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<h1 xmlns:l="">Who is Behind Eclipse QVTd?</h1>
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<a name="WhoisBehindEclipseQVTd"></a>Who is Behind Eclipse QVTd?</h2>
<p>Eclipse QVTd is an Open Source project. All code has been developed under the auspices of Eclipse.</p>
<p>Eclipse QVTd is a largely one man development by Ed Willink who has been the OMG QVT
<em class="glossterm">RTF</em> (Revision Task Force) chair since QVT 1.2. Expect further revisions of the QVT specification to exploit feedback from the Eclipse QVTo and QVTd projects.
<p>There is now a significant personnel and corporate overlap between the Eclipse QVTd committers and the OMG QVT RTF and so Eclipse OCL is pioneering solutions to many of the under-specification problems in the OCL specification.</p>
<p>Ed Willink is also project lead of the Eclipse OCL where the new pivot-based implementation prototypes solutions to many problems with the OMG OCL specification for which Ed Willink has been the RTF chair since OCL 2.4.</p>
<p>The many aspects of OCL and QVTd are converging; help welcome.</p>