blob: aa4879f14b186e8300382b33c7e7879556b2cf40 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="testsuite" default="run" basedir=".">
<!-- The property ${eclipse-home} should be passed into this script -->
<!-- Set a meaningful default value for when it is not. -->
<property name="eclipse-home" value="${basedir}\..\.."/>
<property name="plugin-name" value="org.eclipse.m2m.tests.qvt.oml"/>
<property name="classname" value="org.eclipse.m2m.tests.qvt.oml.AllTests"/>
<property name="library-file" value="${eclipse-home}/plugins/org.eclipse.test/library.xml"/>
<!-- This target holds all initialization code that needs to be done for -->
<!-- all tests that are to be run. Initialization for individual tests -->
<!-- should be done within the body of the suite target. -->
<target name="init">
<fileset dir="${eclipse-home}" includes="org*.xml"/>
<!-- This target defines the tests that need to be run. -->
<target name="suite">
<property name="test-folder" value="${eclipse-home}/test_folder"/>
<delete dir="${test-folder}" quiet="true"/>
<ant target="ui-test" antfile="${library-file}" dir="${eclipse-home}">
<property name="data-dir" value="${test-folder}"/>
<property name="plugin-name" value="${plugin-name}"/>
<property name="os" value="${baseos}"/>
<property name="ws" value="${basews}"/>
<property name="arch" value="${basearch}"/>
<property name="report" value="${plugin-name}"/>
<property name="classname" value="${classname}"/>
<property name="vmargs" value="-ea -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -Xmx1024M"/>
<!-- This target holds code to cleanup the testing environment after -->
<!-- after all of the tests have been run. You can use this target to -->
<!-- delete temporary files that have been created. -->
<target name="cleanup">
<!-- This target runs the test suite. Any actions that need to happen -->
<!-- after all the tests have been run should go here. -->
<target name="run" depends="init,suite,cleanup">
<ant target="collect" antfile="${library-file}" dir="${eclipse-home}">
<property name="includes" value="org*.xml"/>
<property name="output-file" value="${plugin-name}.xml"/>