blob: c847fd070298299f62fd623add92f0f4aeea3170 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008 E.D.Willink and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# E.D.Willink - initial API and implementation
# $Id:,v 1.3 2009/01/27 21:17:57 ewillink Exp $
_UI_Domain_IsNotCheckableOrEnforceable = The ''{0}'' domain is neither checkable nor enforceable
_UI_Domain_TypedModelDoesNotExistWarning = No typed model is defined for the ''{0}'' domain
_UI_Domain_TypedModelIsNotDefinedByTransformation = The ''{0}'' typed model of the ''{1}'' domain is not defined by the ''{2}'' transformation
_UI_Function_MayHaveASideEffect = The ''{0}'' element of the ''{1}'' function may have a side effect
_UI_Function_ParameterIsNotAFunctionParameter = The ''{0}'' parameter is not a FunctionParameter
_UI_Pattern_VariableIsNotAFunctionParameter = The ''{0}'' variable is a FunctionParameter
_UI_Predicate_ConditionExpressionIsNotBoolean = The ''{0}'' predicate condition expression is not of Boolean type
_UI_Predicate_ExternalVariableIsNotBoundByPattern = The ''{0}'' variable is not bound by the ''{1}'' pattern
_UI_Predicate_LocalVariableIsBoundByPattern = The ''{0}'' local variable is bound by the ''{1}'' pattern
_UI_Rule_DomainNameIsNotUnique = The ''{0}'' domain name is defined by both ''{1}'' and ''{2}''
_UI_Rule_DomainTypedModelIsNotUnique = The ''{0}'' domain typed model is defined by both ''{1}'' and ''{2}''
_UI_Rule_OverridenDomainDoesNotExist = The overriding ''{0}'' domain has no counterpart in ''{1}''
_UI_Rule_OverridenDomainPackagesAreNotCompatible = The packages of overriding ''{0}'' domain are not the same as those of ''{1}''
_UI_Rule_OverridesIsNotDefinedByTransformation = The ''{0}'' rule is not defined by the ''{1}'' transformation
_UI_Transformation_ExtendsContainsACycle = The ''{0}'' transformation extends itself
_UI_Transformation_ModelParameterNameIsNotCompatibleWithExtension = The ''{0}'' model parameter name is defined by both ''{1}'' and ''{2}''
_UI_Transformation_ModelParameterNameIsNotUnique = The ''{0}'' model parameter uses different packages to ''{1}''
_UI_Transformation_ModelParameterUsedPackagesAreNotCompatibleWithExtension = The ''{0}'' transformation uses different model parameter names to ''{1}''
_UI_Transformation_RuleNameIsNotUnique = The ''{0}'' rule name is defined by both ''{1}'' and ''{2}''
_UI_Transformation_UsedPackagesAreNotCompatibleWithExtends = The used packages of transformation ''{0}'' are not compatible with extension of ''{1}''
_UI_Transformation_SynthesizedTypeIsNotOwned = The ''{0}'' synthetic type is not defined by the ''{1}'' transformation
_UI_Transformation_SynthesizedTypeIsNotUnique = The ''{0}'' synthetic type has more than one definition within the ''{1}'' transformation
_UI_TypedModel_DependsOnContainsACycle = The ''{0}'' typed model depends on itself
_UI_TypedModel_DependsOnIsNotAModelParameter = The ''{0}'' depends on typed model is not a model parameter of the ''{1}'' transformation