blob: 3edd0c281f6ce4d76da7a124273ddf1fd11126ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2018 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.utilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Edge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.NavigableEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.NavigationEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Node;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.SharedEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.utilities.QVTscheduleUtil;
* The ReachabilityForest comprises a tree of preferred edge paths from each head/leaf-constant root node to the
* nodes that can be reached from them. It answers the question: what preceding nodes are necessary to ensure
* that a given node is reachable.
public class ReachabilityForest
private static final int FORWARD_NAVIGATION_COST = 1;
private static final int INVERSE_MANY_NAVIGATION_COST = 5;
private static final int INVERSE_NAVIGATION_COST = 3;
private static final int ITERATOR_COST = 1;
private static final int OPERATION_COST = 10;
private static final int RESULT_COST = 1;
private static final int SHARED_NAVIGATION_COST = 10;
* The preferred non-secondary edges to be used in the tree.
private final @NonNull Set<@NonNull NavigationEdge> forwardEdges = new HashSet<>();
* The shared edges to be used in the tree.
private @Nullable List<@NonNull SharedEdge> sharedEdges = null;
* Edges that have no opposite.
private final @NonNull Set<@NonNull Edge> manyToOneEdges = new HashSet<>();
* The incoming edge for each node in the traversal forest, null at a root.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Node, @Nullable Edge> node2reachingEdge = new HashMap<>();
* The cost for each node from the root in the traversal forest, 0 at a root. The cost is equal
* to the sum of the costs of each edge on the lowest cost path from the root.
private @NonNull Map<@NonNull Node, @NonNull Integer> node2cost = new HashMap<>();
* Lazily created compartor to order nodes lowest cost first.
private @Nullable Comparator<@NonNull Edge> edgeCostComparator = null;
* Lazily created compartor to order nodes lowest cost first.
private @Nullable Comparator<@NonNull Node> nodeCostComparator = null;
* Construct the Reachability forest for the specified rootNodes using the availableNavigableEdges to locate
* paths to further nodes and also any old computation edges.
public ReachabilityForest(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> rootNodes, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> availableNavigableEdges) {
for (@NonNull Node rootNode : rootNodes) {
node2reachingEdge.put(rootNode, null);
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge edge : availableNavigableEdges) {
// Analyze the descendants of the roots to identify the most simply navigated forest.
protected void addEdge(@NonNull NavigableEdge edge) {
if (edge instanceof NavigationEdge) {
NavigationEdge navigationEdge = (NavigationEdge)edge;
if (!navigationEdge.isSecondary()) {
if ((navigationEdge.getEdgeSource().isClass()) && (navigationEdge.getOppositeEdge() == null)) {
else if (edge instanceof SharedEdge) {
List<@NonNull SharedEdge> sharedEdges2 = sharedEdges;
if (sharedEdges2 == null) {
sharedEdges = sharedEdges2 = new ArrayList<>();
* Identify the forest from the given roots.
protected void analyze(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> rootNodes) {
List<@Nullable List<@NonNull Node>> costs2nodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Node rootNode : rootNodes) {
node2cost.put(rootNode, 0);
// Advance breadth first, one cost at a time, accumulating all edges that make one stage of progress.
for (int thisCost = 0; thisCost < costs2nodes.size(); thisCost++) {
List<@NonNull Node> thisCostNodes = costs2nodes.get(thisCost);
if (thisCostNodes != null) {
// Add the forward edges that make progress to moreMoreNodes and remember the
// backward and inverse edges in case forward egdes alone are inadequate.
