| ##########################################################################
| # Copyright (c) 2011, 2019 Mia-Software, CEA-LIST, and Soft-Maint.
| #
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
| #
| # Contributors:
| # Nicolas Guyomar (Mia-Software) - Bug 349546 - EMF Facet facetSet editor
| # Nicolas Bros (Mia-Software) - Bug 370442 - rewrite the Facet loading dialog for v0.2
| # Grégoire Dupé (Mia-Software) - copied from /org.eclipse.emf.facet.infra.query.ui/src/org/eclipse/emf/facet/infra/query/ui/messages.properties
| # Nicolas Bros (Mia-Software) - copied from /org.eclipse.emf.facet.infra.query.ui/src/org/eclipse/emf/facet/infra/query/ui/messages.properties
| # Gregoire Dupe (Mia-Software) - Bug 364325 - [Restructuring] The user must be able to navigate into a model using the Facet.
| # Nicolas Bros (Mia-Software) - Bug 372732 - [Facet] Rewrite the catalog views for 0.2
| # Nicolas Bros (Mia-Software) - Bug 372865 - FacetSet selection dialog
| # Vincent Lorenzo (CEA-LIST) - Bug 357621 - Improve the label displayed for Customization and Facets
| # Jonathan Pepin (Soft-Maint) - Bug 463907 - Command for load and save Facet serialization
| # Grégoire Dupé (Mia-Software) - Bug 480654 - IllegalStateException in NavigationView.addEObjects (611)
| ########################################################################### |
| Changeable=Changeable
| Derived=Derived
| Ordered=Ordered
| Transient=Transient
| Unique=Unique
| Volatile=Volatile
| Enter_a_nsUri=Enter a nsUri :
| Please_enter_nsUri=Please enter a nsUri
| Enter_a_prefix=Enter a prefix :
| ETypedElementSelectionControl_FlatView=Flat
| ETypedElementSelectionControl_invalidSelection=The selection contains invalid elements
| ETypedElementSelectionControl_invalidSelectionAtLeastOneElement=You must select at least 1 element
| ETypedElementSelectionControl_invalidSelectionAtMostXElements=You must select at most {0} elements
| ETypedElementSelectionControl_invalidSelectionETypedElementsOnly=Only ETypedElements can be selected
| ETypedElementSelectionDialog_dialogTitle=Select ETypedElement
| ETypedElementSelectionDialog_dialogTitleMultiSelection=Select ETypedElements
| ETypedElementSelectionDialog_radioButtonMultiSelection=ETypedElements selected below:
| ETypedElementSelectionDialog_radioButtonNoSelection=No selection
| ETypedElementSelectionDialog_radioButtonSingleSelection=ETypedElement selected below:
| ETypedElementSelectionSortedControl_groupByMetamodelView=Grouped By Metamodel
| ETypedElementSelectionSortedControl_toolTip=Display available ETypedElement sorted by extended metamodels
| Please_enter_prefix=Please enter a prefix
| Please_select_EPackage=Please, select an EPackage
| Add_an_Attribute=Add an attribute
| Add_an_Attribute_desc=Add a new attribute to the selected facet
| Attribute_name=Attribute name:
| Operation=Operation :
| Facet=Facet :
| FacetSet=FacetSet :
| FacetSetsCatalogView_categoriesColumn=Categories
| FacetSetsCatalogView_documentationColumn=Documentation
| FacetSetsCatalogView_extendsColumn=Extends
| FacetSetsCatalogView_nameColumn=Name
| FacetSetsCatalogView_viewTitle=Facet Sets
| FacetSetSelectionControl_mustSelectAtLeastOneElement=You must select at least 1 element
| FacetSetSelectionControl_mustSelectAtMostNElements=You must select at most {0} elements
| FacetSetSelectionControl_onlyFacetSetsAllowedInSelection=Only FacetSets can be selected
| FacetSetSelectionControl_selectionContainsInvalidElements=The selection contains invalid elements
| FacetSetSelectionDialog_deselectAll=Deselect All
| FacetSetSelectionDialog_selectAll=Select All
| FacetSetSelectionDialog_titleSelectFacetSet=Select FacetSet
| FacetSetSelectionDialog_titleSelectFacetSets=Select FacetSets
| Lower_bound=Lower Bound :
| Upper_bound=Upper Bound :
| UriWidget_EmfUri=EMF URI (file:/ or platform:/)\nExample: platform:/resource/<your_project>/<your_file>.xmi
| Add_a_Reference=Add a reference
| Add_an_Operation=Add an Operation
| Add_an_Operation_desc=Add a new operation to the selected facet
| Add_an_Operation_Parameter=Add an Operation Parameter
| Add_an_Operation_Parameter_desc=Add a new operation's parameter to the selected operation
| Operation_name=Operation Name:
| Parameter_name=Parameter Name:
| Add_a_Reference_desc=Add a reference to the selected facet
| Create_FacetSet_Model=Create FacetSet Model
| CreateFacetInFacetSetWizardPage_could_not_find_wizard_page=Could not find the wizard for this query type
| Create_facet_in_facetSet=Create a Facet in a FacetSet
| Please_enter_value_for=Please enter a value for {0}
| CreateFacetInFacetSetWizardPage_Please_fill_extendedMetaClass=Please fill the extendedMetaClass field
| CreateFacetInFacetSetWizardPage_Sub_Typing_Facet=SubTyping Facet
| CreateFacetInFacetSetWizardPage_wizard_description=This wizard creates a new facet in a facetSet.
