Import Scheduler

This component polls a configured directory in a defined time interval for import files. If it finds a file with the name state.file it will analyze the content of it. In this file the current status of an import will be documented. If the state is SCHEDULED the importer will import the accompanying ATFX or CSV file. After execution of the import the final state will be written to the file (either DONE or FAILED).


The component is configured with system properties. All system properties have the prefix “org.eclipse.mdm.importscheduler.”:

targetServiceThe service where the data will be importedMDMorg.eclipse.mdm.importscheduler.targetService=MDM
rootDirDirectory were the importer is searching for import filesJava Temp Dirorg.eclipse.mdm.importscheduler.rootDir=/tmp/importDir/
pollingIntervalSecondsPolling interval of the scheduler10org.eclipse.mdm.importscheduler.pollingIntervalSeconds=5
email.jndiJNDI name of the email
email.recipientThe recipient address of the error
schedulerWebURLThe URL to the scheduler website which is embedded in the emailorg.eclipse.mdm.importscheduler.schedulerWebURL=http://domain.local:8080/

If targetService is not specified, it is determined from the name of the first subdirectory within the import file path, starting from rootDir. The external system is determined from the name of the second subdirectory within the import file path, starting from rootDir.