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : thisCostNodes) {
assert node2cost.get(sourceNode) == thisCost;
for (@NonNull Edge edge : QVTscheduleUtil.getOutgoingEdges(sourceNode)) {
assert !edge.isCast();
Node targetNode = edge.getEdgeTarget();
if (!node2reachingEdge.containsKey(targetNode)) {
Integer targetCost = node2cost.get(targetNode);
assert (targetCost == null) || (thisCost < targetCost);
if (edge.isNavigation()) {
NavigationEdge navigationEdge = (NavigationEdge) edge;
if (forwardEdges.contains(navigationEdge)) {
int nextCost = thisCost + FORWARD_NAVIGATION_COST;
if ((targetCost == null) || (nextCost < targetCost)) {
node2cost.put(targetNode, nextCost);
node2reachingEdge.put(targetNode, edge);
putCosts(costs2nodes, nextCost, targetNode);
else {
NavigationEdge oppositeEdge = navigationEdge.getOppositeEdge();
if (forwardEdges.contains(oppositeEdge)) {
boolean isImplicit = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(oppositeEdge).isIsImplicit();
int nextCost = thisCost + (isImplicit ? INVERSE_NAVIGATION_COST : FORWARD_NAVIGATION_COST);
if ((targetCost == null) || (nextCost < targetCost)) {
node2cost.put(targetNode, nextCost);
node2reachingEdge.put(targetNode, oppositeEdge);
putCosts(costs2nodes, nextCost, targetNode);
else if (manyToOneEdges.contains(oppositeEdge)) {
int nextCost = thisCost + INVERSE_MANY_NAVIGATION_COST;
if ((targetCost == null) || (nextCost < targetCost)) {
node2cost.put(targetNode, nextCost);
node2reachingEdge.put(targetNode, oppositeEdge);
putCosts(costs2nodes, nextCost, targetNode);
else if (edge.isComputation() /*&& edge.isUnconditional()*/) {
int nextCost = thisCost + OPERATION_COST;
if (targetNode.isOperation()) {
for (@NonNull Edge incomingEdge : QVTscheduleUtil.getIncomingEdges(targetNode)) {
if (incomingEdge.isOld() && incomingEdge.isComputation()) {
Node node = QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceNode(incomingEdge);
Integer cost = node2cost.get(node);
if ((cost == null) || (cost > thisCost)) {
nextCost = -1;
else if (targetNode.isIterator()) {
nextCost = thisCost + ITERATOR_COST;
else {
nextCost = thisCost + RESULT_COST;
if (nextCost > 0) {
if ((targetCost == null) || (nextCost < targetCost)) {
node2cost.put(targetNode, nextCost);
node2reachingEdge.put(targetNode, edge);
putCosts(costs2nodes, nextCost, targetNode);
if (sharedEdges != null) {
for (@NonNull SharedEdge sharedEdge : sharedEdges) {
Node targetNode = sharedEdge.getEdgeTarget();
if (!node2reachingEdge.containsKey(targetNode)) {
Integer targetCost = node2cost.get(targetNode);
assert targetCost == null;
Node sourceNode = sharedEdge.getEdgeSource();
Integer sourceCost = node2cost.get(sourceNode);
if (sourceCost != null) {
int nextCost = sourceCost + SHARED_NAVIGATION_COST;
node2cost.put(targetNode, nextCost);
node2reachingEdge.put(targetNode, sharedEdge);
public @Nullable Integer getCost(@NonNull Node node) {
return node2cost.get(node);
* Return a comparator to sort edges source cost first then target cost then alphabetically.
