatArray float_array = 8; // FLOAT
DoubleArray double_array = 9; // DOUBLE,
ByteStreamArray byte_stream_array = 10; // BYTE_STREAM
FloatComplexArray float_complex_array = 11; // FLOAT_COMPLEX
DoubleComplexArray double_complex_array = 12; // DOUBLE_COMPLEX
// The following datatypes are not supported in ODS for measuredvalues: ENUMERATION, FILE_LINK, BLOB, UNKNOWN
} // the actual values
repeated bool flags = 13 [packed=true]; // The flags of the measured values
* Configures a WriteRequest to create an implicit linear sequence
* of measured values. See org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.massdata.WriteRequestBuilder.implicitLinear(ScalarType, double, double)
message ImplicitLinear {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1; // Scalar type of the channel's values
double start = 2; // The start value of the line.
double increment = 3; // The gradient of the line.
* Configures a WriteRequest to create an implicit saw sequence
* of measured values. See org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.massdata.WriteRequestBuilder.implicitSaw(ScalarType, double, double, double).
message ImplicitSaw {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1; // Scalar type of the channel's values
double start = 2; // The start value of each saw cycle.
double increment = 3; // The increment.
double stop = 4; // The stop value of each saw cycle. The stop value is exclusive.
* Configures a WriteRequest to create an implicit constant sequence
* of measured values. See org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.massdata.WriteRequestBuilder.implicitConstant(ScalarType, double).
message ImplicitConstant {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1; // Scalar type of the channel's values
double offset = 2; // The constant value.
* Configures the WriteRequest to create a raw linear sequence of
* measured values. See org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.massdata.WriteRequestBuilder.rawLinear(double, double)
message RawLinear {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1; // Scalar type of the channel's values
double offset = 2; // The offset for each value.
double factor = 3; // The factor for each value.
ExplicitData values = 4; // The raw values.
* Configures the WriteRequest to create a raw polynomial sequence of
* measured values. See org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.massdata.WriteRequestBuilder.rawPolynomial(double...)
message RawPolynomial {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1; // Scalar type of the channel's values
repeated double coefficients = 2; // At least 2 coefficients must be provided.
ExplicitData values = 3; // The raw values.
* Configures the WriteRequest to create a raw linear calibrated sequence of
* measured values. See org.eclipse.mdm.api.base.massdata.WriteRequestBuilder.rawLinearCalibrated(double, double, double)
message RawLinearCalibrated {
ScalarType scalar_type = 1; // Scalar type of the channel's values
double offset = 2; // The offset for each value.
double factor = 3; // The factor for each value.
double calibration = 4; // The calibration factor.
ExplicitData values = 5; // The raw values.
string channel_group_id = 1; // The ChannelGroup for this request.
string channel_id = 2; // The Channel specified mass data will be dedicated to.
AxisType axis_type = 3; // The AxisType of the written mass data.
bool independent = 4; // The independent flag for the Channel
oneof data {
ExplicitData explicit = 5;
ImplicitConstant implicit_constant = 6;
ImplicitLinear implicit_linear = 7;
ImplicitSaw implicit_saw = 8;
RawLinear raw_linear = 9;
RawPolynomial raw_polynomial = 10;
RawLinearCalibrated raw_linear_calibrated = 11;
} // The mass data for this Channel
string source_unit_id = 12; // The source Unit ID for the data. (Hint this not implemented as of version 5.1.0M6)
repeated WriteRequest values = 1; // The List of WriteRequests
* Message to request preview values.
* Preview values are only provided for numerical Datatypes.
* If channels with other Datatypes are requested, an empty MeasuredValues message is returned.
message PreviewRequest {
ReadRequest read_request = 1; // Read request, which specifies which data should be read.
int32 number_of_chunks = 2; // Number of chunks, e.g. number of values returned by the preview request.
* Message containing preview data requested by a PreviewRequest
message PreviewValuesList {
repeated MeasuredValues min = 1; // minimum values for each chunk
repeated MeasuredValues avg = 2; // average values for each chunk
repeated MeasuredValues max = 3; // maximum values for each chunk