| CreateFacetSetWizardImpl_Create_new_facet_Set=Create a new Facet Set
| CreateFacetSetWizardImpl_FacetModel=Facet Set
| CreateFacetSetWizardImpl_File_extension_restriction=File extension has to be ".efacet"
| CreateFacetSetWizardPage_Not_a_Plugin_project=Warning : you are creating this FacetSet in a non-Plugin project. It will not be available until moved to a Plugin project.
| Create_Query=Create Query:
| FilteredElementSelectionControl_type_filter_text=type filter text
| Load_MetaModel_Resource=Load Meta-model Resource
| FacetSetSelectionDialog_selectFacetSetsMessage=Choose FacetSets:
| FacetSetSelectionDialog_selectFacetSetsTitle=Select FacetSets
| Package_Selection=Package Selection
| SaveStructuralFeatureInstanceModelHandler_FailedToSaveTheStructuralFeatureInstanceModel=Failed to save the "structural feature instance model".
| Select_Registered_URI=&Select a registered package URI:
| Select_EClass=Select an EClass
| Select_EClassifier=Select an EClassifier
| Select_EDataType=Select an EDataType
| Select_EPackage=Select an EPackage
| Select=Select
| Type=Type :
| ExtendedMetaClass=&Extended Meta-Class:
| SelectQueryTypeWizardPage_No_wizard_found=No wizard page extension was found for the selected query type. Wizard pages have to be registered using queryFactoryWizardPageRegistration extension point
| SelectQueryTypeWizardPage_Query_Type=Query Type :
| SetStructuralFeatureInstanceResourceHandler_SerializationUriSettigFailed=Serialization URI setting failed.
| JavaQueryWizardPage_Can_be_cached=Can be cached :
| JavaQueryWizardPage_has_side_effect=Has side effect :
| JavaQueryWizardPage_Query_name=Query name :
| NavigationView_eObjectsMustBeInTheSameResourceSet=The eObject added in the navigation view's context must be manged by the same resourceSet.
| No_result_found=No result found
| Reference_name=Reference name:
| #### Begin: copied from /org.eclipse.emf.facet.infra.query.ui/src/org/eclipse/emf/facet/infra/query/ui/messages.properties
| QueryExecutionView_0=Missing bundle...
| QueryExecutionView_1=To execute the query, the depending bundle {0} must be installed. It will not be hot loaded.
| QueryExecutionView_classpathWarning=The output location of the Java project "{0}" was not found in its Bundle-ClassPath. This prevents the Java queries implementations it contains from being loaded.
| QueryExecutionView_errorInBundleClasspath=Error in Bundle-ClassPath
| QueryExecutionView_execEnvNotAvailable=Execution environment not available
| QueryExecutionView_execEnvError=To execute the query the execution environment {0} is required but not available. The available execution environments are: {1}
| QueryExecutionView_Context=Context
| QueryExecutionView_DisplayResultIn=Display result in:
| QueryExecutionView_dragAndDropHint=drag&drop model elements here
| QueryExecutionView_ErrorExecutingQuery=Error executing query
| QueryExecutionView_ETypedElementsGroup=ETypedElements
| QueryExecutionView_ExecuteButton=E&xecute
| QueryExecutionView_ExecuteGroup=Execute
| QueryExecutionView_NoQueryDisplayer=No Query Displayer
| QueryExecutionView_NoQuerySelected=No query
| QueryExecutionView_notImplementedYet=<Not implemented yet>
| QueryExecutionView_NullQueryResult=Null query result
| QueryExecutionView_Parameters=Parameters
| QueryExecutionView_Query=Query
| QueryExecutionView_QueryException=Query exception
| QueryExecutionView_QueryReturnedNull=Query returned a null result (see error log)
| QueryExecutionView_SelectQueryToExecute=You must select a query to execute
| #### End: copied from /org.eclipse.emf.facet.infra.query.ui/src/org/eclipse/emf/facet/infra/query/ui/messages.properties |