public @NonNull Comparator<@NonNull Edge> getEdgeCostComparator() {
Comparator<@NonNull Edge> edgeCostComparator2 = edgeCostComparator;
if (edgeCostComparator2 == null) {
edgeCostComparator = edgeCostComparator2 = new Comparator<@NonNull Edge>()
public int compare(@NonNull Edge e1, @NonNull Edge e2) {
Node s1 = QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceNode(e1);
Node t1 = QVTscheduleUtil.getTargetNode(e1);
Node s2 = QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceNode(e2);
Node t2 = QVTscheduleUtil.getTargetNode(e2);
Integer d1s = node2cost.get(s1);
Integer d1t = node2cost.get(t1);
Integer d2s = node2cost.get(s2);
Integer d2t = node2cost.get(t2);
assert d1s != null : s1 + " is not reachable within " + s1.getOwningRegion(); // FIXME chnage to PartitionProblem
assert d1t != null : t1 + " is not reachable within " + t1.getOwningRegion();
assert d2s != null : s2 + " is not reachable within " + s2.getOwningRegion();
assert d2t != null : t2 + " is not reachable within " + t2.getOwningRegion();
int d1 = Math.max(d1s, d1t);
int d2 = Math.max(d2s, d2t);
if (d1 != d2) {
return d1 - d2;
if (d1s != d2s) {
return d1s - d2s;
String n1 = e1.getDisplayName();
String n2 = e2.getDisplayName();
int d = ClassUtil.safeCompareTo(n1, n2);
if (d != 0) {
return d;
n1 = s1.getDisplayName();
n2 = s2.getDisplayName();
d = ClassUtil.safeCompareTo(n1, n2);
if (d != 0) {
return d;
n1 = t1.getDisplayName();
n2 = t2.getDisplayName();
d = ClassUtil.safeCompareTo(n1, n2);
return d;
return edgeCostComparator2;
* Return a comparator to sort nodes cost first then alphabetically.
public @NonNull Comparator<@NonNull Node> getNodeCostComparator() {
Comparator<@NonNull Node> nodeCostComparator2 = nodeCostComparator;
if (nodeCostComparator2 == null) {
nodeCostComparator = nodeCostComparator2 = new Comparator<@NonNull Node>()
public int compare(@NonNull Node o1, @NonNull Node o2) {
Integer c1 = node2cost.get(o1);
Integer c2 = node2cost.get(o2);
assert (c1 != null) && (c2 != null);
int diff = c1 - c2;
if (diff != 0) {
return diff;
return ClassUtil.safeCompareTo(o1.getName(), o2.getName());
return nodeCostComparator2;
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getNodes() {
return node2reachingEdge.keySet();
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getPredecessors(@NonNull Node targetNode) {
Set<@NonNull Node> precedingNodes = new HashSet<@NonNull Node>();
getPredecessors(precedingNodes, targetNode);
return precedingNodes;
private void getPredecessors(@NonNull Set<@NonNull Node> precedingNodes, @NonNull Node targetNode) {
if (precedingNodes.add(targetNode)) {
Edge parentEdge = null;
if (targetNode.isOperation()) {
Edge reachingEdge = getReachingEdge(targetNode);
if ((reachingEdge != null) && reachingEdge.isNavigation()) {
parentEdge = reachingEdge;
else {
for (@NonNull Edge edge : QVTscheduleUtil.getIncomingEdges(targetNode)) {
assert !edge.isCast();
if (edge.isComputation() || (edge.isNavigation() && !edge.isRealized())) {
getPredecessors(precedingNodes, edge.getEdgeSource());
else {
parentEdge = getReachingEdge(targetNode);
if (parentEdge != null) {
Node sourceNode = parentEdge.getEdgeSource();
if (sourceNode == targetNode) { // invert a backward edge
sourceNode = parentEdge.getEdgeTarget();
getPredecessors(precedingNodes, sourceNode);
* Return the edge from the preceding reachable node to the given reachable node. Null if none.
public @Nullable Edge getReachingEdge(@NonNull Node node) {
return node2reachingEdge.get(node);
private void putCosts(@NonNull List<@Nullable List<@NonNull Node>> costs2nodes, int cost, @NonNull Node node) {
while (costs2nodes.size() <= cost) {
List<@NonNull Node> nodes = costs2nodes.get(cost);
if (nodes == null) {
nodes = new ArrayList<>();
costs2nodes.set(cost, nodes);
if (!nodes.contains(node)) {
public @NonNull String toString() {
Comparator<@NonNull Node> nodeComparator = getNodeCostComparator();
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
List<@NonNull Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(node2cost.keySet());
Collections.sort(nodes, nodeComparator);
for (@NonNull Node node : nodes) {
if (s.length() > 0) {
s.append(": ");
s.append(" : ");
return s.toString();